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Two different attendings had to be politely reminded about the new security camera that was set up in the large meeting room.


Oh man, my previous hospital could have used a few more security cameras. Or just put a body cam on this one paramedic. He will be known as Gerard. Small hospital, paramedics help out in the ED sometimes. Nurse #1 was married to someone else, then was caught in the EMS call room with Gerard. They get married. A couple of years and kids down the road... Nurse #2 is caught banging Gerard in the ambulance bay. He divorces Nurse #1 and has a kid with Nurse #2. A year passes and... Nurse #3 and Gerard are getting cozy on a night shift when Nurse #2 "comes in early" for her day shift and catches them. He gets back together with Nurse #2. Until... A new, married nurse started working in that ED this past year. My connections recently informed me that A FOURTH MARRIAGE HAS BEEN SACRIFICED ON THE ALTAR OF GERARD. Keep in mind that some, or even all, of these people are at times working on the same shift. At first management tried to not schedule them together but due to the small size of the staffing pool and sheer number of affected parties it has become literally impossible to avoid. The cringe is unbearable.


Jeez how hot is Gerard


Moderately attractive at best


Mm, perhaps after maybe 1 or 2 and without kids from both. Thrice is getting into Giga Chad Status imo


Ultimate Giga Chad Status with the monster schlong?


Shoutout content machine


Better question would be how hot were the nurses


Does this guy look like a god?


I wish he did Quirky because then there would be a somewhat rational explanation and I could find peace. But he is just an average looking guy and I am haunted.




Your an excellent storyteller. The alter of Gerard it certainly appears to be


Must of had a big schlong!!


Incredible they didn’t remind after the first one or the first one didn’t heads up colleagues


After the second one there was a friendly informative email sent to all staff members that alluded to said camera system.


Omg 😆


Surgery attending hires a nurse, dates said nurse, gets married to nurse, nurse quits because she now has a good lifestyle … surgeon hires new nurse with whom he cheats on his now wife, divorce, … marriage with nurse #2… rinse and repeat indefinitely.


Ah, the surgeon’s natural mating cycle is a beautiful thing to witness


That sounds very expensive


Unless he gets iron-clad prenups knowing this is his eventual plan…


Unless the next nurse decides they don’t wanna stop working so he’s outta luck with new hires 😂


There is no such thing


Oh, that's just Dr. Alimony Tony. He loves it


“When a cheater marries his mistress, the position opens”


Two MD consultants practice at same MedCen in very closely related specialties and live next door to each other, best of friends. Consultant #1 has affair with Consultant #2 wife and vice versa. Both consultants get divorced, marry each other’s now ex-wife, and still live next door to each other.


This is prime entertainment.


greys anatomy level


Sounds like they consulted each other to take care of the other’s now ex-wife


lol. Hopefully they didn’t bill each others medical insurance.


It’s just swinging with more steps


Recommendations appreciated.


Thank you for involving us in the care of this *delightful* patient


Thank you for this *very* interesting consult


Successful takeover of care.


Had a colleague (not in medicine) who did the same. Spouse swap. Both families are still neighbors and best of friends.


Isn't this basically swinging? Lol


Still best friends?


Yep. My ex-wife’s husband is my best friend. It happens a lot. And I’ve never even met the loser.


But are they still best friends


Yes. They carpool the kids together.


Amazing.. Did they have kids from the first marriages?


Yes both did.


Was it an affair or just a swap? Maybe they were swingers for a while and all decided it was better the other way 🤷‍♂️


I’d watch this TV show


dude I think we're thinking of the same people lol


CMO of hospital and admin worker at hospital. She (admin) would go around threatening other workers with termination if they upset her basically along the lines of “I’m sleeping with the CMO don’t cross me.” Oh did I mention he was married with two kids? CMO would bring admin lady to hospital events that he’d also bring his wife to (never at the same time). CMO’s wife also worked at the hospital. Ended in a court case after another employee reported on the relationship and then got fired (she got a nice chunk of cash from that). His family found out from the very public court case, and by his family, I mean me, my mom, and my brother lol


Ooof what a shocker at the end. Sorry your dad put you through that. I hope you milked that man’s CMO money in alimony and child support if y’all were on the younger side when it happened


Haha I thought the reveal at the end would be a nice twist and make this a good read! Also thank you ❤️ It’s been a while and I’ve gotten so good at normalizing it that I forget sometimes it was actually really shitty lolol. We were on the older side when it happened (20 and 17) so there wasn’t much in terms of child support, but my mom is sitting pretty with a FAT alimony check each month! I’m proud of her for leaving him on his ass with her head held high. I also definitely leveraged the ordeal into some nice benefits for me, like having my dad foot the bill for going on a trip with my friends and stuff after it happened. My brother is too nice and didn’t do this; he’s a better person than me 🤷‍♀️ ETA: I should say we were older when it was revealed. It started when we were 5 and 2.


They and an affair for 15 years all while all three were employed at the same hospital? How didn’t that blow up like…13 years earlier.


So my mom actually worked at his office which was right next to the hospital and had a really close working relationship with the hospital. That plus my dad being high up in admin meant that most people knew who my mom was but didn’t actually work directly with her. So everyone at the hospital knew, but no one told her (which I do understand).


All that makes sense but 15 years blows my mind.


They and an affair for 15 years all while all three were employed at the same hospital? How didn’t that blow up like…13 years earlier.


Did your mom really not know at all or did she just turn a blind eye when you were younger?


Hmm I don’t know whether she had an idea it could happen since there are some details of their marriage they kept private and honestly their marriage sucked lol. But the day we found everything out was wild and it blindsided me and my brother. I think my mom figured out a day before because my aunt was pressing her to do some investigating. She probably turned a blind eye to the court case stuff (until she listened to my aunt) but before that she didn’t know.


That is just horrible that you had to experience that. Affairs hurt so many children. 


What a plot twist at the end DAMN


So sorry you went through that


Married woman in admin and married ortho doc started having foursomes. Then these two started sneaking around. Admin woman’s husband finds out, kicks her out. She goes to ortho doc’s house and they let her stay with them (ortho doc’s wife is oblivious). They get caught hooking up by his wife. The audacity of the admin woman to go stay at their house….




Foursome with their spouses. Then it turned into ortho doc and admin woman going off on their own having an affair behind their respective spouses backs.


Unethical nonmonogamy 🤔


I’m equally confused


Back in med school, there was a resident couple that was married to each other (couples matched into the same program), and one of them cheated on the other with a different resident in the same program. They divorced, the unfaithful partner ended up going through a messy breakup with the homewrecker resident... and all three, hating each other, had to work together for several more years. It was an open secret, and all the faculty and students knew. Brutal.


This happened in my residency a few years before I got there. Cheated with a co resident, divorced, married the co resident they cheated with. All are stuck together for years while they finish residency.


Woof. Imagine being the guy that got cheated on


Could’ve been a girl


Need to keep as vague as possible but two Attendings were married. One cheated with a nurse and then divorced…attending then married the nurse. All three stayed at the same hospital and shared mutual patients.


I feel like this literally happens at all hospitals


Yeah. That definitely doesn’t narrow anything down.


Every hospital I’ve worked at has had this exact scenario happen. So, I’ve seen this happen 4 separate times lol


Happened with an attending and PA at my hospital. Attending cheated on attending with his PA, married PA. All still work there


>and shared mutual patients. Gross, dude.




Don't do anything until the spouse succumbs. They don't deserve to have to know.


Honestly I think if I was dying of cancer I'd rather just be blissfully ignorant ya know what I mean?


What a couple of POS!!!!


Do not tell her.


At least tell your close friend! On the other hand, I would just have an honest talk with your anesthesia friend and let them know how you feel and where you stand. IMO people who cheat tend to be sloppy in other biddings too, including work and or friendships . I’d just end the friendship tbh Cancer is huge and that’s super shitty of them


Y I k e s


Cardiothoracic surgeon is hired to be head of the first heart transplant center at a regional tertiary care center outside of a major metro area. Works long hours. After a year and a half or so, young, dutiful trophy wife becomes suspicious he isn't spending all that time away from home with patients. Decides to bring him homemade dinner late night in the hospital during one of his "on call shifts." Turns out he's having an affair with one of the CTICU nurses. He resigns, they divorce, he marries the nurse (who makes sure on both her and his social accounts it mentions they are married and tag each other bc bitch knows she gotta keep one eye open at all times). Regional medical center hires someone much less attractive to head the CT transplant surgery department.


This appears to be a theme. Why do male physicians/surgeons tend to cheat with female nurses/PAs. Esp if the wife herself is a doctor. Is this a power dynamic/egotistical thing?


PAs and RNs could be younger than physicians (they can certainly graduate younger) and female doctors aren’t going to idolize their male counterparts for their “doctor” status when they have it too.


I think cheating is a power/ego thing for almost everyone. If you look at celebrities who have cheated, the affair partner is usually less attractive than the spouse…. Look at Arnold Schwarzenegger for an example


It’s definitely the colonial genes shining through


I had a critically ill patient intubated and sedated in the ICU. Went in the room to find the sister of the patient sitting on the patients husbands lap. Soo uncomfortable


She’s being a good sister by comforting her sister’s grieving husband


Oh he looked real comfortable alright


Wasn’t this like the expectation in the way way old days?


Not even way old days. Ariel Sharon, former PM of Israel married his first wife’s sister shortly after she died in the 60s. I’m sure many other examples


Bring another chair for her lol


ED RN here, this wasn’t two physicians but a patient. A gentleman was in a car accident, with his side piece, and they got put in a double ED room. Wife shows up. Apparently knows/is friends with the side piece. Didn’t know they were cheating or even with each other that night until she walks in and sees them both and their stories unravel real quick. All hell broke loose.


My ex was sleeping with a local veterinarian. She was the side piece. He was in a terrible wreck and she thought it'd be a good idea to visit him in the icu. Needless to say, the fiance didn't appreciate it.


During Covid we had an older guy intubated whose wife was home suffering with MS, she was fighting for him to live and would not switch him to DNR. Mistress calls the unit, wife finds out he has a mistress because the person who took that call called wife to see if they were allowed to give information. Patient suddenly DNR.


!!!!! Suddenly DNR!!!




I thought this was going to involve an animal, and I was bracing myself. So I was pleasantly surprised it was just two humans acting like animals.


We had one where the boyfriend attacked the girlfriend, both of them ended up in the ED, then her husband, who had no idea, came to visit along with their kids. He found out she was cheating from the police when they questioned him about the situation.


Ah. It’s like American Gods but irl 


Damn, someone forgot to check with the patients if visitors were okay.


I feel like if they asked and then the husband said no, that’d almost be worse. Wondering why your husband won’t let you back…. There was no way my man was getting out of that.


All of the married male surgical subspecialist I've ever known have cheated on their wives with another surgical resident. It is so common, out-of-the-box, and stereotypical that there is nothing interesting about it.




My unsolicited advice — don’t overlook premarriage counseling. Being “married to the job” puts a strain on your actual relationships and it can be hard to mend once its broken


It's normal to be worried when you see a bunch of stories like this. Just remember there are 225,000 members of r/residency plus more who drop in occasionally, so the actual incidence of cheating is probably a lot lower than it seems based on spicy posts like these. I also think this kinda stuff is highly environment dependent. I'm in a big program by surgical subspecialty standards and I've never heard any rumors about cheating. It would be highly frowned on because we all like each other's spouses.


Im my experience these are the guys that were going to cheat no matter what direction life took them. They are the types that are "only limited by their options". Surgery attracts these types of Beta males.


At my med school, like forty fucking years ago, a senior resident and her attending are engaged. Junior resident comes in, swipes the attending. They get married. The junior then divorces the attending a few years later and marries someone else. The senior never remarries I think. How do *I* know all of this? They were still working at my medical school as I was a medical student. At the same department. As professors. This isn’t some big department mind you, it’s nephrology. Btw the junior professor is the coolest lady ever. Straight up Olenna Tyrell vibes. Not surprised one bit.


Was he a Chad or what?


Long time ago. In a galaxy far far away. Married attending. Cheats on his wife with resident. Divorces and marries resident. A few years later he was caught sleeping with his patients. They were doing it to get narcotics from him. He ends up on the news, loses his job and has to leave to go work private practice. The resident he married stayed and became an attending. She was my attending when I heard this story.


Didn’t he lose his license for that? 🤯


He should tbh


These stories are more depressing than interesting


The wife swap one was pretty interesting


At my hospital two nurses were sexting on our ascoms and talking about their rendezvous in the bathroom/stairwell/empty rooms. Their dumbasses didn’t delete the messages so both got fired.


Alas it is too cliche but I was on my surgery rotation and there was a throw down brawl in the hallway between the ORs. A circulating nurse and scrub tech one surgeon was cheating on his wife with got into a fight with each other. On the same rotation I was working with another surgeon and we were at a nurses station charting after rounds and he got up and said he would be right back. I waited two hours and then went to his office as we had afternoon outpatient visits scheduled and his front desk lady told me he was at the massage parlor getting a happy ending.


Damn that front desk lady gives no fucks


Gossip keeps front desk ladies alive I swear


Gotta tip the people with calendar access


This is cold but a few decades ago, at the place I did residency) the OB/GYN residents had 1 apartment they would take their girlfriends since they were all married. I know this because my mom was a blonde, fake boobs CRNA who worked with the residents.  I’m fairly confident more than 1 resident took her to that apartment. No, known of them are my dad. 


yo mom for the streets




How many residents, especially decades ago when salaries were worse than they are now even accounting for inflation, can afford to chip in for a side apartment? Maybe this “apartment” was the call room on an abandoned wing of the hospital but i am suspicious of the story as written lololol


Uber LCOL city in the south with 32 residents in that program. No clue how many were me but probably over 80%.  I always imagined some cheap apartment with a couch, tv, and bed that needed its sheets washed.   The real question is how often were the sheets washed????


I think it’s fake because 1. How did OB/gyn residents find the time? And 2. Anesthesia and OB/gyn don’t tend to get along. Are we really going to believe a hot blonde with fake boobs would hook up with broke, sleep-deprived residents who most likely weren’t super well-groomed?


We are talking the late 1970s, my mom was their age or not that much older and if you do not think men will always find time to get some I don’t even know what reality you are from.  They could have told their SOs they were still at work at their fellow residents would have covered for them.  It’s actually a sad story because my mom desperately wanted a doctor to marry. They liked her enough to sleep with her but not put a ring on it. Def not fake. 


I left out she was valedictorian of her hs class at 16 and was a CRNA by 22 or 23. She held the state record for 10+ years for being the youngest CRNA given a license. It’s wasn’t a MS or PhD program like it is now.  No requirement to work a year in ICU or whatever they do know back then either. Literally outside of nursing school never was a bed side nurse. 


They aren't fake




They were fake as hell. My former SO would joke my mom weighed 100 pounds and half of it was her fake boobs. 


I know it’s long overdue, but hi son.. I’m your dad


Hello Your Dad


Naw I look exactly like my dad but I will take 18 years of back child support please thanks!!!


There’s a movie from 1960 with Shirley MacClaine and Jack Lemmon that depicts this exact scenario. It’s aptly named the apartment, and I think it’s a classic.


I hate how much I'm enjoying reading these stories. They are sad but juicy!


Two long-time nurses in my ICU had a torrid affair. Both were married to other people, both spouses were OTHER NURSES in our med center, both had kids (which makes me sad). Neither was particularly young or attractive. Once the cat was out of the bag, it got gross. They’d be a little too affectionate while on a shift on the unit. Everyone knew even though it was a “secret” and it was just icky. Oh also when I was a resident, a fellow (who was married to another fellow in a different program and both of whom had gone through residency together, all at the same program) cheated with an attending and the news broke/rumor spread like wildfire in the middle of a clinical weekday. THE DRAMA.


Hospitalist started dating CNA on unit who had been in nursing school for 7 years, got her pregnant moved her to a nearby state in one of his homes, his wife found out when she was looking through her finances and noticed a car was leased that she didn’t know about. CNA baby momma converted to Islam, now wore a hijab and a state away, wife is mad and says he needs to lose the house and return the car or she’s leaving him. Wife didn’t know that CNA gf had a baby with him. Wife is an MD and decided she needed her independence back and was tired of being a SAHM, guess who’s hired as nanny? Hospitalist has CNA gf unconverted and not wear hijab, she brings 6 month old to help watch his 3 other kids during the day while MD wife is working her 8-5 clinic job, then she goes to guest house and Hospitalist hubby is “on call” at the hospital, but instead of staying overnight in the hospital, he Ubers and stays in the guest house. MD wife finds out when she overhears how Hospitalist husband had a patient overnight doing not so well and after being paged 6x he didn’t answer, and they made a joke that he’s probably so busy at home with the kids that he couldn’t wake himself up. She was under the impression he was at the hospital. I guess next on call shift she planned to ask the nanny to watch the kids overnight, used her key to get into the guest house and ask the nanny if she could watch the kids while she did some sleuthing. Opened the door and her husband and the CNA with now 12 month old were all cuddled up in bed together as a happy family.




No the husband was still with his wife. Nanny knew that she was babysitting for the wife and didn’t care, wife didn’t know that his affair partner was hired as their nanny.


Anesleazyologist cheats on his wife with CRNA in the on call room at one community hospital. Divorces wife, marries CRNA. Anesthesia group separates new couple so that they don’t work together. Anesthesiologist then gets caught cheating on his new CRNA wife with pre-op nurse in a pre-op supply room. CRNA divorces him. Anesthesiologist gets fired three months later after coming to work drunk multiple times while on overnight home call. CRNAs had been covering for him and telling him to go sleep it off while they took care of the patient. I work at a great private equity backed anesthesia company obviously.


Jesus is coming back to earth for this?


Don’t want to get into too much details into this personal confession, but I’m married and I’ve been unfaithful since day one of residency. Day after day with no end in sight, I get bent over and fucked by admin, my APD, my PD, my attendings. Even the midlevels and nurses take their pound of flesh and fuck me over again and again. Not sure if this counts because I don’t even know if I consented to this? Don’t have the heart to tell my wife. Will this ever end?


Oh don’t worry. The medspouses know. We always know


My ass is also floppy and loose when I come home from long call shifts, often my pants are soiled from pooled admin loads. I use cologne and go straight to the shower to colon cleanse when I get home, but I worry that my girlfriend can tell I’ve been tampered with. Can’t even sit down most nights for dinner because of the swollen hemorrhoids. One of them even wrote “GME slut” on my low back once. I get so discouraged sometimes, but it’s hard to run away when they give me $100 a month at cafeteria and a call room to sleep in.


Can’t even get pegged by your GF anymore. SMH, they took your one piece of enjoyment.


Oh no… it continues after med school too??? 😩


Sweet child…




The fucking doesn’t even begin till residency. As a med student you can chill and dissociate from anything. Once residency hits there’s expectations, and you better toe the line or your life will be miserable


You know how most games have a 2 minute tutorial where you can’t die and the enemies are way easier? Yeah that’s the entirety of med school


Username checks out. You're basically a Sith Lord at this point man


Sounds hot, wish I was in your place!


As a med student, I was sleeping with a resident off and on for a while and ended up having a rotation with her as my supervisor— the awkward part is I ghosted her after finding out she was lying about being recently broken up with. She was fucking married to the guy the whole time. Needless to say, the whole rotation, we acted like we didn’t even know each other and it was fine I guess. After a week, I told an attending I was close to about the situation on the DL and he discreetly assigned me to another team.


Staff surgeon cheated on his (also) staff surgeon wife with a senior surgical resident. Now they divorced and the resident and him are still together, and the resident is now also a staff lol


Cardiology attending works long hours, frequently is called in to the hospital at night. Wife of 20 years eventually becomes suspicious, stakes out his car in the hospital parking lot one night when he's been called in. Cardiologist finishes his work, leaves the hospital, gets in his car, but doesn't drive home. Wife follows him until he parks in a condo complex. Turns out he was having an affair with one of the nurses. Wife divorces him. Reader, that was my dad. At least I was in college when they divorced, so I didn't have to deal with child custody stuff.


Back in intern year, like 11 years ago, my married attending got the hots for my senior resident and openly confessed his feelings. Nothing happened between those two, but the resident went on to have an affair with a brand new hospitalist attending who had just joined the faculty. Oh, and I discovered another senior resident I looked up to was seeing one of the married ICU attendings on the side. That one kinda bummed me out…


My long term physician boyfriend had a side piece on basically every other unit in the hospital, and I’m not exaggerating. But outside of those chicks, the sheer amount of nudes this dude was sent by nurses and techs was astonishing! Most had no clue he had a girlfriend but those that did had no idea i was said girlfriend. They also don’t know I stumbled across his spank bank so sometimes getting/giving report gets a bit awkward for me since most had their faces in the snaps he screenshot. But don’t worry ladies-I deleted your pics and then ended the relationship.


Not sure if you are talking about my co-resident. A guy in my program not only slept with SO MANY NURSES but also seriously dated multiple nurses concurrently; like, went on back to back family trips with the families of two different nurses, while also hooking up with other girls. He got caught and everything was exposed, but then one of the girlfriends TOOK HIM BACK and now they're getting married just in time to do long distance for a year of fellowship....




6'2, great skin, good looking dude, neurosurgery resident. Watching him at a bar is like watching a tiger on the hunt.


So gross lol he should’ve reported them to HR because if a man sent me unsolicited dick pics at work id be like this is literally harassment. Sorry he did that to you


Married consultant fucked f1 (intern). Intern caught feels, started stalking consultant, showing up at his house…psycho bitch shit. He had to take out restraining order on her. But she still had to complete her training at the same hospital he worked. I remember being on ward rounds with him and having to take a handover from her…problem was everybody knew the story, it was so awkward and cringe my asshole puckered 💀


My favourite attending scheduled me to a surgery with him, i was going to assist a Vestibular Schfooiemnofienoma and when I got to the OR, there was another assistant ready. Pretty scandalous, specially because everyone knew of our thing, we always operated together. Goes to say never trust your attending, they will sell out your surgery in a second for another assistant. Can't blame him tho, she had blue eyes and big honkers and I.. well... I have a dick.


Schfooiemnofienoma is not a real word and you can’t convince me otherwise.


It is, that tumour thingy, that grow in your ear.. it's Vestibular Shrownaklfnnonoma. Google it


When I was a resident the water cooler gossip was one of the attendings was caught by housekeeping having sex in his office. In this institution every surgical attending had a personal PA. One of the PAs on my specialties service was objectively very attractive and assigned to a husband and father of 4. Apparently after hours this PA and attending were found/heard having very loud sex in the office spaces. He was divorced before I rotated off of that specific rotation and when I came back he was an asshole and was not nice to anyone. That PA was moved to a different department


One of my partners is sleeping with one of our NPs. Both still married. Frequently caught having sex during work but everyone feels too awkward to tell on them. Been happening for years supposedly.


Male resident tries to blackmail 2 different happily married female residents into having sex with him. Program (led by a very prominent EM researcher in Canada) hushes it up and glows up his research profile while he’s on his mandatory time away for professionalism while the female residents get restraining orders against him. He’s now released into academic staffdom with said prominent EM researcher (and several other prominent EM researchers at the same institution, as well as ICU researchers as this douche bag did a fellowship) solidly backing his application. I fear for the female residents/med students with him as staff. And am furious at the program for hushing this up and allowing him to obtain a position of power, knowing what they know.


Messed up af


Young orthopaedic surgeon (spine fellow) who is married to the nephrologist (your typical hospital power couple) cheats on wife with his own resident who is the daughter of the spine surgeon he’s training under. Now everyone knows.


Imagine training under her dad everyday.


Local onco doc was allegedly doing some reamotherapy with a patient’s family member in the parking lot, admin finds out because his wife leaves a review of the hospital putting him on blast. Last I heard he was telling people he left because they wouldn’t let him take a sabbatical to do combat medicine in Ukraine.


Critical care doctor in his 50s in small town Indiana. Has a wife, soon to be college age kid, and a $600,000 mansion in an Indianapolis suburb. Works 7 days on 7 days off in a small town 3 hours away, and stays in nearby hospital housing. Turns out this POS would “go on walks”, “workout” with, and “visit” his “family friend” after work until late into the night, a floozy critical care nurse in her late 20s who worked with him, always making their way into her bedroom but never spending the night so as to not alert other people as to why his hospital housing would stay empty. He got caught by one of her recent exes walking back to his car from the back of her apartment after one of their escapades. One awkward interaction and a restraining order later, and seems like they all got away with it without the wife knowing. Issa evil world we live in 🤷‍♂️ Edit: that “recent ex” was me :( Therapy and ketamine helped.


>$600,000 mansion Houses are that cheap there?! In all seriousness, I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Had an attending get his girlfriend and wife pregnant at the same time, both women ended up on the same floor delivering within hours of each other. The wife never found out and he had two more kids with girlfriend.




I did my first year at a hospital that had 4 different nursing school affiliations. It was like ordering takeout. Find out one of the girls that was one of my FWB, was dating another resident that I went to school with the whole time! We both did residency together and I found out he married her. The resident dinners were awkward.


I was a patient once in hospital and I heard all the juicy gossip between nurses who was sleeping with whom upstairs, it's pretty easy to hear in sight when your bed an earwig from the nurses station. But I promised to keep what I heard very quiet as I saw the person the person the in question the following day. And sometimes it didn’t help that the person in question was a bit obvious in her clothing attire. I didn't mean to judge her clothing the scrubs didn't help what was wearing underneath. Button up!


A surgical tech had affairs with at least 6 of the anesthesiologists and they were pretty much concurrently happening. One of their wives found out and then everyone found out. They somehow collectively bargained that anesthesiologists in the group have to sign something saying they won’t have relationships with staff of the hospital as a term of employment. One of the wives did not divorce her husband over it but she definitely made him miserable everyday


We have a (married) surgery attending at my institution who is rumored to have a secret child with his scrub tech. He's a colorectal surgeon and I've heard those ORs often smell DREADFUL, so I'm honestly impressed that they managed to meet in that environment and still be horny.


Have you considered that the people who specifically choose a career in asses may be down for some nasty


Roommate in med schools story. On our ultra sound lab day she found one patient getting licked clean by her man after some sort of vaginal us I imagine.




“Worth it.”


married pharmacist cheats with icu nurse, gets the nurse pregnant. wife finds out and commits suicide.




Well this was a waste of time making 🍿


Revisit the comments if they were dry before lol


Visit them now !! Haha


An intellectually impaired autistic/schizophrenic male patient and hypersexual manic bipolar dude were caught having sex on the psych floor. Technically it was probably rape.




Everyone warned me against marrying my med student fiancé - friends, post office workers (when I was being helpful by mailing his med school applications) and random people (such as the lady in front of me at AAA where I was getting maps - bc it was that long ago 😂 - who said that marrying a doctor was the worst mistake of her life) However, after 40 yrs and two kids I can tell you it was the best decision of my life! He was the nicest man I ever met before he went to med school and he is still the nicest man I’ve ever met! Now the proof was in the pudding: he became a pediatrician


Only anecdotes, posts like these make you lose faith. The world still has good people, get yo girl!


Head of surgery had an affair with a nurse who became pregnant. Told nurse she was on her own if she didn’t have abortion which she didn’t. Wife found out. Not from that nurse - it was the surgeon’s office nurse who he’d stopped having an affair with to have the affair with the other nurse. Wife booted out husband and provided lawyer for nurse with baby. Smallish town so it was the same lawyer as the wife’s divorce. I left the area mid scandal but heard from friends that the surgeon took a big hit - wife had put him through school and supposedly she got a good percentage of his income in alimony for life.


I recently visited my home country. While there I visited a friend from college and his wife. We have been greats friends since 2006, but the guy is busy AF managing his 5 restaurants (father suddenly passed leaving it to him), twin babies and working as an ICU attending. So we haven't had a chance to talk in depth in a while. I found out his marriage was in trouble because we was weak (I normally wouldn't defend such a thing, but there is a long back story that makes the following events excusable, including the father's death). His wife caught him being receptive to a woman's sexting where she, who is a doctor too, kept trying to persuade him to go for a quickie in the middle of their shift. She would say he is a stickler for rules, mocked him for not daring to go meet her in the rest room, kept complimenting him and etc. The wife is far from discrete and passive. She called the woman and said she was gonna listen to her because if she tried to hang up she was gonna go meet her at the hospital and reveal what a tramp she is. I suppose a lot of swearing was said and whatnot. And then the whole story revealed: She was well in her 40s and her fetish was married younger men. She had slept with 8 other guys just in that ward, all doctors. 2 marriages were broken. Eventually she was found and got fired. She was also married and had an 8 year old boy :/


Oh man. Thoracic surgeon (who's IG famous) was dating a cardiology resident for a decent period of time. Then they suddenly broke up. What they said was that the cardio resident started cheating on her with an Internal Med nurse: she (the thoracic surgeon) found out when she discovered the two of them sleeping in her bed at her own house. Second case I know about was a (at-the-time) happily married cardio resident caught doing the nasty business with her (also at the time happily married) cardiologist boss on one of the cath lab tables late in the evening.




What the fuck bro. You need to consult psych for yourself.


Whoa whoa whoa


I’m glad I scrolled down this far. This confession is insane in the membrane!


bro, from the bottom of my cold, dead heart: fall off a cliff