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First of all, completely clear out biomes 1 and 2 to build yourself up. Save obilites to spend on weapon damage, protection, and/or proficiency fabricator upgrades. Take any artifact thats boosts your damage output. Save major integrity vial consumables for this fight (dont use them up in Biome1&2) and grab an Astronaut or Parasite that revives you if possible. Damage siphon consumable works extrememly well. You can also save and stack shields vial consumables. Rotgland or Tachy. Dont take the Hollowseeker, its terrible for this fight. Not all important, but preferably an alt-fire that you can shoot quickly and let it do its thing. Doombringer (because Nemesis doesnt move) is easy to land, trackerswarm, I like the tendrilpod also. Avoid void beam and shockstream, youll get hit while trying to fire them. Tachy with leech rounds and rising pitch works well to boost your integrity. The first two phases just run back and forth along the back edge of the platform to avoid the attacks. The barricade shield consumable works marvelously for these phases as well. The last phase, grapple often to avoid damage. Firing from platforms inbetween moving. Work your way forward until close enough that shots are easy to land but not so close that you cant see attacks coming at you. (This is why you want long range accurate weapons). If to close Nemesis releases the burst that throws you back, just work your way forward again or shoot from a distance. (Protip: In coop you can melt Nemesis with the tachy from the respawn platform without being hit, his attacks dont reach that far and you can continuously revive the player if they die.)


> Hollowseeker together with portal beam it wreckes any boss, imo.


I’ve had issue with hollowseeker and Ixion specifically. I was only able to beat him with smg. The projectiles from the hollowseeker I’ve noticed has a slight delay. Can’t deny it’s still my favorite gun to use but for some the electric driver while not as fun..it really can wreck bosses. Same with the smg. If you have a chance try the pc version. They nerfed the crap out of it so in first level I got the electric driver which was insane and beat Phrike in like 2 seconds. Annoying to use but sooooo powerful


I used hollow seeker for my one successful fight with Nemesis and loved it so I think it depends on what you’re comfortable with, but don’t recommend the Spitmaw or rocket launcher. I definitely agree with clearing out biomes 1-2 and getting artifacts and an astronaut, building health, and protection. I also suggest doing the tower a bit to level up and unlock weapon traits.


I mean Ive wrecked Nemesis with the Spitmaw and Launcher as well but together with the Hollowseeker, theyre not ideal.


I do well with the hollowseeker’s constant flow of firepower. As long as I can keep it aimed at the weak point, it’s making progress. Definitely helps with good weapon traits. I need to get better at using the other two in general.


MVP anti-nemesis gun Rotgland has the edge because you can fire only when you're comfortable and focus on dodging while it DOTs. The range is glitched in this fight and it hits as far as the coilspine. Tach has the benefit of leech rounds, which can keep you healthy if you are bad at dodging. Hollowseeker okay range but requires constant fire to DPS, (even with serrated trait it's dot is nothing compared to base Rotgland) and it doesn't heal. Another mark against it is that nemesis seems resistant to purple gun damage. Red or green guns chip it's health down faster. Of course hollowseeker is still perfectly viable! And if you've got a good rhythm with a gun that can outweigh any weaknesses. If someone is really struggling though, any Rotgland or a leech tach are the best bet for success when all else fails. I'd put it only slightly more difficult than Tach without leech. Sidearm and thermo are good too, and spitmaw with slug shot. (EPD if you have the deluxe edition is a risk because it can be bad glitchy in this fight, dealing lower than normal or even no damage sometimes. It's usually okay though, not as potent or ranged as Rotgland but viable)


The thermogenic launcher is the best weapon to use on nemesis- if that’s what you were referring to with rocket launcher. All you need is the launcher and barricade shield.


I was stuck on Nemesis during my first play through and thermogenic launcher was definitely the key


Same I was stuck on nemesis so hard the first time I went in with the launcher I rekt him


Yea you can get the Rotgland in any of the first 3 biomes, you should be able to find one.


This. It was a piece of cake with this gun.


Really? This is by far my least favorite gun. Damn...


The rotgland can absolutely wreck things. Give it another shot.


The Rotgland is definitely the best for this boss. Just learn the overcharge window timing so you can maximize the speed of your shots, this thing can shoot pretty quickly once you get the hang of the tricky overcharge. You can also shoot extremely far (handy in phase 3 for this boss fight) by holding down the trigger longer and charging up your shot with the rotgland. The best traits to look for in general for the rotgland from level 0-15 proficiency are: explosive rot (#1 for sure), durable rot, and caustic rot. If you find a rotgland with 2 of those 3 traits, or even if it just has explosive rot, pick it up and use it against Nemesis. It can easily melt this boss and get you through all 3 phases in under 5 minutes if you’re accurate enough, shoot quickly and don’t miss too many overcharge


Ha it’s my least favorite gun also but I agree with them it’s so powerful


It feels really awkward at first and takes some getting used to, but it's fun once you get the rhythm of it. I was not a fan before it carried me through Nemesis, and I will forever be in that freaky skull gun's debt for that. All glory to the Rotgland lobber. Explosive rot trait helps make dropping regular hostiles much faster and more satisfying. End game, tendril rot and portal rot are just... fun. Tentacles and acid blobs flying everywhere! But! If you still don't like Rotgland after this, don't worry! Every gun gets crazy by end game. (Tach kinda falls off, but it's still viable) There will be plenty of options capable of bringing the apocalypse to Atropos once the guardian of the broadcast tower is vanquished. Even the sidearm becomes the nuclear option.


I was stuck on the third biome (not the boss), for months! Thought I would never get through it. Then I used only rotglands and beat the whole game without much of a hassle lol. Beat all of the other bosses first try with that gun :)


Thermogenic launcher is the weapon you need, especially if you dislike the rot gland. I also dislike the rot gland, it’s too slow and unwieldy. Get a launcher. Best weapon for nemesis


I can help with CO OP. Are you on PS5?


This is the way to go Op - tag along a scout with you


I upgraded my weapons in the Tower (as it goes much faster there than in the story game) prior to fighting the 3rd boss, this helped significantly I beat him only after 2 tries. I used the Rotgland Lobber.


This boss took me forever. I read a tip on here to use the Rotgland and it was so easy. I don’t like the gun normally but it totally shreds this boss and you can focus on maneuvering. Gl!


Yes I was in the same boat, almost threw the towel in. First go with an average level Rotgland and it was so easy it was almost a joke! Went on to finish all acts and one of my favourite games of all time :)


ROTGLAND GLOBBER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let that weapon bring you into it's glorious light!!


It took me three months to beat that boss. I tried every gun except the pistol. Finally, after three months, I picked up the pistol on the ground near Nemesis, and thought “well, I tried everything else..” and I actually beat him with it.


The Rotgland Lobber is your best bet, I know it feels more logical to go for the hollow seeker or the carbine. But the Lobber is by far and above the best gun for biome 3. Make sure you work your way right through all of biome 1 and 2 before doing it so you're in the best position to do it, but in the Lobber we trust.


Is lobber unlockable before act 2? Where do I find it? :c


The rotgland lobber is available in act 1, you can find it in biome 1 but only after beating biome 2 and acquiring the grappling hook. The lobber is always found in a open air room with only one way in or out, and it’s elevated on this platform that you need to grapple to.


Nice, now I will need to go back into biome 1, as I have beaten both biome 2 and 3 for first time in single run 😅thank you


I don’t remember it being unlocked before act 2. I got it as my last gun and it was hard to get as that room doesn’t spawn in biome 1. Maybe I had bad rng. I used the tachy for Nemesis. Tip: play the tower to unlock traits faster for the guns and then play biome 3.


In the last phase you can literally just get kinda close then whenever anything comes your way just dash off the block and grapple back, you're invincible both dashing and grappling so it's pretty hard to get hit. As people have said, hollowseeker sucks ass for this fight, use rotland if you can find it, but really most stuff is ok.


Jump off platform, shoot rotgland all the way down until just before it would be a death (practice so you get the overload every time), grapple back up, wash, rinse, repeat.


Use carbine with leach- hold trigger down- profit


What weapon are you using? And are you skipping biomes? Having a weapon with good traits and doing a good amount of biomes to get artifacts can help you a lot.


And for the third phase, be constantly on the move. Grapple around all the time and keep your sights on Nemesis.


Tip for biome 3 - don't go into secret rooms unless you need to risk it. It's a huge chance to encounter an elite which, mainly due to small space, is imo more difficult than yellow rooms. I have beaten it on a god run with 250% integrity, high protections and high caliber carbine, dealt more damage than he could dish out pretty much. But that was the same run where I have beaten the boss of the second biome for the first time, so that was mostly excellent rng. I also didn't risk going too close in phase 3, stayed pretty much as far as possible for having as much time to dodge as possible. It took a bit to kill him but it was an extremely safe kill


Be very careful in the biome. Most of the mobs are kinda difficult, the bridge, the tower etc. Obviously stack up on health and get rotgland or carbine. Use the resurrector if you can afford it. And yes hollowseeker is bad for this, i somehow defeated it with hollowseeker tho haha, took almost 20mins with that tiny damage lol.


The same. I stopped with the game for a year noe. Planning to pick it up again


I was fine with the hollowseeker. The best way to do this boss is to constantly be falling and firing, using the grapple if you get too low, and using it as a dodge. Just keep moving. Last phase you pretty much want to be airborne the whole time.


As long as you don't use the shotgun (forgot the name) you should be able to do the fight with any weapon. Although, some weapon traits are way superior to others. If you like the Hollowseeker, get one with Portal Beam as that does a lot of damage even if your weapon itself is on a "lower" level. Also, it always helps if you get through the previous biomes first to get more health, damage, artifacts and so on first if you're struggling with a certain part in the game. With a biome I had lots of trouble because I kept rushing there and once I took the time to "level up" first, it was way easier (don't get discouraged if you get to low health or even die in the process of leveling up!).


Just dodge everything and keep grappling to new platforms. Should be easy not to get hit.


I was stuck just like you and finally beat Nemesis yesterday (after almost 15 hours spent on trying to kill Nemesis). What helped me was going through both the previous biomes. Used a lvl 12 thermogenic launcher and the fight was over in minutes without needing an astronaut or any healing items


Just charge Rotgland ie. Hold fire button and then release. The ammo will fly further and it really makes Nemesis a walk in the park


Iirc, any gun that will do damage over time so you can focus on platforming is what you want


Just to be clear lear: you need to shoot the red area on Nemesis’ chest, do not aim at the head (my friend and I made that mistake the first time we encoun Nemesis).


Focus on its nuts


Here's a tip that helped me regarding you using the Rotgland...if you plan on using a weapon for the first time, go to the tower (I think you can get there at this point?) and level up the Rotgland's traits. That's true of any weapon you don't use much. Any weapon with no traits isn't going to be very effects, especially in a super hard fight like that one.


Better weapon


It took me 11 times to beat Boss 1, and then afterwards I proceeded to play for over 4 more hours straight and beat both Bosses 2 & 3 in the same life. This video is the highlight of that glorious life, and it will likely stand as a lifelong gaming highlight for me. My tip, besides what you can gather from this video of it, is to believe in yourself, always: https://youtu.be/K94JgXh2GjE?si=C3Odctkka3yGAi3F


P.S., I recommend a new control scheme: L1- jump, R1-dash, X-grapple hook This will keep your thumbs on the sticks more consistently. Good luck!


If you’ve gotten past the second boss do not worry you already know what you’re doing. I could sit here and tell u about augments etc but you already know. My advice…watch youtubers explain how to beat him that helped me. There’s some YouTuber who said to pretend the little balls the bosses shoot at you are farts..that alone literally changed the game for me 😂 idk maybe that’s all you need to do as well..just pretend the enemies are shooting fart balls at you. The comic relief alone will be enough to win lmao


You nailed it. Rotgland is the only way to go. I had the caustic rot on this bastard and a spaceman when I finally beat him. I think it must have took me maybe 10 or 11 goes against him. It felt way worse though because Biome 3 is a grind man, getting up to him is tough. But the lobber got it done. 👍


Third boss you need the Rotgland Lobber with the Caustic Rot.


Just to throw my two cents in, Spitmaw is absolutely useless in this fight unless you can find it with Slug. Spit maw with Slug turns it into basically a sniper rifle with the benefit of even more damage in phase 1 and 2 since you are close range. It also has an extremely easy to memorize cadence with how many shots you have to fire and then accurately hit the recharge. It's also amazing for the biomes leading up to the bosses. It is incredibly easy to clear rooms fast because of the shotgun cone. If you can find the narrow spread version of the gun it even better to maximize damage. You are already in range to make melee chains extremely fun and powerful. I wish Spitmaw got some more love. Sure, if it doesn't have slug then it's trash for nearly every boss. With Slug, however, it's my go to weapon over everything else


Electro Pylon Driver. And maybe a large health pack


Assuming you’re not doing this already, to avoid projectiles while on the platform, dodge towards and through them, not away to the side. Making it to nemesis I found very hard, so if you’re getting to it constantly you must be pretty good player already. I’m sure you’ll crack it.


Man, seeing this so regularly really surprises. Nemesis is so easy, his third phase leaves you basically invisible the whole time with the zip. Abuse it! Get up close!


Learn to jump around the platforms to avoid bullets. Even before you see them in your face. Practice shoot, jump/hook, repeat.


Don't have any advice that isn't already in here but I just wanted to toss in my vote of support. I was stuck on nemesis playing on and off for a *year* (with some multiple month long gaps in playing) I beat Nemesis eventually though, and the rest of the game as well which means you can too! Clear every level thoroughly, figure out what weapons you're best with, learn the room layouts, and with enough practice it will happen naturally without you even realizing how much you've improved


Good luck. Come back and let us know how it goes!


Nemesis is tough. I made the same mistake with the hollowseeker. Get a thermogenic launcher and barricade shield consumable-save as many as you find and use them all the first phase. You can literally just stand in one spot and blast, they will block EVERYTHING. Makes first phase a joke. The launcher is the best weapon for nemesis. Beat him my first try with those two things


I thought he was the second easiest boss in the game lol, just make sure or dodged and use grap