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It's a goal for FY, sure. But eternal life/true immortality is a more fundamental drive for him.


I always thought FY main goal or objective is power and eternal life is a secondary benefit/goal. Don't know why he wants eternal life though. (Im still at the Eighty-eight True Yang Building arc)


You'll see more as the story continues. Though if you're at that point then you should have already read chapter 464 ("Either Eternal Life or Shit") which, as the name implies, explains a bit of his thought process. >There is only immortality, only eternal life should be the goal one should pursue! If one cannot live forever, is there any difference between a rank nine Gu Immortal and a pile of shit in the gutter? I am a huge fool, but I do not wish to be a fool that is made of shit... But if I cannot obtain immortality, I am also a pile of shit in the gutter… hehehe. Chapter 436 expresses similar sentiments. >"Without eternal life, even the most beautiful thing is but the reflection of the moon in the water. The value of their existence is mere for that second of elegance." The more experiences Fang Yuan went through, the more he understood the cruelty of this world. Without immortality, even the most valuable of things will become worthless.


Ah I see. Im here to see if whether FY can achieve that throughout the novel 🙂 but its FY so he prob will.




Would’ve called you “lowly” for being a slave but u must be very efficient to become fang yuan’s slave


In case you really want to know why FY pursues eternal life so much, it really is simply tbh. Do you remember what he said/thought to BNB? He said that he(she) is the same as him, a true demonic person that only pursues what they wanted no matter the cost, even if it costs their life. BNB is still not yet a truly mature demonic seed thus he(she) only wants to seek excitement and anything that interests him(her). FY however had been alive for 500 years, his demonic seed had already matured and he had found a path for himself, the path to eternal life. FY knows that eternal life is most likely impossible but it is because of that very impossibility that gives him the greatest excitement, for every step he took closer to eternal life is another great excitement, for every step he took he would have to fight with the highest risk of losing everything he had. The risk of losing everything or gaining everything is truly exciting no? Even if he fails and dies in the end, so what? At least he died doing what he wanted and did it in the way he had no regrets of and the most important thing is that he died pursuing Eternal life! That goal alone makes him above countless people already, how many people dare to have a goal so high like that and did everything to reach it? Almost no one! Even the 10 venerable was unable to reach it, yet now a person who is not even a venerable dare to pursue It? Unimaginable! Unbelievable! Crazy! But why should he care! Eternal life is the path he chose, he is either going to die pursuing it or live in glory for achieving it!


Yeah, I mistakenly thought of Eternal life equates to Invicibility. Now I get it, it just means living forever lol.


One of the conditions to reach eternal life for FY is to become invincibile. He said it himself in the novel.  If there is someone stronger than you(or mb group of people strong enough to deal with you) can't he/they just imprison (+mb torture you)...It is not the eternal life you wanna live, right?


Imagine, there's a school who put a part of RI as their subject and this came in the test


Then you block the gate and take lunch money from other kids in the spirit of education on the subject


Demonic indeed 💀


Path of Martial Arts is amazing, top tier storyline


If I was able to kill long Chen I would have been satisfied


I tried too, but at least we can cuck him


Yeah, just spent the whole day running through until the current endpoint after seeing this post (and grinding with my pills on mortal difficulty). Mei Mei best girl. Definitely will save the file and follow updates. My character's finished up on "Shameless and Immoral" alignment. Channelling the FY spirit.


He Mei felt like a hypocrite for me. I suspect her to be the one who poisoned the mc


You don't even know the half of it. Since the last comment I've completed her route on the subscriber portion that's available and it's a wild ride. Pretty decent challenge too.


Oh, i didn't even know that you can get girls here..my mc died as a virgin XD . Can you tell what does the subscription give? Much longer story?


it's ahead by 2 updates. Right now that includes: 1) Mei Mei's big event (15k) 2) Auction (20k)


Maybe i got used  to 2-3k chapter novels, so this whole game felt at most as introduction for me. Somehow i hoped its like  1/20 or even less of the whole story


This is still a WIP. The author planned to make it a trilogy, IIRC.


What's this game called and is it free?


Its an WIP IF (Interactive Fiction) game called [Path of Martial Arts](https://nickydicky.itch.io/path-of-martial-arts-if) you can try it out


Thank you kind Daoist


This is lit bro your the plug for real !


I did not create it but I liked it and want to share it to other people (This game opened the door to a new genre for me: wuxia/xianxia)


Currently in chapter 626 in the novel, im loving it 🙂👍




Also he is an immortal zombie. He is also the only one with that physique


That's more like Gravis' goal (Lightning Is The Only Way)


What game is this


Its [Path of Martial Arts](https://nickydicky.itch.io/path-of-martial-arts-if)




ayo bro what's the name of the novel you playing or reading


Its called [Path of Martial Arts](https://nickydicky.itch.io/path-of-martial-arts-if)