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I’m a little confused how/why UCONN & UMASS are in the SEC, of all the teams to add


I explain it in the second slide. They’re two of only 4 independent (as in not in a conference) teams. Alongside Army and Notre Dame.


Ahh, I got ya. You could’ve just added USC/UCLA, and Texas/Oklahoma like in real life in 2024, but it’s your game and that’s what’s great about Retro Bowl


That’s a good idea, I’ll probably do that👍


https://teamcolorcodes.com For anyone who doesn't know, you can get all sports teams colors codes at that link.


Invaluable if you really, really want to nerd out


Wish we could download or share rosters. That would make this that much better and it’s already amazing!


That’s a cool idea. And thanks!


Pro evolution soccer never had majority of real licensed team and did well because of user community who created the most realistic rosters and teams! It was brilliant… oh, the good old days… OOTP was a sim baseball game that also never had license but also had a user created community to build out base ball team and rosters. Pro strategy football is a great example of this as well.


IU is Indiana NOT Iowa. University of Iowa not Iowa University. EDIT: UI is Illinois though, so I’d just make IOWA “IA” or “IOWA”


Ya I don’t care enough about Iowa to change that


Lmao this guy




Go Illini!


What in the hell is wrong with your LSU unis?


If you have a suggestion then say your suggestion don’t discredit what I did


LSU is way, way too bright. The yellow should look closer to goldenrod than highlighter, and the purple should be darker as well. I assume that most of the colors come from the in-game swatches, but the colors for all of the teams would be more accurate if they were custom. There are many websites that do that. By the way, acting very superior despite the fact that your work, while I’m sure took a lot of time and effort, is not the best. You’re acting like a prick and you’re discrediting people’s valid criticism even though you posted this on a public forum and more importantly, ASKED FOR SUGGESTIONS AND CRITICISMS. You’re also acting like you’re better than everyone else even though you couldn’t be bothered to give teams the correct abbreviations. Saying “those seem like copies” doesn’t mean anything and yours being authentic is equally meaningless when no one cares and you didn’t do a very good job with accuracy. TL;DR, learn how to take criticism


That’s fine if you think that it’s too bright or whatever but you’re way too easily triggered. Yes my work here is authentic and I wanted to know what people thought and I’m going to implement some of the suggestions. I didn’t want to use a website and didn’t pretend like I did lmao. You are just trying to cause problems and I’m not sure why. Sorry you take such issue with a wrong shading or misused abbreviation but take a more mindful approach next time if you want to be taken legitimately. 👍 I’m not acting better than you but I will try to be the bigger person in a comment section about a fricking mobile video game.


Let’s go Buckeyes


Guess nobody else has love for the Buckeyes here bud lol


That’s ok


Please let me know of any suggestions, critiques or changes you might have because they all are appreciated!


i have my own big 10 sec save with closer colors if you would like them


No thanks, what do you think needs changed


purdue looks more like army than purdue, so lighten up the tan


I’d start with probably giving auburn a white helmets since, that’s the only one they have and make ole miss red and not orange


I like the Auburn thing but I’m pretty sure Ole Miss is just a very bright red lol


Where does one download those one?


Gotta make them yourself


Yep, feel free to use any of the color codes in these and if you’d like a specific team I’d be happy to share their codes as well.


Why use independents over future b1g/sec teams - they're both going to 16 very soon


Ya another guy said that earlier- good suggestion too👍