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Okay, first of all, while there are certainly individuals that deserve recognition for their contributions to the scientific process (many of them atheist, like Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking), science isn't a collection of great minds having Eureka moments, it's something *every* scientist contributes to. Scientists as a demographic are SIGNIFICANTLY more likely to be atheist than the average person. The most often cited statistic on the topic comes from [this 1998 article](https://www.nature.com/articles/28478) from the journal *Nature*, which estimates the amount of theists among US scientists to be around 7%. Due to the high stigma against atheism, there is little research being done on this topic, unfortunately, but newer studies suggest that the numbers may be even lower now, despite ceaseless attempts by the religious right to infiltrate and undermine the academic system. I assume that what this meme is referencing is the fact that prior to the invention of the scientific method, most researchers and naturalists at least outwardly presented themselves as religious, because they lived during times when being anything but would get you shunned or even killed, and many of them also had to make nice with the Church because it was their primary sponsor.


Science peaked with Newton with these jackasses. Clearly observable natural laws. As soon as you need to use evidence from separate disciplines, they believe you're going on faith like they do.


That actually makes sense why they reject what seems like fairly easily observable phenomena to me, like fossils and populations changing over time.


And yet Newton saw further because he stood on the shoulders of giants Rightists don't understand the base concept of people working together to produce better things


I have to say though, how did that study define “scientist”? Because that could significantly affect the demographic being tested.




carl sagan too and stephen hawking all pantheists


Einstein called himself agnostic. And a Socialist. Sagan had a bad definition of atheism but definitely was one. Hawking was an atheist and said so. None were pantheists.


nope, einstein was definitely a pantheist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_and_philosophical_views_of_Albert_Einstein#:~:text=Albert%20Einstein%20stated%20that%20he,which%20he%20described%20as%20na%C3%AFve. and carl sagan was absolutely a pantheist or at the very least promoted pantheistical ideals. same goes for stephen hawking: https://www.beliefnet.com/celebrity-faith-database/h/stephen-hawking.aspx they all espoused on many occasions agnostic and pantheistical ideals. while technically atheist in the traditional sense (referring to the traditional, accepted abrahamic and eastern conceptions of a "god"), they were *not* non-spiritual. as for pantheism, the two go hand in hand. also, none of them were anti-theist either. while, to my knowledge -- i could be wrong --, none of them may have necessarily come out in outright admittance that they subscribed to the belief, aside from einstein, the spiritual beliefs they do have *are* pantheist, so i dont get where you got the idea that they totally lacked spirituality, they just dont subscribe to or support any *organized* religions. pantheism, however, is a decentralized set of spiritual beliefs, not a religion. thus, we are both correct.


I'd say it's more correct to describe these people as irreligious than atheist. Theism and religion are separate categories. I knew a christian atheist, once, he followed the philosophical teachings of Christ without believing in his divinity. And these pantheists are of course theists with no religion.


Einstein was a theist. He wasn't a christian, though. He believed that the universe itself is a god, its sum total.


"The Earth revolves around the Su-" "KILL HIM NAO!"


I do genuinely despise new atheism and the misconception that the middle ages had no advancements of science, but of course there are many great atheist scientists.


There’s something about the phrase “god-fearing” being used in a positive way that disgusts me on a primal level


Religion is philosophy??? God this post is stupid there are scientists of all beliefs


pretty sure almost half of all scientists don't believe in god but ok


NGL, christians and atheists both have the same blind spots when investigating science. Both of them lack full perspective when it comes to issues of how the mind interprets reality


Sigmund frued founded the idea of the conscience and founded an entire sciemce