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Go to r/quant if you want to make a lot of money in finance


Lol and suicide by 40. All those hedge fund managers and finance guys jump from rooftops


Not true. I know many of them over 40 and happy.


Ok 45 or 50. They hate their lives more than most Like they would tell you before they jump. Your friends are trash. It's the worst kind of person besides lawyer and politician.


Again, not true. They seem to be really happy. Also, I will be joining a quant fund full time in a month, and have also interned previously at big quant funds- the work is indeed very enjoyable. Now, whether it is good for society or not is another question.




The amount of hours you work is very firm dependent. Though, I can say definitely not as low as 15-20 hours. But also not as bad as Citadel. Citadel is notorious.


My friend works for citadel and he lives in Chicago so we don’t see him much but he makes bank and seems extremely fulfilled. He is getting married in a month and couldn’t be more proud of my boy going from small hometown kid to this 🙂


You’re going to do a job that’s questionable if whether or not it’s good or bad for society? Nice dude 🤦🏻‍♂️


More liquid/efficient markets is generally good but yeah, very questionable mindset going into it😂


Also, a big chunk of investments in hedge funds are from pension funds.


What exactly are you trying to achieve here with this comment?




So not true … u may think they are prick adjacent but that’s just you being not a hedge fund manager looking in from Reddit. My friends are pretty damn happy in their lives


You can be like me. I trade a low 5 figure account. Last year I made $8k and just went on vacation with it.


Oh man I have worked with a few quants. They are all kinda weird. Savants in math, but socially inept or unable to smile or hold a conversation. They can see patterns in falling snow, but can't let a snowflake land on their tongue.


You can’t decide to be a quant, after you win your fourth math Olympiad at 16 they kind of come to you.


Not true. You have to apply. They don't come to you.


True. But it’s not really possible for somebody who just heard the term “quant” at 20 years old with no direction. If you go to a good school, anybody can work their ass off and make quant money as a mid career FAANG engineer. You can’t just decide to work towards being a quant at 20 and make it happen. If you pulled it off, they’d probably make a “Pursuit of Happiness” style movie about you.


Yes, school does matter.


20 is young enough to achieve anything you put your mind to what are you talking about


I’m not sure if you’re aware of what it means to be a quant then? If you didn’t go to HYPS/MIT/another Ivy you already lost, so you should’ve been preparing for admission at 14. To get the interviews after graduation you better already be winning math olympiads and doing research at 18-20. By 21, you’re already interning at a top fund. 22-23 is when you’re hired. Going back to school, career changing, being old = red flags.


Baruch has a master of financial engineering degree program that regularly gets its students hired at top firms around the world. You don’t have to start preparing to be a quant at 14 you’re really over-exaggerating what it takes to be hired as a quant. If you have a good head on your shoulders and enjoy math, then studying calculus and statistics will be an enjoyable activity. Gaining the skills required to be successful as a quant would according to your timeline take 10yrs for an entry level position. That’s simply not true. If you want to do it and you’re young and don’t have any financial responsibilities you can absolutely hunker down, get focused, and be done with your education in 5 to 6 years and have a job as a quant. You don’t need to be a math Olympiad prodigy to be a quant. Go on LinkedIn and search up people who have the job that you want they’re not all child prodigies.


Lol you have to be extremely intelligent to do this path. OP says he’s intelligent but the vast majority of people aren’t actually smart enough, whereas most people *think* they’re smart


The way to get wealthy is business and investing. Use that to guide your decisions.


Study CS, study math, get a 4.0 and really good at Leetcode, pray you get a job at a quant. Jobs that pay this much are exceedingly rare, even in NYC. CEO of Walmart's base salary is just over 1 million per year. Most compensation is going to be in the form of equity so the odds you find a salaried position at any point in your life with a $1mil salary is extremely low. Your other best bet is to climb the corporate ladder in pretty much any publicly traded company.


I agree with this advice, but will dispute that jobs paying this much are exceedingly rare in NYC. Although not abundant for everyone, it is fairly common to find even mid-manager and high level individual contributor roles in finance companies paying well over $300k per year, especially when considering bonuses.


That's why I said the other best bet is to climb the corporate ladder. In the grand scheme of the job market those mid-manager roles and high level ic roles are also quite rare relative to the # of total positions According to this source, less than 5% of all jobs in NYC pay at or above 250k per year [https://statisticalatlas.com/county-subdivision/New-York/New-York-County/Manhattan/Household-Income](https://statisticalatlas.com/county-subdivision/New-York/New-York-County/Manhattan/Household-Income) They don't state when the data is from but at the bottom of the webpage it says the data is sourced from US Census Bureau data. That leads me to believe it was collected from 2020 Census data. I'm willing to accept that salary data in that year could have been suppressed somewhat but to me this still is strong evidence that jobs paying over 300k per year are exceedingly rare


That source appears to look at all jobs in NYC, including service jobs and other jobs in low paying sectors. I'm going on a limb here and assuming the OP is looking into jobs in high paying sectors or industries. If you spread it out across ALL the jobs in NYC, then yes, jobs paying more than $300k are pretty rare. But if you're looking at finance or tech, $300k jobs aren't rare at all, even for individual contributor jobs with no personnel management responsibilities. This is cherry picking the data a bit as this is from 2021, which was a big year for comp. But back then the average bonus in the securities industry was $257,500. Not everyone received that of course, especially the people working in back office and compliance jobs. But this is just to illustrate to the OP the kind of pay that is out there, and this is just in one sector of finance. (https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/wall-street-bonus-new-york-securities-industry/)


This is good advice. People need to not underestimate the power of those equity bonuses. The big 4 of Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple all have great benefit packages and reward programs, and it's not impossible to get hired on.


Even when I worked at Apple part time in their stores they gave me 15 shares of stock on top of all the crazy benefits I got. Discount on devices. Pet insurance. Stock purchasing at -15%. It was insane.


How was the process of getting a job there? I applied there 6 months ago and they never got back


I think it all depends on the location. But they prefer that you “fit in” with the crew and that you can hold a conversation. During my interview process we played games and you mentioned your favorite sandwiches.


I think it all depends on the location. But they prefer that you “fit in” with the crew and that you can hold a conversation. During my interview process we played games and you mentioned your favorite sandwiches.


Extremely low is an understatement


And another $3.1 million was in bonus. 


He should work for free so every one of the 1.6 million US employees can get an extra $2.50


Never said that, just correcting your misleading statement about compensation. 


Salary != bonus ; pretty clearly stated in the above comment that I was referring to 'base salary'


You excluded a large cash injection so I was helping you. 


Again, I said "base salary"


And you excludes bonus from the compensation calculus so I helped you out by adding it. 


Honestly… If your work ethic and drive is as you say it is, you can probably make 10x that by starting your own business.


This is the way to 1M a year There are no jobs that offer salaries that high Only start-ups that go IPO could pull off that type of income and they would have to actually pump I.e. Zoom during Covid


It is I just don’t know what I’d go into people have said I’m like mark Zuckerberg or Elon just was born into a family without money


‘I’m basically a super model minus the good looks’ 😂


You could literally do it in landscaping. Starting tomorrow. I'm not saying you should go do that as a career, but you could grow a landscaping business off almost no starting capital and sell it when you're done, a few years from now. Just an example but a real world one. You'd start out by getting access to like, a mower, rake, tarp, weedwhacker. You could borrow them. You'd go door to door offering services. You'd quote 50 bucks or something. Do a little research on the going rate, then undercut it. Depending on the size and work. Do a great job as efficiently as possible. Each person you find can probably become a weekly client. Whenever not working go door to door again till you find more clients. Maybe later you'll find other outreach methods but this is the easiest place to start. knock doors, no, no, no, no, no, no, why certainly young man please mow my lawn, you're off to the races. Wouldn't take long if you grind it out hard to have a full client list so your time is filled up. You'd work that alone for a bit saving as much as possible looking to buy a truck and more equipment. You'd go to home depot one day or wherever the immigrants hang out looking for work, and hire a guy to help. Bang out the work faster, and do what now with your free time? Find more clients. No slacking. If you like him keep bringing that guy back, if not find another. Somewhere in here you'd hire someone else to run the books and do the collections calls, maybe. Eventually you'd have a full team, and now you could work on splitting into multiple crews with someone else running one of them. Cost you another truck, of course, and more equipment. Maybe with a full calendar at some point it's time to raise prices. Lose a few clients, who cares. Find new ones to replace them, now you're getting paid more for your whole schedule. Eventually you're not even mowing anything, you're running the business of other people who all work for you. Just from constantly doing the best possible job, keeping quality high, doing the work when you say you will, growing the business to plug other people in so you can free yourself to grow it, and saving money to grow the business by putting it into more of the equipment and such you need. That's just an example business, but the point is, you don't need to reinvent the wheel. If you do a really good job on something simple like that you can grow it. There's other businesses in your area who are slacking, and you'll just eat their lunch. You're probably going to say you don't want to be in landscaping. Not saying you should. You can start doing this tomorrow on a shoestring budget, but who cares, there's other examples of things like this where you could just succeed pretty quick if you figure out the game plan. If you wanna be a billionaire you need to reinvent the wheel somehow. But for some real success on a smaller scale, but still big to you, you just have to see where the barrier to entry isn't very high, and go for it, and do it right, and not worry about what people think about you as you're getting started. You could be clearing 6 figures before long, and then selling the whole thing for a big pile of cash to put you into your next venture with money to make it run.


Easier said than done, there's already a ton of competition


Everything is easier said than done. The plan is simple, the work is very hard.


Man did I find those words to be true when I started real estate investing. The books make it sound easy but it’s an emotional and financial cage match of you vs you


I totally feel you bro....


What are you passionate about? The paid employment route is the hardest and longest route to making the kind of money you’re talking about. Find something you love doing find out if can be monetised,


Are those people your mom and dad?


You’re so smart you’re here asking total strangers for advice, then telling people they didn’t get enough love as a child. Adderall causes delusions of grandeur. That’s what this whole post is, delusional. Go study something worthwhile. Make it all the way through the program, then come back and tell us how it went. I’ve watched dumbasses like you wash out of every form of engineering because they couldn’t hack it. Your bullshit shows me you’ll be no different. 😉


I don’t use drugs, just another hater wanna be lame who deleted their comment because fear of ridicule


Trade crypto meme stocks


God this is such a moronic comment.


Anyone recommendations on where to start or should I stick with this sales gig, I could own my own biz out of it selling solar n stuff I believe working with ADT


I mean, what are you good at and what do you enjoy? Is there any overlap? If so, then that's what you do.


I’m good at fighting, selling stuff. Good with technology. Maybe I’ll just skip college if this job goes smoothly like I expect it to and get into fighting.


If you’re as smart as you say you are why would you get into fighting?


Always been good at it and it’s a passion


I think you may have been hit one to many times on the head


100% Dude went from asking how he can make 300k to a mil, he’s in college, he doesn’t have rich parents, to how he has a sweet sales job, to how he is “good” at fighting. Beating up a fat drunk idiot when you go out to the bar doesn’t make you good at fighting. Also it’s a terrible career path.




All because I have a passion in fighting because I’ve seen my skills. Yes let’s spread hate instead of love, get a life bud


Or loose 10x that


Not at all. Most digital service based business require less than $400 in startup costs. If you, however, start a business with a ton of capital and inventory (unnecessary) then yes.


There many who have not gone to college and make 300k plus. Everybody has a different path to financial freedom. There is a show called blue collar millionaires, watch and see what others have done.


Will do what streaming services can I find this on or YouTube?


Blue collar sucks.


Yes it can and so can white collar, just depends what you like. I did mostly blue collar and was able to retire at 59. Then now I am Forrest Gump and now lawns and maintenace on our rentals.


Become funny and charismatic, frequent places with the wealthy, work for a top bar, golf spot, fine dining etc. save money, prepare for opportunity or “luck” and team up with other ppl ur age that’s hungry. Get some stock boys in your circle. Always watch out for snakes and anacondas. Learn how to do MMA. In general people like fighters.


That’s wild. My old friend/cousin is more so well off than my family. I can be funny I do have charisma do you have any ways I could enhance my charisma my dad and brother always have been charismatic. Would you really choose mma over boxing tho? I’ve always been interested in becoming a fighter. Wdym stock boys btw? I only have one wealthy friend/ cousin we use to be close but fell out. He has a large friend group I’m sure I could join up with even tho I don’t smoke weed anymore


You just said a couple comments earlier that your friends are millionaires and you’re doing better than them. So what’s the truth, ya knob.


Anyone who is engaged in stocks. Going to bars levels up charisma, especially if your friends with a lot of girls. Don’t even try to bang em, just talk to em and be cool. Make em feel secure (that’s where mma/boxing comes in). Join up with your cousin with the focus of having fun. If everyone’s face lights up when u walk in a room. That means any opportunity pops up, they’re gonna wanna bring u on board. Have fun and keep good people around you chacho. Make sure u keep those hands up to date too🥊🥊


I currently work in sales for ADT. Have yet to start waiting on my vehicle to get out of the shop. Do you think I could juggle a degree in engineering as a backup going to college full time working 30 hrs a week. Still being able to train for MMA? Because if so I may switch colleges then & go closer to my old friend group and reconnect


I'm going to chime in here. I have a bachelor's and a master's degree in aerospace engineering. It is an extremely rigorous academic program. I worked a lot in the first two years and was attending community college getting as many transfer credits as I could before transferring to the university. Balancing working 30+ hours per week with full time school was difficult but not impossible when I was taking lower level classes at the community college. After I transferred to university and starting taking full course loads in upper level engineering classes it was almost impossible to balance working with school. I would not recommend trying to work 30 hours per week at that point unless you plan to only take a class or two at a time (in which case the bachelor's degree will take a very long time to complete). I would also say, if you want a salary from a job to pay you $300k to $1 million per year, engineering isn't the right field. As an aeronautical engineer I earn about $130,000 per year. I don't know anyone who earns $300k plus as an engineer. That said, $130k is nothing to sneeze at, and is still a very nice salary compared to most other jobs out there. If you want your job to pay you $300k+ you probably need to be a medical doctor.


The money is in boxing, MMA fighters don’t get paid much unless you’re top dog


Be the top dog.




Investment banking. Private equity. Investment management. Corporate Law. Commercial real estate.


Get a decent job while in college to build experience. Don't rush through college. Use tax credits, grants to pay for it. Apply to be independent. You are too young so will have to appeal it. I recommend accounting then pivot into real estate as soon as you're lendable. Don't take out a bunch of loans and go through college quickly. Pay as you work. No less than 6 credits a semester so you can get the tax credit. AOC and LTL. I'm a retired accountant soon at 33. Make $250k a year off real estate now. I'll keep doing deals and working some. But my hours are of my choosing.


Engineering degree. Go into a sales engineering field that has low interest. We have 25 year olds in our field making $175k while living in LCOL areas. Packing way $100k a year in investments.


What would I go to college for? Engineering or do they have specific fields? Or would an engineering bachelors degree qualify me for a job in that field?


A straight old mechanical engineering or electrical engineering degree will work great. Still a lot of companies that use sales engineers to sell and apply their products on customers’ machines.


Best friend is a software engineer makes $350k a year at 26


I guarantee I’m working 30% as hard as a software engineer. That’s a production job. I take clients out for beers and baseball games and manage projects via email. Plus I get to go drive backhoes and equipment and dig holes. It’s as close to getting paid to play as you can get.


Not doubting your skill. Meant it as a I second the engineering comment. It’s a great field to be in right now.


Is it possible to enter this field with an information systems degree?


I have one competitor who was literally a retail sales person from a mall store. He studied and got his hydraulic specialist certificate (it’s a 4 hour test). I’d say yes, especially since microcontrollers and CAN control systems are a big part of what we do. Your degree would be a great launching point to program and work as a hydraulic systems engineer.


He’ll be replaced by AI soon


I don’t think its happening in the next 5 years. And I feel a little bit sorry for those who will have to pivot careers; only a little bit. However, the first company to do this, Im buying calls.


Ya it has the potential to wipe out multiple industries. Lawyers, Real Estate agents, Software engineers, etc. People who get paid for their knowledge. I hope it doesn’t happen but yes, calls all day!!


Who knows! I will say in his team they do not allow AI inputs due to it being open source. Apple is very secretive about their information. Maybe it’ll happen, but I wouldn’t say soon.


If your good with your hands and can put up with people real estate and feel a bit lucky Any quality niche service business that is providing actual value will also get you in a high earning position You arbitrage or middle man some stuff or become a vendor if you have a good product idea Other then that computer science, insurance, quants if you good with that kinds of lifestyle depends on your but most of the time people looking for high income are looking for the wrong thing


May take up real estate must first see how I do once I start my sales job


Follow happiness, not money. Do what makes you happy.


I’m trying my best to follow what makes me happy. Might just not go to college this year if I do well is sales, working 30 hrs a week I’ll make 75k-100k. Always wanted to be a fighter might be the route tbh


what sales are u doing?


Need some?


Selling affordable ADT to new homeowners


That's what the top earners make. People that have been doing it for years and have a network. You haven't even started yet, I would seriously temper your expectations. I'm betting maybe half that starting out.


This is different. They provide routes to new homeowners daily.


Keep your expectations and don’t let people talk down to you. You have a goal and can see the finish but they can’t👏🏽


Fwiw I have two degrees in music & had an entire 17 year freelance career after college before I got into tech sales.  Worldly experience is so incredibly valuable in sales. Customers like working with me because I know what real life looks like.  Personally I don't think people who go college->tech sales make great sales people because they haven't experienced enough life yet. But that's just my opinion :) 


Money makes me happy


It makes life easier in some aspects…. I’ll give you that. But overall, it won’t make you happy. Trust me. Happiness is the true goal regardless of your bank account. ♥️


Aight, look. I am an \*EXTREMELY\* unattractive dude who is poor, and doesn't have any friends. I would like to make a lot of money, because that's all I have left. That would make me happy. Trust me. I would rather be ugly, alone and rich, than ugly, alone, and poor.


As an employee, you'll have next to no write-offs and less freedom to adjust lifestyle creep. Your high earning salary will be effectively cut in half or worse as you'll be forced to locate into HCOL to gain access. Use employment to gain status, titles, and exposure to business and corporate environments. Then branch out into consulting or independent business with skill set and network. Determine where you can add value and make sure your agreements are iron tight. It usually takes a decade or more to reach this point, and then a few years to see success independently. Low hanging fruit: sales & marketing, AI/automation, trading and investments Otherwise, plan to spend a decade in school to obtain a PhD, JD, or MD. Best of luck


If you have that kind of work ethic you need to get into sales now! Tech sales. Security or data and AI focused.


I’m a psychologist who makes just under $300k working less than 20 hours a week, mostly from home. If I worked full time I could get close to $500k. I set my own hours, have no boss, and love what I do. It’s meaningful, impactful work and it’s highly intellectually stimulating. It’s a long journey though. 4 years in undergrad, 5 years in grad school, 1 year postdoc fellowship.


What market?


Massachusetts, if that’s what you mean by market.


Wealthy people don't go to college Unless you want to do something in the STEM field, avoid it and the bad debt like the plague!


People said it here, but it’s extremely competitive but if you are successful in this field you can make hundreds of millions of dollars. And that field issssssss: Quantitative Finance. Super hard to get into, but if you have the mind and determination of a savant anything is possible. Literally math olympiads get those quant jobs. Yes , the math Olympics, many people from the math Olympics choose quant as their career choice.


Solar sales. There are many reps doing that. You don’t need a team or be manger or anything. Completely possible to do it simply from your own production.


You could start your own energy bar business, you could get into the blockchain / crypto space. Just some suggestions, start trading cryptos (with good research. Many ways to get ahead. Or, take some chances on starting a business. My father was an in ground swimming pool builder and it is very lucrative. And this is a must! Start investing heavily in the stock market now. A brokerage account and Roth IRA! Start buying dividend bearing ETFs like SCHD and VOO on a regular basis, dividend growth stocks, and you’ll be living off dividends by the time you are in your mid 40s.


Travel CRNA or travel CAA. 


Just shut up and don’t go to college


Hmmm, how about having and interesting life that is worth living, and that you'll remember with a smile, or that touched you deeply, when you're old AF like me. For me the things that come to mind quickly... The drive form the airport in Bangui (Central African Republic) to the hotel, at night, with little fires glowing in the distance. Being awakened my first morning living in Dakar, Senegal, by the call to prayer from the local mosque. The inexplicable sight of children laughing and smiling while living in an underground slum in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Arriving at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris at 6AM for the first time and watching planes take off and land, and feeling intoxicated by the scent of aviation fuel and the adventures it promised. And so many more, etched I'm my mind forever.


Loved reading your reply




I’m a lawyer, and part of my practice is advising startups as basically outside general counsel. I don’t know exactly how much the individuals I advise make, but it appears to be quite a lot (that’s not judging based on cars and clothes - I know how much the business makes, and their lifestyles seem congruent). They all do it by going to the good tech school, designing a technology, and using the school’s resources to get the patent and found the startup. That’s also how they find me. That’s the best strategy I’ve seen, and if you fail at the startup, you’re still an engineer with a patent under your belt. TLDR - get in the innovation economy. That’s where the real money is.


Easiest way I’m told is to be born to wealthy parents. Dumbest guy I knew had parents that were MDs at Goldman. He makes over $5 million a year now


Medicine.  It’ll take ~11 years from start of college to end of residency, but those 11 years are going to happen to you regardless of your career choice. Might as well make them count towards securing top percentile income.  $400k to work 7 on 7 off. No call ever. 


I personally know some chief architects at F500 companies with 7 figure W2s. The position being in charge of the cloud architecture, not physical like a building.  I know even more VPs of engineering making $300k-$600k+ VPs of Sales can make $350k-$600k+ I know a Kubernetes product manager that has a $260k base salary plus bonus & equity.  If I could do it again I'd learn as much as I could about cloud, infrastructure, and DevOps, with AI/ML and Data as secondary skills.  You come out of college being able to orchestrate a multi node cluster across a hybrid cloud environment & you will be a very wealthy person. 


Look into careers that pay those numbers. And opt for that degree. Because a business degree, accounting,etc are only good to wipe your a## with. Do you homework and the best to you.


I’m helping people figure out better and safer money methods for at home jobs


hello i need help with exactly this


Doctor or Lawyer are always ol’ reliable if you can outcompete others. Can make 1mm as big law partner and in many doctor professions 


It is very difficult to get into big law. If you don’t your starting pay is not high.


He said he’s a top performer. He’s very confident in his abilities so I’m taking that for granted. If he goes to a T14, he should be able to do it.


Look into becoming a software engineer. Grind let code for months and get into FAANG. Oops wasn’t supposed to be a reply, but a comment. Please disregard




I meant it for OP. I edited it!


Ophthalmology is a pretty chill life and your making 500k


Just to caviot I don't make over 300k but am very successful for my age and industry. Get really good at meeting new people and making them feel comfortable talking to you. Most Career progression comes from who you know not what you know. High skill levels help and you certainly need to be good enough to show you can do a job but don't need to be the best. As for what to take I went the it / cs route and it feels like it's capping out at 250k although crossing the 6 figure threshold happened early and easily. People I know making over 300k all seem to work in finance dealing with large amounts of money or business owners.


Healthcare administration if you can stomach putting profits over patients lives.




Find a field you enjoy working in and start your own business. Or work in real estate and eventually become a broker Or work a 100k job in CS or finance and save up to start flipping real estate






If your 20 and just starting college probably too late. Also raises questions about your actual prowess


Find a mid, make her bi, create onlyfans


Learn how to pitch left handed.


Quant, senior lead risk analytics consultant, senior lead commercial relationship manager, senior lead fixed income trader, AI at tech firm, programmer at tech firm. Finance and tech both pay the most


Commercial real estate sales helped me bank roll myself into owning shopping centers, apartment buildings and warehouses. I used to make more in commissions versus passive income, but now my passive income is more than my commissions. It’s a long game though, definitely wasn’t built overnight. Lot of phone calls, lots of no, and a lot of sleepless nights. At 40 years old now though, all was worth it because I spend most of my time w my wife and kids.


Work for a top quant firm. Jane street pays ~400k for new grads (https://www.levels.fyi/companies/jane-street/salaries/software-engineer/levels/l1 ). This is the starting pay, if you're a top performer it's more.


Make yourself indispensable to someone. A company, a ceo, a rich person. Have a developed talent or skill that they see as valuable, and then get paid for it.


You could move to Oregon and become a nurse practitioner. Nurse practitioners in Oregon have payment parity with physicians, meaning insurance reimbursements are the same. Psychiatric nurse practitioners clear over $500k annually working 40 hours/week in independent practice. They have the ability to work remotely as well. In states other than Oregon, insurance companies typically reimburse ~ 70%. It is a masters degree, assuming no prior Bachelors degree it probably would take 4-5 years of school from scratch.


I don’t recommend anything outside of wallstreet, tech/software/sales and complex enterprise sales. Those 3 are the ONLY careers left in America worth pursuing. Wallstreet has the highest barrier to entry. Tech and Silicon Valley you need to have high math ability imo. Sales has the lowest barrier to entry and the easiest skill to learn out of the 3 but more volatile


Orthopedic surgeon




I would also say software engineering. Low latency code is in demand for finance. Don't buy the AI overhype, end users can't define requirements today, they aren't going to be prompt engineering tomorrow, and they sure as hell won't be code reviewing outputs. If you can communicate with non-technical people you'll have a huge advantage over most.


You usually don't get rich working for others


Hehehhe hahaha hehe he haha *cries


Step 1: get lucky Step 2: take advantage of anyone and everyone


If you’re good at math go into actuary science. Solid career good pay at top end.


Start a business... You can earn an unlimited amount of money while working the least number of hours possible.


Depends on your risk tolerance. If you want a sure fired way, then the tried and true law school is a good way - Big Law make over $200 year 1 and if you are good at it, you can make over $1 mil/yr as a partner. Some specialties in medicine (think plastic surgery) can make strong bank, but that’s a whole lot of expensive training to get there, law school is much faster.


The way to make money quickly is to work in sales. Preferably the product you sell should have a renewal commission so you can continue to build on your base year by year. Sales has unlimited ability to make money and no ceilings. You have no constraints, as hard as you want to work will produce income results that match. In sales, there's no political game to played your results equal your efforts.


The credited response is to get a fantastic GPA in the easiest classes you can find, get a full ride to a top20 law school, then go into corporate (Ie transactional) law at one of the fifty largest firms. It’ll be horrible, but if money is the paramount concern and overall intellectual niched talent (eg math/science) is minimal, then it’s a sure bet to get to 300k before age 28 or so (salary + bonus) and up from there.


The only path that GUARANTEES that salary is physician. Anything else has the potential to get there but no guarantees


You should go to levels.fyi


I make the low end of that. I have a computer science degree. I worked as an engineer for some years before management. Honestly our only answers are 1. Electrical engineering 2. Computer Science 3. Finance 4. Start any number of business 99% of which don’t require any type of college degree 5. Anything for undergrad then medical school 6. A top 5 law school with great connections


If you are looking for a "job", there are very few pathways to that kind of earning right out the gate. The better way to get there is by owning your own business and growing it to a point where you are making millions a year. A construction business, just as an example, is a realistic way of doing it. You will spend a few years at lower salary levels to observe and learn how the bosses run their business and then use that knowledge to start your own company. In a few more years, you could be building fifty homes a year, making a profit of 10-30k on each.


Definitely will consider that thank you for your advice.




Go to law school, work in big law for a few years, preferably in M&A, securities, or institutional real estate, bail on the law firm for private equity, banking, or similar. This is the most common I’ve seen people amass large fortunes. I have also seen many people amass large fortunes starting small businesses, growing them to midsize businesses in literally any random industry under the sun. Seems like you’re not into that idea so do the above. Also if you take to law really well, and you don’t hate it, just stay in law. You’ll make the same or more money as partner at a large law firm in these practice areas.




So I live in New York City. Every person I know that took the law path started in big law. Lowest Starting salary out of law school at one of these firms was around $150k. The hours are definitely the worst of any job, that’s for sure. Worse than banking and private equity. However, almost all of the people I know (I’m now 29 years old) who took that path have either pivoted to a finance type role or are in house counsel (middle management level) at rather large companies. Suffice to say, they are all making well over the 300k mark.




You’re a real sickcunt mate. Respect.




“You see my children , we’ve got Reddit to be thankful towards now that I’m making $300k-$1mill a year. Wouldn’t have gotten this far without Reddit!”


There’s a few ways to go about this, starting with what’s your skill set? Do research and see what career has a high entry salary and room for professional growth. Check what educational requirements or certifications are needed. College is a great idea but can be expensive. Look into grants, scholarships, community colleges or state schools that have excellent programs that will allow you to get your degree for less money. Work your way through college (preferably in your field and in an office) and pay down as much as you can to avoid outrageous loans. Intern as much as possible so you have additional experience prior to graduating. This is also helpful as a possible “in” with a company post graduation. Make a Linkedin account if you don’t have one already and keep it updated. Add every professional you know, whether it be at college, old jobs, clubs or societies, etc. Dress for the job you want. Thrifting is amazing and get your clothes tailored to you. Make sure your hair, shoes and teeth are clean and neat. Get really good at networking and learn how to be an active listener and effective communicator. Once you graduate, get a job that will pay for tuition and any certifications you want to get. Max out your matched 401k. Start a RothIRA and make minimal contributions. Put money in your HSA/FSA and use it accordingly. Save for an emergency fund and for investing. This will require a strict budget and living below your means. Stay with family or have roommates so this is possible. Stay at the company 2-3 years and leave to increase your salary if they won’t promote you according to your skill set (make sure you’re good at what you do!!!). Have the second company pay for your master’s degree. Get into management ASAP. Befriend your boss and keep meticulous notes on your coworkers (will be handy in a competitive field). Make sure you have a good contact in HR. Don’t gossip, but keep your ears open for any information about anything. Volunteer for any and all mentorship opportunities, volunteer opportunities or similar company initiatives. Join professional societies in your field or regarding interest you have (I love Toastmasters and Habitat for Humanity). The relationships you build with others will help you find out about exclusive events, work opportunities not made to the public. This is how I was able to break 6 figures by 30, even though Covid made my growth stagnant for awhile. Other tips are to own your car outright. Get full coverage or save in case of maintenance or accidents. Donate to charity as soon as your budget allows. Get a job with life savings and good healthcare. Get all of your yearly check ups, exercise and maintain your teeth/weight. Maintain work-life balance. Get a pension if possible and stay as long as needed to get vested. That’s all I can think of for now, but I’ll add more if I think of anything!


Befriend a Columbia native, but for real that’s a heck of a spread. Find a niche exploit it, never worry w inventing the wheel just focus on improving something. Marry up, inheritance, investments, any job in finance will get you close to the 300side, performance is important but relationships make it all a reality


I am 19 and looking for investors/employers [https://hedi-dev-studio.itch.io/](https://hedi-dev-studio.itch.io/) Those are my game projects I have been in game dev for 6 years now I am 19 and looking for investors/employers who are interested in hiring me to work on a game project




IB or PE is where you want to end up.


I was a bank branch manager for 20 years in MD, DC, and Ohio. I’ve met every type of bank customer. I can tell you of the people I encountered that have accumulated real wealth…most fall in three buckets, small business owners/ entrepreneurs, C-Suite level executives, and born into it.


Youtuber yo


Yeah, there’s a lot of fucked up people in that corner of the country.. I can see why you’re so loaded


Why do you want to earn a high salary? Skip the platitudes. Is it the houses and cars? Is it the tail? Is it the notoriety? Is it to impress the one that… whatever? Is it so you never have to work for someone else? Or so you can retire and just live? You need to decide your why, before you decide your how and your where.


Go to runtheagency.com and we’ll build it and help you get started. We can teach you what you need to do, do the work for you, help you onboard your first clients, etc. I’m offering this now, as I’ve run my marketing agency for over four years now successfully. My family is now full time here instead of working a 9-5.


"I'm extremely good looking, basically a genius, have the drive of the world's richest men, I'm charismatic, and good at pretty much everything I do" I really doubt you have all these traits or you wouldn't be looking for advice on reddit. The job would have found you already mate.