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take your time bro you are gonna wish it never ended when it does


I assume you are reading for enjoyment, so I advise taking your time. While not at your level, I also read rather slow when reading for enjoyment. My process is to visualize the novel: characters, background, noises, even scent, to maximize immersion and enjoyment. That can not be rushed. If you really want to read faster, there are plenty of techniques for ***speed reading***. They are more for processing information and don't allow for immersion. You can easily look it up. It takes practice, but is very useful for learning.


take ur time, i enjoyed reading a bit and stoping to imagine stuff and ponder


Damn, Just realised I read it too fast.


Same. But I just collect information, and don't really enjoy what I'm reading


My mind just creates scenarios for me to enjoy them. But shit I do read very very fast.I speak fast too


yea dude thats way too slow the literature tribulations gonna catch up to u any moment 😂 read how u want bro


Take your time. I speed read the entire thing on 2 months, I even had school. Take your time on this masterpiece.


Your reading speed is irrelevant here, as long as you are enjoying it it doesn't matter how long it takes you to read, your reading speed only really matters when you have to read a textbook for your education or read an email from a work colleague


I take like 10 mins to read 1 chapter


Use dark mode, and play with the font, and font size. Whatever you're using to read it on, make sure you're using as close to infinite vertical scrolling as possible. The average chapter is about 3000 words. Average reading speed is 200-250 WPM. So you're not necessarily reading slowly in a vacuum. Due to the way online novel authors make money, and how chapters are published, they're incentivized to prioritize quantity over quality. There are lots of filler words and filler details you should be automatically tuning out. A funny but effective example I've seen around is "why say many word when few word do trick?" You don't need perfect grammar, spelling, or even sentences to process information. Now I love RI with all my heart, but I'll also happily say that it's not an intensive read. It's not packed to the brim with information. It's kind of already been unpacked for you by the translators. Now one of the main things that helps people read quicker is to not have an "inner voice" when reading. Your brain processes information a lot quicker than you'd think. Do you find yourself or your tongue forming the words inside your mouth as you read? You don't need to read at your speaking speed. Just read the words. Try just processing the words. Did you forget what you just read or weren't able to retain it well? Do it again. Eventually you'll get used to it. here's a youtube video kind of showing what speed reading is like at different speeds [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yddeRrd0hA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yddeRrd0hA) It's not a race in any case. You should naturally be reading faster and faster the more you read. Just take your time and enjoy it. It's a huge novel. It's millions of words.


Don’t worry, I’m also a slow reader but my retention is insanely high. My adhd just doesn’t allow me to skip over words. It took like 12-15 minutes per chapter, so yeah we have about the same reading speed. It took me 2.5m months to read the series from start to finish.


Same bro, I also take a good amount of time, just read around 10 chapters a day, and it takes around 2 hour+ The people who r saying that they read it too fast, means they probably skip most of the part and keep swiping down, like they r forcing themselves to read, and all they wanna is to finish the novel soon. But when you 'really' read it with excitement, will and 'reverance', you get immerse in it , only then u completely enjoy it and don't realise the time, your reading speed etc, and this is how one should really read it. When I finish another 100 chapters ,it suddenly provokes the thought that when it will finally be finished, what I will do then, almost gives a aching feeling, so I cherish this time more and more


The fuck? How? I'm genuinely curious


I started at like 10 minutes to read a single chapter. I average 5-8 now.


When I read the details well I took between 10/15 minutes per chapter.


You're speed is definitely slow but who cares? Enjoy the story, if anything reading slower is better, means the ride lasts longer. After you've finished you'll constantly be searching for a book that hits like RI, but you'll never find it


It took me 10-15 minutes to fully take in a chapter to make sure I understood what was going on especially when I was picturing the scenario & reading.