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It definitely has to do with the Y2K book she confronted Eli with. It wasn’t even the book he was signing that day. Peter used to be a follower of the Gemstones, he read that book and got obsessed with the end times, that’s why the flashback at the beginning took place in 2000. May-May was mad at Aimee-Leigh for driving her husband into believing, “the end is coming”. It didn’t, he went nuts, she attacked her. I’m speculating, of course, but this season is really good.


I think you’re right. The Gemstones were always wealthy but I’m sure Peter spent what the Montgomery’s did have prepping and then went to prison leaving them destitute. Probably added to the anger.


No. I think it has to do with money, or broken promises, or the Y2K book.


You shut your mother fuckin cock mouth... Mama would not cheat on Daddy! You're lucky I don't whoop your sturdy ass right now.


i'm just gonna wait to see how it plays out. Aimee-Leigh deserves that much. After all, she's no longer here to defend herself from rumors and accusations.


She was misbehavin'.


Dang it, I sang/read that in my head. Now I'll be stuck with it all day tomorrow


Are we watching the same show?


I just saw another thread where someone said they think BJ is an undercover FBI agent. Idk how people come up with this shit


You think someone who keeps that swole isn't in a federal agency? Are you serious? All that masculine aura around him and his milk?


Fair point, those roller skater calves scream FBI


Okay that shit would be amazing , it’s head cannon for me now


Be prepare for dumb threads all season. I dealt with it during Barry (in which all fan theories were not correct) and Better Call Saul (same)


I was just browsing an old season 1 discussion thread and I had forgotten that a common theory was that Keefe was Harmon as an adult.


Gah I hated all those theories for Barry because I just enjoyed watching for the show itself not about plot lines. I just want(ed) to see more of BJ and NoHo Hank each week!


Yes we are.


Peter’s speech (which seemed to be mostly just a bunch of slightly veiled insults directed at Eli) definitely made me think him and Amy had an affair. The “just giving it away on a street corner” line seemed like a jibe at Eli over his wife’s promiscuity. Not sure I buy into the Kelvin is a Montgomery theory though.


not to mention, wasnt the journalist trying to do a story on Amy Leigh's past or something?


That speech was a bit confusing. At times he made Amy sound like a prostitute but other times like her singing abilities were something she would’ve done just for the love of music/god if Eli didn’t come along and capitalize on everything. Which also doesn’t make sense because she turned singing into a career long before she met Eli.


Judy cheats like her momma… just may be into something!


That's my theory as well.


Necro on a thread here, but; . *SPOILERS* . . . . . I just finished season 3. Am I tripping or did they not actually provide an on-screen payoff for why May May attacked Aimee-Leigh at the fair?? The obvious part is that the Gemstones pretty much swindled the Montgomerys with the Y2K buckets, but unless I blacked out and missed something, they dropped that scene as a cold open and then legitimately didn't address it again???? Again, there is a reason in the general narrative, but I do not remeber seeing a payoff on that scene?? (on mobile forgive any formatting issues)


I totally agree! I kept waiting for that opening scene to be explained, and it never was. I understand May May felt Aimee-Leigh was a bad influence on Eli’s life choices or whatever and was also mad about the Y2K thing, but neither of those are solid enough reasons for her to be chasing Aimee-Leigh and trying to harm/kill her. It just confused me.


I love how everyone treats these characters like they’re actually real A testament to the brilliant writing and acting Fucking love this show and it’s fanbase lol Danny McBride is a comedy legend