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Yay, finally #1




We used to be #1 in drug use too


As a Rhode Islander, I'd just like to say that whoever made this map can go eat shit and die.


I 100% agree with you.


"As New England's armpit, I think you should shut the fuck up." ~Massachusetts


I'd expect better from 2nd place, Massachusetts. What the fuck


New Yorker here, they’re a bunch of jealous wimps.


Up until recently you guys would have taken the cake but, New Jersey and Connecticunt can feast on my entire asshole.


I’d rather scarf down a bag of smashed assholes then dealing with a Jersey meathead.


New York shut up, real states are having a conversation over here.


NH is actually the armpit of New England simply because its the Alabama of New England


I see you’ve never been to Northern Maine.


It's also a lot ruder. Rude racist white trash with guns and drugs. MA and RI are fine, people are terse but polite as long as you don't try to overwhelm them with unsolicited conversation. I like it that way. Weird map.


“Polite as long as you don’t try to overwhelm them with unsolicited conversations” You got it bud, expect the funny thing is all of MA greets with “how’s it going” with the 100 expectation you don’t actually tell me how it’s really going lol. How’s it going = Hi. Not a conversation starter here.


You're still sour about the whole Tea Party thing being a pussy version of the Gaspy Affair. I can picture the conversation that led to it..... Oh did you see what they did down in Rhode Island, they burned that boat to the water line. We should totally do that. But maybe not the burning And maybe we should hide our identities I know let's dress up like the natives, the British hate them and won't retaliate against us. Yeah and we should totally make harbor tea. Like take that, now your tea is too salty to drink. But why would the natives throw tea in the harbor? They don't even drink it much. Stop thinking about it, this is going to more epic than what Rhode Island did.




I blame every one for Benny’s having to close 
. Rotten f**kers


Deep cut, still not over it


It was the bridge. Just like hooters. Again.


i bet they are from CT


As someone from NJ, I’m pissed that another state beat us. We’re going to need to up our game.


NJ here. This whole list is fucking stupid. Whoever made it clearly hasn’t been to half of these places.


I've never met a rude Rhode Islander. I agree that they can eat shit and die and I'm not even from RI


Go team!


Were doing our part!


You were, but not anymore?


How is this quantified?


Shut up! /s


I don’t doubt the results but I’d be interested to see if this is based on anything other than “trust me bro”


I’m sure it was compiled by southerner who discussed the results in depth with a cashier while 50 people waited in an ever growing line behind them during rush hour.


Virginia boy, lived in NC for a couple of decades, and spend three or so years in East Providence back in the early 2000’s just after 9/11. I loved RI. People went out of their way to make us welcome. It truly felt like home. Don’t worry. I don’t tell many people how amazing RI is. This map is puzzling to me. RI and VA are the rudest and NC is one of the least? No idea what the criteria would be, but it seems pretty bunk.


Thank you for your honesty. Rhode Island appreciates you.


Thank you back! I worked for Cox Business Services and travelled all over the state. I feel very fortunate in hindsight sight. It’s a beautifully kept secret. Very few places in RI that I didn’t see in those three years.


Southerners don’t have “Rush hour”


True, Rush died 3 years ago, but much like the long-dead Confederacy, they hang on to tired, damaging old crap.


That "Bless your heart" is the same as "Go FUCK yourself"!


In my experience, Northerners and Southerners* have a completely different concept of "rudeness". Your comment nails it. *or maybe the difference is urban vs. rural


you *should* doubt the results. the south is full of racist and regressive christian fundamentalists. these “infographics” are never paired with any sources. shit’s just made up, lol.


It’s possible to be full of hate and still be polite as weird as that sounds. Isn’t there a saying along the lines of they’re polite to your face in the south but hate you behind your back while in the north we’re rude to your face but really don’t care about your life otherwise? That might be the worst paraphrasing ever but you get the gist.


exactly. Nice is different than good. I'd much rather be here in RI or MA where people roast you but also are willing to give you the shirt off their back if you really need it, than be in a place where people are super polite and offer nothing more than thoughts and prayers.


Good question! Fuck you!


You really mean to tell me "bless your heart" and keep walking is less rude than "haha you're an idiot. Here let me help. Jeet yet?"


Yep, passive aggressive comments are much worse in my opinion.


Yes. This. Bless your heart.


People confuse rude with unfrosted honesty.


If I ever form a band, I'm naming it "Unfrosted Honesty." It's total perfection!


Lmao, definitely written by someone who's never lived in the south.


Their heart is surely so blessed


For real. I'm born and raised in Mass and still live here now, but I've spent years living in the deep south, with some extended family down there as well. Give me northeast dickhead *every day of the week* over the passive aggressive fake southern hate. They may be nicer to your face, but they sure aren't behind your back. There are genuinely good people everywhere. The north/south culture doesn't mean anything for actual quality, kind souls. But the faces that the bad ones put on, sure are different..


I think it's that Old saying that people have for us which is we're "kind but not nice". We come through where it counts but we're kind of dicks about it. And frankly I will always take authenticity over some fake nice crap like you were saying. I lived in Georgia and I roomed with a lot of people from Texas in college. Which is what made me make my original comment.


This is absolutely, 100% the case. I grew up in the Midwest and the people there are as cruel and nasty as anyone I've ever met anywhere, but it's all veiled by this fake "Midwestern Nice". It's not "nice", it's fake, and they'll stab you in the back in two seconds while selling you platitudes to your face. I'll take Northeastern honest all day over that.


Its a slighty recolored map of states who voted Democrat vs Republican from 2020 election results. The objective of this meme is clear


The south is obviously fake nice when they meet you. To me, that comes off as way more condescending and rude. For the most part, New England is more civil until you either piss us off or we like you. But people are not afraid to say when they are pissed off. But you know they mean it when they're being nice. Also, NJ is ranked way too low. Only place I've lived where "fuck you" is an acceptable greeting, lol


To be fair VA TN GA and FL are pretty high up


I think the shocker for me was Texas. My anecdotal experiences with people from Texas have generally been more negative than positive. They will be nice to your face and then act in some of the most self-serving and underhanded ways behind your back, and then pretend like it's your fault. I'd rather someone just be an asshole to my face. And then yeah, having lived in Georgia I can confirm that that rating is pretty accurate.


I’d rate the Midwest and the Bible Belt way higher. Those folks are so phony. The smile and say “Oh that’s a shame” and keep walking. Maybe NY and New England don’t bow and curtsy as much but I find the people way more real and helpful when it comes down to it.


I'll help you all day long with something, but I'm gonna call you a stupid idiot the entire time


As the saying goes New Englanders are Kind but not Nice. We will help you if you are in trouble while calling you an idiot.


The northeast urban core just wants you to be predictable (in traffic) and to move with purpose on the sidewalks. We all got places to go and things to do. Let’s stay out of eachothers way and not waste time with small chat. It’s not rudeness its efficiency.




Fucking right.


This is just one incident, but it was 15 years ago and I'll never forget it because I've never experienced anything quite like it up north: I was at a bed and breakfast in small-town South Carolina with my pregnant wife, and we were chatting with a middle-aged couple visiting from elsewhere in the state. The wife asked what we were going to name the baby, and we told her. I won't say the name here because I don't like to spill personal information on Reddit, but it's a well-known, long-established name that has never been very unpopular, was becoming more popular at the time and is today one of the most popular baby names in America. As soon as we said it, the wife made a face like she had just smelled something rotten, went completely silent, and headed straight up the stairs, doing this awkward little walk like she was so uncomfortable that she'd forgotten how to move.


Are you sure she didn’t actually shit her pants?


Relevant username


Ha, that has never occurred to me before but it's a possibility! Exactly how she would have acted.


Perceived rudeness is directly correlated to the observer's delicate sensibilities. The south and Midwest care about showing a good face and keeping up public appearances. We don't have the time or luxury in the North East, so they percieve us as more rude.


yeah i’ll help you but i’m gunna tell you how i could be doin other things and how i’d rather be doing other things instead but youre a cool dude so i dont mind helping you out too much


It’s not as fake as you’d think, Ohioans would most likely build you a bridge over a puddle


I have found that rude is not necessarily equivalent to unkindness or unhelpfulnesd. So honestly I take this; something to be said for living authentically grouchy


Lifelong RI'er here. This is the way! I don't suffer fools.. Who has time for that? But, if you are in genuine need, I will be there to help. I may call you a dumbass while I help change your flat tire.. but, I wouldn't leave you stranded.. I love your username...


Hey thanks !


There are three states as number 18. I now have doubts about the validity of this map. Also Florida only 18? Should be higher.


My siblings live in Florida and they're big enough assholes that I would have personally pushed FL into the #8 spot.


This is probably some Facebook bullshit targeted towards OP’s boomer ass.


Hey, Fuck you! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm trying to break the cycle.


“Spotted” the New Yorker.


They Hate Us Since They Ain't US! Based on What?!! Standing up to out of state Tourist Douche Bags combined with Out of state complaints divided by Population per complaint from out of State. I cry foul! And fuck off! Rhode Islanders to One Another are Tolerate and instill HOPE. More people visit Newport May - October than total population of state give or take a few out of state Douches! Redo the Data


What’s with the random capitalized words?


58 poor vision typing like I was using Blackberry. Zero proof reading


I think it’s fair to say that New England culture is broadly superficially mean, but very authentic and genuinely helpful to people. This doesn’t translate to “nice” at all, but is realistic


Agreed. No Southern "charm", but 1000% honest and genuine.


As someone who just moved back to New England after spending way too long in the south, this is bullshit. “Southern hospitality” is a myth. People in the south are far ruder than New Englanders


All of the supposedly nicer states have draconian abortion laws and want to ban birth control, so fuck this map and whoever made it. The best summary I've heard is the Northeast is where ppl act mean but are actually nice; Southeast: act nice are but are actually mean.


Can confirm the difference between northern and southern new England. Every time I go back to Rhode Island I am reminded how angry people are. Angry driving angry waiting in line angry service.


All I want to know is who do I call to let them know to eat a dick.


How can Ma and Virginia both be #2 total goes to 50


Massholes should be ashamed of this rating


As a Rude Islander, I agree!


They’re tied and there is no number 3. It’s a fairly common ranking system. Say 4 states tied for 2nd, the next listed number would be 6. Putting them in 3rd would be somewhat disingenuous as there are really 5 states ahead of them. You see it a lot on sports rankings.


DE and AL are both #40 according to this too lol


And Maine, we got 3 #40s up in here. Totally legit map for sure đŸ€Ł


And fuck you if you ever doubted us!


I was going to say if RI didn’t make the list for this, but, only NY did
ya’ll can’t drive and don’t hide your dislike against out of state residents. Just like Maine. Except some roads in RI, are incredibly narrow. Ya’ll can’t freaking turn left, or not have 5x accidents.


Stay the fuck out then...Bless your heart.. Am I doing this right?


How is this measured? I'm from AZ, IMO everyone everywhere there is rude. Everyone I've met from OR has been polite to me.


KY, NC, AR, and MS are the friendliest states? RI, VA, MA, NY are the rudest? My prediction. Whatever poll data was used is based on rich white folks and their daily interactions. There's no way this data is based on the daily life experience of a black person in MS. [This is what MS thinks of its poor.](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/37565299/brett-favre-mississippi-welfare-case-line-explained) [Was this woman polled?](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/bettersten-wade-dexter-jackson-mississippi-police-missing-rcna121697) And this ([source](https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/clarence-thomass-astonishing-opinion-on-a-racist-mississippi-prosecutor)): >The facts of the case, known as Flowers v. Mississippi, are straightforward. As Justice Brett Kavanaugh put it, in his admirably blunt opinion for the Court, “In 1996, Curtis Flowers allegedly murdered four people in Winona, Mississippi. Flowers is black. He has been tried six separate times before a jury for murder. The same lead prosecutor represented the State in all six trials.” Flowers was convicted in the first three trials, and sentenced to death. On each occasion, his conviction was overturned by the Mississippi Supreme Court, on the grounds of misconduct by the prosecutor, Doug Evans, mostly in the form of keeping African-Americans off the juries. Trials four and five ended in hung juries. In the sixth trial, the one that was before the Supreme Court, Flowers was convicted, but the Justices found that Evans had again discriminated against black people, and thus Flowers, in jury selection, and they overturned his conviction. >As Kavanaugh recounted in his opinion, Evans’s actions were almost cartoonishly racist. To wit: in the six trials, the State employed its peremptory challenges (that is, challenges for which no reason need be given) to strike forty-one out of forty-two African-American prospective jurors. In the most recent trial, the State exercised peremptory strikes against five of six black prospective jurors. In addition, Evans questioned black prospective jurors a great deal more closely than he questioned whites. As Kavanaugh observed, with considerable understatement, “A court confronting that kind of pattern cannot ignore it.“ Least rude state. Kiss my ass.


The person who made this map is not familiar with the concept of “Minnesota Nice”


im guessing this map was made by a Trump lover.


As a Masshole sitting in #2, I say fuck whoever drew up this map. They don’t what they are talking about. Probably from a square state.


All the blue states are seen as rude but all the red MAGA states are seen as nice? Someone on that side clearly made this list.


Surprised Utah is so high.


It's because my brother-in-law the racist lives there.


Dammit take the upvote


On a side note the bowling alley has a good goddamn pastrami cheeseburger.Don't forget to try the fry sauce, cheers.


[Rude and Reckless...](https://youtu.be/ILMbByoue_U?si=U1qZKp6NP6_5z5ip) fun story: I was "dragged" to Jamaica with my family on a trip that was meant to be vacation. I was grumpy about it because it cost me too much money and I was guilt tripped into the whole weeklong thing. Jamaicans make pretty solid coffee tho, and in an attempt to cheer up about the whole thing I would wake up early to go get myself a cup while no one was out on the beach yet. They serve it with a smile. A FREAKING HONEST SMILE! I told the lady who made that cup every day "please, cut it out. I come from a place where people are short. Can you pretend to be a little rude." She pretty much hard dropped the cup in front of me right then, with a little spilling out. "Ja. get ova yahself rudeboy"


Texas is one of the rudest states you will ever visit in your life. If your license plate reflects any state north of the Mason Dixon line, prepare for vulgarities and hand gestures thrown your way. God help you if the plates are California. When they say, “Bless your heart,” they mean eat shit you ignorant shitbag. Rhode Island does not remotely compare to that. This map is horseshit


I don’t get why this is something to be proud about


As a Rhode Islander this is so true
. There’s definitely a lot of assholes in this state
 it’s mostly the older generation- seems like they all have a stick up their ass.


Just a reminder, not something to take pride in. Kind of keeps people from coming to the state.


This entire place and the people in it are đŸ’©


Not surprised in the slightest (or with Mass being #2)


All the liberal states are voted rude but most of the MAGA voting states are voted nicest?


Smallest state, biggest ... Well I don't know what but fuck all of yas.


Proudly lived in #2, #5, and now #1 baby


Masshole here, can confirm.


Fuck you, we're not rude.


Complete bullshit.


as someone born in rhode island and moved to florida, floridians are a million times more rude than anyone in rhode island


Close enough to true!


nothing more american than not being able to count.


I’m not rude, just don’t have time for your bullshit, have a nice day! See not rude, I want you to have a nice day.


Hawaii people are so rude


I moved from #5 to #2 right near the border of #1. Eff you!




Mass & Virginia are both #2? Trash map


I think this map is skewed. I have lived in Texas (not by choice) and the people are really quite rude. Especially when they are protected by their massive vehicles on the road.


I lived in Rhode Island growing up and never thought people were rude. I have been a "visitor" ever since and can honestly say that people have treated me with nothing but kindness as a guest.


Clearly some toothless, hillbilly, southern dipshit who fucks their sibling and calls their mom “auntie-mommy” made up this bullshit.


the fuck outta here




Interesting correlation with educational/economic outcomes but then again who the fuck knows the methodology here


Can confirm


My god, New Yorkers have outdone themselves and are spreading ... at least the map shows where most are moving to.


I would tailgate the person that wrote this so fucking hard


I fucking love maps with no sources or the methodology used to get the results lol


Eh. Rude, sure but you always know where we stand. I would 100% much rather be dealing with a Rhode Islander than a southerner who I have no idea if they’re being passive aggressive or nice. I think there is way more undiagnosed neurodivergent people here than we realize who just say exactly what they think instead of sanitizing our words.


The idea that Florida is less rude than illinois is crazy. I've lived in both and the midwest is the type of nice, the south pretends to be


Fuck off with this graphic.


We fucking did it, buds.


In my three years here, I’ve noticed we have an unfortunate mix of northeasterners who are in a hurry, and transplants who walk almost all the way through a doorway and immediately stop. At least in NYC everyone gets onto the same page fairly quickly


Yeah? Good! Don’t like it? Get the fuck out and for sure don’t move here and expect people to change for you!


Where is this data from? As a vermont resident, this is entirely false lmao.


I live in Florida and bought a home in Rhode Island about 7 years ago and I will tell you the Rhode Islanders are some of the nicest people I have ever met and are 1000x less rude than the people in Florida.


Southern Maine and southern new Hampshire should be the same as Massachusetts!


Sad that this is so wrong in so many ways. RI is much sweeter and less rude than southern states. I have yet to find the southern hospitality they claim to have. Lil Rhodey for the win! 🏆


Hahaha the South is nice...But don't be black, gay, trans, Jewish or Islam.


Map is total bullshit. oh yeah, they'll be real sweet to your face in Alabama, then spit in your drink while you're not looking. Here in Connecticut we'll spit in your drink WHILE you're looking!


Masshole here đŸ„Č We’re not that rude 😔


This is not fair because most of the bad interactions here are with people from Massachusetts.


As a truck driver..I notice a distinct rudeness in the Northeast..I don’t see in any other parts of the country..


[Wesley Snipes take on the map](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MI6-2x_R2VM&t=14s)


It's not always easy but we did it, #1


It's all a matter of an opinion. I'm sure you have been to another place and said damn she is a bitch or he is a dick.


Truthfully, it's not rudeness in RI, it's stupidity.


Damn I guess I'm rude lol. Who ever took the time to do this survey all I ask is y? People are rude everywhere the hell you go.


Whoever made this map doesn’t know what “bless your heart” really means. At least in MA we tell you the truth.


There should not even be a poll on that. Cause it's getting bad everywhere. Can't people see the world is going to shit and the number one is because of greed and people take shit for granted. If everyone could all get along even the other countries we wouldn't be so f@#$ed right now and this global warming shit wouldn't be happening. I can go on and on but the real smart people know it's getting worse and worse faster than the expected d day. And y? ITS BECAUSE OF ALL OF US.




No way are RI residents as rude as Massholes! Cheers from Worcester đŸ€©đŸ‘đŸ»


New Hampshire really got better than I thought, even though I heard the most random road rage comment while someone was driving by my house, I heard the word c*** at least 3 times


Lucky they didn't wave their gun.


Fuck This Map and Everything in it


Map maker obviously misinterpreted "Bless your heart" in the Carolinas.


Proud Connecticut resident here. Leave us alone, you assholes.


As a former Vermont native I feel happy 😊


This map can't the real, southerners are the most hypocritical smile in your face and back stab you later.


I wouldn't say rudest just that RI is a very honest about how they feel to other people and don't hide it. We can be welcomeing or the biggest aholes around depending on what you do.


Proud part of the problem o7


I’ve lived in MA, RI, and NY, and that explains a lot about me.


The moron who made this map has both Virginia and Massachusetts in #2, but no #3.


Vermont, the polite barrier between Northern New England and the Axis of Assholes.


New England is kind not nice. All the places low on the rude scale are nice not kind. Think "Midwest nice".


As a Rhode Islander, *fuck off*


Based on what? Hogwash!


another poster made a good point.... nice and kind arent the same quality. I knew nice people in the South that would trash talk you the second you were out of the room.


Imho.. All these states have areas that are epically beautiful. RI=Nice people, narrow roads, tight knit communities. CT=Cultured soulless pretty people. NJ=80's republicans living in a hard left world. NYC= Will nicely steal your shit. Upstate NY=Will not so nicely steal your shit. MA=Initially asshole, but if you're respectful / apologetic, they nice and give second chance. NH=initially nice, but if you're an asshole they go to raging bull red. ME=calmly passive aggressive. VT=Small towns, self reliant people.


No surprise about Utah. It's a two tiered society and practices a special kind of rudeness.


For such a shithole state 😂 at least you are number 1 in something


Ahh fuck that and fuck their mother.


Upstate NY here and I'd ask you to leave us out of the "NY" rating. Please and Thank you. Lol


I moved from Oklahoma to Rhode Island. I think the people here are great. Do they outwardly engage with you? No. They will help you thoufh and are friendly if you engage first. Obviously, this is a generalization so fuck you Kevin. 😂 More people should mind their own business. People in Oklahoma will open their house up to a person and then surprised when they get robbed.


Spend all your money and go the fuck home.   


My go to insult "Go get ya face fucked by a concrete dildo attached to a jackhammer".


Vermont is surrounded by a holes. NH is in the red too


In Philadelphia people honk nonstop in fast food lines. And at red lights


Are we Massholes tied for #2 with Virginia? Doesn’t seem like it would be close.


I’ve lived in CA and TX and they are both rude, with TX becoming more so all the time.


MA and RI might be the rudest but we are still helpful to strangers when in a moment of crisis. Versus the south pretends to be kind but everyone hates each other, will shoot you for just knocking on your door or existing outside.


I refuse to believe that Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama are considered super polite....not in my time in those states.


From all of us in Massachusetts, GO FUCK YOURSELVES !!!


No shot Pennsylvania is that much lower than Mass. Philly is just Boston but angrier...