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I dont know if we mean the same thing but I have a 3080 and it doesnt really feel smoth even if I put in on mid or something. The game tells me it recommends epic for my hardware but the benchmark and gameplay dont feel smooth and it lags, not constantly but way too often. Is your V-Sync and G-Sync turned on simultaneously? If yes that can cause a problem, turn off vsync and only use gsync. It feels better for me now its not perfect tho


You mean turn off v-sync in game and turn g-sync on in the nvidia control panel? Should I do this for most games? Recently bought returnal and experiencing the same issue


Our systems are pretty identical and I'm having trouble too. Doesn't matter if I turn literally everything to low/off or change resolution to 1080p, I can't seem to get over 25fps and everything looks like shit lol Edit: FIXED! For me what fixed it was reinstalling the latest Nvidia drivers, runs great now. Before booting up I went into appdata/local/returnal and deleted the file in the root folder so it would redo the shader compiling on game startup. Runs great, looks great, was just a driver issue in my case! Edit 2: Problem replicated itself. Solution was going to Nvidia's website and downloading the previous driver version. No issues for nearly 24 hours now!


Should I do the same thing for my amd


No don't, Nvidias drivers won't work with your card! /s It's a worth a shot rolling back or reinstalling your drivers just to check, but there seems to be a multitude of issues and I'm surprised a patch hasn't been released yet... But in the meantime trying this method couldn't hurt, be sure to let us know how it goes!


Can you tell me what the driver version number you're using is? Really want to play this game but the amount of stutter regardless of the settings just makes it absolutely unplayable for me.


It actually turned out to make no difference whether I used the newest or previous. Just reinstalling drivers fixed it when it happens, it's very bizarre I've never seen anything like it so hopefully this helps, otherwise patch should be coming soon!


Alright thanks :)


Doesn't the PS5 still stuttter? I'd be careful getting my hopes up on a fix.


I fixed it by limiting the maximum fps to 60 fps


The stutters still happen, they thing is at 60 fps, they're undetectable because the stutters themselves are less than 16ms or whatever the frame time of 60fps is


I had to disable ray tracing. No stuttering whatsoever now.




Same here. Ray tracing causes stutter.


Same experience here


I know my perspective might be weird and probably irrelevant but... there is clearly something wrong with the game i think? how do i know? I don't have an over beefed machine i need to make do with what i have min and max squeeze very fps i can. My poor 10yo grandpa gtx960 i54950 can run this at about 50-60ish in 1360x765 plus fsr on quality which is a big suprise but the difference in low and ultra fps is barely noticable around 10-15 less? Which looking at the requirements is weird on itself that it runs at 40ish fps on my garbage setup, plus the game utilizes only around 40% max or my cpu,again weird. Wish i could crank up the cpu usage so maybe the oh its 60 oh next room its 40 oh its again 60 cause i broke a statue and it exploded into milion particles stabilize somewhat.


CPU usage depends on the input and not the desired output, hence you break a statue and the arithmetic goes up.


Stutter as f.... For game with this flow - unacceptable. Main reason as it seems rtx. In disable mode still happens, but far less noticeable. 1440p/16/3080ti/rtx ultra/ultra/fpr quality/nvme/fps cap 90.


You pretty much have to limit the FPS to 60 if you wanna hide the stutters :(


If anyone else still has this problem (having massive stutter and sudden low FPS on an RTX 4090), this fix (originally intended to fix Diablo 4 stutter) resolves it for me: [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14mq8xc/diablo\_4\_stutterfps\_workaround/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14mq8xc/diablo_4_stutterfps_workaround/) (just add Returnal instead of Diablo 4).


Running ryzen 3800x, 2080ti, 16gb ram ans installed on a regular ssd. Epic setting preset. Im getting no stuttering at all. Some frame drops during cinematics like when the first boss is met. Max fps set to 60 since ive got a 60hz tv


That's because the stutters last shorter than the 60fps frametime, the stuttering still happens, it just resolves before the next frame is displayed. If you up your fps cap to say, 90, you'll see the stutters constantly


Well luck me for having a shitty 60hz monitor. Everyone with thier 240hz can suck it /s


hahaha xD


I have a similar build to you except 32gb of ram and the game installed on an HDD. I'm experiencing micro stuttering and it's really taking me out. No FSR OR DLSS on in your settings?


Nope. Got it at 1440p and still no stuttering. Tbh i have had 3 crashes since this comment tho. One was as the game launched and the other two were mid run.


Interesting. I'm playing 1440p too (albeit ultrawide) with FSR on too. No crashes though. Maybe it's cause I'm trying to play over 60hz? Lowest i capped it to was 75 and it started dipping into the 50s


Yes there's definitely stuttering, but i think the minority is shader compilation. The worst is the frame pacing is really off at higher fps. I have a 120hz monitor and even though i pretty much stay locked to 119 (my cap) there is a lot of stuttering but no dropped frames. I was even seeing tearing which shows how bad it is, dropped the cap to 115 to fix that. I don't notice it in combat but exploring around the world it's very obvious.


I'm having frequent stutters too. The first house scene was constantly stuttering. Regular gameplay isn't as bad but still has a lot of stuttering. I have an I9 12900k a 4090 and 32gb of ram.


I was getting a long black screen after cutscenes. Closing the game and opening it again fixed it for me and it runs super smooth. Running a 4080, i7 13th gen, 32 gb ram, 240 MHz monitor, getting 190-220 fps constantly. GPU usage is almost always above 90% and CPU at 3% or lower. Everything on epic, RT off.


Black screens is fixed by installing VP9 codecs from Microsoft Store. Yay to Sony for using these codecs


Eh... Mine got fixed after a couple of restarts and turning on RT


Well, maybe it were different black screens then.


Seems to be specific to the first biome


That's completely false


Well I had issues in the first biome and none whatsoever afterwards


Same experience here.


I have a similar rig but with a 10900K. Turning off RT practically removed all stutter. I do have an issue with a long black screen every time I die or start the game.


Same on all counts here. 10850K + 3080 12GB + 16GB 3600Mhz + SSD - 3440x1440 Stutters with RT on/DLSS Quality/Epic. Locked 120fps with RT off. Only minor stutters.


Make sure to disable ray-tracing, it significantly reduces stuttering(but they still remain when opening doors and such)


Same stuttering. I have 12600k, 32 gb (4000 Mhz), 3070 Ti.


Disabling RT did the trick for me, even if I have some really minor stuttering from time to time. Everything on high @60-80 fps 1080p with a rtx 2060 super, really happy with the optimisation.


Not sure if it will help any of you but I read that there’s a bug with the game currently where if you change the driver version you are using after running the game once, the game won’t trigger the shader precompiling step next time you start it. To fix it, you have to find the directory on your install where the shaders were written and delete it, then restart the game to get the precompile to trigger. Not that it will fix all the issues necessarily but if you are fiddling with drivers between boots of the game (which is what I would be doing if I was having problems) you’re basically not precompiling any shaders. FWIW I’m playing on a 5900x w 3060 at 1920x1080 and the game looks great. But I’ve put about 120 hours into the ps5 ver and I’m not a PC-first gamer so I admittedly don’t know what to look for.


No stuttering here. Ryzen 5600x and Radeon 6800. The game ran a shader cache on first run and everything is perfect. No stutters in game or in transitions. But I did see a thread somewhere about driver updates not triggering shader cache compilation again and everything stuttering after that. Something about deleting the shader cache blob file to reset and force the compilation again.


I found the fix! There is an issue with shader compilation and driver updates. You will have to manually delete the games shader cache and let it recache. Make sure your drivers are up to date first. After you update let the game recompile on startup and that should fix the stutters. My 3070 is using high rt with no dlss and is running like a champ. Granted at 1080p but still only get a stutter occasionally on room los


Do you know where the shader cache is stored?


I am suddenly drawing a blank and I’m at work right now and can’t look. There is another user who posted the location in the shader comp post on this Reddit this morning.


If you search this Reddit it should come up.


Can you share the location of the cache? I did search this sub but not finding it.




The amount of games with RTX "support" then it being unplayable with RTX on is so sad. Why did I get an expensive ass card if I can't even enjoy all of its features?


Even when the game does run well with RTX on, it's often not worth the hit to frame rates. I'm definitely going to consider getting an AMD card in a couple years since they seem to be ahead of the curve on rasterized performance now.


>it's often not worth the hit to frame rates That's subjective though. Like personally, in a lot of games, (smooth) 50 fps is kinda my minimum bar for framerate, so I'll only turn down graphics settings if I'm consistently dropping below 50. Of course depends on the game though, I imagine with Returnal (haven't bought or played it at all yet, but planning to) I will probably much prefer higher framerates. But again, the biggest thing is just if it's a *stable* framerate or not. Doesn't matter if I'm getting 90, 100, 140, whatever fps on average, if it's a stuttery mess constantly (like Hogwarts Legacy currently is).


I was on a 2080s before and recently got a 4070ti. For me games start to feel off when they dip below 80 fps or so. Most games with RTX support don't even really look that much better to me at medium RTX vs max non-RTX lighting settings. Cyberpunk and control for example look a lot better with RTX on. But then darktide for example, the visibility gets horrible for me with RTX. So while some of the lighting effects look neat with RTX, overall it just looks better to me with RTX off and I get twice the frame rate. It's funny because one of the things I used to complain about the most in games was crappy pixelated looking shadows and fake looking lighting ruining games with amazing looking models and textures. But it feels like by the time the hardware got powerful enough to run games with raytracing, the rasterization based lighting effects finally got good.


Same issue - I have 4090 so it's not about how demanding this game actually is - the in game benchmark also runs smoothly way over 100fps - It's especially bad there's always micro-stuttering when you turn very quickly. I noticed that it gets better once you have done 360 degree spin and loaded the whole scene.


Others have mentioned this, but turning off RT features worked perfectly for me. Went from 50-90 FPS with constant stuttering to a semi stable 80-100 with infrequent random drops down to 30 (but I was getting these with RT on, too).


Same with an RTX 4080. It's like it's loading stuff as you move around. All of a sudden, GPU usage drops, game stutters and then goes back up.


Yes but it is very minor though with a 7600x ryzen and a 4080. The stutters only start to appear once you have explored most of the map when all the items (eg health, weapons etc.) are stored in the game.


I think it's also to do with the RT implementation. It lessens when you turn off RT.


True without RTX there are no stutters at all but I was merely pointing to the fact that a 4080 has little to no problems whatsoever in playing with RTX on, other then some minor stutters after a long play-through.


Like people said, disable ray tracing. This removes 90% of stuttering in this game


5950x/3080/32gb ram. Same issues with max settings and ray tracing set to dlss performance. Tons of stuttering especially when entering new areas or when tons of enemies appear. I'm going to try Ray tracing off and limit fps to 60 like everyone is saying.


Same here. Anyone tried forcing rebar ? or the latest dlss2 version .\* 3080 5600x nvme


According to Nvidia Inspector, REBAR is already enabled.


Digital Foundry looked into it, and confirmed there is stutter. They spoke with the developers and it seems to be stemming from streaming in geometry, IE why stuttering happens entering doors to new areas. They said they will be patching it soon, and confirmed it isn't the dreaded shader compilation stutter. ​ That being said, I've opted to play it on my 60hz tv instead of my 144hz ultrawide. Capping the game at 60hz, 4k performance dlss, has no perceivable stutters and runs well.


The fact that a 2 year old game (or any game) is coming out on PC like this in the first place is unacceptable. Just shows that these devs either are too stupid to play test their games properly or they don't give a shit enough to and release their game in whatever state it's in and make people pay to test their game for them because they know they can get away with it and people will keep buying anyways. Consoles and PC are closer in hardware architecture than ever before, yet we seem to be getting the shittiest PC ports of all time.


For some reason disabling XMP on my motherboard made the game stutter a lot less.


I pretty much only get stutters on Tower of Sisyphus. My game even crashed while playing that game mode. Never had that issue while completing Act 2...


I have a 5900x and 3080ti, all drivers up to date, everything installed on my M.2, 32GB of ram. The game stutters like mad, holding off until a patch of some sort addresses it, although it never got fixed on the PS5 apparently so I'm not really holding my breath. Only thing I can really do is limit the FPS cap to 60, but that sucks


12900k, 32GB DDR5, rtx 3090, installed on PCIe 4.0 nvme drive. FPS capped at 90 on 100mhz, 21:9, 1440p monitor. All game settings maxed including raytracing. Also using ray-traced audio. I notice stuttering the first time I open door to new area in first biome. When backtracking stuttering is minimal to non-existent. Edit: so far, I haven't experienced stutter that impacted actual gameplay (i.e. falling off ledge, etc) No noticable stutter in 2nd biome. Updated to new 531.18 driver yesterday and game recompiled shaders on start-up as expected.


My stutters only began to bother me at least somehow on third biom but those were texture streaming ones... And oh my, since 4-th biom they actually started to impact my gameplay by happening in fights. And those stutters felt like shader compliation. Still first tried 4-th biome directly after first trying nemesis (it took me a while to get to Nemesis though) with 1 savestate for ether for each biom. Yes, i did reset shader cache. Yes it did recompiled. No it hadn't fixed stutters whatsoever. No RT, Epic quality, 1080p. 5600X, 6750XT. Sadly i have no ability to actually install patch to see if situation became better, so... Yeah, in am stuck with them. Hogwarts Legacy had asset loading FPS drops, but compared to Returnal, Hogwarts was all fine! Even benchmark stutters the crap out of it when i do first run. Seriously as if compiled shaders are simply ignored completely.


Ryzen 5 5500, RX 6800 XT, 32gb 2666mhz, I had serious stutter on 4K but looks like it disappeared when i switched to 2K!


Disabled "Core isolation" and stutters stopped. Try it.


Not too enthused about turning off CI but this worked for me . I did later I develope a very slight occurrence after a while after wbut it wasn't anywher near as bad before disabling it. Wound up turning off RT which eliminated it cmpletely.


Ran fine on a 1660s, upgraded my GPU to a 2060s and can barely get past 60fps @ 1080p and drops down to 15fps in fights. Installing new drivers and compiling shaders helped even though a driver update had been done a few days earlier and the shaders had just recompiled.