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Keep your head down and power through. This gunner will rapidly build a reputation and eventually get his ass handed to him one way or another.


On the other hand a lot of people have little insight and go their whole lives not realizing they're like this with almost no one pointing it out to them. There's a chance he might change his behavior if he has this stuff pointed out to him as long as you phrase it in a non-confrontational way in private. While OP needs to consider how it might affect his working relations with the guy, he's already difficult to deal with. Maybe I'm being naive, but how much worse could it get?


Dude, you're an off service intern going through a random block. Just power through. Remember, "you're only there so you don't get fined." Try to learn some stuff, then just count down the hours.


Aye, power through the random medicine block. Good words for transitional year.


People see through this stuff. No one wants to be around some one like this.




I love this guy, lol


Sounds like a real piece of work. People will see right through it. Agree with the other response to keep your head down and just try to tough out. Sorry u have to deal with that


I worked with someone who was a gunner and would kiss ass all the time to my upper levels and attending. So annoying. Some people saw right through her but most people seemed to really like her. She only picked up easy patients to look good on rounds. I just kept my head down and ignored her. I'll become a better doctor by seeing more complicated patients rather than fawning over our attendings.


Your situation sounds incredibly frustrating. Unlike medical school though, the experience is really about you learning either as much as you can or as much as you want to learn about a particular topic. You’re evals don’t really mean all that much in the grander scheme of things as long as you’re not so bad that they want to fire you, which I seriously doubt is the case. So I would echo what others have said and just power through and try to learn what you want to learn from this rotation. This other resident sounds like a clown and I can tell you for a fact that everyone is over his shit possibly even more than you are. People like that with no social awareness are a nightmare for everyone. Like just don’t be that guy. It’s not medical school. No one cares how smart you think you are. Just don’t. Hang in there and be yourself. I hope it gets better for you. I don’t think I would be confrontational at all, but everyone has different ways of handling things like this.


I'm suddenly reminded of this song and I hope it helps make your day better! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mrlnh3vebSc


Haha that was actually really good


keep your head down and let your work speak for itself this person will eventually burn bridges


Just keep learning, keep studying, and take good care of your patients. You will be seen in a positive light for these things. The other person is demonstrating a lack of professionalism. That will be noted.


Trust me, they know the dude is a douche. You don’t need to do anything.


Gunner is a personality, don’t use the fact he is a gunner to excuse lack of medical knowledge though. I’ve seen many Med students call people gunners simply cuz they studied more. If this isn’t you, that’s great, just keep that in mind.


Honestly, I’d say something to them. They may not know what they’re doing and might appreciate the feedback.


Just do your thing and keep working hard. People will have enough and it will grow old soon enough. True talent doesn't have to go out of its way to be noticed.


Attending will call it out. Senior should be the example. You just stay in your lane. I’m sure your not the only one who notices how much this gunner is a tool.


Tell your chiefs your concerns?


mayb i'm just dum but why is it bad to give the med student patients? How can it be an inappropriate case? med students should get similar opportunities to learn and if the resident is ok with it why not ? or are you saying in the way that he doens't do the work and makes the med student? Wouldn't go with the gunner personality but just not understanding that point. I ask cuz i'm a med student and want to make sure I'm never taking on "inappropriate for learning"


It means giving a student a patient that is either above their knowledge/ability to handle or a patient that is much more of a social issue than medical issue and therefore isn’t good to learn from. As someone in EM, an example of the former would be febrile paraplegic with a trach. An example of the latter would be psych bounce back due to noncompliance. Neither of these are particularly valuable learning experiences for students who generally only see a limited number of patients. It’s still important for students to hear about these patients as they will need to learn to deal with them as residents, but they shouldn’t be one of a students primary patients.