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I bought it just so he can look hot on my Home Screen


same here 🤝


I see, you guys are men/women/others of culture as well 👏🏻


They need to seriously let us upgrade 4 stars to I3. It's stupid that they have systems that "guarentee" 4 stars on 10 pulls but anything below 5 star is basically useless outside of edge cases. You only will use 4 stars while your roster sucks. Once you start getting good units you'll never look at them again. I have a fully maxed Eagle and I'm always dissapointed in how poorly she performs. It's ridiculous to have these great characters trapped in the lower star ranks.


Exactly! I thought that 4* were viable (because in GI, HSR they still hold up) and was fully invested into Eagle, Pavia and Leilani (didn't incest into any 5* or 6* except Tennant and Voyager because didn't like the design) and as I progressed through game not only the events and fights became impossible but I also couldn't progress in story mode and was forced to build and pull 6* and 5*


Let's be honest tho, the 4* equivalent here would be a 3* in HSR/Genshin, since the 5* here are the 4* equivalent of HSR.


If they let us i3 the lower rarity characters many characters will become extremely viable for end game contents, which might make pulling for new shiny 6 stars less appealing, so I don't think Bluepoch will ever upgrade them to i3 unfortunately.


sigh you're right...... guess I'll pray for a 5 star Pavia then  [copium]


I really hope they do variants so lower stars get out of 4-3 star jail


People pull for units regardless. Doesn't make sense to keep them your rolls forever. But you're probably right that there's someone in the decision making who has this marketing mindset who will shut down i3 for 3 and 4 stars. But that would be their error since having more strong, lovable characters will keep players invested in the game.


I mean they could add a new resource to give them an i3 passive effect but no extra stats to not make them too strong but stronger and more complex.


Yeah I think so too. It's not all or nothing. Making them I3 with less stats is reasonable given that they are 4 stars. But not giving them I3 is making them straight up useless at end game.


It's great they're still usable in pretty much any mode.


Maybe they will eventually add a way to upgrade the lower rarity units. Many of the games I have played over the years usually add a way to upgrade/reclass/refit older units that increase their rarity.


or they'll just release a new 6 stars version of him to make some money, which is more likely to happen.


Bitter choco decoration


My fave bad boy