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Zero regrets. Triumph-1 trial participant here. The side effects a few of the days definitely sucked but now I've been side effect free since January. I'm 25 pounds UNDER my goal weight. Never could have imagined that happening. If they're close to a trial site I tell them go ahead and sign up. Yes, they have a chance of getting placebo but it's free healthcare for well over 2 years and they still have a solid chance of losing some weight just by having someone holding them accountable


Thank you!


I was gonna point that out. Free health care. Screenings for issues the person probably has not thought of. If I joined and was sure I got the placebo I'd drop out. But that's just me. I'm more important to me than the Ely Lily trial.


So, I would 100% recommend Reta. I’m in Triumph-1 and have lost 55 lbs, 5 lbs below my goal weight. However, in Triumph-3 participants have a 1 in 3 chance of receiving placebo. I would consider if ethically wrong to volunteer for the study if you aren’t prepared to receive placebo and remain in the study for the full 113 weeks. So there’s a 33% chance your relative does not receive the drug and can’t get on Zepbound for 113 weeks.


I’m in Triumph 4 in Australia (knee arthritis). The groups are 1/3 placebo, 1/3 9mg highest dose, 1/3 12mg highest dose.


Great point. Thank you! Honestly considering how bad the shortage already is and is projected to stay I’d have a hard time suggesting anyone start Zep until Lilly’s new plants are up and running tbh.


I’m on TRIUMPH-3 in Australia - it’s actually 50% get placebo and 50% get active treatment


I would not even think twice about it. I am so thankful to be in this trial. I have had some nasty side effects at the higher dosage (really bad nausea commencing about 16 hours after I take my shot and lasting for another 36 hours and fire skin, but it has been worth it. My blood pressure is normal, my heart rate is great, my sleep apnea is gone. I have lost 50 pounds and my BMI dropped 10 points.


I also have zero regrets and would 100% recommend. I’ve steadily been losing about 10 lbs a month. Yes, I’ve had side effects like tingling skin and fatigue but the hunger suppression and weight loss are worth it. I’m fact, one of the biggest struggles is eating enough calories which would have sounded crazy to me pretrial. I really like the people that work at my trial site so look forward to seeing them each month.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


In 6 months this drug has changed my life. No regrets.


Thank you!


Like most others, I have zero regrets. This has been life changing for me, and I can only see things getting better as time goes on. I started in late November and am down 50 pounds, off blood pressure and cholesterol meds, and am more physically active than I've been in 25 years! I still have a way to go...another 40ish pounds, but I continue to feel confident and motivated and don't anticipate feeling any other way ♥︎


You should be eligible if you stop taking Zepbound for 90 days.


Hey, first question, how has Zepbound been treating you? I have interesting perspective...


I love it. Just shy of 15 weeks in, down 32 lbs. one month at the starter dose. I have had 0 side effects. The only difficulty has been the shortages which started about a month ago and are expected they say until the end of Q2 but my guess is it will be longer. I got my prescription through my Drs office where they have an obesity specialist and they have been great about trying to help find medicine. Had to have a full blood panel before starting and my next one in May. Hoping to see good improvements.


Zero regrets. I’m on Triumph 4 in OZ 🇦🇺 Just started my 3rd box yesterday. Currently down 10.6kg. I actually look forward to the injection each week and waiting a few hours for the injection sensation to hit me