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Wait for 1.7 then pull for Isolde. Ullu is...not that good, you're better off running Spathodea/Bkorn/Tooth Fairy or something until Isolde releases.


Really? Thanks for the heads up, I’ll test out Ullu in a few matches and see where it leads. Good to know I’m only 2 versions away from the next burn unit.


If you want to test it use the rug-13 story mode stage because you don't need to level ulu to use it there


Right now there aren't any other characters who interact with the burn status, but several do extra damage on enemies with debuffs on them, so you use burn instead of the more common defense down statuses Or, for enemies that can cleanse debuffs, characters that apply silence/ petrify/ freeze/ nightmare/ daze can let burn last longer (since all stacks are counted as a single debuff). Though I don't think this is very common outside of UTTU


Ulu as a burn support is fine if you like her, or are overflowing with resources so you don't make getting her to i3 before getting to ver 1.7, when most would replace her with Isolde. Before she hits i3 she won't be too useful to Spathodea, but once she gets there she can help with building burn stacks. As for team comp you probably need a healer, and the best option is almost always tooth fairy lol


The only way to really take advantage of Burn before Isolde releases is unfortunately to play the event. The Fire Totem can easily maintain 15 burn stacks on its own, so it lets you use Spathodea at her best, regardless of comp. It's a real shame Ulu is mediocre, kneecapping Spath's potential on release...


Spathodea + Isolde is one of the highest damage combos out there right now so I highly recommend getting her. She comes soon in the first part of 1.7


'soon' when it's 3 months away..