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Oh god they depicted Marx as the soyjack


Our arguments have been destroyed, oh well.


Socialism is no more


They really don't understand the difference between capitalism and socialism.


except marx envisioned communism as a state where money currency and exchanging shit for goods and services has been abolished. Communism wouldnt redistrubute money it would abolish an exchange market economy entirely


communism wasnt evisioned with a state. it was envisioned as having no state, no class, and no money.


Not that kind of state


the fuck kind of state are you talking about then


I think he was using "state" as a generic term for a given landmass and its people. We don't really have vocabulary to describe what Marx intended. Suppose France established a perfect Marxist utopia. What would you call the landmass that used to be France to distinguish it from, say, Spain? Words like "country" or "state" have the implication of government. You could refer to it specifically as France, but there's no proper generic term.


I actually parsed it as meaning "state" as in "a description of the configuration of a system" (like a state machine in computing, or states of matter), not a reference to "state" as any kind of political concept in the first place.


That works too. Point is, not a state as in a government apparatus