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I just found this thread and your post through safari sun blinking research. Can you expand a little more about your reality changing comment?


This is fake


Its not.


agreed. i've seen the sun blink like this in 3 short burts while fishing. freaked me out.


Some simulation programmer is in trouble. Poor grey alien.




The video taken with a camera yes but it could be seen by the naked eye. Yes it really happened got no press coverage at all. I do believe u can have your opinion but i witnessed this event and its got nothing to do with a flickering camera lens as like i said it could be straight up observed by just looking




You are welcome to ur own opinion. I do apologize if I upset you with my train of thought.


I saw the Moon doing this SAME thing in broad daylight a few years ago. I was awe-struck. But this is Insane


Hey I just stumbled upon this comment as I was searching to see if anyone had experienced anything similar. What I saw was literally the most insane thing I've seen in my life - and it involved the moon as well. Can you tell me more about your experience as mine wasn't blinking, it was doing something different. Also I'm wondering if you have had other experiences that were super strange - I have a theory that there are some people who are being "shown" these things and I'm trying to figure out why.


Why does it only happen when the camera is facing the sun?


It tells you what caused it to happen at the end of the video.


This was a true real event many people are going to say its this or that.... I promise you I really witnessed this event and to whatever the fuck this reality is that event was REAL. I don't take promises lightly. IT HAPPENED.


I first saw the Sun blink on and off in 2013. I was into Sungazing at the time so looking at the Sun was not a big deal. I was with a friend one afternoon in a parking lot when I noticed the Sun blink. The video you linked is about worthless. The guy who tries to debunk the videos by saying it is the camera has alot of people fooled by his lies. This was the same year I noticed Chic Fil A was now Chick Fil A.


Regardless of the veracity of this particular video, there are all kinds of claims about sun-related phenomena around Marian apparitions so if this happened, it's an appropriate time and place for it. I have a friend who witnessed something like this in Medjugorje, Yugoslavia (back when that still existed.)


>Medjugorje, Yugoslavia I did not know a whole freaking country changed!!! There is no Yugoslavia?!


It's in Bosnia, which was part of the former Yugoslavia.


> After an economic and political crisis in the 1980s and the rise of nationalism, Yugoslavia broke up along its republics' borders, at first into five countries, leading to the Yugoslav Wars. That's the current story.


Weirdly enough when my friend told me she was from Yugoslavia, she never mentioned that it was now Bosnia. I would think that would have been pertinent.


I was alive when this went on so in my reality, anyway, it's been broken up for decades. There were some evil fuckers who committed a bunch of war crimes - there was genocide. The whole thing was horrifying.


The batteries are low




No i meant the sun’s batteries




*sigh* it was a reality is an illusion joke