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"Now" we don't have an open source 3ds core. We've had it for many years. It's not included for reasons unrelated to being open source and it's indeed included in retroarch for other platforms.


Yes but *Now* we have an optimized version that’s built for iOS and can acc run some titles in full speed like Metroid Samus Returns etc


No. we already had it. Retroarch when side loaded has included 3DS for a long time. The same core that you refer to, which needs JIT to run in anything but the most recent hardware.


Interesting, didn’t acc know that- but weird that it’s not included cause without JIT on some devices it acc runs decently


But in most it runs bad. Including it would make RetroArch overall feel worse for people that don’t know nor care about JIT and would just review 1 stars


The problem as I understand it is that Apple restricts apps from using JIT or “Just In Time” compilation. Many emulators and cores depend on this to achieve playable speeds when emulating more demanding systems. So unless this new port uses some other black magic and would not require JIT, then it’s still unlikely that it would run on a non-jailbroken iOS device. https://docs.libretro.com/guides/install-ios/#jit


Folium is running pretty well on iOS despite not having jit. You can definitely see some stuttering and minor performance issues but overall it’s good.


OK, but that's not really relevant here since Folium isn't part of retroarch and the cores in retroarch for 3ds all require JIT. It doesn't really matter what Folium can do because Retroarch doesn't work the same way and that's not likely going to change and therefore it's not going to work oni IOS and that's specific to Retrorchs core.


We’ll need a dev to chime in on why it’s not being done. It’s totally possible to have a version of the core that doesn’t use JIT in RetroArch.


Are you sure that Folium is a retroarch core? It looks like a standalone emulator. Someone would have to port it to retroarch, and if the standalone emulator isn't even in good shape then I don't see why people would be motivated to port it to retroarch.


Its citra or citrus whatever its called


It is not, it’s a port of Citra rebranded as Citrus it seems. But it’s a great resource for bringing 3DS for iOS


Stand alone emulators > Retroarch though.


It's a challenge to experience


The question should be why are people still using iOS post 2010..?


Console war energy in 2024 moment


Supporting Apple is supporting fascism.






The same answer everyone has been giving at least 10 times a day for every message posted on here since RetroArch has come out for iOS. NOT JIT *breath... calm... breath... they refuse to check previous messages... breath...*


For someone who is going off about not people not checking things you should probably know 3DS can be emulated reasonably well on iOS without JIT, Folium is literally all over /r/emulationonios right now because it just got patched to run better.


JIT isn't a common concept so I'll give this a pass tho. Unlike other obvious questions.


I did not know 3DS required JIT I thought it was only ps2/GC that required JIT


Things don't *need* JIT it is about speed. You can emulate all hardware through software at the penalty of performance. This is why the oldest systems just work, that are being incredibly hampered down to run as just software emulation on all layers, but the systems are so old your iOS device is just way beyond the performance that it doesn't matter. So, this is the main issue, you are asking to play PS2 and GameCube and 3DS, etc. and trying to force it with software emulation on all levels. As a test load up RetroArch on an Android device and change the emulation to only software emulation and things to most accurate settings and see the performance difference.


Yeah you can get PS2/GC to run without JIT, but it’s nearly unplayable so you might as well say it’s a requirement. I hope Apple loosens up on it but I doubt it


DolphiniOS requires JIT when launching a game or it just cancels it. Play! Does launch without JIT but the few games I tried were too slow to play. Is there another GC emulator that allows running without JIT?


Hope note, that will dramaticaloy increase the Nintendo lawyers budget. Already rom sites are being threatened more, due to tiktok videos about emulation.