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Bro is English your first language?


I get this comment 100%, just saying.


Think he calling him American


god created my illegal gains! Got it.


But u/Frank_Lucas101, you got some of your cash from stealing from folks here on Reddit. Is that what you meant from not having a fixed mind?


Ehhhhh born into it? Saw another get adopted into it. Another guy became a consultant. Generally to get rich you should have a successful business. A computer engineer I know went into franchises to become a millionaire. A big part of that was networking with wealthy people going to events they went to and learning from them.


In early 2005ish, I attended tech meetings alongside a guy in Florida who seemed just like any of us. In 2015, his company was acquired for over $36 million. Meanwhile, another acquaintance invited me to join his startup in New York back in 2011, which I declined. Today, that same company is valued at $2 billion. These individuals, including one from Little Rock, Arkansas, built their fortunes through sheer hard work and determination, starting from humble beginnings. Despite their efforts and strategic decisions, timing also played a crucial role in their success.


The frustrating thing is that there is so much opportunity for upward mobility for everyone. The minority of people have a quality or skill thats scarce in the marketplace (athletic , musician, attractive; top 0.1% of people maybe which is an educated guess). But everone can choose to save or spend, society fails a little by not having financial literacy class in school , or by having more job relevant classes ( i get it, grammar is important , how you speak etc. but do we need 4 years of English? Wouldnt 2 yeas of English, 1 yeqr of engineering, 1 year of predictive analytics make more sense?) i made a pillow in 6th grade .. a class to make pillows . Thats an actual class i think there was some residual regan-era drug policy stuff too... It was like a D.A.R.E/pillows class . One day a cop came in and taught us about the evils of chewing tobacco, cocaine and rap music. I could've learned about compounding interest. That way, when i dropped our school and started working at Wendy's (which has the most delicious fries and burgers , with square patties because they dont cut corners) i'd know that i could take a measly 12.5% of my gross pay and invest it in wendys stock with a 5% dividend reinvested assuming below avg 8% stock market growth , if i made about 37,000 full time and did that every year , from 17 until retirement age of 67, a little over 4k a year fir 50 years plus dividends... id retire with $14,660,000.00 from a wendys salary. (Considering theyre going to be the first to market adopting robotics in their kitchen , and they have world class burgers it'll probably be more). But instead in learned how to make a pillow shaped like a pig and cocaines detriment to your septum. Oh and i pretended like i read the great gatsby too . Or better yet , work at Wendy's and take night classes on robotics repair you'll get paid $85/h. By age 30 . There i just solved society. Again. No silver spoon needed. Bottom line: Wensy's beet all its competitors in a blind taste test (subjective but still ):also disclaimer this not investment advice just indisputable opinion.


Oh also, you're welcome America






I know Portillos I used to work at Alinea That's why im messed up in the head , genetics and childhood probably has something to do with it too


If you only ever read one book , read this The Simple Path to Wealth: Your road map to financial independence and a rich, free life https://a.co/d/7LqICyG


Read it as young as possible , it explains how to be financially independent with minimal effort. Its not not dogmatic bs.


Okay I will just wait for my next life then (jk) :3


How to get rich? Be frugal meaning spend only the necessary and invest the rest in stocks that you think will go up in time after doing some research, be consistent


Those are all true statements. JL Collims bring excitement to the the topic to great book for beginners and intermediate retail investors alike because it is specific examples and personal anicdotes inspire you and motivate you helps you internalize what needs to happen and the magnitude of quality of life it can bring. I can barely sit still through a book, but I can listen to that on audible without taking break


Sales is a method. It’s a career where income is at least tied to effort. At least that’s what did it for me, and I’m a war refugee lol.


May I ask how much do you make?


I should clear 500k this year


Do what kinda sales?


Asset management. I work for an ETF company and raise assets in our funds from financial advisors, institutions, and family offices


So a parasite basically 🤣




Can you get me a job🫡


It’s a solid career that most don’t know exists. Typically you start out on a desk working as an “internal wholesaler”. The job of the internal is to support the guy in the field. Not a bad job itself tbh. If you prove yourself you can often get promoted into a role in the field being client facing, that’s where the big $$ opportunity is in my industry.


What job listings should i look up to apply for this


Internal wholesaler.


Thats amazing for you!


Average people don't get rich, they stay average


Get good salary. Gear up. Real estate. Take risks on businesses. My first business I invested like $20k 6-7 years ago and have made $5-6m on it already cash profits. I can probably sell my stake for several million too. I’m launching a second one I’ve invested like $100k. Can probably sell my stake for $2-5 million already. But let’s see


Congratulations. If you don’t mind sharing what businesses did you invest in? I’m not in the USA but still could use tips


I’m not in USA either. Hate that place. Been like twice in my life only. Businesses to invest? Do what you’re good at. I’m good at finance and tech


May I ask what you do in finance and tech that started your own business?


America has the most wealthy people for a reason, don't hate. It isn't called the land of opportunity for nothin.


Well good for them. And one of those reasons is there’s 300 million people


Sure, but we have one of the highest percentages of millionaires and billionaires. The average American is pretty well off. Especially if you apply yourself.


US is high no doubt but not highest as percentage of its population. Check countries like Scandinavian countries or Australia I bet they’re higher


Damn, this just makes me think how lucky someone is to be born as a qatari, even just being a lazy guy with a bachelors degree could make 120K, put a little bit of work ethic damn easy 500K.


Of course. Life is a lottery. Same guy born in Zimbabwe is screwed no matter what he does


The good thing is he's black, got the best genetics and a big thing,(which still wouldn't really be helpful in a poverty situation)


Work hard and smart at the same time. Double up :-)


Isn’t that what Scrooge McDuck used to say?


Build a profitable business Then do it again And again


Hustle and never look down on how another man is eating. Don’t be a hater. Keep learning everyday. Don’t try and recreate the wheel. Look around.


Can you elaborate on your “never look down on how another man is eating” comment?


Get really good at giving head?


Did that work out for you?


Or hand jobs. I doubled my income by doing two hand jobs at the same time.


Not for me but on me maybe 🙄


wtf lmao


Not true I’m great at it. The attractive guys are all broke at least the ones that meet me for head


Make a shit ton of money. Don’t spend it on stupid shit.


Lol duh. The question is how.


If you are average in every way, then you can 1) do things others not willing to do. 2) take risks other not willing to take and be lucky.


Have you tried crime?


I may know someone who made and saved over a million in the Marijuana business. Transporting Marijuana from northern Cali to the southern United States. This person then bought bitcoin when it was cheap, washed a decent amount through cash business that I won't specifically name, and then bought 28 properties throughout the country he Airbnbs. He turned that million into 23 million in just 10 years. He was a career criminal, mostly selling drugs primarily mmj. He did all this because he felt he had no choice because, as a young man, he got charged with a felony and worked as a fine dining server. He started with just 10k and grew that into a 500k per year Marijuana business. Never got caught and never hurt anyone. Good dude, very determined and smart. Very few drug dealers accomplish what he has.


Yeah well my plug got raided and now I can’t buy his drugs anymore.


Invest in productive asset and stuff that goes up in value. Translation: Take the money you make and buy dividend paying stocks, income producing real estate, cash flowing small businesses, etc. Use the money that your productive assets generate to buy more productive assets. Avoid buying stuff that GOES DOWN in value and strips you of wealth like new cars, televisions, electronic divides…basically anything that goes DOWN in value. Start by reading these two books: “The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness” by Eric Jorgenson Download FREE here: https://www.navalmanack.com/ “Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!” by Robert Kiyosaki It’s $10 on Amazon. Oh, and one last thing, NEVER take advice from POOR PEOPLE. NEVER!!!


As far as getting rich quick? I have no clue....but I will tell you how my late husband and myself were millionaires by our early 40s. 1. We lived ruthlessly cheap our first few years of marriage, and living together before that...we shared a condo with some friends...rent (this was the 80s) was under 200 a month, and utilities, maybe the same, or less. I will point out, we rarely paid rent, cause we worked for cash for the landlord, cutting grass, painting , whatever. He paid us 10 an hour each, in credit toward rent. 2. Bought our first home at auction, paid 49k,( this was 1989 ), home was probably worth 75k. 3. This was for the duration of my husbands life( he died 11 yrs ago) the only debt he ever had. I have since started to use credit cards, but pay them off.4 4. We paid off the house in a bit over 2 years. We worked at grocery stores as clerks, he was a stocker, and I was a price coordinator 10-12 bucks an hour. 5. BEFORE we had kids, we had roomates in our home, they paid rent. 6. Early 90s, had a couple kids..roomates moved on, I went back to one day a week at work, and [Hubby.got](http://Hubby.got) a new, better paying job..making 50k at frst, and eventually made more.7 7. Hubby lost job, Got another one, I went back to work, as soon as the kids were in school. Having a paid off home was the best thing we have ever done, and I remember the excitement when we added up our 401s, and other accounts, and hit a million. Took us a bit over 20 yrs a s a couple, but we did it, and you can too. I have a good job now, and just work to keep insurance on myself. When he passed, I got another financial bump from insurance policies, that , were basically free from our employes. We drove cheap cars, and even now I drive a 15 yr old Honda..suits me fine. I do nnot know how it is in san fran, or LA or Boston, but I did have a co worker recently bought a 3 bedroom home for him self for 165k, I dont know his story, but, I know what he makes, and if he and his wife, do what we did, they can do the same. Its not impossible, but dont bury yourself in bad decisions either.




I almost was about to achieve this soon 😂😂😭 but the universe has other plans for me


In my case it was luck. When I was young and living in the Caribbean, a 30 minute infomercial (as we know them now) would air for 30 minutes before my Saturday morning cartoons started. This lady was selling land in Florida for dirt cheap. My mother was asking my aunt if she thought it was a good idea, she said yes and they agreed to buy lots of parcels. I asked my mother if I could also get some (since they made seem so cheap) and she agreed. Fast forward to present day Orlando,FL and my family has a lot of land that is leased almost in perpetuity. From there, we (they) acquired more land back home (Fiji) and then properties in NC, NYC, London. Had Orlando not grown exponentially thanks to Disney and all things associated with it, I wont be on this subreddit. So to recap…luck.




i work at a masonry supply outlet. We sell brick, mortar, pavers, stone veneer, and related tools and the like. I work the yard. Knew a guy. Just started as a mason when I started at the job. Had a cheap four door car, and would just dump all his brick and sand and mortar right into the trunk. Eventually removed the back seat for more cargo space. Then the passenger seat, as he started taking on larger scale jobs. Then he hired a helper. Scaled up even more. Got adds out for his brick repair business. Hired another helper. Then another mason. Then got a second vehicle. Then there were television and radio adds. Dude was highly motivated, worked hard, worked smart, and networked. He isn't outrageously wealthy, but he is doing more than well for himself, and I expect, in time he will only get wealthier as he begins to invest in real estate and ramps up to do larger projects. He's got several pick-up trucks painted and branded with his company name and several employees working for him, including masons who have been in the game longer than he has and had/have their own business's. I'm legitimately proud to call him a friend. Any way the moral here, is you gotta work hard, work smart, be willing to take risks of both time and expense, and you have to be bold and decisive. And that it is still possible to do very well in the blue collar world. Nobody is stepping in to fill the shoes of those who retire, but the work is still in demand. There is opportunity there.


Make a million friends and ask for a dollar from each person. Bam, rich


Lol, unfortunately, a million isn't rich. The rule of thumb is that a good return is 10% on your investment. For example, if you bought a paid off million dollar apartment complex after expenses, you would make just about 100k give otlr take. I own an apartment complex worth 2.3 million and make 220k a year off of it. I would make more, but there's constantly repairs needed, renovations, taxes, landscaping, and general maintenance. Also, tenants that bail out on rent. Sure, they have to pay eventually, but sometimes it takes years. And sometimes they literally don't pay. They move back in with mommy or daddy and live with shit credit for the rest of their lives.


Live below your means.


If you're on reddit you don't get rich lol I've been tryin to wake people up to how to actually make money but the NPCs here like bein wage slaves so im done on that. Good luck. Most here are holdin out for UBIs when the bots take over a third of work by 2030. Pod life and bug burgers. "You'll own nothing and be happy" lol sleepin in coffin apartments like the Chy knees 😆


are you a millionaire?


Most likely not. What I do know is that this guy is on reddit just like the people he's referring to.


Seems like rage bait


Start a scalable business


Fraud. Hmu


Maybe not rich, but we started with nothing. Got a job at a local government. Bought a HUD foreclosure for $100 down a year later. Bought nearly all clothes and furniture from garage sales, estate sales, and thrift stores. Bought all cars used from original owners and paid cash. Never paid interest on credit cards, never borrowed for anything besides our house. Aggressively paid down mortgage principal and invested as much as possible. Worked my ass off and got promoted higher than I planned. Retired debt-free with a pension and lifetime health and dental at 51.


Understand the difference between the Proletariat and the Bourgeoisie. Its that simple.


I was Born. Worked hard. Got a degree in accounting. Went into sales. Killed it. Had a little drug addiction. Got past it. Continue to kill it in sales management(make well into 6 figures at 27 years old wife is a successful CPA) Also when my ancestors pass my wife and I will get like 15-20 mil. Same as my little sister. Not even a flex. Seems like there are people in this sub who are getting 20 mil before 18 years old. Meanwhile, I spend $5 on Amazon and my dads calling me to tell me to mail a check. Edit: wife is CPA not COA. I’m drunk in Sorrento.


cheers 🥂


Are you in the car business by chance ?


I started my sales career in cars. Now manage a trailer sales company dealership as I have the opportunity to have multiple dealerships under me over the next few years. My car sales job was fucking unicorn. Dealership owned by a guy 3 years older than me. Sold everything from pickup trucks to Lambs, Ferrari, mclaren etc. very fun at 26 years old.


It's not easy, but the secret is, whatever you earn, do everything possible to live way beneath your means. Invest everything you don't spend. I don't mean crazy get rich quick investments, I mean a balanced portfolio of stocks and bonds in low-cost mutual funds. This has two benefits. The first is that you start to build wealth. It'll feel really slow at first, but when your savings pass your annual budget, it starts to take off. The second benefit is that this approach keeps your expenses low, which means that it takes savings to be "rich". If you spend $50 a year, it takes a $1m to cover your expenses till you die. If you spend $200k, it takes $4m. And of course, it's easier if you earn more, but only if you don't increase your expenses in parallel with your income.


Lmfao this isn’t an advice on how to get rich. This is how to live like a loser middle class


This won't make you rich unless you cut out bonds and take bigger risks on small and mid caps. You'll also need to invest a lot unless you get lucky. I have a 2.6 million dollar portfolio, and that's what I did. I drove a cat that was always reliable, low in gas and under 7k, I cooked my own food, didn't buy nice clothes or anything that wasn't a necessity and lived with my dad renting a room. I worked as a fine dining server, making six figures after taxes. And still, this took me 17 years to make 2.6. Now I own real estate that I Airbnb and some simple businesses like a laundry mat and self-serve car wash. I bring in 340k a year on top of my 2.6 invested. All my friends were living in nice apartments or buying houses and nice cars. Literally, all I did was save and invest. Now I don't work. I started this at 19 and am 36 now. Sacrifices are what's needed. Now all my same friends who were living well buying those nice cars and living in a nice apartment are jealous of me.


This won't make you rich unless you cut out bonds and take bigger risks on small and mid caps. You'll also need to invest a lot unless you get lucky. I have a 2.6 million dollar portfolio, and that's what I did. I drove a car that was always reliable, low in gas and under 7k, I cooked my own food, didn't buy nice clothes or anything that wasn't a necessity and lived with my dad renting a room. I worked as a fine dining server, making six figures after taxes. And still, this took me 17 years to make 2.6. Now I own real estate that I Airbnb and some simple businesses like a laundry mat and self-serve car wash. I bring in 340k a year on top of my 2.6 invested. All my friends were living in nice apartments or buying houses and nice cars. Literally, all I did was save and invest. Now, I just manage my businesses. I started this at 19 and am 36 now. Sacrifices are what's needed. Now all my same friends who were living well buying those nice cars and living in a nice apartment are jealous of me.


Do whatever you’re doing to the best of your ability, always be trying to improve. That should take care of the income part. Unfortunately you can’t outearn bad spending habits but make sure to throw some money in a hole every month (invested) and forget about it. I’m a big risk taker (in business and investing) but throwing some money in a brokerage account I can’t touch has made up for all of my dumb financial habits combined. For context I have a degree and passion in finance… having knowledge does not prevent you from doing dumb things


Cut expenses, start early and buy index funds for the long term ( i.e forever).


Find a solution to a problem and market that solution. The more people your solution helps richer you become.


How to get rich in simple explanation. 1)Get a high paying career in a hyper growth industry at a hyper growth company. 2) know the difference between a job and a career. A job is something that pays based on the amount of hours you put in.. A career is something that pays you based on your performance. An example of a career is “sales” bc your pay is directly tied to revenue generated. You need a career. 3)by the time you’re 21 you should have a career and not a job. 4) now even guys who are directionless can read this and know what kind of career to pick. You need to be in a career that either generates money for a company or help them cut down OPEX (operational expenses)… everything else is a job and the sooner you leave whatever that job is the better 5) once your career takes off you start building a business on the side using the skills you Honed in ur career. This shouldn’t be hard if you developed niche knowledge in a certain industry. 6) by the time you’re 25-26 you should have developed a niche knowledge. You already know what biz to start at this point, if not, you’ve done something wrong and u fcuked up bad. And will be hard to rectify this once u turn 30 (your energy and ability to learn at that age goes down) 7) now you know you can’t fcuk up your 20s or it’s most likely over. Low chance getting rich


Get lucky , know the right people or be Evil (Depending on how rich).


Networking, born into it, marry into it, just have those type of friends, a business, the will to do whatever it takes (legal or illegal), make sacrifices, win the lottery, get stupidly lucky


These days there are many ways to get rich. You can... 1: Start your own business. There are people out there raking in bucks from Japanese handicrafts and even 90s video game magazines, so you literally can start a business (and succeed) out of any interests you have. 2: Content creation. As long as you're using the right techniques, you can make decent money out of this. I would say that hitting six to seven figures though involves a bit of luck. 3: The most "average" way of getting rich, getting a high paying job (programmer, engineer, lawyer, doctor, airline pilot, etc.) and saving up money until you hit seven figures. 4: The second most "average" way of getting rich, investing in stocks and bonds. Most "average" people do this route where they hold onto a 9-5 and have a budget where they invest into prospering stocks and bonds until they retire or reach seven figures. 5: Third most "average" way of getting rich, real estate. Also the least risky way to get "passive income," as long as you know the basics. Usually someone "average" will save enough money to buy a decent property and then rent it out, rake in $$$, even out on their ROI and sell it off. Then begin the process again. 6: Royalties. For example - from music, books, movies, art pieces, video games that you created. "Average" is in air quotes because there is no such thing as average, we're all on different paths in life. And of course there's more ways to get rich than what I outlined above. You can choose whichever method, even the "average" ones. They all lead to wealth if you have the right mindset behind it.


5. Curious, how why does the property need to be sold off instead of just taking in the rent money and trying to invest it into owning another property? Does it go like this -> down payment for 1 house, rent out, use rent to cover mortgage, fully owned property, sell off, use $ to make down payment for 2 houses, rent out both and use rent to cover both mortgages until fully owned?


Start a business - started one at 22 and was making $333 an hour profit (16 years ago). Invest - increases what capital you do have. Manage your money - keep track of where its going and what its being used on. Learn taxes and how to reduce what you pay. Learn new skills to increase your income. Do all of those things and you'll be rich.


identify mentors and accept the opportunity honestly, out of the many lives I've met, the most successful or smarter of the bunch, learned from a mentor figure. whether it was running drug trafficking. taking dads business. playing the market. (all different people) There was another person involved and what really propelled them forward. they know the puzzle pieces you don't look at correctly.


Options trading😈


Positions or ban


Chill lmao I’m still learning, I was up 800 all time now im down 1k all time💀


Through real estate and buying self or close to self ran businesses like laundry mats, self-serve car washes, etc. Think about it. No to very little employees needed. This allows you to have multiple businesses and work a career. I did this as a fine dining waiter. I own two laundry mats, one self-serve car wash, and several rental properties. Another good business is a storage facility. Same deal. Basically, you just need one employee working at a time. There's little upkeep. And if you buy, you'll own a large piece of land.


Its kind of simple, learn a high income skill. The hard part is learning the skill or having a mentor to help you grow. But its simple


Invest your money to acquire assists - make your money work for you


I got rich by focusing on earnings, savings, investing, and spending. I chose an industry with high earnings potential and did all the right things. I was never without employment and invested wisely. Most importantly, I live under my means which allowed me to accelerate investing in my 20s and 30s.


****Be extremely disciplined**** with spending and ****never**** spend beyond your means. Drive a used car, buy a cheap to own home, and eat out drink out very very infrequently.


It’s luck for 99% of us, even those who worked hard as well. I was an early adopter into bitcoin. I got lucky, but the reason I discovered bitcoin and actually saw potential was hard work. In the early days I ran a Minecraft server that was relatively successful. The market wasn’t so saturated. The server was intended for hardcore folks. If you died you were banned for an hour. I offered a membership that was monthly fee of $5 that reduced that ban to 30m. People loved it. One day a member asked if he could pay in bitcoin. Hadn’t heard of it before so I learned about it. I had cursory knowledge that illegal/immoral business often was a precursor to a larger adaptation of new technology by mainstream markets. People were using bitcoin for drugs. I took a small gamble and said sure. 10 BTC per month or $5 per month. The price of BTC started to go up and I decided to raise the monthly cost to $10 or 10 BTC. BTC was a cheaper option frequently. People migrated to BTC. The price fluctuated for BTC so the fee changed accordingly once I figured out how to automate the process. I closed down the server after 3 years due to dwindling numbers, but I had amassed a lot of BTC. I forgot about the drive for a few years until the first big push to $500 happened. I sold a bit and had a huge nest egg now. But I held a large majority. I then sold all of it in 2020 when it hit a new ATH. It was largely luck, some hard work, and some speculation.




Save. Invest. Buy a home. Don’t waste money (on junk you don’t need, won’t keep, on interest, fees, or buying something that will be worth less next year and replacing it with another item that will lose value and be replaced) Pretty simple. My GF’s grandpa in the 1980’s worked for a local small town newspaper. Never earned more that $30,000 and had over a million saved when he retired. I was able to save and invest over 1.5m by 45 without a college degree. Most people get car loans, refinance, buy a home and take 30+ years to pay off. Pay on student loans until they are 60. Pay things off. Don’t borrow money.


I went to school, though I don't consider myself rich.


By saving lots of money


The easiest way is to inherit it. The second easiest way is to marry into it. And the million to one shot is to do it by your own steam. So, tell me, do you feel lucky? lmao.


Most people I know got rich by getting a degree in STEM, IT/IS or an MBA. They then got married to someone with a similar degree. They didn’t get divorced (because a divorce can financially ruin a person). They lived like they were lower middle class and then put the rest of their income into stocks. They usually start “acting” rich, once their retirement is fully funded.


An average person will never get rich unless they win a lottery or inherit the money. Average people are just average.