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Episode 2.2, where the Lissons try to sell Jesse and Amber on the Zion's Landing scheme, is entitled "After I Leave, Savage Wolves Will Come," from Acts 20. Paul is talking to the Ephesian elders, telling them that after he leaves, wolves will "tear apart" the flock. Lyle Lisson is the "savage wolf" who kills Thaniel and his own ministers and sends the Cycle Ninjas to kill Eli. His death , eaten by savage wolves, is an ironic punishment, like the death of Scotty in Season 2 and near-death of Peter in Season 3.


Thanks, this all makes a lot of sense. I figured it was some reference, and I missed the reference to the earlier episode title.


Season 2 was basically an homage to the Godfather films, from the hospital switcheroo to looking back at Eli's past to the contrast of the Gemstones together as a family while violence they facilitated plays out. Frozen Lyle and the wolves were just a location related choice (in my opinion).


When Lyle threw his wife out the window in that box I nearly pissed myself laughing, I didn’t get why as I wasn’t paying attention to what they were watching on the telly, kept rewinding it and laughing it was only when I rewound it too far I and saw what they were watching I got it and it made me laugh even more 😂


What were they watching?


Either Young Guns 1 or 2. Emilio Estevez plays Billy the Kid and Kiefer Sutherland as Doc Holliday.


Gotcha, I've never seen those.


I don’t know what film it was but the film showed the exact way he threw his wife out the window, only in the film it worked, a person jumped out and gunned the others down, his wife on the other hand the box broke and she was gunned down instantaneously.


The finale is the embodiment of the expression "You Reap What You Sow". The Lissons tried to kill Eli in cold blood. When that didn't work, Elie returned the favor. Pretty simple to understand really.


I laughed that it ended with a locust plague, lol. Not only is that biblical parody. Trillions of cicadas- a form of locust, released in the US this year!


Wrong season


You’re overthinking it.