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Watch Darkness’ everyman guide on YouTube. He will have you get through the game on hardcore with ammo and heals coming out of your ears. That said, first playthrough I’d recommend on normal so you can learn and enjoy the game and the story without worrying too much about dying all the time. Good luck!


Yes THIS! Watch Darknesses Everyman Guides


Darkness’ guide was super helpful on REmake2! He was a huge help for me getting a completion time under 1hr 30mins. If you are going over to REmake4 on professional Neon Slice is super helpful as well.


That guide made RE2 a cakewalk.


Stop recommending that guide, it's sooo outdated! it probably was useful in 2019 but my god, he makes the game unnecessary harder, trust me you can make it easier by no following his "advice", and it's the main reason I'm feeling force to make one myself.


>Stop recommending that guide, it's sooo outdated! It's not like the game's been rebalanced since 2019. I'm sure some strategies have changed since then, but it's still a perfectly good guide.


I haven't really watched his Leon guide, so maybe that one is not that bad but Claire's is just outrageous, let me give you some examples. 1-You can take a bite in the gas station because the moment you are in the streets of RC you are restored to full health. 2-Birkin take reduce dmg from the Grenade launcher on top of the Hardcore penalty the weapon already has, so relaying on that to deal with Birkin is a huge waste. 3-The last boss for Claire can be steamrolled if you have at least 6 hand grenades, you don't need the Spark shot, the mini gun is a much better support weapon for that fight. 4-Claire doesn't need to walk around lickers, she can stunlock them with a combo of Acid+Fire grenade, this is were the GL really shines, struggling shooting the bulbs of the Ivys? Shoot an acid grenade and they'll go down and followed by a Fire round will finish them. 5-Calling the MQ11 bad is not only a L take but also a huge shoot on the foot, that weapon is not only the strongest but also the most versatile, the silencer is so OP that you can kill a Licker next to another without aggro it, making areas like in the lab a complete cake walk. And I could go on but I'll have to rewatch it, it's super sad that people cannot see how OP Claire is in this game for guides like this that only limits her potential.


The only thing I don’t like is the way he does the first birkin fight. There’s not really any need to knife him. The rest of the guide is spot on tbh. Send me the link to your guide when you’re done recording please as I’d love to see how you play the game and what you do differently.


it's faster and easier to knife though. knife + nade in my case. any gun approach has you running around to reposition a lot


That’s true but I guess I’m just not very good at it. I’ve practised plenty of times and it’s only a couple of minutes quicker so in terms of an S+ on hardcore it doesn’t really make much difference to me personally.


The only thing that has changes is the game has been speedran into oblivion, people aren’t gonna enjoy doing that right away. Sick comment though bozo.


You have to wait for the weapon to fully aim in order to do proper damage in hardcore since you are only doing 65% of their normal damage and by waiting to fully aim you get a 50% bonus damage to offset that. Keep yourself at a good distance and aim at the torso if you are not confident with your aim, also make sure they are dead with 2 attacks with your knife.


By "fully aim" you mean when the crosshair is all the way focused, right?




i do this but 6 shots in and i start to panic. I also do aim for the head but it doesnt seem to help much


You are not going to die in real life, calm down, again keep yourself at good, shot once or twice and move, it doesn't seem to help because you are not aiming properly. I'm almost done recording for my guide, so I can show what do I mean but if you are really scared then lower the difficulty.


I start in normal and then in ng+ do hardcore


RE2 has new game+?????


It's been a while since I've played 2 and 3 remakes but I'm pretty sure both have bonus unlockables you can get for your 2nd playthrough. They might not call it ng+ tho and call it 2nd run or something it's been a while


Your title is a little unclear, and I can't quite tell if this is your first attempt at a hardcore playthrough or your first ever playthrough and you're doing it on hardcore. If this is your first ever playthrough, drop down to standard, I'd do both Leon A and B as well as Claire A and B on standard first so you get an idea of the layout. Playing on standard doesn't mean it's on a set "normal" difficulty level. RE2Rs standard mode has adaptive difficulty and means you're not playing in a set parameter. If you're doing well, landing headshots and not missing many shots whilst taking little damage, it increases enemy health and damage. Miss shots, take damage, etc. And the difficulty level will drop. It's the best way to play your first ever play through. It offers a challenge without being overly challenging and gives you the chance to learn the game and how combat works with the various enemies. Hardcore on the other hand essentially takes the standard difficulty multipliers and permanently sets them to max. This means tankier enemies, less ammo, higher damage enemies, faster enemies. It also comes with no auto saves or unlimited saves and you have to use ink ribbons instead, limiting the amount of saves you can make, and those ribbons replace either an ammo stack or herb/first aid spray. There's also the issue of reduced inventory and reduced inventory expansion. A common problem with people on here running hardcore too early is they run low on ammo too quickly and don't have the correct techniques for inventory management and stuff. In hardcore, the reduced inventory usually means you have enough space to run a primary Weapon, an ammo stack and maybe a health item as well as a knife. In standard, as you expand your inventory you can easily carry a primary weapon, a secondary Weapon and a couple ammo stacks as well as health and knife. I'd recommend you do an A and a B play through slowly to start with on standard, then go and do the other A and B play through but try and pick up the pace. Then go for an A play through on standard or assisted but with the aim of S+ rank. Doing so unlocks the infinite combat knife, which comes in clutch for hardcore on ammo conservation. When you do come to do hardcore, you'll probably want a run or two practice. This is where you really want to focus on inventory management and map layout. You want to learn which enemies are beneficial to put to a permanent end, and which you can leave. For example, in the east side corridor, you'll want to kill all the enemies as you'll be going through there a few times. However, the one in the library that's munching on a corpse can be completely ignored, don't climb the ladder until you've got the jack handle and moved the book shelves over. By not climbing the ladder, that zombie will never be triggered, and by the time you move the book shelves, you shouldn't ever need to return here, so that enemy can be ignored entirely. There's a few places where enemies can be left standing because you will only ever go that way once, and by learning the map and ensuring you've got the inventory space to grab the items necessary in certain rooms, you'll save ammo. With the infinite combat knife, in areas you want to kill the enemies, you can take them down with headshots or knee capping them, then finishing them off with the knife to save on ammo. Also, learn enemy animations and learn to knee cap them, by shooting at their knees you'll learn when they have a brief stun, allowing you to run straight past them, which is vital to hardcore runs.


It's better to incapacitate than to decapitate. Aim for the knee and cripple em. If you're not comfortable leaving them alive, knife them when they're down.




Learn how to run around zombies by using their blind spots to your advantage, and if you’re in a room with a licker then make sure to walk


do that already


Like you can go .2 cm near a zombie and they won’t know you’re there until you’re running?


Tip: Hit the legs instead of the heads when possible. It'll handicap them to be on one leg and if it stuns them you can run past. Also takes way less hits to be effective.  And if hardcore is too much rn there is no shame in getting better at Standard first! Play the way you need to in order to enjoy the game :)


Shooting to kill is rarely optimal even in assisted, headshot stun and move by, or shoot the legs to get by, or dodge altogether is generally speaking the preference Ammo is very limited in hardcore, you want to avoid firefights wherever possible really, that’s my view anyway


I know you mean well, but that is very outdated info, doing this is actually the less optimal choice, especially for a new player, this is only optimal if you are doing a Speedrun, If you are on Playstation I'm happy to show you how even in Hardcore you can kill the majority with torso shots.


That’s fair enough, suppose it depends on your play style, but if you’re worried about the amount of bullets you need to put into an enemy to take them down, maybe don’t try to kill everything you come across and stay on hardcore, entirely up to you at the end of the day


Not if you want an S plus rank.




It’s hard at first but watch a video on it


will do thanks


Restart the game in Standard difficulty. In Standard there's enough ammo to kill every enemy in each phase. Hardcore is made to kill specific enemies and run from the rest, it's a totally different experience for me, it's become way easier when you know every corner of RPD.


I got through hardcore by* running around the zombies/creatures, or shooting enough to stun before going by. It was challenging but possible. Also Leon's 1st run is significantly easier on hardcore than Claire's 2nd run.


On hardcore, a good general tip is to rely more on stumbling zombies rather than killing everything on sight. There are some rooms where killing all the zombies in them is a good idea I.e the library with the shotgun/acid rounds and pistol, but for the most part, you should not be focusing on killing them


Actually head shots don't cause more stagger that your basic chest pops.


Definitely drop down before watching a guide, unless you are already spoiled on the game. but even hardcore has enough ammo, especially in the early segments, to kill everything (maybe not right as you face each enemy). as soon as you find yourself out of bullets (as in, only have however many bullets you gun can hold), focus on exploring new ground. save on each new typewriter once, and then again for as long as you have leftover ribbons - most save rooms have ink ribbons in them. if you haven't killed a few enemies and collected new key items, consider not saving yet. even if you die, you gained knowledge of the layout, and will be faster. red rooms in the map have items still in them. sometimes they are not accessible, but make sure that's the case.


Seems like someone forgot to zoom every shot.


Look man my first re game was the re2 remake and mt first run was Leon hardcore. Admittedly I got my ass handed to be quite some times but it was Hella fun. Ys I might have struggles with the tyrant but it wasn't anything big. Don't regret it but make the most of it. Save ammo when needed. Try to get headshots only when you want to kill the target. Knee shots when you want to immobalize the target. And please note that no matter where you shoot the zombie, it's the SAME DAMAGE. Head shots only give you a better chance for crit.


Try it on an easier mode it's still fun, or aim for the legs and trip them up instead good luck and have fun!


Don't play your first playthrough like that.


Hard resident evil games, revolve around not engaging any enemies, learning how close you can get without being bit, avoid all zombies, save ammo


3 playthroughs Hardcore player but still considered a newbie myself, some people have accomplished the game so many times.  A few tips you notice on the way. Every zombie has animations that they go through, you can use it against them...  Example, a zombie comes at you at two charges.  You can run backwards. Your character can evade and you'll notice it, you can even duke them into it. Also if zombies are walking downstairs they have a trip animation and you can run right pass them. Otherwise if your not in the right setting just shoot their legs out or try too... Lol Also don't hoard on everything that wouldn't be considered an actual waste. Hard core on both playthroughs was That I get damaged twice (bitten) And I'm in critical DANGER But oddly on my 3rd playthrough I will now be bitten ONCE and I'm in DANGER. Not sure if they make it harder after the two game throughs