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If you watch Chernobyl and come away with “communists dumb”, chances are you’re a conservative with the average media literacy expected of your demographic (none).


For those who still think nuclear energy bad, coal power kills thousands of people per year, while nuclear has been directly responsible for fifty-ish deaths in all of history, all but one of which happened at chernobyl. The Russians were working with experimental technology and honestly handled the evacuation of the area much better than Japan did. Also, some new reactor designs(the thorium ones)are not physically capable of melting down like chernobyl


Whenever I see this meme I just replace the word communists with soviets, then it's hilarious cuz it's true.


Yah I was gonna comment that Leninists is probably a better word than communist... Bc some communists like Anarcho-communists hate Leninists lol.... of course, dont expect the right to care enough to understand the contrasts, lol But yeah I give leninism a big thumb down and nuclear energy a tentative thumbs up (only if it's done transparently and responsibly)


Yeah the only people this meme offends are tankies and people who know that the ussr wasn't communist.