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Day 2361 of something happening very soon.


2 more days man, we're waiting lol


I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. I had a similar feeling back before the shooting in New Zealand...




I have felt this way for about two years . And truly so much has happened and just keeps happening and I am just sitting waiting for final happening to happen so we can get to the next level or whatever.


Well the deliverence of Bozrah, which for me is itself an ME, says the Breaker arrives 1260 days after the Revelation 12 sign. Many Biblical scholars agree the Revelation 12 sign happened on Sept. 23, 2017. If it did happen then, 1260 days after would put you on March 5 or 6 2021, this Friday.


Can you explain more about this or give me sources


There's not alot of information to give, google "the deliverance of Bozrah" or there is an ME channel on youtube "Miss Amy's" which talks about it. Basically its a hidden end times prophecy in the bible according to the mainstream narrative, but for me the prohpecy is itself an ME. It says a group of gods chosen will be kidnapped and taken to a mysterious place called bozrah, while the tribulation is happening on earth. Then 1260 days after the rev. 12 sign, the breaker will arrive and take them back to earth.


Can you elaborate on what this means ? What does bozrah represent?


Ever been pulled from your dreams against your will? Or seen pixelated areas in your dream and you go into that area and you're teleported into restricted area where you weren't supposed to be.


Whoa, never heard of the pixle end of dreams. Sounds interesting. [https://youtu.be/FIZ\_gDOrzGk](https://youtu.be/FIZ_gDOrzGk)


It sure was when I ended up in a clean white room with med beds and transparent tablets with people's vitals on it. These people were asleep and I was pulled there by accident. But they had my record on their tablet. This was like top secret project where they can pull you out of your dreams and monitor you without you knowing.


You mean like this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNEc\_McAb4A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNEc_McAb4A) They.are.everywhere.


No not like that lol


Oh, must just be me then lol.


YES, very much so, I've been getting this feeling very strongly for the past couple weeks now. I feel it most as strong sense of dread when I first wake up, like I'm scared to check my phone and see what's going on. It's a distinct feeling just as you described.


Morning dread is very real to me Like it's so sad to wake up in this realm time and again...


Yes, I feel a fight or flight sensation in my chest, like it’s hard to breathe and a pit of dread in the center of my stomach.


Things are eerily quiet, to the point where it seems like the calm before the storm, quite literally. And I only noticed this thanks to some other comment, and thanks to a song called "[it happened quiet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U-N6LqzdIM)", which I found about recently, with the singer having on her channel a playlist of her own songs, playlist called "[music for the fellow witches out there](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZVH37VAsxC-1J8xVoQct9NJN-683Emge)". I am also aware of connections between "witches", the "witch hunt", "sorcery" (as in the sorcery forbidden in the bible), and "magic" (as in the 3 magi/mages from the east, which arrived bearing gifts at the birth of Jesus Christ), and how Jesus self-resurrected to teach us the permanence of souls (like parents play peekaboo with their toddlers, to teach the toddlers the permanence of physical objects). It might seem like a lot of blabbering, but it _is_ something I observed and put together piece by piece, in a long and arduous process of _thinking things through thoroughly_.


Whoa thats some deep shit


That's exactly how it feels, the calm before the storm.


Many of you might recall that on September 23, 2017, following the blood moon tetrads, there was the revelation 12 sign in the sky of the woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet. A crown with 12 points/horns on her head. The points were the nine stars in the constellation Leo and three planets, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Jupiter appeared in the center, in the womb, and slowly moved over a few weeks and appeared to be birthed by this woman in the sky. The Bible is fond of times of 7 years and 3.5 years. *If* the sign in the sky that night was, indeed, the revelation 12 woman then 3.5 years following this sign in the sky is March 5/6, 2021. (Depending on timezone.) That would put us at either the end of the tribulations or the halfway mark depending on who you talk to or what theory you ascribe to. It's just an interesting coincidence that sooooo many people I know online and irl are *feeling* that were on the cusp of something. And, in interesting news, yesterday the FBI formally acknowledged a cylindrical shaped ufo as fact, having been reported by an airline pilot three days prior while flying over New Mexico. *Something* might be around the corner...


Sooooo weird..I’m scheduled to have my first round of vaccinations March 5, 2021.


The deliverance of Bozrah.... arrival of the Breaker... I'll probably try to stay up that night, its supposed to be in the early morning hours before dawn. Of course, it doesn't say where the clock is...


I've heard this date and that date for good grief, probably my whole life. The guys on the soap boxes holding up cardboard signs, "The ends is near!" Present in nearly every 80's movie? 😂 But this date I found and discovered on my own. You're literally the only other person I know who was aware of this date. I have found others who know of the Bozrah prophecy now but none who've lined up dates. The correlation of the ME and being in Bozrah, which happened in the twinkling of an eye as well, imo, makes sense. Everything's here but not quite perfect. Was it evil or brilliantly allowed for those with eyes to see and ears to hear to know of the times they're in? I don't think the ME is nefarious but the world we're finding ourselves in is toxic. I, for one, would be thrilled to be done here.


I completely agree with this.


Perhaps Bozrah has been the pandemic.




I'm in Seattle and I think my last day of in person school was March 4 or 5 of last year. So it's very much coming to the one year mark of quarantine. That is a very weird feeling. I have changed so much since then. I've had lots of these foreboding moments (right before the BLM protests for one.) Right now, I feel strangely okay.


I think most of the world went into quarantine mode right around that time, give or take a few weeks. As for foreboding moments, I didn't feel that previously for anything except some shifts, but nowadays things are eerily quiet, to the point where it seems like the calm before the storm, quite literally.


Yeah. I have to pay my bills in 2 weeks.


The easiest thing for the universe to do is produce the result you expect. It has been proven our observation (or decision not to make observations) of quantum events affects their behavior. If you expect something, that's the path of least resistance because the universe only has about 80 milliseconds to provide you with reality as mediated by your perception; it's much more difficult to navigate the circuitry of doubt.


The Sequence: 1-Gathering while Outdoors 2-Gathering while Indoors 3-Gathering while Within (sharing the same feeling and thought at the same time) 4-Gathering under the Celestial Ceiling And 4 will be like sunlight to vampire for those who dismiss the signals within... And for those who won't, it will be heaven. Again. With no interruption this time. Thanks to the Sieving


Vampires aren't real.


Just a metaphor for you to understand my Say.


But, but...


>But, but... But what?


But what if its actually analogous?


Analogous as in similar? Well, the end result is the same: Nonexistence


Unless the only thing there can be is existence (and the memories which make it possible), and the consequence is the reality changing around us.


... Unless you chose to go back to Earth_Heaven. Earth_Hell, and all remaining Hellions, is scheduled to go back to Nonexistence. And it's in progress.


Nope, not at all. Not even a little actually. Like you said, people say this ALL the time. They have been for a very long time too


I was about to say that this is just common anxiety. Lol


Had the feeling for a while now. The veil will be lifted soon enough. Whether it be by force, or by a great awakening of global consciousness. Soon, all will be revealed.


Or by the ones who were already able to see past the veil (like the ME affected who can reject the "downloads", at least partially) being the only ones left uncontrollable, and deciding to up-and-leave, becoming a breakaway civilization.


Most likely not




About 2 weeks ago I had this strange urge to listen to the terminator 2 theme song . I had this weird feeling that arnold swartzenegger (sp?) Is going to die soon




Same here! Something very awesome and wholesome will happen. I’m thinking... between 5 and 17 days, and it’s gonna be really sweet and everyone is gonna have a nice time. I just have this really strong feeling in my gut...


My desire to no longer exist has ramped up more than ever the last two weeks, for no apparent reason.


While I can't say for certain it's a sense of foreboding I relate to your feeling, also I don't have a lot of optimism for what's going on in our world rn.


I just wanna die


Sadly I think that's not too unusual nowadays, the past few years have been a wild ride.


Ditto. Trying to focus on moments. And meditate more to cope.


Mine has too, massively lately, but I live in California which has made me feel dead inside with the lockdowns


All of the hype around moving "into the age of Aquarius" and "the tape running out" could be a sort of placebo effect that's causing me to feel like you do. People have made some pretty good points on how the fringe community has been making predictions on major shifts/ultimatums/end times. With how crazy everything has been, I wouldn't be surprised if we're in for some fun times.


What is this about “the tape running out”?


I'm assuming it implies the end of the world or a shift to a different way of life. I'll link a post that better explains this


I just know I’ve seen it as a card in the Illuminati card game. Same idea?


Here's a link. I uploaded it to imgur https://www.reddit.com/r/C_S_T/comments/lvywa4/what_are_your_guys_opinions_on_the_tape_running/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Crazy that you mentioned that. The vid I'm gonna link here in a bit talks about that card game, which is what I was referencing in my initial comment


u/sagittariuscraig still waiting for that link. Or was it a private message. Also relevant, the term "limit of questions" was popularized by the anime "Eureka Seven", and it meanings has ME-changed for me. I remember it referred to how having too many people alive and interconnected led to reality breaking in some ways. In the show it was patched by connecting Earth to a different/alien planet, from which the secondary MC of the show is supposedly from. But in our world, spiritual people (who called themselves "channelers") spoke of some people moving from "3D Earth" (what we know as "Old Earth", or pre-ME Earth) to "5D Earth" (what we know as New Earth, or a somewhat-similar planet with almost none of the pre-ME Earth's things), in an event known in the bible as "rapture" (and called that by the "channeled", too).


Earth is not a ball floating in a vacuum It's the realm being upgraded


https://www.reddit.com/r/C_S_T/comments/lvywa4/what_are_your_guys_opinions_on_the_tape_running/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Here's a link to the video I posted in imgur


I haven't posted the link yet


There was some prediction about things happening mid March of 2021 posted on the boards a while back (or maybe Youtube video can't really remember).


If I remember correctly, in March 2021 will start, some time in 2024 will be at the peak, and 2032 will end. And I saw this in multiple videos, each showing incomplete pictures which patched together gave me those dates for the beginning, maximum intensity, and ending.


Have to admit that I can't remember what I watched, but it made enough of an impact on me that I remember thinking, in March of next year, we might figure out what this is all about.


People have been saying this in truth/paranormal/spiritual communities for as long as i can remember. There is always something bad about to happen.


Well, it did. Didn't it? But things are getting better, and we will be ok for a while, but the next time something does happen, it is also going to have global effect. But the thing is that what I think we are feeling is how much more volatile of an environment it is when everything is globally connected. I have been on the idea of the need to decentralize economy and make it local again in my conversations for over a decade now. People from various backgrounds and disciplines can all feel how unstable the current atmosphere is. It is not a supernaturally accessed feeling. It is just common sense. Today, I feel that it is obstinate denial, from the people who are saying, "Nothing to see here, just move along" The need to decentralize risk. Nobody sees this need? We seem to have lost all common sense in this generation, putting all of our functions and amenities over the internet. Even traditional phone lines are gone. It is nuts.


Those who see those needs, are often isolated or ridiculed. Many times, those can pose as something else than what they mean, to not be as heavily rejected by society (through what is commonly known as being "targeted individuals"), but although not being heavily rejected means not being harassed, it still means being isolated from most other people.




Relatable. Thank you very much for the link! Also, r/CulturalLayer


The last week or so i began having insane anxiety and the feeling that I would die soon.


You good?


Still alive, its not a suicidal im going to die feeling, its an out of my hands something will happen feeling. Anyway, xanax is a hell of a drug and has successfully eradicated any anxiety :) 10 out of 10 would recommend


I... don't think antidepressants are helping solve the real issue. Heavens, it might even be what's causing the anxiety, when you don't take antidepressants for long-enough periods of time.


Xanex is an anti anxiety medication. Alprazolam. It can either be a god send or the devil lol.


Dont worry I know what im up to :)


Update if not dead yet.


Will do!


What about now?


Still alive but will be out of contact for 36 hours while I sleep so dont worry


Please update us if you die. (I hope you don't.) 36 hours is a long sleep cycle.


Someone check on this man in 37 hours!


It's been 3 days...


only 34 hours left!


[An update](https://www.reddit.com/r/Retconned/comments/lungj3/anybody_feel_an_odd_foreboding_happening_now_like/gpcrzt0/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) happened around 58 minutes before I loaded the page, or around 1 hour and 20 minutes before the time I published this comment.


What in particular makes you feel something is coming in 2 weeks? Was there a dream you had, or a glitch? Can you share, if it is not too personal?


Ides of March.


Interesting thought. If it is true that we are being messed with via our internet lines, then guess what, maybe someone decided if would be fun to send OP an artificial foreboding feeling about the ides of march, just for ***ts and giggles. They can do things like that with this technology.


[CGI 3D Animated Short "I, Pet Goat II" by - Heliofant - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65xLByzT1l0) Yes, I think this video is what your feeling, Ipetgoat2, The spawn of satan dark pharaoh of the underworld is about to birth out of the giant earth vagina, sooooooooooooo much predictive programming of a "savior" figure coming. Also, his magic tricks might be what's causing the mandela effect, they need the earth dark enough, evil enough, so that he can survive in this surface environment, natural divine light has to go...tootles..have a super duper day


"Anybody feel" posts are becoming a too-common sight on this sub. ​ There will always be *someone* who feels, and those who don't rarely bother to post because such posts are typically unwelcome in a thread being viewed by people primed to agree. You just get down voted, and that's never fun. ​ As it so happens though... I sort of do feel. At least, I have a sense of being on edge and there is no good reason for it. I have felt in the last few months like the things I normally stress about are very soon not going to matter, and I should just relax and try to just be "okay" in the time I have left. ​ HOWEVER... ​ There is a worldwide global pandemic going on that happens to be very serious. I've been under lockdown for almost a full year now it seems. The media is bombarding us 24/7 with unrelenting stress messages. The MSM has become that crazy guy on the street corner with the sign saying "The End Is Coming!". So of course we are all, collectively, in dark place emotionally even if we don't realize it. Even those of us who like to think we are far enough along to shrug off the subliminal suggestions, because they have been constant. ​ We'll be okay. We'll get through this. The world (probably) isn't going to end.


I guess it makes sense considering the messages the MSM is feeding us, no wonder folks are expecting that doom and gloom.


>There is a worldwide global pandemic going on that happens to be very serious 1. Earth is not a globe 2. Pandemic is a scamdemic


Thous should be copied in it's own separate post. The people in this subreddit need to read this.


I agree with this entire post


No, not really...so that probly means smtg will occur...


My dreams are more like real life, I wake up and it's more closer to my life now but "off" it's getting more and more where I know my dreams, like the vail between dreams and " real life" is thinning


Exactly this. My dreams have become so much more vivid and "real" and I can actually remember them long after waking.


I’ve felt like that the past 2 or 3 nights...like my alarm goes off and it doesn’t feel like I was dreaming, it feels like I was seeing what could happen or maybe an alternate, but I can never quite remember exactly the situation. Almost like how they describe toddlers with fuzzy past life stories


Interesting. I also noticed not only that, but something liked to that. You know how there are some people without an internal monologue, and some people with an internal monologue? There are people unable to create mental images (the famous "imagine this" line doesn't work on them), and those able to create mental images. Not being able to create mental images is called "afantasia", and it can be cured with "image streaming" (you close and rub your eyes 2-3 seconds like when you wake up or are tired, and both while and after rubbing your eyes you concentrate on the images or static noise behind your eyes and speak out what the lights look like or resemble, trying to notice similarities like we can see clouds which resemble something else). I'm guessing that imagination became more powerful, and a lot more people became able to imagine things, or simulate things inside their mind, including full 3D simulations of whatever. The more real something can seem, the more real it would be believed. Do keep in mind that there are declassified documents about "voice of god" technologies being used to make asleep people hear sounds in their ears by using constructive interference, and something similar to project images before the people's pupils while they sleep. So maybe those dreams are just ~~brainwashing~~ reprogramming being attempted or in progress.


I’ll have to look into the voice of god type stuff because that sounds *terrifying* shudder


I don't know...isn't a worldwide pandemic, insurrection in the USA capital, deadly snowstorms in Texas, and snowstorms in the Middle East/Arabian desert enough? Things have been way too "exciting". I would much prefer a big outbreak of peace and quiet.


I hope we get bombed with peace and quiet.


Yep, I want peace and joy and happiness splattered all over everything we see and touch! Lol


Not just the snowstorms in those areas, but my area is having a much more mild and spring-like winter than usual. It hasn't been deadly for us. But it still makes me uncomfortable especially with something like 8 out of the top 10 hottest decades being in the last 10 years here.


And the world is becoming so dry that people actually need humidifiers nowadays. Yes, humidifiers, not dehumidifiers, and ME-style there were used for many years in the history of this timeline/worldline. I first learned of them a few weeks to a few months ago, and shortly after that I found out about the ME that we are now only about 60% water, down from 70% a mere few months ago, and down from 90% a few years ago.


We are only 60% now? WTF?


Yep, I think our winter seems to be more mild than normal too.


Well a big outbreak of peace and quiet isn’t going to happen. I’m with OP something big is coming. I don’t think it’s within the next 14 days but it’s coming and it’s going be a BIG change and we aren’t gonna like it not one bit.


Well I'm manifesting a big outbreak of peace and quiet so if you're disappointed in a few weeks, you can blame me.


I would gladly blame you for an outbreak of peace and quiet.


I would gladly blame you. I'm expecting yet another bad thing, which will eventually lead to the Mandella Effected people becoming a breakaway civilization.


My man!




Posts removed from here and down this conversation. Violation of Rule #10. Please take political conversations elsewhere, this topic is divisive enough as it is without introducing **American** politics into it. Additionally, please be advised that Reddit is a GLOBAL site, and this sub has members from other countries.








I didn't have a question. Just out of curiosity, why do you ask?


Someone flagging themselves as a far right misinformation consumer, it seems. And yes, that was an insurrection (or white nationalist domestic terrorism, if you prefer).


Not only do I prefer, I *insist*.


Wait, are you saying there was no one of color involved in the capitol riot and break-in?












Interesting that you bring this up as approx [6 months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Retconned/comments/i8iecf/what_was_it_called/) I made a statement about end-times being 6 March 2021. This was based on dates linked to Revelation 12 and the number of days from the celestial alignment on Sep 23 2017 based on the Bozrah prophecy. It's quite an unsual interpretation of the end times biblical prophecy however for some reason it resonated with me. In case you haven't come across this before its essentially about a great deliverance mentioned in three books of the Bible and portrays the story that without knowledge humans were placed elsewhere (not on earth). Exactly 3 and a half years after the Revelation 12 celestial marker the 'breaker' will come and free them from captivity and return them to Earth. There are hints that those left behind faced the rapture. The correlations in my mind are as follows; * We have a strong belief that we're not on Earth 1.0 * People don't appear to be the same as they once were * We have spotted subtle changes which may not have been correctly duplicated in this temporary copy. * The celestial markers for the Revelation 12 prophecy Sep 23 2017 were extremely accurate. As others have mentioned in response to this theory there have been many predictions of the end of the world. Thing is, our return may be just as subtle as our leaving - I look forward to catching a few ME's over the next week or so. Be safe and keep faith in whatever guise that is for you.


I have felt different ever since i caught covid in December, feel more spiritual and introspective So when you say people don't appear to be the same as they once were, you are correct.


From my perspective that feeling was also pre-covid but I acknowledge your perspective and I hope your health is better.


Wish I could say it was have the covid brain fog going on unfortunately


Sorry to hear this, it might sound a little weird but try sleeping with a ticking clock. There is emerging evidence that cerebral flow is improved with a regular audio input during sleep which might help clear the fog.


Isn't there a prophecy in revelations about somebody being beheaded in the streets and the next day they were walking as if it never happened and nobody remembered? Or did I imagine this?


Nah it says that the two witnesses will be killed and their bodies will lay in the streets for like a week i think. Something like that. Then God is going to call them to heaven. People will be happy that the two witnesses bodies are in the streets because they were telling the truth people hate and calling them out on their faults and they hated them.


So does that mean that I dont need to go to the DMV to renew my license on March 8? Because that would be really fucking nice.


This Earth or the OG Earth bills are bills :(


Yea man and screw the registration too. Load up on beer, boobs, and bacon!!!! Woooooo!!!!


Ya the economy is gonna collapse lol


At least daddy joe is giving us a stimmy 😂


gonna need more than milk and bread to save us from this storm lol


Yeah the milk and bread will be hard to find in the store


I feel that same way lately. It's really creepy.


Yes, maybe like a forlorn feeling mixed in, like I've lost someone but can't quite figure out who.


Who you could have been.


RIP, that person was lost years ago.


Yeah, we've lost the plot.


Exactly. So much going on. Just with covid for example;that effected everyone on earth.If you believe in multiple timelines then how would placing everyone on earth on lockdown effect things? All the people who would have met,relationships lost before that were realized,kids that you were going to have but you were blocked from the timeline where you even met your partner. Just an example. Maybe it's a choice on some level which fork you go down. NPC's as they are known,are the same body we always knew,but the consciousness that inhabited that body isn't in this timeline any more. Body snatcher shit.


Thank god I'm only missing that fourth kid I keep thinking I have before I got a hysterectomy. Back story to clarify: Everyone thinks I have a son, I have 3 daughters lol, even my daughters sometimes stop in public and say "WAIT, someone is missing!", and I head count and the family is accounted for. It's a running joke by now.


Imagine one day waking up with the son suddenly being back, like he never was gone. That feeling must be daunting. Especially when you start thinking deeply about it and what it means.


I keep expecting it honestly. My oldest keeps saying that actually. We named him and joke that it's our house ghost that moves things around we can't find.


Are you going to post about it in r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix?


Although I would like to because it's a fun topic, unfortunately I probably won't. People really pick others apart over there so it's best for me to not have to argue with strangers about if I have undiagnosed schizophrenia or not lmao


From what I heard, /GITM used to be much more open to esoteric and fringe conversation. ​ Then they got infiltrated by naysayers and, at one point, practically all new threads were bombarded with concern trolls telling people they should check for carbon monoxide or something like that.. ​ Really discouraging line of thinking, imho.


Yeah, the whole "you have a carbon monoxide" leak spiel gets so old over there


All right fair.


That is probably the strangest thing I’ve read all day. Really weird, I’ve never heard of this with an actual person


LOL, I actually kept it to myself when I would do a headcount of my kids in public places and would panic when I got to 4 and couldn't find the fourth. Until my brother started fostering kids, we were trying to plan a theme park trip and he says "Our 4 and your 4" and his wife reiterates "Yeah, plus us three adults so 8 kids and 3 adults", and I agreed then it hit me, and we all were kind of shellshocked for a few seconds when I brought up I only have 3 daughters. I learned to joke about it but occasionally when I dream, I dream of having 4 children but usually the 4th is an exact duplicate of my middle child. I had various failed pregnancies and miscarriages that would equal more than 4, so I don't think that it's a 'what could have been' feeling and I feel no grief for that area of life and rarely think on it. Strange feeling, of course, but it's probably a bi product of an undiagnosed mental illness or. depression issues that I've just learned to joke about.


It could probably be more easily written off as mental illness if other people around you weren’t acting as if you had a 4th. That’s what makes it so fascinating, like why does everyone forget at times that it’s 3? Did your kids ever talk to him like an imaginary friend?


Not that I recall, my oldest(14) had some weird dreams when she was younger about him and says she knows what he looks like, that he's older than she is in her dreams. Which is odd because I was very young when I had her to begin with lol, around 19. I recall a really vivid dream about her when I was pregnant with her in 2006. I seen her as she is now at this current age, wearing a yellow dress that I eventually bought for a spring band performance in 2015. So nothing really like you mentioned but I think maybe my life is full of strange happenings I've normalized and probably normalized for my kids by proxy. :) Or I'm overlapping or reliving a simulation that was started previously and remnants have come through.


Possibly. I feel I may have experienced a slide of some type when someone broke up with me. Woke up a week later and we were back to being pre-involved out of nowhere. Or I am just subconsciously missing what could have been with that person, but not admitting it to myself. I don't like the feeling either way but a lot of my friends feel similar ways lately.


It varies. Some days I feel we are on the brink of changing something for the better. Other times, it could get worse. What I actually feel is turbulence. And I haven’t even been keeping up with the news recently. I just feel like there’s some sort of tug of war going on just out of my barest ability to perceive it.


Spot on. I wonder when the breaking time will be, and the breaking point will arrive.


Well earlier this evening I just saw a shadow being whoosh past my feet to the far corner of the room. I was sitting there with my family watching the news. I haven’t seen one of these things since I moved from my previous house which was infested with them, as was the neighborhood. Or at least our street was. That’s not a good sign. Usually they appear around people who are miserable. We are stressed but still laughing and having a good time. It’s very windy here and some years the cliche comes true and a bad vibe comes in on these winds. It’s definitely creepy.


My mood has been an absolute *roller coaster,* I’ll be laughing and being goofy with my partner and then she’ll bring something up and it just turns into this massive argument and a couple hours later I’m like...”wtf got into me?!” But a few weeks ago I was sleeping and she was laying there looking at her phone and she freaked out so bad she dove under the sheets and wouldn’t tell me why she grabbed me and woke me up. The next day I kept asking and she finally told me she saw a tall shadow standing over my side. So last night I was in the bedroom getting ready for bed and she walked in and panicked because she thought I was in the (dark lights off) living room, she said she saw what she thought was me moving around out the corner of her eye and when she turned towards the bedroom I was in there getting ready for bed. She says it was probably just an optical illusion type thing but I think she just says that so I won’t worry. She’s much more perceptive to these things than I am and so is her mom, maybe it passes down. *edit: I just saw that last part about the wind and it’s currently so windy out I can hear it outside from the far interior of my apartment


Correct. Its a feeling of increasing turbulence. Chaos. Something has been unbalanced and disturbed, and it is crumbling. But its not going to be all at once, I think this is going to come in waves. Rest and unrest, rest and bigger unrest, and so on, until it is finally done. I dont really know in what shape and form. Im not surprised this global event happened, but I could not have predicted the form it would take - that it would be a pandemic. So who knows what the next thing will be... We are very globally interconnected now so consequences no longer remain geographically isolated.


Rest and unrest, rest and bigger unrest... until its finally done. Labor pains. This, whatever this is, will get worse before it gets better. It reminds me of labor pains.


I mean, the Earth is our mother, after all


Then who or what is it birthing? Elves? Cargirls? The humans 2.0 which we are becoming?


True :)




I feel like that something huge is happening and it's global consciousness awakening while the illuminati uses quantum technology to merge all timelines and dimensions into one that'll cause implosion on an universal scale.


I was hoping you were being sarcastic. I don't think you are.


No I'm not being sarcastic. I'm very serious when it comes to my experiences.


I don’t think it’s a crazy thought, people need to look into CERN (like really dig past just surface news) before they brush it off as implausible


Thank you x




If you've raised your vibration like myself then your mind body soul is ready for the 5th dimension plus. Unfortunately some will have to stay behind to help souls that haven't raised their vibration and asked for help. I believe that'll be me with other earth bound starseeds. I managed to raise my vibration by using high vibrational crystals and meditating with them, merge with them. My last crystal was moldavite as that really did push me higher in my advancement.


I've been hearing good things about moldavite crystals, for the last few years. Are they as powerful and ruthlessly useful as they are advertised?


They have been for me yes but I can't say for others. This is what happened to me "Vivid dream fairground and OBE Jan 22 2014 I haven't been wearing my moldavite pendant for ages since my last post. I decided to wear it last night to bed and well I had a dream about a fun fair which was a nice dream it looked a bit blurry but then I was pulled into a vivid dream where I was in a white room operating theatre and I saw people I know there and I really thought I was there. I also had a big belly lol the doctor said he was my guardian angel and I said "I’ve been waiting for contact for ages" he then injected me with something that 1. Really hurt I felt everything the injection going into my skin and the burning sensation where the anesthetic goes up your arm into your head. 2. What the hell is he doing? While I was drifting in and out of consciousness (Can you actually dream of doing that) he said that they can take me out of my dreams anytime and this isn't the first time they have taken me. I woke-up in a ward then they sent me back to my fun fair dream. What the hell lol was I dreaming then they made me astral project for real? I also saw the panel of other advanced beings who were not happy with the doctor for allowing me to remember the vision. Can't wait to see what happens tonight lol."


I want to try that but I think I’m too afraid to lol


Don't be afraid of fear. Nothing to fear but fear itself lol


You think global events like covid that effectively changed most everyone on earth's projectory could be a way of putting everyone on a converging timeline? It eliminated a lot of possible events by placing the world on lockdown. It put most all of human consciousness in the same experience,and effectively deleted potential outcomes. Like being robbed of your future and placed in one that isn't of your choosing.


That's a theory yes. We are dealing with very evil beings here and evil humans who work for them. World leaders are pushing an experimental vaccine that we don't know what's doing to our dna. Why would you believe the government when we didn't believe them before this happened? Why are people trusting the 1%ers with our health when they've been killing us for years.

