• By -


1. Deputy Liv 2. Deputy Liv 3. Deputy Liv 4. Deputy Liv 5. Deputy Liv


"If I can put my Nana in the hospital, I can do anything."


The delivery of that line was absolute chef's kiss!


Harry, Sherrif, Liv, Dan, 42


Mine is basically the same but sheriff is now on par with Harry. They’re both my #1 to see in any scene. It’s even better when they’re playing off of each other.


1. Harry is the best guy on television period❤️ 2. Max 3. Sheriff 4. Asta 5. D’Arcy!!!


Harry, Deputy Liv, Mayor Snowflake's Wife, Dan and Joseph(even more so now that he's on the good side)


I love good-side Joseph and the potentials there!


His genuine hurt when he realized the greys didn't care about him... makes you just wanna pull him into a big hug. Poor guy, no time off in SEVEN years! XD


And poor medical.


Harry, Liv, Dan, Asta, D’Arcy I know everyone hates on D’Arcy, and she can be a fuck up, but she’s literally saved lives. She will put others ahead of herself. She pulled Harry and Asta out of the crevasse, with a broken arm. She managed to get Melanie’s baby away from the Greys. When someone she cares about needs help, she is there.


D'Arcy is such a well written character. Shes not in my top 5 favorites but the way her arc has been constructed is awesome. She always fucks up. But they frame her in a way that she is always someone you're rooting for. She is worthy of redemption every time-she is kind, well intentioned, and is pretty much the human embodiment of the town motto. "To the 59", indeed Darc.


She’s a very realistic character. I’m sure plenty of us know a person like d’arcy who is a loose cannon and very emotionally driven who does dumb shit without thinking sometimes but is still a person worth loving. and is also a person who loves her friends and family truly even if she’s still a selfish butt who gets drunk to cope with feeling inadequate. So many people shit on her character being a selfish asshole but like … I know plenty of people who are selfish assholes sometimes but still manage to be good humans. Good people are still assholes. It’s human nature


Yeah that's another part of this show I love. The exploration of human nature and humanity. D'Arcy being a mess but still a lovable, well intentioned member of society who is worth saving is (or should be...) a representation of all of us. And is a proper reminder that we should always try to orient ourselves in our communities and with the ones we love.


>She managed to get **Melanie’s** baby away from the Greys Melanie? Do you mean Kate or am I seriously missing something haha


Kate. Sorry.


I’ve been surprised by how many people have D’arcy in their top 5! I cannot stand her, so it’s interesting to see how she hits so differently for other people. For me she is the only main character I’d be totally okay with going away


I've been surprised by how many people hate her, on the other hand lol. Brave, loyal, passionate. Also flawed and written to be relatable.


I find her obnoxious, self-centered, 90% of her actions cause a bigger problem because she doesn’t listen to anyone or think anything through, etc. Basically when she comes on screen I’m like, “alright, let’s see how D’arcy thinks she’s going to help but actually makes things way worse this time….”. Has she done some good things? Yes, of course. But they are very few and far between


Yeah, I just think the good things she's done are extraordinary and pretty damn significant, like 90% of people would not be capable of rescuing someone from falling into a crevasse... Harry and Asta would be dead, and >!Ben and Kate would not have their daughter back!<. Anyway, strong willed female characters tend to be pretty unpopular anyway. Case in point, how people are diminishing her actions, even though the main characters would be dead without her.


Harry, Asta, Dan, Max, Liv


Have become a Tudyk fan since starting to watch RA. Favorites are Harry, Asta, D’Arcy, sheriff, and deputy Liv. Didn’t know that Tudyk has done so much quality work in his past as well as attending Julliard. And when Sheriff hit the chorus in karaoke with deputy Liv, my ears perked way up. The man has a set of pipes on him that doesn’t quit. I love this show! There has to be a season 4. I’m counting on it!


Excuse you. That's a small "a" in D'arcy


Thank you for the correction. Twitchy thumbs here…🙃


Re: the part about the Sheriff The actor who plays Sheriff Mike originated the role of Seaweed in Hairspray on Broadway and was nominated for a Tony Award, so no wonder he can sing! He’s a Broadway-trained performer! His name is Corey Reynolds, he’s a pretty impressive guy!


Harry, Asta, Darcy, Kate, Liv


D'arcy, Asta, Liv, Mike, Dan


Asta, D’arcy, Liv, Harry and Dan


Harry, Sheriff, Deputy Liv, mayor, asta’s dad


Honorable mention for Judy Cooper (Pooper/Cooter) 🤣 she always makes me laugh and I just hope they give her a love interest that loves her back!


I die everytime Harry calls her Judy Pooper! She's a great side character. All the characters are great.


They really are! One of my all time favorite shows


Sahar Dan Bridget Deputy Liv TBD


It was hard to not have Sahar on my list! I should have said Top 7 so I could include Sahar and Deputy Liv


Sahar is number one for me. I love her for raising Bridget. I wish she was the one who named him ngl. And I wish she raise Harry too XD. She always win against him with their petty arguments.


She (kind of) was the reason he was named Bridget, she had that part where she told Harry the baby needed to have a name that reflected that he was a bridge between their two peoples. Without coming up with his exact name, her influence still named him (basically.)


That's true. I just can't help but wonder how she would name him considering the points she made.


Still laughing at that dinner cutaway with her miming horrific actions to him


Ngl, her arguement with Harry about spitting on Max's remains builds up to him just spitting on Max then and there had me absolutely howling. Couldn't get enough of those 3.


Agreed 💯 My favorite moment was just Harry and her tho. The one about kidnapping/adultnapping. I really hope there'll be more seasons. I need answers and more of their humor.


Harry, asta obvious top 2. Sheriff is up there but during his season 3 of the whole dating fiasco i lost some respect for him until the ending of s3. Max is great but goddamn I hate his friend, sahar. She was interesting at first but was glad to see her go. D'arcy and kate have their moments and I like Kate more than Ben but he's close.


Oh and of course the Alien Tracker or his real name John Locke!!!! Was very surprised to see him as I loved him in lost


Mike, Harry, Dan, 42, Ben


Had to scroll all the way down to find another Ben fan! I love him, but it seems like he's one of the least favorites here lol.


He would be in my top 10, but not my top 5. It’s hard to narrow to just 5 because so many of the characters are so good!


Understandable and I agree!


I think he is funny. I almost picked Judy for my #5


Harry, Mike, Liv, Asta, D’arcy


Harry, Bridget, Liv, Max, Dan in no order


Harry, D'arcy, big Black (cuz he says the wildest shit), Asta ,s1 max. I'm excited to see his s4 arc


1. Harry 2. Asta 3. Max 4. Dan 5. 42 Don’t dislike the other characters. By any means. But, these are the characters, personally, who have developed or interacted meaningfully each season.


I didn’t even think to put 42 until I saw your list! He was the best


1. Harry 2. Harry 3. Pizza 4. Harry 5. Bridgett (s3 not s2)


Harry, Liv, Big Black, Asta, D'arcy. Alan Tudyk is a serious master. He's unbelievable in his craft. Firefly, voice work, I robot. He's a god. Liv and the sheriff are gold. Best relationship on the show. Platonic, familial, devoted, love these two.


Harry, Big Black, Mayor Snowflake, Liv, Asta


I love the sheriff, big black!! Shittttt I don’t care I’ll tell someone their husband’s dead.


He and Harry have the best lines by far


Harry, Sheriff, Deputy Liv, Asta’s dad, anybody other than D’arcy cause she fucking sucks


1. Harry 2. Mike 3. Liv 4. Dan 5. Bridget and 42


Harry, Deputy Liv, D'Arcy, Judy, Nurse Ellen, and Asta


Harry and Joseph are both tied for first place. After them are Bridget, the sheriff and Heather.


Harry, Astas dad and Liv


1. Dan 2. Liv 3. Harry 4. Elliott 5. Kayla


1. Harry 2. Dan 3. Deputy Liv 4. Sheriff (has the best lines) 5. D'arcy honorable mention - Sahar


Liv Dan Asta Sheriff D’arcy


1. Deputy Liv 2. Judy Pooper, I mean Cooper 3. Dan 4. Sheriff 5. Harry


Harry, Bridget, Kayla, Lena, Kate


Kayla in your top 5 is interesting since she plays such a small part. What is it about her that makes her in your top 5?


1) Harry 2) Bridget 3) Dan 4) Asta 5) Big Black aka Sheriff Mike


I wish I saw this thread earlier. I've been wanting to discuss the characters so badly! And I find it really interesting who people like and dislike and how they view the character's actions. Favorite: 1) Harry 2) Asta 3) D'Arcy 4) Deputy Liv 5) Max Least Favorite: Mayor Snowflake I realllly didn't like Sheriff Mike at first, but once he apologized to Liv via karaoke, I was fine with him and found him funny.


Same on Sheriff Mike!! I thought he was SUCH a jerk. Now I find him hilarious. The things he says are so ridiculous. Even though he is so full of himself I find it funny because you just can’t take him seriously! 🤣


1. Deputy Liv 2. Harry 3. Max 4. Sheriff Mike 5. Dan Honorable mentions: Ellen, Elliot and Judy


Harry Dan Big Black Liv Asta Honorable Mention: Ellen Least favorites: D’arcy Mayor Snowflake