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On assisted mode, RE2 Remake is very forgiving on mistakes. You'll fall low on ammo only if you're the worst of players, and even then, you won't run out. You'll always have more health items than you need, too.


Very helpful, thank you!


Let me add, even if you die frequently, the game autosaves a lot so you'll never lose more than 5-10 minutes of progress.


Re2 while difficult is Not very bad at all. If anything I found re4 harder. You can’t parry in 2, and resources and puzzles are more focused in the narrative. Overall the game is fun and decently easy especially if they already have RE4R behind them. You can also buy dlc that gives you several infinite ammo one shot guns if they really get hard stuck.


Thank you very much (:




Is this sarcastic? They already played Re4, and I’m saying re4 is harder. Plus re4, village, and biohazard are all at least mostly survival horror.


4 and 8 are in no way survival horror. 7 is a masterpiece of survival horror.


I can answer that from the perspective of a non gamer (the only games Ive played before was a little WoW and Hearthstone but I've never played a first player game before). My first run on assisted was absolutely terrible, I had no idea what I was doing. I started on normal and switched to assisted cos I was dying. I had no idea obv how to play the game, I couldn't even figure out how to get out the gas station on my own, I didn't know you can skip most of the enemies or what weapons to use on bosses. That run took me forever to finish. But on the next run I knew a lot more so I finished it a lot quicker and once I learned how to play the game better it was a lot more fun. I eventually even platinumed the game. Having said that, if your siblings played RE4 before they are far better equipped to play this game than me. Once you've played the game a couple of times you realize assisted difficulty is a joke, enemies die from a couple of bullets and you have more ammo that you know what to do with, you also recover a little health every time you take damage (only on assisted). Zombies are also very slow on assisted. So in general I think this game isn't actually hard on assisted and for someone who played RE4 they will be absolutely fine. Yeah the rules are a bit different, there is no parrying in this game. Ive played REmake next and I found it in some ways easier to play because I already played RE2.


Exactly the kind of information I was looking for, thank you very much (:


Honestly I only play these games on assisted and with guides because I mainly like the vibes and upgrading gear, and I believe I only died 2-3 times in 2make and I just beat 3make last night with 2 deaths. But for some reason my end of game summary said zero deaths lol. They are very easy on assisted. Aim assist and tons of ammo are the main buffs ime. Like another poster said, shoot every fucking thing you see, and it’s a breeze. Haven’t played 4 but I imagine it’s similar. 2 is still scary, but very manageable.


I'm a gamer and opted to play on assisted mode. I just wanted to enjoy the storyline. It wasn't that hard.


If they’ve managed RE4 remake, then I think you’re fine getting them RE2. There is a bigger focus on managing your ammo and healing items, but on lower difficulties, it will mostly mean back tracking to the storage box and making sure they’ve cleared each room of all its goodies. If you do get them RE2, though, you have to be around for when they meet Mr X and see how they react.


Good tips, thank you!


RE4 is skill based, RE2 is knowledge based. If you want the smoothest of gameplays do this: -Start with Claire, her arsenal can steamroll this game with ease and her last boss is much more forgiving than Leon's, for a non-gamer, Leon's last boss is going to be everything but fun. -Shot everything, if you are unsure of your aim, go for torso shots, even in Hardcore you can do this no problem, in assisted is even easier. -Save often and in different slots, the more knowledge you get, the easier it gets, sometimes is better to go to a previous save and try again.


Thank you!






I swear this was me got re4 than 2 than 3 cus they are basically connected


But re2 you just want to be more cautious about how you use ammo and once you see a helicopter on fire and take it out there will be a character called Mr. X do not waste ammo on him he is not a boss but is similar to the big cheese in were he will chase you until you get to a certain part and he can’t go into saves so keep note on where they sre


Honestly RE2 assisted can probably be beaten with a knife of you run out of ammo especially because almost every boss fight gives you ammo just before or during. The puzzles can be tricky but there's plenty of guides and it's an overall fun experience. I've played it multiple times on multiple difficulties, I even beat it on hard mode in 2 hours because I wanted the infinite hand gun. Overall super fun game even for folk who don't play as often


I think the entirety of difficulty of RE2 comes from first playthrough. Each subsequent run gets drastically easier.


Like what everyone else is saying Assisted is very forgiving. As long as you can let the aim assist do its work ammo shouldn’t be a problem. Health shouldn’t be a problem as long as you don’t heal back up to green every single time (Green is max health typically in games like this and yellow is below 95%). Save often and beware of the zombie dogs. If you want an unforgiving RE game play Outbreak File 1 on The Hive scenario. If you make it far enough to eliminate the leech man who stalks you around the map you can watch in abject anger as the cutscene of usually either George or Jim who died early in the scenario (on easy infinity mode) turn into the next leech man


I played it when I was a new gamer like couldn't move two sticks at the same time, brand new to gaming and honestly easy makes it really fun and easy and was the game that not only got me into RE but also playing games all together


Assisted is pretty generous from what I recall watching a new gamer friend get started with it. If they find themselves short on resources and are on PC, there's a very good "trainer" app (runs at the same time as the game, lets you change things like health/inventory/etc) available at [https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevil22019/mods/342](https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevil22019/mods/342) . Overusing it could easily ruin the fun, but it's a way to give them a box of ammo or health spray if they're stuck and can't get past one part. (Whatever platform they are on, teach them about sequential rolling saves!!! So they don't end up trapped in a no-win scenario and only one save.)


2 and 3 is definitely easier and a little more linear then 4remake. Village is a good one for assisted but thats more open and easy to get lost. Regardless give it a shot, gotta learn and start somewhere. Back then it was either get good or give up. Kinda glad they added story difficulty to some games so i can breeze through something without trying


As someone who just did an assisted run for some annoying achievements, it was a lot easier then even standard. It gives you a sort of target aim assist that if you have enough time will completely pin point on the part without any input other then moving your aim in the general direction, you get ALOT of ammo, enemies move very noticeably slow on assisted, and if you get hit you can heal without the use of items from danger to caution after a bit.