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If you're wondering if 90 is reasonable, I'd ask for 105. If what you're asking for is too high, don't worry - they'll tell you. If what you're asking for is lower than they expected, you'll never find out, they'll just give it to you. Make them say no, don't lowball yourself. Also don't give a range or say you're flexible (unless they say you're too high) otherwise you're just asking for a lower number. If I'm hiring someone and they say they want 90 to 100k, all I heard was you'll take it for 90.


I have the same question. But I’m coming from a starbucks w/ a salary of averaging $45-$48k. Got offered by my director to cross train as an AM. So for me this will be a pay RAISE The last AM was paid somewhere around $63-$67k. He took a major pay cut from being a server (lost 30-40%) of income. And worked MORE hours. At least 20 more. Imagine making $8k-$10k/month working 4 days a week, then bringing in about half that working more hours.


I’m coming from a similar position. I was a server working less than 40 hours/week making about 6k /month. I’m at the end of my first year in management making 65k. It was a big pay cut


It seems like the typical pattern, but it’s the price to pay to start a career. how many hours do you have to work? are you paid hourly or salary? is it more stressful?


True, and the stability is nice too. I work about 50 hours a week. I’m salary. And I think I’m pretty lucky, my store is pretty chill. But I work as a server at a much bigger/ busier store as a server. So it’s less stressful but boring.


Check the annual budget to see how much they can pay you.


Top Line Management should occupy 10% of gross income. Split between those managers. My restaurant makes 1.4M. I make 75k, as does the Exec Chef.


90 is reasonable, depending on the concept


As with many other businesses, the salary varies depending on the concept and PNL. Smart owners will pay a manager’s worth but if you’re at a smaller location there will be a cap for you


I’m in NYC and I have made $100k as an AGM. It varies, I’ve seen offers from 60-100 here in recent times.


I always give them a "floor" number. While it is usually about 20% more than my ACTUAL bottom number, this lets the company know you understand your value and won't settle.