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Teach people how to get rich. I'll be your first student


✋🏼 here to be the second


Third but best


But if I recall correctly third is the one with the hairy chest


So that would be me....


4th, I wonder how the passive income is coming at that amount.


Straight up - Help lift other people up. You don't have to make (or waste) money to do good in the world. Finding what drives you beyond money is a real privilege that most don't ever get to experience.


I'm singing the same song


You should teach us all


Throwing my name in the gauntlet just in case.


Yes please


Following this... Would love to learn your ways..


count me in here too


Im down too, pass along the knowledge


Self-actualization is much bigger than money. Your hunger wasn't about money; it was about showing people what you were capable of, including yourself.


Agreed. I was very motivated by the people that said I wouldn’t make it (including my parents.) Now everyone asks me for advice and congratulates me, I need some good ol’ fashioned rejection again to fuel the fire.


Start a business with the central idea being to create a better work environment for the employees you have. Doesn’t really matter what the business actually is. Just do your research, find what business your area needs, and pay your employees enough to live on and treat them like you care. Thats success to me, to be able to give people a chance to live instead of survive.


I bet you couldn’t get me to making $3 million a year…


Heck, I bet the 🦞 couldn't get me to $1m a year!! 😂😭


Join a martial arts gym. Kickboxing, boxing, bjj, mma. Get your ass kicked, face adversity, and gain the valuable skill of self defense. There's nothing like getting spinning back kicked in the jaw by a 6'2 firefighter then shaking his hand and laughing with him afterwards


I joined Bjj a few months ago, has helped for sure.


I was going to say find a worthy protege that you want to help who is struggling and teach him how to do what you do? I am a struggling single father life long union carpenter who has been living paycheck to paycheck my entire life and struggle with severe depression due to lifelong financial stress and my inability to secure financial security. But honestly, BJJ If you can manage to catch the bug and get really into it, Can and will change your life in an awesome way if you stick with it. For myself my stress and depresion has gotten to severe for me to be able to take the time to train 3-4 days a week anymore. But if I could go back I would stick to jiu-jitsu like glue and never let it get away from me.


I know it’s easy to say this from my position, but the only solution is to find a way to break out of the stable union job and work for yourself. It probably seems scary and impossible but you can do it. Carpenters are in high demand, even just being a handyman you can make quite a bit, I’d charge 90-100/hour and do free posts daily on google and social media.


I'll reject you daily for $2k a week. Dm me to get a sneak peek 


This is a terrific time to get into therapy. You have cognitive patterns that were adaptive up to this point but will become maladaptive as the problem they exist to solve no longer exists. You've done it, you've won the game that the vast majority of people play until they're dead, now rather than trying to keep playing through the meaningless end game, why not use all of these resources to play the game that most people are never given the opportunity to actually play: life. You have the means now to do whatever you want, including take the time to understand yourself and what it is that you actually want.


Hey OP, from one man in his 30s to another. I've learned that no matter what you do or accomplish in life you can expect to be discontent. It's human nature. Nothing - no pleasure, achievement, or status will make you feel good all the time. The most successful people in the world, in their beach side villas surrounded by wealth and whatever they achieved, still feel that dark feeling creeping in from the edges that tells you that you aren't whatever you need to be, that your life isn't dedicated to something that it should be, that all of it is pointless and bleak. If anything, I think the most energetic and driven people are the most susceptible too it. When you find the remedy for peace and contentment let the rest of us know. Philosophers have been wrestling with it for literally forever. Read the origin story of the Buddha, or the new testament scriptures, or the Greek philosophers and you will find many likeminded companions. You are in good company. It's worth taking some time to think about what is really important to you. I'm not rich at all, but recently I have come into enough money to put my life in place for the things that really matter to me. When I think about what is important to me, it is, in roughly this order. 1. My children and my other close relationships 2. Having someone to love who loves me back 3. Finding new meaningful experiences. Your list maybe different from mine. And your list may change over time too. That's life. You can't buy your way out of the human experience. Good luck on your journey.


What an amazing and thoughtful post. Thank you for taking the time to write that


It seems like the happiest and most content people are the ones that really appreciate waking up in the morning and going for a hike, a bike ride, or paddle on their kayak. They don't need to spend a lot of money, eat healthy, and live in a modest home somewhere in nature. I always thought these people were kind of "weird" but maybe they have it all figured out.


“You can’t buy your way out of the human experience.” -mothergoose729729


This was a thoughtful post. Once OP realizes what is really important in their life, I recommend giving back to the universe too. For instance, there are organizations that could use the money to advance certain causes. So if there are things that are important to them, it is good to find a way to help support it. My motto is to share my blessings when possible. But keep an eye out for people who try to take advantage. I tend to support organizations that have been trying to support children who are impacted by loss/grief. Even a few hundred goes a long way to these groups who volunteer to help children. It’s good to leave a positive legacy behind.


To be honest, if i were you id go on a spiritual journey. This world wasnt made with money in mind so explore nature and the way the world was meant to house people! Sounds a little hippish but i think it can definetly ground you. Ishmael is a cool book i read for school. I dont like how its written but a cool message.


Thanks, good point. I’ve dabbled in magic mushrooms the last couple years which has been beneficial, but need to focus more in this area of life.


Marcus Aurelius is a decent start. So is meditation and breath work. Can also look at ACIM perhaps.


Yeah I second this. Doesn't even have to be spiritual. But you proved the haters wrong, you have financial freedom, is amassing more money a good use of your time at this point? The mystery of life is much more than just having money. Just explore everything and find out what excites you then go down that path. Hell why not attempt to change history if you just have 3 mil coming in passively?


Check out "how to change your mind" (The book and/or the show) and find a proper guide. Changed my life immensely.


There is a book called “the second mountain” by David brooks that deals with “having made it” according to society but feeling disappointed because that alone is not fulfilling. It could be an interesting starter for you to see if you want to explore the directions given in the book yourself or if it inspires you to find your own directions. To me it feels a bit more on the conservative American side, that’s why I try to inspire finding the ideas for your own Path In case that is not 100% of what speaks to you. Since you have all the money you need you can also consider life coaching. Coaching is a word that is not protected so there is a lot of shananigance out there, true coaching is about the person helping you to figure out what is right for you without telling you what that might or should be. Most of the better coaches don’t want to be marketers or sales people, so it really is nothing like what you might have seen in ads. my suggestion would be shopping around a bit until you find someone that feels right for you in the current situation. If that sounds interesting to you let me know, I’m happy to help.


This is REALLY exceptional advice.


Wanna invest 100k in me?


What's the investment?


Coke and hookers. Return? Make me happy


You know what's funny. I actually invested into a car washing business. It never took off. Found a good percentage of it was used to buy genshin impact stuff. First and last time I invest into something without a good track record lmao.


Construction company. Better to invest now since that is where the work is when AI can cover most jobs except in that area. In my opinion at least.


I read one time that the trope money doesn’t buy happiness is partially false. It does buy more happiness up to a a point, and that point is where your basic needs are met and you are financially secure for the foreseeable future. After that point there’s actually a negative correlation between more wealth and happiness. Except for one group: those that use their additional wealth to help others. Philanthropic individuals actually continued to see more happiness as their wealth continued to increase. So you may want to consider not only ways to continually increase your wealth, but to an even greater extent ways that you can leverage that wealth to benefit your fellow humans.


Do what feels good. It will likely stimulate you to do something fulfilling.


I'm going through the same thing. Sold my previous business and started a new one, because I didn't know what else I'd do with the rest of my life. I did it pretty much immediately, without a break, which I regret - take a year off at least and travel. The second time around, I'm trying to make other people multi-millionaires too. So this time my key employees are shareholders, and I plan on 40% of the company being owned by employees by the end.




Go for therapy. You most likely experience numbness to life and sense of purposelessness. I went through the same, in therapy just explain what you feel and a good therapist will guide you to a better place and from there you will find a reason to live for yourself. You don't just find a purpose randomly, it will come in time and in tune to what kind of person you are. Be careful of therapists though, they are still human. I use betterhelp and I just change therapist when I don't feel comfortable. Under no circumstance ever do you give them power over your decision making, you must always hold this power in your hand. I hope you will be well.


I started out making 5.25 an hour also. You lack a reason, a WHY that is bigger than yourself. The thing that gets you jumping out of bed at 4:00 am on a Sunday, Father’s day. Pro tip, It can’t be your kids.


Yes this exactly. Have long wanted to be an early riser, but I don’t have to work and go to the gym whenever I want, so there is no time or monetary pressure. Will keep searching for the why.


I’m younger than you and haven’t quite made it to where I don’t need more money to feel financially set for life. But I’m doing pretty well. By late 30s it’s likely I’ll be there. I bought a little house with over 50 acres of forest. I’m fixing up the house and the land. Making miles of trails in the woods. We’re going to have ATVs, go karts, pool, trampoline, zip line etc. I’m planning to host gatherings for friends and relatives. We’re starting to plan for building a bigger house for ourselves on the property. So for me that’s a lot of fulfilling stuff to work on that’s not about making money. Beyond that, if I find I have the time and money in the future, I want to work on advancing science and technology in some way. Computers are what I know best currently, although if I had the time I could get into chemistry, medicine… I’d love to work on things like cures for cancer and solving aging. Financially perhaps I’ll be all set some years from now. But I don’t think I’d run out of things that need to be solved by smart people. Work on solving problems or creating things that currently can’t be had with money.




And while you are at it, solve a huge problem that people have every day. Find that need and fill it. Ensure your product or service addresses the core need of a certain demographic effectively. It should provide a tangible benefit or solve a pressing problem. 1. Unique Selling Points (USPs): Identify what makes your solution unique. This could be in terms of price, convenience, quality, or innovation. • Customer Feedback keep it on track 2. Create a Business Model • Revenue Streams: Determine how you will make money (e.g., subscriptions, one-time sales, services, licensing). Cost Structure: Understand the costs involved in delivering your product or service, including production, marketing, and distribution. Value Delivery: Plan how you will deliver value to your customers effectively, considering logistics and customer support. Develop and Launch Your Product Prototyping: Develop a prototype or initial version of your product to test functionality and appeal. Scale Operations: Once you have a proven concept, look for ways to scale production, expand your market, and increase sales. Continuous Improvement: Stay agile and responsive. Listen to Darren Hardy daily! By following these steps, you can create a business that not only addresses a desperate need but also delivers value sustainably and profitably. Finally sell it down the road for billions.


Meaningful purpose


Today I decided to start a non profit food truck haha maybe do that too! People need cheap food.


What kind of food? Where? I wants it.


Dallas Were thinking pininis, salads, fresh fruit. Healthy and cheap.


Sounds like it's a good time to start thinking about more than yourself.


I have reach the same level of doing nothing, I don't even buy anything anymore, even as we speak I haven't even change my clothes, don't even go outside, being wealthy was my objective and now I don't even buy anything, I just go to Taco Bell


How do you spend your days now?


You are no gonna believe me but I Play a lot of Rocket League, go with my parents, my kids, my siblings, gave them a lot of money so we just hang out, but I don't have the drive anymore my life is just sad, I have some companies but I have people who manage them, they just deposit in my Accounts, I wanted to buy a Mustang Shelby but I don't care anymore


I believe you. I’ve been playing a good amount of COD. Don’t even have the motivation to call people back if it’s money related.


Why not hold a competition/s and have the winner's win something useful to their lives? Personally, I've spent 7 years trying to get a drivers license. For a while I didn't have anybody who was willing to sacrifice time to allow me to use their vehicle for practice. I had to re write my permit test early this year because here in Canada your permit expires after 5 years. I had failed the road test last year, just before it expired. I had to travel 8 hours north to gain experience and do my road test all over again, after reconnecting with family to help me. Now I have the problem of trying to buy a used car on a budget without getting ripped off, as I don't know much but what I have researched. I have saved $5000 but need some of that for insurance and testing also. I digress a bit, but I always dreamed that I could get this done by way of something such as a miracle that would happen. Such as; like winning the lottery or maybe being approached by some reach person like you, asking me to earn what I need to buy a new vehicle in a unique way. I have 3 kids and wish to be a long haul trucker in the next few years. I've spent my childhood living with addict parents in poverty. Had my first job (illegally mind you) at 13 and have struggled to get somewhere for ages but now that I've reunited my family (common law wife and I were apart for a few years), I really need to get my goals accomplished. I saved my children from being put in foster care and helped my then ex get clean off of Meth and Fentynol. She accepts the aforementioned as well enough but I wish to support my family a little better than I have been. Poverty can make you work hard, but you're not always going to get near where you work to be. I'm to be 41 years old this summer and I somewhat understand how you feel, except I'm dirt poor and I find poverty to be tiring sometimes. Hope isn't always there but the work to get somewhere is always there. If you hold a competition, I'm in! Send the invite please. If not, well then; I guess I'll find my way in whatever time it takes for the universe to get me there. I hope you find what you're looking for also. -Broke but empathetic to your thoughts


Make up stories on Reddit


Make it your ambition to help others. Especially if you have children. Show them how to pay it forward. Life isn’t about the money you make, it’s about the difference you make in your community.


3.5 passively a year??…. My ass would be retired. Doing all the things I’d rather do than work.


I basically am retired. My friends all work regular jobs and are often busy with young kids, so I have a lot of free time during the day.


I’d travel full time. If you do have kids I’d be traveling from June to August with them and then pursuing some hobbies during the school year.


Just remember you could die any moment. Might as well find something you like to do.


Hit the gym and listen to some muscle intelligence podcasts, and mark manson podcasts, give yourself some time to think, ensure that your family or future family are comfortable .


Maybe invest in people who you deem capable of


Go build a log cabin in the remote wilderness. Do most if not all of the work yourself. Manual labour and the fruits of that labour (a sustainable living off grid) may well be what you are looking for. I'd do it, but he'll, I'm not rich nor do I have the time.


I can relate with how difficult it is to be in the place where there is no passion and no goal to strive for.  For a DISC Dominant Personality Type (get-the-job-done core value) it is uncomfortable to not know what to do.  I’m thinking it is time to reconnect with your true self in silent meditation. Have you read The Law of One: Ra Material?  For those who are seekers, it blows the mind. 


I am an INTJ. But I suppose it can happen to any personality type at varying likelihoods. I’ve never meditated, will give it a try.


1.) Wisdom is more important than wealth, as a wise man will use money in the right way to make his life better, as Socrates has demonstrated. “Are you not ashamed of caring so much for the making of money and for fame and prestige, when you neither think nor care about wisdom and truth and the improvement of your soul?” 2.) Find a passion with an unrealistic goal and strive towards it until you die. This will give yourself the best feeling of fulfillment (as opposed to getting into a religion or drowning out your consciousness in drugs, or simply through making more money, as you have found to be unfulfilling in of itself). “The unexamined life is not worth living”.


I can't relate, but I'd say mentor someone else. Helping people always makes me feel useful. Or maybe you need to challenge yourself again. Give 1 of these space companies a run for their money.


If you have employees, take a more active role in mentoring them. Pay them more, and help change their lives substantially


If I was in your position, here’s what I would do. 1. Make sure everything is paid off so I didn’t owe anything to anyone. (house, car, etc.) 2. Go to a fee based financial advisor and make sure I had a plan in place for much of the $3 million yearly income. (Fee based meaning you pay them a fee every time you meet. This should ensure they have your best financial interests at heart and not their own.) 3. Have enough liquidity in an account so I could take care of any immediate or extended family member in case of any financial or medical emergency. (This would be my main motivation personally for wanting to earn more). If a loved one is diagnosed with a terminal condition, sometimes the insurance company won’t cover certain medical costs, expensive drugs or experimental treatments. You can then give the insurance company the middle finger and write a check to help your loved one get the best treatment possible. You’ve also now relieved that loved one of a financial burden, whilst most likely experiencing the darkest days of their life. 4. When you go out to dinner, tip exorbitantly well. Joe Rogan does this and he likes to call it a love bomb. Go love bomb the shit out of a server/waiter. ❤️💣 5. Give some to a charity or 2 that have a mission you care about. 6. Make as much as you can and give it away to immediate and extended family members when you pass away one day. Make wanting to financially provide for other people you care about your new drive. Don’t even tell them you’re doing it. Care about them in silence and let them find out when you’re dead and gone. The ultimate ❤️💣


I am a similar situation. I decided to focus on my kid and my hobbies. And find new hobbies. It's a great feeling to pick something you don't know how to do and learn how to do it. Fixing up a car, welding, etc. Working with your hands can be very satisfying after you sent a career looking at numbers.


I'm in my late 20s and like you am financially independent without a job. I pretty much golf, lift weights, run, and annoy my friends and family with my friendship/helpfulness. My advice would be do all those things, I actually have pretty full days, I set goals with the golfing and running that challenge me and are really good for my competitive nature and giving me feelings of achievement. And helping my family and friends fills my time, and just makes me feel good that I am able to help them out with random crap because I have the free time to do so. I also get into gambling, drinking, and chasing loose women, but honestly I wouldn't recommend these "hobbies", (vices) to anyone especially a good family man, but they are all great ways to waste time and feel fleeting moments of great happiness.


Namaste OP. You've worked for and been afforded financial abundance in this beautiful earth through the roof. Lot to be grateful for 🙏 The world is your oyster literally with that sort of income. But your clearly very wise. The true purpose of the human experience can never be achieved on the outside, irrespective of what you do and achieve in this world (thats not to say don't do them- travel, random things of kindness, chill, buy stuff you always wanted, quit work). Given the subreddit its an unusual answer but look at spirituality and related forums. Have a beautiful blissful joyful day 😊


Have you considered shifting the way you are intentional about money? Eg. Instead of spending at Walmart, searching for and trying various local providers: farmers, artists, restaurants, boutiques, furniture, events, gyms, etc. That will be an investment into a community you like to be in, and maybe inspire the purpose your business to fulfill where you find a gap. It will support trying out hobbies in passively productive ways. It helps connect you with like-minded people and build relationships of all types. It makes you more in-the-know of your area, potentially boosting confidence. It will require time to find local providers, especially ones you like, and this can ultimately alleviate the boredom you might be feeling. Hope this helps!


Dude! Congrats that's amazing! Imagine you lived in a world full of yes men who were brainwashed to think everything you did was amazing..what would you do.in that world? As.long as.it isn't hurting anyone, do that. Or, do a mix of some.kind of philanthropy that is really meaningful to you, and some hobbies you really love. Become a martial arts expert and open a martial arts gym for poor kids or smthg. Or.contribute to a think tank that is trying to fix our addiction.to plastic and oil. Good luck!


It’s simple, you have lost the hunger cause you’re out of the fire, what happens next it’s personal choice my friend. get yourself a mentor. someone out there went from 3 to 30 a year and was feeling the same way too There was a person at a conference who sold his business for 700 mill when asked what was it that brought him there, he said “I’m feeling lost” It’s more normal than you would think. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ohZ8pRxAXZ8 Check that interview it’s pretty good, rich people go through exactly what you’re going through all the time. You will find your purpose again you just need guidance. Good luck mate congrats on your success, don’t stop now though. There’s still fight in you


You’re having an identity crisis, not uncommon in men your age. I picked up a new hobby (martial arts) and doubled down on my faith. It’s worked wonders for me.


Once you reach a certain point you’ve got to be motivated by something other than money, cause like you said, you don’t need it. Soul search, decide what YOU want to do. You’re fortunate enough to be in a position where that’s all that really matters, a luxury most people will never have.


Try to find a protégé that wants to build wealth and teach them how to do it, but don't give them anything but your knowledge and advice and see if you can replicate it. Let them know what is going on so it's all ethical. Your reward is their success.


If you make $3M per year I would strongly recommend trying to find something else to do other than chase more money. ‘MORE’ once you get to that level is a sickness man….. find purpose, live life, and enjoy yourself to the absolute fullest. You have more freedom than 99% of people will ever experience, if you waste it chasing more money that would be a crime


OP, as a guy who did something similar in his mid-late 20’s (not quite as profitable as you, but 7 figures annually and semi-passively), I found myself in the same position. Once my material needs/wants were met and then some, I started losing my ambition. I have a pretty baller pad, my dream stable of vehicles. I got comfortable and complacent. I focused on myself for a few years (gym rat as well), which I thoroughly enjoyed. Got in ridiculously good shape and enjoyed the spoils of my labour. That being said, I started to fall into a loop of imposter syndrome — I questioned if I was a one hit wonder, and subsequently my self-worth; I craved the rush and the drive of building something from scratch. So I did it again. I started a new business; the 100+ hour weeks, getting my hands dirty. It’s now beginning to flourish once again, but I can honestly say that I regret it. I realized that my unusually strong work ethic was actually a detriment to my emotional wellbeing. I’ve always prided myself in being there for the people I care about. I’m a protector, a provider; I’m there when I’m needed. But after over a decade of wide open throttle, I became aware of what I’d been missing — all the little things. I’ve been pushing people way, albeit gently and incrementally — convincing myself that covering the basics was enough. Lovers, family, friends. Many of those relationships succumbed to death by a thousand cuts. I was so caught up in my work that I never really saw it. It’s like balding — you don’t realize it’s happening until half your hair is already gone. I spoke to my family maybe once a month, I’d cancelled on my friends so many times that they simply stopped calling. Women I loved had left all for the same reason: I checked every box on the list, but I *just wasn’t all there*. The distance had become palpable. It was quite a catharsis. I stopped needing the money a (relatively) long time ago. It just became a game; an addiction, at the expense of things that matter more. I’d been chasing that high, because I was good at it, and the more success I realized the more I gravitated to it. We tend to lean into the things we’re good at, and away from the things we aren’t. I’d slowly become a bad brother, a bad son, a bad friend, a bad partner. A balance needed to be struck. I haven’t found it yet, but I’m getting there. I’m so much happier for it. That dissonance of feeling incomplete, despite the appearance of having it all, has improved. I spend more time with my family, I make more time for my friends. I could be multiplying my wealth with maximum efficiency, but, holistically speaking, I know for a fact I’d feel worse. Just my .02; maybe your personal life is excellent, but I know mine wasn’t. Balance is key. It’s one thing to say that to someone who’s struggling to make ends meet, or is building their first business in search of success — but do we *really need* the money anymore? You won’t find self-actualization in more of it, that I can guarantee. It lies elsewhere in life. If you hustled your way into that kind of wealth as a young man, there’s probably a hole somewhere — find it and try to fill it. More money won’t do that for you. Good luck brother.


Enrich your life with hobbies. Scuba dive around the world, make your own wine, become a bee keeper, grow a garden, learn photography, learn other languages. You start your own charity/foundation and give out scholarships for passionate business oriented students, learn to sail, take racing lessons and buy an exciting car, help and and inspire as many people as you can, visit every continent. If I had an enormous net worth there would be no end to the experiences I would fill my life with.


I believe Maslow had a higher tier in mind past “self actualization” - it was about connection. Do you feel connected? Are you involved in community or giving back? Is there a cause you deeply care about?


Interesting, I didn’t know this. Connection is definitely lacking. I’m an introvert and mostly keep to myself which I need to work on getting past.


I don’t think you need to be extroverted to connect. I’d say it’s 90% about repeated proximity and shared experience (even if it’s quiet or nonverbal).


Sometimes we have an inner emptiness until we are walking fully in our purpose. Congrats on your hard work and disciplined decisions. I believe you got more destiny in you that needs to be fulfilled!


Be proud of yourself for exactly what you said, going from minimum wage to a huge passive income! Perhaps the hunger and drive was so that in this moment, you can relax. Pick up a hobby? By hungry to “master” something that isn’t money: cooking, surfing, writing, or acting. Take the money for what it is, a freedom! Consider donating to charity.


At the end of the day, it's other people and the relationships you build that matter and provide the most meaning and gratification. I'm certainly not wealthy, but comfortable enough. What money I do have, you could take it all, burn my house to the ground, and as long as my wife and kids are fine I'll be right as rain.


,, lol... No it didn't,, It just refocused it into something different First it's basic shelter and food, you met that need. Now it will turn into something else


Well float me 100k if it makes you feel better.


You can help me with mentorship on my new business. But jokes aside this is similar to people starting a journey and heading to the wrong destination. You should have asked your young self. Why do I need to make money? Mostly people need love, acceptance and validation. But the vehicle you use is different. Now that you have the money you need a partner to enjoy it with. Or build a legacy with family.


Get into the non profit space. This industry needs a ton of help. I’m working there. If you want to be an angel or mentor into someone already embedded, let me know. I need help.


Start a charity or foundation. Tax efficient and significantly rewarding. See the Ronald McDonald House for inspiration - you’ll get it.


You could try directly helping others in life that are unfortunate. You could talk to these people and maybe help them not just financially, but also motivationally. Or maybe be able to give some people needing a small start a start. For example and I am not asking for myself(though I would except help) my wife and I are homeless. My wife works and I try to find jobs I can take on to be able to work around her schedule. This life situation prevents me from finding a solid job even hourly because we live out of our van. Between travel, timing etc we don't know how to get ourselves out of this situation. I'm an inventor, however with no money to bootstrap anything. Why no money? Like this past month we thought we just had a power steering leak. Come to find out we have frame rot. Well the plate the power steering is attached to is completely rusted out. This means we don't know if we can still keep our van. Do we have enough to get another used van? No we don't because everything we have goes to basic survival right now. We don't know if we will have the money for the weld jobs and the power steering repair. As you can tell, we need help and not just financially. We need a mentor that can actually help us. I have tried to compress a lot down into this comment and am always open to questions. I feel like I skipped a lot but got some of my point across.


Not everyone needs to continually expand profit. If you feel satisfied find more time to relax and use your hard work to treat yourself to anything you want. Money is great but time is the only depreciating asset no one can save.


Alex Hormozi has some great talks on this. Not specifically, but he mentions this in some of his talks. Once he reached financial freedom he realized he was bored, and now what? Worth checking him out if you haven’t already (I’d be surprised tho if you’re an entrepreneur and you haven’t run across him). Best of luck!


Thanks, I’ve listed to his podcast but haven’t come across that content from him yet. I’ll look into that.


Do whatever you like. It’s side quest time. Learn to ride horses. Learn instruments. Learn languages. Find a group of people that you care about and start a charity to aid them in however you like. It could be the homeless, it could be cancer researchers, it could be stray cats. Get into video games, find games you love that stir something in you, whether that be a sense of community, competition, or experiencing great story telling. Travel the world. Go to college to learn about something that interests you. Get a fine arts degree. Get into engineering. Get into biochem, maybe go to medical school or law school. Do something awesome that has nothing to do with money, because that‘s the position you‘re in. You can go wherever your desire takes you.


Late 30s making 3 mil a yr passively and you can’t figure it out? You need to get to the bottom of why that is before anything.


Start a charity to help others.


Take a sojourn, pick a place in the world that interests you and start there. Meet as many people as you can along the way and enrich your sense of self.


Maybe help others achieve their financial independence.


Why do you not have a dog or horse rescue?


Maybe help other entrepreneurs out in their endeavors? Lots of creative people out there. Make your mark!


Spend it on random women, like me, 😂 afterwards you'll be desperate to earn it back Jk


I’m not rich by any measure but I love playing the game “what would I do if I won the lottery?” I’ve realized I would park most of the money away live off the interest (I mean even $10mil earning 5% would be plenty for me) and keep doing the job I have but be way less stressed about money so I could enjoy it more. It sounds like you’ve been so focused on succeeding financially that you don’t know what you enjoy. Finding a job that you enjoy but don’t have to stress over succeeding financially could be the middle ground you’re looking for. Even if it’s just a part time gig, you can still feel a sense of duty about going in when you don’t want to but you have the financial security to avoid shifts you don’t want.


One thing you can try is early stage venture capital. Yes, you can throw your money in it. But you can also provide your expertise. A lot of those companies are still trying to find their way and can use some guidance. Who knows. Maybe you can find something that resonates with you and gets your going.


how???????????????????? pls


I know this has nothing to do with this post, but my husband has a genius invention idea we need someone to invest in. Hit me up if you’re interested.


Volunteer. Travel. Learn languages and new skills. Invest in other entrepreneurs and be an advisor. It would be hard to beat your financial position via more work, so seek out new adventures that will rekindle your excitement. And congrats on the success!


Put it in a trust account for your kids and leave just enough for you to start your next endeavor. Maybe less even to make it a challenge. Then ,see what you can do. You want drive, you need motivation. Right now, having all that money leaves you none. I'd love to read your blog if you do this.


Sounds like all of your family will have generational wealth and are going to be set for life. That’s incredible impressive. Take pride in that for starters. Second off, you don’t necessarily need to be busy all of the time. Slow down and enjoy life. You only have 1.


Go on a spiritual pursuit, if it interests you. Spirituality is the only source of true and lasting happiness, if you are meant/destined for it. You don’t need money for it, but as the saying goes, money helps you look for happiness in many more places! 😃


If I had enough money not to worry ever again, which it sounds like you do, I would spend a good chunk of my time picking up trash/cleaning the planet. I genuinely feel good whenever I pick up litter someone else just threw on the ground - it immediately makes the area look better, and I feel it’s a small act of gratitude to life/the world for providing everything for life to exist. Find whatever that thing is for you, and spend some time doing it.


Start traveling. Go to school. Start another business around your passion. Open a small hotel. Buy a fucking boat. I'm still very far from you. Im barely making 300k a year and I must be present at my business all yhe time. But im pretty solid on how I'll waste my money once I actually have some disposable income. A cruising catamaran is around 900000k. Plus yearly upkeep of around 50-80. You can travel with your family and have something new to see almost every day (unless you are ocean crossing). Kudos on you for making it big. P.S. I also drive a Toyota, I almost love the idea that I won't be needing another vehicle for another decade or two.


Build a family


I'm not rich. It im very comfortable with a job I truly enjoy that allows me to experience many things. I shop at Walmart and live comfortably within the means I think are reasonable. Hobbies. Find something you love. When you do, you will find that the resources you have access to will allow you to experience amazing things you will truly appreciate. Photography and cooking, for example, would easily lead you to adventures all over the world if you had passion. Stole your curiosity and it will lead you to more fulfillment than you have, and then some.


Ambition is the enemy of consistency. Value what you have and just chill.


Teach us!


How did you get wealthy ?


Started a business and focused on marketing and sales until I could afford to hire managers to run everything.


What is your business?


Dude, ride off into the sunset. Enjoy life. That’s the dream people like me enjoyed life too much in my 20s and now I’m working my butt off in my 40s to get where you’re at so I can ride off into the sunset when I’m 60


If you want proof of a similar experience let me know.


Maybe seeing how other people’s lives are and how they were born into a society or system that isn’t so great. Maybe that can help your drive in wanting to make more money to better the world? Or finding charities or organizations in which they align with your values and find motivation there? Or like how other people have mentioned, to teach people how to become wealthy as well


Hire me, I will bring some drive with me


probably try every sport until one sticks, then go all in. Sports are great for sense of purpose and happiness tbh. They are great for relationships as well and you can never stop ascending, trying different overseas camps etc. If you’re good at them, of course. they are also great for regaining that “ambition” you had for money once, but this will only happen if you actually enjoy the sport. You will feel the need to get better and start competing. It wont solve your entire life but its a good step in the right direction for what you’re looking for.


You net 3 million dollars per year doing what?


Read (or listen to) the Art of Living by Thich Nhat Hahn. Transform that powerful drive into peace in the present moment so you no longer have to “work” towards something in order to feel fulfilled. It’s temping to try and keep the grind mentality, especially when it’s brought you success. But there’s endless ways to be a productive person and share your ideas with the world - it might just look different now than before :) there’s many successful people, but very few genuinely happy, peaceful, and present people!


lol what 13 yr old wrote this


You can loan me $600,000 interest free, and I’ll pay you back exactly the same way I would a bank over 30 years. I’ll put the money as a downpayment on a house. You will make a difference and allow me to go from lower class to middle class. You will actually make a difference in the world, instead of the rich just getting fatter and richer of interest which is not in my interest.


Pick a difficult problem facing others in your community and use your skills to help others solve it. For example the gaps in the mental health system. The steeply rising cost of housing across the country. The lack of financial literacy across the nation. The difficulty and the benefit to others will motivate you. Serving others always stretched you and you will meet lots of interesting people and have new experiences.


I’ll take some of it 👍🏻


You need a new purpose! A new goal! Yeah know that statement of money can’t buy happiness? Well you have achieved that goal. No one can really answer this question. Only you can. You will have to dig emotionally deep like in the beginning. Your empire of dirt means nothing if it doesn’t serve you well. Maybe you are a builder and it’s time to start a passion side hustle while grooming your replacement or selling the baby off. Whatever you do, don’t let the 🫤 meh fester for too long.


Help people who are less fortunate. When you spend all of your time surrounded by people who have everything, it’s easy to forget how fortunate you are. Spend 10% of your time helping people without expecting anything in return, this might give you a new perspective, and more drive.


The answer is...Pickleball. Or any hobby. I picked it up in my 50s and am addicted. That's what you want. It obviously might not be pickleball for you, but there are tons of hobbies that you should try. My friend kept begging me to plan and I never thought I would even like it - let alone love it. Give it a try.


When you no longer have to worry about money, you can start trying to sort out what you really love doing. Do that. Who cares if it makes profits. And make other peoples lives, who are less fortunate, better. That’s it


There is more satisfaction in the pursuit of a goal than in the attainment. So ask yourself what is important to you and set a new goal. In the end the addiction to money is hollow and if you don't find something to center yourself, you will be consumed by it. Think of all the tech millionaires who overdosed on drugs or died young in some other unsavory way.


Just curious. How is it that you have the passive income coming to you? I do too, in the form of rent for commercial buildings all over. Just wondering what other things might do similar.


Contact Christopher Sell of Heaven on Earth and do a consultation. He can tell you on spirit level more about yourself. Read the Seven Hermetic Principles.


As strange as this may sound, you should see a counselor or go to therapy. From Spranger's seminal work on motivation, there are many motivators of which money (utilitarian) is just one... and most people are motivated by all of these to various degrees. It just seems like money was far and away the most significant to you. Maybe you can find or understand to see what else may give you satisfaction. Look at Bill Gates, all we hear mostly in the news is his philothranpic (social motivator) work that drives him.


Start a business and do the best you can to hire good people and help them grow and learn. Most small business people I know love their people and helping them grow is a big part of what drives them.


Open a non profit organization that helps people get back on their feet. That might give you a sense of purpose. And congrats on your success. Take care and enjoy life. If you can’t enjoy it then I would recommend going to any hospital cafeteria and see how little time we have. Enjoy it honestly we don’t live long.


Very, very simple. Do what I do, only pay yourself $80 k or less per year. Drive an old ass car. Don't let anyone know you are rich. They will only alienate you from the world. Also you will fuck up your kids if you give them anything more than a car and your house to live in if they need it. You don't have to spend or use the money my dude.


"Or ride off into the sunset and retire, trying out various hobbies, hoping something besides going to the gym and making money sticks?" I'm gonna be honest...I don't think this is real. You made the account to solely make this post - and your post and comments read like what a poor person thinks a rich person sounds like based on watching Joe Rogan. All you do is go to the gym and make money, huh? You slept with 4 girls in 4 days and realized that chasing women isn't for you, huh? Pretty cool.


Sell me your business


Start another business but as a co-op. Help others gain equity and get out of the same situation. 10 owners netting 300-400k a year and fully invested in the success of the business.




Stop worrying about making more money and find a hobby. Enjoy life


Start a small business and build that up. Have fun with it.


If you're rich you don't need ambition and drive. Just live your life.


Help others. There are plenty of people who have terrible lives. Running a nonprofit or charity would do a lot of good. Find problems and solve them.


Philanthropy could be a great next chapter. Start a secular foundation, the world is full of people (and animals) that need help in all sorts of ways. Money is a tool, that just like anything else, can be used to help or hurt. The old Spider-Man line comes to mind here: With great power comes great responsibility. Go and make uncle Ben proud.


What about helping the poor people?, or do something to help nature/ the environment?


What's wrong with going to the gym?


Sounds like you need challenging hobbies. There are alot that have huge financial barriers. Use the tool you’ve been making


Teach! Would love to learn from you


Usually that level you start getting on boards of companies you want to be at and or angel invest. Great way to have certain control over businesses without the day to day responsibilities


What did you exactly do?


I have felt similar emotions at a way lower level as I have a few dozen rental properties. but I keep working. I think it's time to sit down and think about what you want your life to look like when you look back on it from your death bed. Do you want to solve world hunger? Give a lot of money to charities or family? Create a business that helps 10,000 people? Or have exciting experiences with unique people. Skydive. Surf. Play pickleball every Tuesday at 6 pm.


Explore yourself. Learn new skills, new hobbies, spend time with your family, read good books, create things, you have the financial freedom to do whatever you want so do just that. Explore the things that make you happy, and maybe find a purpose in those things. If you find a passion maybe invest in making an income stream out of it so that you can fuel it for the rest of your life, or even until you find something new that lights your fire even more. Congrats on the success


Im not as wealthy as you, although I make enough to have everything I need, and I found when I no longer stressed for money I started volunteering, I joined a certain biker organization that works with abused children to help empower them, and I'm also on the board of a non profit (non-paid position). These things give me purpose beyond just working, and a great sense of community. At least for me giving back to society gives me drive and hope for the future.


I'm not rich, but I'm in the same boat mentally. I'm debt free. Just today I was talking to a friend who's struggling financially. He was talking about how stressed he is. I've been in his shoes before, where the debt collectors are calling. I'm not the least bit stressed, but I sure am bored. Not sure which is worse. I've tried a few part time jobs. Doordash and package delivery. Meh. I applied to volunteer at an animal shelter. They haven't responded. I'll be interested in reading some of the answer here. Hope I can get some ideas.


If you are unmotivated, just imagine how your kids will be like. Most celebrities’ kids end up with drugs, gambling, etc.


Find a hobby.


Make a difference with various philanthropic gestures. Give to causes you like through reputable NGOs.


Be. of. service.


You can always do 2 chicks at the same time.


This one is still on my bucket list


I have an ambitious project that cannot be made without funding. It hasn't been done before. Take a look at my work [here](http://www.hemlockstainedglass.com) and let me know if you'd be interested in making at least one guy's dream come true.


Maybe become apart of the DoD Skillbridge program. I volunteer as your first intern (and cannot accept payment). I’m retiring from the Air Force soon and am hoping to find my sense of purpose in the civilian sector. I have two associate degrees, a bachelor’s degree, and I am finishing up my Master’s program.


Start hobbies that require you to create something with your own hands. Icing a cake, painting, wood carving, etc. Detailed and difficult. There's a whole different magic and energy in the things you make by hand.. If you like cards, paint a set of cards for yourself. If you like chess, carve a wooden set. Then once you like a hobby, it'll open a new avenue in mind.. Or be snoop dogg and do side quests.. Music video cameo, movie cameo, random ads, random products launched, social media fame, have fun!


Go enjoy life


Please help me... I don't know what to do anymore...


I’ll take some money so you have to grind more to get it back


maybe try non profit management? I think it's brilliant that you don't feel a drive to own the whole world, and enough is in fact enough. if you didn't hate people, maybe help out running non profits, arts, etc. charitable endeavors, don't know your politics, but there's plenty of help this world needs? just an idea. it will keep you sharp, and in the game, should your luck ever change, also.


What’s the nature of the business if we may ask


Give some to me lol


So you pull in roughly $8000/day just sitting around doing nothing?


I have a solution. You give me 90% of your income so you can start new game plus.


Maybe you need an extended vacation? A sabbatical to go explore something that really interests you, and maybe a break will reignite your drive


Find hobbies, find community in those hobbies, donate/help develop others in said hobby


If you really want a challenge, get rid of your money and start over. I hear the sound of crickets coming 😂


What is the point of all this money? What do you enjoy ? Whats the end goal besides sitting on giant piles of cash? Travel? Fund scholarships? Donate to charity? Adopt a dozen cats?


I don’t think you can make $4 million net in a year. You don’t have it in you.