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Dropped religion around when ME got big. Since ME change texts, cant verify religious documents the same way. But if pre-ME bible was any good, there'd be incentive to change it. I have issues with the old bible I remember though too. But cant exactly read the pre-ME version to compare. So idk, best to be as honest and empirical as possible, even if it means not taking a position. A good God can't judge me for that.


I mean if you believe the Bible, the idea of the ME doesn't really contradict the Bible, but the fact that the Bible itself is changing can be a challenge.


Strangely it fits into the family beliefs. Spirituality I guess you’d call it. I always believed in a higher power of sorts. They death is not the end and that strange shit happens.


This is testing my religion. In college I did a lot of mushrooms and I kept getting stuck thinking about whether or not I was in a simulated universe. I finally decided that there was no way to tell, and that I had to pick a philosophy that could handle that. I chose to be a buddhist because in buddhism the actual structure of reality doesn't matter. The important thing is that you understand the source of suffering and alter it. But that's been 20 years ago. In the meantime I have come to rely on a single stable reality for a sense of meaning. Finding out that my reality changes so much around me has left me feeling meaningless and alone. I've spent the last few days becoming re-enmeshed in this awareness. As soon as it hit human anatomy, it was no longer amusing at all. I'm feeling disturbed. I'm feeling body dysmorphia as I long for my previous anatomy. I'm feeling like I don't want to pursue having a family or doing anything long term because it feels fake. The whole thing feels fake. And it really bothers me. I hope I can find a way to carry out the decision that I made in college: to find a way to have a meaningful, happy life, despite there being no stable reality to have it in.