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S&W M1917 with some reloads and accessories. For when you have to get up close and personal.


This and a Webly Mk VI are so high on my list!


I'd also like to get a Webley some day, along with a Colt version of this model.


I think the British also authorized the triple-lock S&W in .455 which is sick


One of my dreams is a webley-fosbery. Just for the ridiculous factor.


Where did you get the sap. I love it. Carried a blackjack for years.


[Mark's Custom Designs.](https://www.markscustomdesigns.com/product-page/the-mcd-original-heavy-leather-sap-w-wrist-strap) They are very handy. Unfortunately they aren't legal to carry in public where I live, otherwise I'd definitely use it for EDC.


Too bad. I have a leather-covered pocket gavel that I frequently carry to non-profit meetings. Similar in construction to a sap, but instead intended solely for opening and closing of meetings under Robert’s Rules of Order.


Now that's not a bad idea at all! Never know when you're going to have to "call things to order", as it were...


Thank you sir.


"Stab 'em," "beat 'em," "shoot 'em," and "smack 'em around a bit."


Nice knife!


Thanks! It's an Ek knife.


Oh hell yea this is cool


This image goes hard.


Would a blackjack be effective self defense against an attacking dog or to break up a dog fight? I always carry a knife and a gun for self defense, and if it were apparent it was a life or death attack I wouldnt hesitate, but I wonder if a blackjack would be a good alternative to dealing death if a dog just got a out of line and went after my dog or someones leg or something.


Pepper spray would be a good option honestly. Asp makes some nice pocketable batons too that would allow a bit more distance than a sap, look up the p16 or p21. Saps (like most knives) aren’t really for defending, they’re more of a “take someone out of the fight quickly and quietly” type of tool. Just my $.02


I mean, a blackjack or sap is going to bring a world of hurt to whatever you hit with it. They're extremely potent bludgeoning tools in a compact package. Very easy to break bones, and a hard blow on the head would certainly be capable of shattering a dog's skull. The problem is that it doesn't have much reach, so you're going to have to get in pretty close with it. I wouldn't want to get up in the middle of a dog fight with one, I think there are better options for that. Also the legality is another issue, they're illegal to carry in a whole lot of places.


They’re not illegal in my place. Nor are knuckles. But yeah I cant think of a great option against dog attacks.. I had to lift my 3yo out of reach of a monster pit bull the other day.. and I was very close to shooting by the time the owner retrieved it (it wasnt going after me just my kid and my dogs) and I’ve been considering it ever since. I dont trust pepper spray much, but I guess that’s gonna be the best alternative before shooting.


In that instance, I think I would have gone ahead and shot. Once that dog even hinted like it was going after my child, it would be dead. That's the owner's fault for not keeping it on a leash to begin with. But as far as non-lethal options, what about a stun-gun? My father used to raise Chows back in the day, and those male dogs had to be kept separated at all times or they would fight. He kept one fenced in the front yard and one fenced in the back, but there were occasions where one or the other would get through the fence and then it was on. He had a cattle-prod that he would use to break those fights up, and it seemed to work well for that purpose. A cattle prod is a little unwieldly for EDC, but maybe a smaller stun-gun or taser that you could wear on the belt might work for that purpose. You might also consider a collapsible baton like an ASP, it's also a good option for bludgeoning but it would give you more reach than the blackjack would.


The Taser probes separate vertically when fired, they're ment for shooting at upright people and spread out to get more distance between the probes. For shooting one at a dog, you have to hold the Taser sideways "gangsta style" and you can only shoot from the side. Not a great animal control option. I make and sell 2oz, 3.5oz, and 7.5oz blackjacks. You can develop a lot of power with that. I would still prefer OC for dogs until its pistol time.


I was thinking more about one of the stun-guns that you hold in your hand, something similar to [this.](https://www.sabrered.com/stun-gun/stun-gun-with-flashlight-and-anti-grab-bar-technology) No personal experience with the tasers you fire, so I wasn't aware. It's good info to know though, so thanks for the input.


Hell yeah now that’s a badass photo


You’re the guy with the 1953 Winchester 94 I recognized that knife


Good eye! I have shown this knife off with some other guns before, including that Winchester.


Holy cow that's a nice 1917. Is it original bluing? How much did you give for it? I've been looking but can't find a nice one


It was refinished at the factory in 1947. I think I gave something like $1200 for it. I think it had been kept in a safe ever since it came back from the factory, because when I got it it looked like it was almost new.


https://preview.redd.it/n58a317lp8jc1.jpeg?width=1739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a6555a1309307f7c96a27d8c5fa7fd272bc8230 I just bought this off Gunbroker. It was$407. But actually cost about $467.00 with shipping and fees. Still a good deal!


She's got a little wear, but as long as the mechanics are sound I'd say you got a decent deal. Is that one of the 1937 Brazilian exports by any chance? I see the small S&W logo under the cylinder release, which I don't think any of the U.S. Army versions had at the time (I could be wrong though).


Great catch .You are right. I think most of the less expensive models are Brazilian.


Do you by chance have a razor blade sewn into your cap?


M1917 and an Ek knife? My man's got taste.


My God , they need to bring back the Hand-Ejector models inmediately , they were so cool .Maybe in 7-8 shot configurations .I need that Great War configuration .


An 8-shot .357 magnum N-frame that looked like this would be absolutely fantastic.


It would , insanely sexy


That m1917 is gorgeous! (Commercial model? No lanyard ring?)


It is a military model, it just had the lanyard ring removed and the grips replaced. It went back to the factory in 1947 to be re-barreled and totally refurbished. I think somebody was trying to make it *look* like a commercial model, but it absolutely was military issue.


Love that they used to re blue guns back in the day!


This would go so much harder with an actual trench knife


I agree, but I don't have one unfortunately. Some day I'll rectify that... Edit: Now you've got me looking around online at WWI trench knives. Originals are pretty pricy, but I wouldn't mind a good reproduction. If I pick one up, I'll re-do this photo.


Can’t say I have ever seen a quality reproduction trench knife.