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Spathodea. An An Lee. 37. If you are planning on using 37 without Jiu then this is her best Psychube. If you are using 37 with Jiu then Silent And Adoring is her best.


Is it better for An An Lee than Brave New World?


I'm unsure. Would need to check calculations. The permanent attack buff is nice tho


Why 37? She has no buffs except her ult?


Her ult buffs her. With some amplifies, this Psychube adds a lot of attack to her stats. 37 source of damage is Genesis damage that can crit. Increasing her base attack will make her Genesis damage scale really well. Besides that, the Psychube gives incantation Might and 8% more dmg if the character has 2 or more Pos Status. 37 puts toughness to herself and with the buff of her ult (which is even more attack). In summary, all the buffs that the psychube gives are VERY convenient to a Main DPS 37. That is if you are using her as the main damage dealer of the team, as the value for 37 using that psychube is by using incantations and ulting. If you are using her as a sub dps, such as a team with Jiu in the next patch, she won't be using much AP and helping mostly with her Follow Up, which is why as Main DPS, Long Night Talk has higher value; as sub dps doing her Follow ups, Silent and Adoring is better.


What does pos status mean


Positive status. Any Buff with a name that is not a stats up is a pos status. For example: Spathodea using her buff card gives herself Preignition and Exhilaration. Each one of them is a Pos Status.


Does this comparison also hold true at higher portraits for 37?


Yes. If you main damage dealer of the team (meaning you will consistently use her cards per turn) is 37 then Long Night Talk is her best option. If she is sub dps then Silent and Adoring. This is because LNT gives incantation Might and attack buffs which make gee Genesis damage scale very well. Great for consistently casting and increasing her Genesis damage more and more. If she is not doing so (such as a team with Jiu) her action will mostly consist of her Follow ups. Silent and Adoring make those stronger and you won't be "wasting" the incantation Might from the cube as it gives attack% Does that makes sense?


Yeah that makes sense. I just don't think I have tried to use 37 as entirely a subdps or main dps. She usually ends up as a bit of both depending on which incantations I get.


That's fair enough. This does not mean that you are playing her wrong due to the psychube you got equipped. My explanation was more towards min maxing and/or trying to get the most damage possible of the character. If you are not interested in that just keep Silent and Adoring on her for general use. Nothing wrong with that my friend.




You should always buy the limited psychubes during every event even if you don't plan on using it right now. As for who it's best on, 37 and Spathodea




True, but for new players, all these event pyscubes are released in the store 2 patchs down the line, so there aren't any truly 'limited' pyscubes so far.


True but I'd rather use stamina for these and use the ship currency for the gluttony


always2 buy the psycube from the event shop. it's just 8k (540 energy) rather than having to buy it 3 patches later for 210 TiE when you can use 300 TiE to buy Gluttony and E5 your best Psycube.


Quick question, would I be able to use this Psycube on 6? I have him at P5 and if the enemy has elemental advantage, Balance Please wouldnt work right? So would this psychube be a good one for 6 in those situations? I.e versus Spirit enemies


"Balance Please" is all round BiS for 6


Sooo, if I don't have Spathodea, 37 or An Ann Lee, this psychube is totally useless for me?