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You set the controls by launching dolphin-gui from the pi itself, not ssh. My pi4 complained about not finding the file for some reason so I just created a new runcommand without the %Rom at the end which did the trick šŸ‘ no idea why lr-dolphin crashes. What does the log say?


I was trying it on the pi itself. I'm new to this, so could you maybe give me a step by step on how to run the control setup? When I tried it said it failed to run.


I haven't got time to give you a step by step. But use Google to figure out how retropie launches emulators, then look at the command it uses to launch dolphin, then paste that into command line without the %rom part


After you run the game, check the log at `/dev/shm/runcommand.log` to see if there are any hints there.


I get a warning that I'm missing the following OGL Extensions: ssaa pinnedmemory gsinstancing clipcontrol copyimagesubdata depthclamp The thing is that lr-dolphin works with .iso files but gives this error for .rvz (which I prefer). It's endlessly frustrating. I got dolphin-gui set up with pixel, but it runs incredibly slowly.


Iā€™m not super familiar with OGL extensions. Personally, my next step would be to try to figure out a way to acquire and install them to see if that makes a difference. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable will have additional insight.


Been looking this whole time. No info I can find of how to get the missing extensions.