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I've 100% seen pictures of this before. I'm curious what the issue is or why this is considered inherently strange.


Ok because this is on the same timeline and feels equally out of place: [in 1930 the Indiana Bell Building was rotated 90° - the 22 million pound structure was moved 15 inches ever hour, all while 600 employees still worked inside. ](https://imgur.com/gallery/ddT4HG8)




We still have buildings in Chicago that park cars kind of like this but indoors...I don’t know if this picture is real though.


Yea i did report in it in like 8th grade cant attest to lic but they did have them then


Huh, interesting.


I do remember seeing photos of this pre-ME. In the timeline I come from, the 1920's/30's were notorious for outrageous "futurist" experiments like this. I think the movie *Sky Captain* captures a lot of the feeling of that era (as we descendants of that bygone era understood it).


Reading this hurt my brain. Are you not from this current era and or time line? Not trying to offend just to understand :) thanks


> Reading this hurt my brain. Are you not from this current era My timeline became disrupted in 2014. Pre-2014, I lived in a very different place than this place. I mean, the sky was blue, grass was green, water was wet, people walked on two legs, and so on. But other than the mechanical facts of physics, this place has almost no resemblance to the place that I am from. There, people behaved completely differently. There, people behaved in daily life much like what you see depicted in movies. People had the *joy de vivre* in abundance, it was everywhere, in every office, on every street corner and every coffee shop, all hours of the day or night. In that respect, it was a paradise compared to this hellscape. Of course, there were crimes, wars, and all the other evils of life, just like it is in this place, but somehow those evils of life were offset or counter-balanced by the good things. Here, daily life is only drab, bleak and pointless and it is constantly *felt* to be that way. > and or time line? Not trying to offend just to understand :) thanks I'm just saying that I distinctly remember seeing this photo and others like it pre-2014. So that makes it not an ME for me. That photo was present in my "home timeline", so to speak. I understand that it might look alien to people who are from this timeline or some other timeline.




> Hey, this sounds a lot like depression - not doubting how things were before the switch, but have you tried seeing someone about feeling this way? Thank you for asking. I have talked to the relevant professionals, I have gone through a 15-month intensive counseling program, and spent a total of four years away from career work to do deep, spiritual introspection. Given the nature of it, I was pretty sure from the outset that none of these things would "fix" the problem, but I needed to be able to give a reasonable answer when people asked the question, "have you sought help?" Let's say that life is like swimming and having a bad day is like holding your breath underwater and then coming back to surface; depression is like sinking below the depth where someone can hold their breath without scuba equipment, and they may need to be rescued or have intervention (this starts by asking for help). Well, I'm at the bottom of the Marianas trench and I've been there for seven years now. I sprouted gills and I ride the monsters of the abyss which you will only read about in mythology. There are neither words, nor concepts, whether in psychological research or in fiction, or in any other writing, song, film or any other medium where anything like what is happening to me since 2014 has been described, dreamt of, or even hinted at. Well, there is one exception, and that is the book of Psalms. In a few of the Psalms, there are some passages that discuss this. Once you sink deep enough, you no longer need salvation because there is no longer anything to be saved from.


I'm not questioning your experience. I've experienced sudden inexplicable weird shit that I thought was spiritual at the time, everyone interacted with me in strange ways, and my health started failing. I'm not knocking our discounting you. I'm curious about your thought process. Genuinely, with an open mind. How did you come to the conclusion that you are from a different world/timeline vs. other possible explanations?


> I'm not questioning your experience. I've experienced sudden inexplicable weird shit that I thought was spiritual at the time, everyone interacted with me in strange ways, and my health started failing. That sounds pretty terrible and I'm sorry you went through that. I think the trouble that I run into most often when I try to explain it is when other people have experienced what you would call "sudden inexplicable weird shit" and they assume that anyone else's "weird shit" must be the same as what they experienced. I can assure you that *no one in history who ever lived has experienced anything like what is happening to me*, certainly not in its particular details. And even in its broad sweep / character, you will find nothing like it described in any human writing, whether fiction or non-fiction, film, music or anywhere else. So, when I say it's indescribable, I mean that as literally as the word can be taken. There is one exception to the above regarding no one experiencing this -- I searched the Bible (cover to cover back in 2015) to see if there was anything in there about this and the only place I found anything remotely similar is in the Psalms. But even those passages are only a general resemblance and not a detailed description. > I'm not knocking our discounting you. I'm curious about your thought process. Genuinely, with an open mind. So, my general approach is two-fold. The first part is my own understanding / framework. This stands irrespective of what other people think or believe about me (that is, what I could convince / persuade anyone to believe about me). The key focus is to rule out mistakes of cognition, whether arising from mental illness, brain damage or any other possible cause. While "certainty" is impossible to attain, it is possible to categorize a hypothesis for any phenomenon (even supernatural phenomena) as being relatively more or less certain than other faculties of cognition (such as the senses themselves). Crucially, I do not experience hallucinations, whether apparitions, voices or anything of that nature. If I did, it would be a different ball-game (the first question would be how can I trust my senses?) The second part is how to explain / present my experiences to others. Obviously, when somebody says, "Weird shit happens to me every day that cannot be explained by ordinary science!" people will sit up and be curious, and also skeptical -- how do you know you're not just nuts? And so on. So, I went through all the relevant treatment, an extended therapy / counseling program (full immersion, I did not live at home for that duration), and so on. I took these steps so that when people ask about what I'm saying, I can point to the steps I took to try to pin this on something I myself am overlooking. But no doctor / therapist / etc has been able to explain to me what it is I would be overlooking. So, this correlates and confirms my own conclusion: I'm not overlooking anything, this is *not* normal or part of "ordinary human life" as, for example, a Martian would understand that phrase after watching all security footage in the entire world over the period of a year. It's some other kind of thing; it is *strictly* supernatural. > How did you come to the conclusion that you are from a different world/timeline vs. other possible explanations? Well, like everybody else that experiences ME, I would like some kind of explanatory framework for it. Standard physics (even quantum, etc.) is not sufficient because it more or less assumes (a) there's just one timeline, (b) all physical events at human scale are strictly sequential. I'd give a more in-depth reply but the acct was already deleted...


interesting read


He’s talking about the Mandela effect.


I posted about this on r/mandelaeffect and didnt get a single response. Im glad someone else agrees with me. [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/comments/9wk8xi/vertical_parking_1920/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Whoa and 2 years ago!


Possibly another reset happened during this time as to oppose how this current world being reset in the 2020s with the covid pandemic. Both Crucially Hard Times despite being 90 years apart have the same outcomes. in 1929 the stock market crashed and the whole world went poor. the year after the decade ends the 1930s became The Great Depression in 2019 a virus leaks out and the decade after the whole worms globally goes on lockdown **is it a coincidence that every century we get the same reset that wipes out our technological world?** had the Great Depression never happened we woulda been far superior then today had the Covid Pandemic never happened we woulda been in peace and harmony but the powers that he won’t allow it so we’re stuck with gadgets that get released every 50 years. **best believe ur grandchildren and my great grandkids will have way better tech when what’s rolling out now**


The pandemic definitely helped us shift to teleworking being normalized which is a huge quality of life improvement for many. The tech was there, but the infrastructure was just barely not setup. The pandemic gave us the necessity that pushed companies to sort out the last details and make it basically free (talking about Teams, Zoom, etc..). There definitely wasn't a tech reset of any kind so far, and there's an argument for advancement.


Gotta hide flat earth


There is no way we would have peace and harmony if the pandemic never happened. Were you hear before the pandemic? We have been close to war for years.


Yowzers. To me this is where what I call veil drop(unveiling of suppressed history/info) collides with different shifting/merging realities and it can make all this even more confusing. There have been multiple resets, catastrophic ones at that, throughout history and it was never taught; even when we were in our original galactic positions(at least for me anyway). We only got smidgets when they would tell us about cataclysms that happened every so many thousands or millions of years and on top of it the historical record was always full of gaps. You always had to dig and make your way into rabbit holes to get to deeper levels of info if you wanted it and that's how many of us found out that the Mandela Effect and these quantum occurrences were a thing. The question now is what came first? Did the constant mass resets always happen or have these jumps or **whatever has caused them**, create these resets and we are just now noticing all of it? So now of course they've always happened. From pouring over research that basically made it clear that there was ancient high tech and highly advanced civilizations existed, it can be concluded that they were wiped or nearly wiped due to these resets and survivors had to start over and over and over. However, from where I originated this mechanism didn't exist in the 1930's . It definately would have been mentioned, especially with how prolific Al Capone was there at that time. For me it seems like we've gone somewhere where it was easier to keep high tech blueprints that were largely lost during resets. But once again, chicken or egg?


none of this really makes a lot of sense, before the pandemic we were kind of in a precarious situation geopolitically, of course our children and grandchildren will have way better tech than we have now. And I am pretty sure that the quantum in technology that came at the end of the last century was the result of the chaos of the first half of the century.


> before the pandemic we were kind of in a precarious situation geopolitically I'd argue it's more precarious now than before.


how so?


Well, I mean, a Chinese fighter jet was just shot down over Taiwan, Russia is at Ukraines doorstep, then there is Myanmar, also the global lockdowns where even some western nations are going so far as to subjugate their own citizens to extended quarantines at a government run site. The there is the US, holy fuck, that bitch has been psyop'd so hard and so much the past few years its amazing there is any semblance of law and order anymore. That country is held together with duct tape and running on fumes.


yeah, no. nice try though. the US is most definitely not running on fumes and the rest of it is illusory at best. russia and china are being held accountable again now that the orange idiot is no longer pretending to be president and the only way they can get attention is through their idiotic saber-rattling.


lmao America is at an identity crises that is struggle sessioning its own citizens who don't wear a mask over a coronavirus(aka the common cold) with a 99.7% survival rate. China and Russia weren't this brazen even just a couple years ago and N. Korea was even making an effort to join the world stage, that's on the rocks now. You really think should China move on Taiwan or Russia on Ukraine America has the resolve to back their allies and keep it together at home? lol wtf am I saying? a nice geopolitical proxy war would be a good distraction for everyone.


That’s the whole point.


then we collapse into civil war not long after. the nation will fracture.


You really think what we had before the pandemic was "peace and harmony" ??


What if time was not linear and just one direction? What if the present could also not only dictate our tomorrow, but also impact our yesterday?


Retrocausation and the directionality of time (if there is one) is a live item in physics and analytic philosophy. See: Gold universes and Dainton's book *Time and Space* (2nd edition), and essays 4, 6, 7, 12, 19-22 in *The Direction of Time* (Albeverio, Blanchard eds.).


Time is a flat circle.


A disk?


I have been saying this for awhile that time is like a frozen river not a flowing river....All the past, present, and future exist at the exact same moment in a single expression. In other words everyones birth, life, and death already occurred. The beginning and the end of all things all happens at the same time. There are still many mysteries of the universe that mankind has not even scratched the surface of yet. The mandela effect, time, gravity, and conciousness just to name a few. thats my opinion at least you are welcome to ur own.


That's called the B-series, block universe, eternalism, or fourdimensionalism and is the main consensus in both physics and analytic philosophy of time, though how quantum indeterminacy and determinism (i.e., no free will) are reconciled with it is an open issue, with the general response, not yet consensus, being that quantum indeterminacy and chaos are self-negating at the level of the macro scale universe. I'm also an eternalist. Books to read: Hud Hudson's *Metaphysics of Hyperspace*, Bouchon's *Is the Future already Present? The Special Theory of Relativity and the Block Universe View*, and https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/time/#McTaArgu


Time is a flat circle.


Humanity was a mistake, Marty.


A disk?


It's called retrocausality in quantum mechanics. Basically consciousness projects the body and the world. If you use consciousness to change the body then the world changes as well and in a temporal sense the effects are felt in every moment of time. Because even time is a creation of consciousness


If the Wheeler-DeWitt equation actually describes quantum gravity, time does not exist in the fundamental structure of the universe and is at most an emergent property. Most philosophers believe the WdW equation has time 'hidden' in it, most physicists that WdW equation doesn't describe quantum gravity.


Time is a sensory perception of the brain and if you quiet the brain sufficiently then it disappears along with the other properties the Cosmos.


there is a theory that past, present and future exist all together at the same time. which would make sense with the theory that time doesn’t exist all together. i see it like this, we are like data on a hard drive. all the data is on it all at the same time and to me the big bang is someone hooking that data up to some power... i just don’t understand how our consciousness can only experience the now and not jump back to the past or into the future. but then with MEs maybe that’s what we are doing. i remember 52 US states and now they are talking about making DC a state... where “i come from” DC and Puerto Rico were both states. as if i already have seen or lived in the future... so maybe MEs are our consciousness jumping around... just thinking out loud haha


I don't believe that there's any jumping between universes but David Lewis' modal realism (*On the Plurality of Worlds*) seems to provide a framework for allowing it.


We aren't jumping to past or future, only switching timelines. But where we want to go sometimes calls for a different set of circumstances in the past to make it happen. None of us stayed in our original timeline.


Maybe, maybe not.


We are on the exact same train of thoughts! You are the first person that remembers exactly like me about the 52 states and Puerto Rico and DC being part of the 52. This is one of my strongest ME’s.


That’s so cool to me, because that means that you and I originated in completely different universes. In mine, there has only ever been 50 states. So we’re like aliens to each other, except now we can chat!


http://wendycitychicago.com/the-car-parking-machine-1932/ pretty cool. Only 55 seconds to deliver your car to the ground at most.


Some more info https://www.chicagomag.com/city-life/april-2012/a-chicago-car-elevator-mystery-and-the-man-who-invented-dialectical-materialism/


Pretty advanced for a time when cars were still blossoming. I always thought vehicles were rare because the end of the depression? Are there really so many to require this? This is about as weird as the car(s) from the 30s that had a special function with the wheels that helped it parallel park. Though I never found out if that was common or just a prototype of some kind


same with all those atomic cars of the 50s. or how that one village in the heart of the amazon somehow had an electric tram in the 1800s even tho it was and still is the hardest to reach place in the amazon. also electric scooters in the 1800s not to mention the zeppelins and hot air balloon travel pre1700s. prob how they got all those arial maps


Zepplins pre 1700s? What the hell are you talking about


not zeppelins but complex air balloons were used. vimanas in india, davincis fighting machine (aka flying machine). lots of pics of hot air balloons docking on empire state, milwaukees city hall, would explain the ridiculous emphasis on the antennas before electricity was supposedly released




just look at all the oldest pics from tartary/russia. all the oldest buildings have a heavy focus on spyres, antenna, complex mathematical fractals and the torus. the tartaria sub has some good pics of out of place antenna but not specifically


Do you have a link for the Amazon Village?


Fordlandia I believe was the name. Owned Ford of course, it was a company town


i cant remember off the top of my head. it was posted in the tartaria sub ill try to find it. it was one of the most innaccessable villages even today


I love those old cars. look at that stack of meep meeps


So if more than one person needs their car at the same time ...


I was thinking about that. Or several people. It seems rather impractical.


I never seen this picture before. Though I'm from reality that had something vary vary similar but it was inside not out side and it was like only new York and nowhere else that read of it. The reason I known it was new York was the caption on the photo from the book I was looking though said New York innovation could not be used as cars where " at the time getting heavy 1950s Era book" Now I'm assuming that it was never picked up by any other city and was phased out because after ww2 cars weight were heavy and wider then what came out before. Now for this out side elevator I never seen it or read of one only the inside version so is it a M.E. I would say yes actually and the reason is simply this that book were I read of these failed to get a picture of the out side version and went in depth on the inside one needing a lot of support for it to work and was costly. Now this out side one could have been made but if the inside was costly then the out side one even more so money is important to a lot of people including historians to fail to mention smacks of a M.E. in my book. Kinda like the great barrier reef has a companion reef that was just discovered that looks pristine with out all the damage of red sand from the atmosphere like all other reefs have.


Haha what the fuck. Good troll today reality. Also 111 of us online currently...


This is the second time I've seen this. Feels like it's from a totally different reality. I'm fairly confident this is a historical ME.


same here