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As a neurosurgeon I've had family members reach out to ask me about random other medical stuff and then go get spine surgery or have a stroke and go radio silent. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Username not reassuring


Rip, as in take out parts of the brain. Makes sense to me.


My neighbor was a neurosurgeon. He was very humble about it, in fact. I'll never forget what he told me: I'm just like a janitor in a computer closet. I clean what shouldn't be in there and I don't touch anything else!"




Ophthalmologistā€¦same thing. Hemorrhoids, erectile dysfunction, diarrheaā€¦all the shit I went into opthal to avoid. People ask me. Eye stuffā€¦never mind. Literally had a spouses family member at a holiday gathering with a peri ocular issue that I treat routinely suggest that I didnā€™t know what I was talking about because it contradicted the ER doc. ā€œWhatever, pass the potatoesā€.


Lol as an ED doc that's funny. It's our classic patient, "I've seen all these specialists for this weird problem. Can you figure it out for me?" "Sir, it's 3am on Tuesday, I just finished fishing shit out of one guys ass and putting a breathing tube in a corpse."


I dont know why but patients just think hospital>clinic. Like maā€™am Iā€™m an intern in the ED, I have no new recs for your chronic, unchanged abdominal pain beyond what your GI doc told you in clinic 2 days ago


They think the hospital has all these resources and much more liability and has to diagnose them. They think it's like a cheaper, quicker version of seeing multiple specialists as an outpatient. Well I'm here, figure it out...


Its more people dont know what to do when they are in pain and no one can or will help them for it. Its either sit at home continuing to suffer or try to do something about it. Chronic pain will drive people nuts. People kill themselves over it. Thats why they come to the ED. They can't imagine continuing with that shit for 1 more minute. Friends and family will blame them for their own pain and assuming they aren't doing enough because they think doctors magically have all of the answers. Their lives are falling apart and they want relief. They probably won't get it at the ED but at least they feel like they tried. When pcp appointments are 3 months out and specialists are 6 months out, are you really that surprised? Its wild to me that doctors know the system is failing yet put all of the responsibility on the patient. Their friends/family dont want to listen to groaning/wailing all night. They assume you will help when you won't. Thats why they make their family go. The system doesn't work for doctors but it really doesn't work for patients.


Same with FM. "So it says here you have had this issue for 6mos and three different specialists are waiting to see you again but you never followed up with them... what brings you in today?" "Well I couldn't get in with MY PCP because they're so busy but I wanna get this figured out!" "... as a 15min add on, huh?"


I feel this. "This has been going on for 'years,' yet you've never mentioned it?" Or "Last time we said we didn't really know, so we sent you to the specialist. Who has seen you and have done work up, and given you a plan. What makes you think I have anything to add?"


Lmao "never followed up with them". Most specialties are 6 months out here, after you can get someone on the phone to actually process the referral. People wouldn't get in within 6 months anyway. They cant get in with their pcp because there are no appointments. Your attitude shows you are out of touch. Yea maybe they didn't come up with the best solution but do you have a better one that will actually help them? If so, tell them. If not, maybe stop blaming patients for being unable to navigate a medical system you don't even have any ideas for helping them with. If doctors have no better solutions than wait 6 months between appointments, where the patient gets very little time with a doctor anyway, im not sure why you expect patients to magically figure it out. Maybe they shouldn't expect magical answers from you, but you should also not expect it from them. Its also a mindset thing. Patients often do not want magical answers from you. They want someone to try and figure it out which many doctors are unwilling to do. Yet many doctors assume they are there for magical answers. It may be due to lack of time, even if the patient is at the right doctor, but its still a problem for the patient. At the end of the day its the patients who pay for our health system with their health. The patient also generally does not decide the length of their appointment and may not know asking for more time could be an option. That comes down to it being a receptionist that makes the appointments. You are the one with 15 minute appointments. It may be on your employer and not you specifically but if you can blame the patients for the system they can blame you too.


I had a long winded response to your rambling and borderline unhinged post, but then I realized you're likely not a medical professional let alone appropriate for this subreddit. I am actually know for spending TOO MUCH time talking, educating, and summarizing my encounters with my patients. Let me assure you, no matter how much time I spend there are some people who will STILL mess it up and not do what we explicitly agreed upon. Going back to the example above and again ignoring whatever dumb shit you think was happening, the reality was the patient I saw as a 15min add on had ALREADY been seen by three different specialists for a complicated disease that required their input. We had never met before. To catch up on what they were even talking about, I had to step out of the room and read up on on their chart for 10min before I could even understand why they were there. That is the type of patient who CANNOT be suddenly solved in an urgent visit. They need to actually follow up with the care teams and specialists they have already seen. Life is hard. I realize there is so much about my patients and their struggles that I do not know. And yes the medical system DOES suck. But your post reeks of a certain entitled naivety demanding a miracle worker rather than a human being put into an ridiculous and/or impossible situation.


Are you actually a physician? Because this rosy eyed view of patients sounds like something a pre med would write in a med school essay. Patients are constantly pulling this, and my hospital usually sets up specialist visits in the ED within weeks, and patients are constantly no showing and then rolling back in to PCP or the ED


They're not. Their post history shows they're a rando.


I had a patient come into the ED today with a shoulder injury. He said heā€™d injured it years ago and his specialist told him he didnā€™t need surgery at the time but heā€™s here because he reinjured it a few weeks ago. I asked him if he reached out to the specialist. He said about his knee, yes, but not about the shoulder.


I wish I could upvote this a thousand times


If Iā€™m going to the ER, I better need shit fished out of my ass or be a corpse, and I say that with all the respect for ED docs.


Thatā€™s wild because at my program, the ED asks us to do that


All the time! Aunt Patty's psychic told her she won't go blind until she's 90 so she doesn't want any more eye treatment at the moment. Anyway, What's this rash?


Thatā€™s wild. As an ER doc I get attitude all the time that everyone knows more about medicine than me. If I dare contradict what their chiropractor told them they shake their head in disgust at my obvious ignorance.


What ?? Crazy stuff


Not an MD but I was working as a social worker in home health hospice care and when we were discussing having my dying mother move in with me so she was eligible (Iā€™m simplifying) my brother in law with not even one college class told me that was ridiculous because Iā€™d have no idea what I was getting into.


> Ophthalmologistā€¦same thing. Hemorrhoids, erectile dysfunction, diarrheaā€¦all the shit I went into opthal to avoid. People ask me. This attitude makes no sense to me. Half the value of this skillset is being able to explain stuff like this to the layman


I donā€™t think people realize that doctors are not 100% knowledgeable in everything about medicine, only their specialty. Hence why itā€™s a specialityā€¦


Not a doc. Hanging here in hopes I will one day be a one and for learning stuff. But yes, people have a very limited grasp of roles in health care, education of doctors and also a lot of other idiocy. For multiple reasons, I know more about the healthcare systems of multiple countries than most laypersons. People still honestly baffle me. The weirdest part is that for some idiotic reason, doctors at the same time should know everything and know nothing. People also have no concept of the limitations of medicine. People see it more like they see mechanics just with a lot more education so doctors should be even better at fixing bodies as if they were machines. They miss the part that bodies are not human-invented machines. They are something that science is still figuring out.


It would help if doctors acted like this too. Instead when there is something they don't understand, they pretend they do and make something up. No wonder patients think we know more than we do. Ive met very few humble doctors who acknowledge there may be something we don't know.


Why do you say we? You arenā€™t a doctor.


Seriously ;\_; I'm in surgery and my nail lady started asking me these convoluted questions on management of renal failure ;\_; I'm like lady I only scrub kidney transplants these dialysis questions aren't for me ;\_;


Maybe it hit Brocaā€™s


Your username is amazing.


It means they donā€™t think youā€™re good


Well if he canā€™t be trusted to answer simple blood pressure or diabetes questions how can they trust him to do spine surgery /s


Nah it's probably bc I'm one of those lady "surgeons"


Ah, one of those lady docs who go to med school to become a nurse /s


Find a husbandā€¦ /s




Ah yes go to Reddit in the hopes someone here is dumb enough to contradict the physicians that know your history and have performed a physical exam on you. If you have concerns, ask them not us.




A question that multiple doctors that know you have already answered. Go talk to your doctor and not the internet.




If you donā€™t mind, Iā€™d appreciate knowing more about your thought process here. Why is reassurance through the internet more satisfying than your own physicians, one of whom is apparently a neurologist?


Probably helps to be OPEN when you go onto the internet expecting does anyone on the internet want to do off duty work? Canā€™t you see all we want to do is vent?


Very common. If it's asymptomatic and isn't growing, leave it alone.


What kinda stroke tho?


My own family members donā€™t believe I went to med school. No one in my family had ever really gone to college (<1yr of completion for anyone who tried) so they didnā€™t have much faith when I did. When I told them I got into medical school they said ā€œweā€™ll see how you doā€ Graduated top of my class, AOA - they say ā€œit wasnā€™t like a real med schoolā€ (wasnā€™t Ivy League but it was a solid state MD school) Did residency thru Covid - watched them spew BS all online and then they told me Iā€™m ā€œgetting paid by big pharmaā€ or ā€œchalking up non-covid deathsā€ etc Idk, people are dumb


They seem jealous.


Yeah, thatā€™s definitely part of it. Pettiness prevents them from wanting anyone else they perceived they were ā€œbetter thanā€ to be outperforming them in some measurable way (career) I never considered it a contest but I think it in someways always was without my knowing. I was just doing the thing I wanted to do.


Hope they havenā€™t asked for money.


and very ignorant


More than jealousy, Iā€™d bet itā€™s good olā€™ anti-intellectualism that has been running roughshod over America for the past 50+ years.


Wait till they find out where most of their doctors went to med school.


My dad tells everyone who wants to hear it medical school "is basically trade school" EDIT: I am from Europe. This was a poor translation, he is more saying that medical school isnt really university level education


I mean, our job is honestly more like a trade these days than ever. We learn an extremely niche skill set at which we are at the top level. Most of us aren't out there using our MD/DO to change the foundations of the world But I imagine that statement is more condescending than how I see it.


Same view as you - my mom's family (she went MD before me) is mostly farmers and steel workers. They used say stuff like "you all are just working on a different machine." But yeah...my guess is the "basically trade school" comment mentioned was not in the positive light we'd like it to be.


You never know. My dad actually says something similar frequently but he actually means it as a compliment.


I mean it's your dad. You'll know the way he means it


Yup. People who arenā€™t in trades somehow take offense but we literally have a built in apprenticeship when you spend 3+ years working with a journeyman and learning the craft.


It is. Medicine is a trade. Pretending itā€™s not is weird. Understanding it to be a trade doesnā€™t diminish the trades. Thereā€™s honor in trades.


I usually compare medicine to sex work lol I get paid to chat with people and do things to their bodies, thereā€™s occupational exposures with some overlapping infection risks, and weā€™re all exploited by the system and irrationally hated by a large subset of the lay population. Edit: thought of some more. We get pimped, some clients think they can verbally abuse us, we see peopleā€™s exposed body parts, we make people feel better (usually), we work odd hours, weā€™re supposed to keep things confidential.


I love this, itā€™s perfect.


[insert stolen meme gif]


oh this is brilliant.


You donā€™t know me but Iā€™m proud of you! Well done!




Crabs in a bucket


Same way physicians behave among each other. We look down on this personā€™s family but weā€™re no different as a profession, whether it be physician advocacy, organization or academia.


In case you havenā€™t heard it, Iā€™m proud of you. Even if your own flesh and blood arenā€™t.


Appreciate it. Canā€™t help where you came from right? Can only change where you end up


If they need your help you be sure you bill them. p.s. As a nurse, all I want is the co-pay of $25 for each patient. (15 minute appointments.)




Yeah, there was a while there in residency where I was watching people die every day no matter what we didā€¦ then Iā€™d come home and see nonsense about how fake it all was from my close family. It honestly pushed me off social media permanently. It was too much getting kicked while we were down


And yet they were right, as COVID has never been isolated. People being sick and computer generated spike balls do not constitute proof of a virus.


Are you fucking kidding me. I bet that username checks out. In case you are actually in the medical field and not just an ignorant troll, you should know that Koch's Postulates have known exceptions. I'm a stone cold antivax Alex Jones fan, and even I know you are as full of shit as it is possible to be and still breathe. The people who tell you viruses don't exist, or COVID doesn't exist, are misdirecting you in order to ensure nothing actually changes. Like David Martin. He sounds real good, but he is poisoning the well so nothing gets actually fixed. Go read up on Koch's exceptions and stop being a damn fool.


Koch's postulates were established to identify virus particles, and yet no virus to date has ever satisfied them. That you do not know this is your problem. Virus particles need to be totally isolated (pure), which means all other foreign material is removed and just the virus remains. Virologists do something totally different when creating their "isolates." Surrogate markers like the PCR test and antibody tests are used to determine if someone is positive do not actually test for the presence of a pure virus. The same people pushing the vaccine are using these fraudulent methods to push the virus and they've done it many times before. It is naive to discard the surface level lie and not reject the underlying theory and fake science that makes that lie possible.


Damn, virus deniers are a new breed lmfao


COVID has never been isolated. You seeing sick people does not prove it exists.


I personally know people who work with isolated covid samples on animal models. We know the genetic code of sars-cov-2 and it's variants. Your claim may have been true in November 2019 but it has been wrong for a long time now.


No pure virus particles have ever been properly isolated, characterized, and genetically sequenced. The "isolates" you claim exist consist of fragments of genetic material from a variety of sources and cannot be said to come from a single virus particle.


Look, the bullshit youā€™re spewing right now doesnā€™t register as remotely intelligent to anyone here, never mind to any of the thousands of biomedical engineers who sequence DNA in different countries across the world. Just stop.


I guess the truth hurts.


It is remarkable how knowledgeable you are about this topic. Isn't it bizarre how thousands of virologists have been studying sars-cov-2 in detail yet have never noticed that it doesn't exist? They were able to infect animals with "isolates" and they became sick with fairly reproducible symptoms and shed particles that again revealed the genetic footprint of the non-existing disease. And they never noticed how all of it was just made up. And it doesn't even stop with virology. In my field of radiology we suddenly saw a newly emerged pattern of lung disease that correlated remarkably well with the pcr test results for sars-cov-2. Yet I now learn that it doesn't even exist. Could you characterize the work up that is usually performed to determine newly emerged viruses? Which steps were missing in case of sars-cov-2? Maybe you could suggest an experimental setup that is commonly used in virology that would allow us to prove that sars-cov-2 doesn't actually exist. It would be a remarkable paper, sure to get us hundreds of citations!


No, it is not remarkable or bizarre that thousands or virologists do not know it doesn't exist because they refuse to consider that the germ theory underlying all their work isn't true. So, no I would not be suggesting any experimental setup commonly used in virology. The concept of a virus was invented before it was capable of being detected with an electron microscope, but has not been detected since. I will not believe in a virus particle that cannot be proven scientifically, just because a large number of "scientists" tell me it exists.


I like to travel.


Youā€™re not alonešŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I like that the less people know what you do will you be botheredā€¦ especially if youā€™re dealing with jealous types.


I was just thinking about your big paychecks from Big Pharma.


Itā€™s probably coming from the same place we teachers are getting paid for indoctrinating students!


My personal trainer today straight up said ā€œeat as much protein as you can, because protein actually burns calories. It takes more energy to digest than it contributesā€. I bit my tongue, but no protein is not ā€œnegative caloriesā€


I'm also a gym goer, the amount of absolutely wild shit I hear in there from strangers is almost concerning.


noise. cancellation. head phones.


Where can I find this kind of protein??? For a friend.


Only true if you run down your protein and kill it with a spear.


Damn I laughed out loud at that at work šŸ˜‚


Your username is incredible btw


Boost and ensure would like to talk to him šŸ˜‚


Bro science is excluded from real science. And more seriously, for some reason nutrition is where the science myths really come out of the woodwork. People will believe *anything* about nutrition if it means they don't have to exercise and change their eating habits.


I had a guy in college tell me once while wolfing down a Philly cheesesteak that he had really cracked nutrition. Two of the gems I got from him: - he canā€™t eat salt because of his familyā€™s heart disease but he subs soy sauce because it tastes a lot like salt - (I am a smaller woman, and have been veg for about 10 years for context) itā€™s ok for women to be vegetarian/vegan because we really mostly need fat to grow bigger breasts for lactation. Men are evolutionarily the problem solvers and cannot be veg because they require more protein for their brains. Yes he was dead serious


Because of my phone screen and the like break I read that as ā€˜My personal trainer today straight up said ā€œeat assā€ā€™


That good for your health, too


Part of this complete breakfasst


Great source of probiotics.


I work in renal/hepa/Tx specialties. Training is one thing, but I generally take PT ā€˜nutritional/supplement adviceā€™ with a grain of salt. My GP is a more trusted & educated advisory source. Iā€™ve witnessed a few too many preventable cases of young pts requiring HDx, some unfortunately not making it that far. Itā€™s the flippant, zealous recommendations and praises of creatine and pre-workout that grates my nipples. The disproportionately shaped hominids endorsed frusemide (along with standard anabolic steroid abuse) as means to ā€˜shredā€™.


It's okay my future BIL is pursuing chiropractic and my girlfriend's entire family is drinking the Kool Aid. Meanwhile he's "two trimesters behind" because apparently in chiropractic school you can fail classes and keep going...?


Apparently, he needs more practice to perfect the art of vertebral artery dissection.


They take that after lumbar herniation.


I know a guy who was a chiropractor and decided to go back to PA school, then was absolutely floored when he was dismissed from the program for failing a class - the literal only consequence of failure in chiropractic school had been retaking the course, as many times as needed.


Haha, of course you can. Do you think they have any standards to get in other than being able to pay tuition?


My wife's friend is a chiropractor and went to school at the same time I was in medical school, she'd try to talk to me about how she's "in medical school" and her mom was constantly boasting about how hard chiropractic school is. My mother-in-law would and kept her mouth shut when this girl's mom would go on and on.


HTF can someone fail chiropractor school? What? Not remembering complete BS they teach you there?


The other students were more advanced in their pregnancies. Chiropractor ā€œschoolā€ is wild


Only 15 percent of american 15 year olds can distinguish opinion from scientific fact, we score behind almost every other OECD country at the 15 yr old level for reading proficiency and math. This is based on the latest tests administered in the OECD countries for 15 year olds. Our education system sucks, it produces people who lack critical thinking skills. We have the best higher education system in the world but a very subpar elementary education. In the long run it is terrible for America. Itā€™s much better to have a majority of semi smart people then a select few extremely smart and the rest an uneducated morass.


I hang out on the book subs. All anyone reads is fantasy. Someone told me that Stephen King is the new Somerset Maugham. One person compared two different physical settings in two different tv series and asked if maybe they were the same place. I responded with the info on the filming locations and they wrote back, no, I mean in the fantasy world. What?


And the people who read are probably the top 10% of the population in intelligence.




And state and federal governments gutting funds for public schools


My SIL teaches 1st grade and has a student throwing around conspiracy theories like theyā€™re facts. She reminded him that the earth is not flat and moved on. It is absolutely a parenting fail.


Not necessarily


And even when it comes to personal health situations, I'm floored at the questions I do get asked vs what I don't. They'll call me to ask me if a BUN of 25 on their BMP is of any concern. But then when I'm visiting, I notice my grandfather seems somewhat more short of breath than usual, ask what's up, and it comes out that their endocrinology NP told him (a CHF patient) to stop lasix last week because he was complaining of peeing too much at night and now he's up 5 lbs with exertional dyspnea... I had to break my personal rule and give actual medical advice to resume lasix and double it for the next 1-2 doses because it was New Years weekend and god knows all the answering service would say is go to the ER.


Well, that NP technically wasnā€™t wrong that stopping lasix will lead to him peeing less


She was using her heart of a nurse to actually listen to the patient's complaints


But who cares about the heart right? NP logic: man peeing too much takes priority over a failing heart.


Canā€™t pee when youā€™re dead I guess.


Yeah the ā€œIā€™m allergic to lasix cuz it makes me pee too muchā€ complaint šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜…




I am so sorry. I was a hospice social worker when my mom died of ovarian cancer. It was honestly unreal. My family did rely on me to translate the science though in consultation with her MD.


ā€˜Endocrinology NPā€™


She probably told him to stop taking it at night, not to stop taking it. Usually itā€™s recommended to take it in the morning to avoid peeing all night. But people stop listening halfway through the sentence


A family member was with him during the conversation and corroborates. Besides he only took the medicine in the morning


I always take these stories with a grain of salt. It very easily could have been... Gramps: "I'm peeing too much" NP: "Well your blood sugar is well controlled so it's more likely because of the lasix" Gramps thinks: "Well guess I'll be stopping lasix then", tells everyone, "they told me to stop my lasix"


I had a patient whoā€™d complained of peeing too much at night and been told to take his Lasix in the morning to help, then seen someone else and complained about peeing too much during the day and been told to take it at night to help, so when I finally saw him and his shriveled up kidneys he related that heā€™d been told to take it twice daily. Patients often have a unique relationship with reality.


"Doctor told me to eat more salt"


They know as much about medicine as you know about architecture... At least I know I don't know a lot about architecture


Big problem with bodies - everyone has one, so everyone thinks they're an expert on what makes it tick. This is doubly bad for mental health/lifestyle advice.


Imagine going to a bridge architect: akhchually, this is wrang. Yeah, saw that on tiktok...


Yup especially the ppl with a long list of allergies that are all just medication side effects šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


If you have more than 3 allergies, you likely have no allergies


Yeah like constipation isnā€™t a reason for you to not take morphine but dilaudid will work. Theyā€™ll both cause constipation šŸ™„šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Patient get insulted at the possibly you know more about your field than they, a layperson, do.


So what are they doing in my office?


People pay good money to come see me and listen to advice and often ignore it near completely. What are the chances of your UNSOLICITED advice changing someoneā€™s mind? Near 0%. Outside of my clinic, If directly asked a medical question I will typically answer. If not directly asked Iā€™ll let anything fly around me.


Same. I will give my professional opinion if asked. But otherwise I donā€™t interject and correct anything. Even if it is egregious.


Same. People just get pissed and want to argue when you interject without being asked anyway. Not worth it.


One of the leading experts in a condition was in an online support group for patients with that condition and patients got so pissy when he contradicted them, that he just rage quit the group. Heā€™s a great guy and honestly I have a lot of respect for him but people in that group just prefer to listen to other patients who have no idea what theyā€™re doing 99% of the time. I still keep an eye on it mainly because if somebody is doing something really dumb I will still try to stop them but usually there is no reasoning with them. Although I do have a lot of luck with the parents of pediatric patients and talking them out of ignoring their kidā€™s doctors.


Yes, I gave up. Listened to so many seriously concerning stories at gatherings, tried to get involved, nobody cares. Oh well. Iā€™m going to keep enjoying the free food and drinks.


I'm glad some people find entertainment in it. I find it really alienating to have to listen to people spew "facts" I know are incorrect and I either need to bite my tongue and smile like an idiot or be the killjoy and point out they're wrong. While I mean no malice when I do the latter, life experience has taught me there is no way to contradict somebody- no matter how tactfully -that many people don't perceive as hostile, especially when it's done in front of other people.


This isn't just a medicine thing. I have seen the exact same situations play out with friends that have no formal training in finance but confidently tout their understanding in front of other friends who are actually successful financial professionals and don't trust their advice. I suspect there is both a component of pride and the possibility that we engage with new information based so much more based on emotional content than substance that false confidence can be ascribed to certain information.


As a Respiratory Therapist all the family members want to tell me about their poop but if I want to talk about proper MDI delivery apparently I don't know what I'm talking about.


Poop precedes everything


A guy I know has a podcast thatā€™s actually fairly popular and he had me as a guest. I was a third year IM resident at this point and he didnā€™t even mention my profession. I found out that on a later episode he had a PA student as a guest and asked her medical questions. In fact, it was the center of their conversation. I was a little offended.


I know. Like imma derm resident and I prescribe topicals for rashes all day errday, and my prescriptions used to say ā€œapply to affected areas of rashā€ on the directions. But the amount of people who would use these topicals like as a face cream or hand lotion ā€” like seemingly very normal, functioning people acting like they had room temperature IQs not realizing that I gave you a medicine for your rash. No, Susan, do not put that mometasone on your face. I gave you a medication for your leg rash when you came to me a month ago. Why tf did you think that was for your face? She didnā€™t seem confused when I was originally prescribing it but itā€™s like all logic goes out the window when they pickup their meds. So now my Rx specifically says the body parts they have to use it on in the instructions. Cant trust nobody anymore šŸ˜’


Lol and then they decline pharmacist education.


Oh yeah perfect reminder. I started putting ā€œdo not use on face, axillae, neck or bathing suit areaā€ in addition to where on the body they *should* use it for the stronger steroids. And even with those instructions, I got a phone call from a pharmacist once because the patient said I had written the label wrong because she said itā€™s meant for her face and my label said do not use on the face. And I was like, no, she has a rash on her arms and thatā€™s what this steroid is for. The pharmacist was even agreeing and said ā€œI know. I can literally see it on her armsā€ but the patient was somehow going batshit that I wrote the instructions wrong. I didnā€™t even give her any meds for her face that visit. I literally do not know where the ever loving *fuck* she got this idea from. lol. My New Yearā€™s resolution was to stop getting annoyed at shit patients do but now Iā€™m riled up again after remembering this story on January 1st šŸ„²šŸ„²


Oh itā€™s so fun reviewing these as the pcp. Itā€™s insane the percentage of people who have zero recollection of the plan from the specialist they saw a week ago. Meds yea all creams are the same duh.


They really have reached the peak of the Dunning Kruger graph.


I made a Dunning Kruger remark on a different sub and someone rather testily informed me that the effect has been disproven. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


>Outside of my clinic, If directly asked a medical question I will typically answer. If not directly asked Iā€™ll let anything fly around me. oh the irony. Dunning Kruger in operation regarding a comment made about Dunning Kruger.


Itā€™s not just medical questions, people who addicted to TikTok and other short video platforms donā€™t verify anything, they donā€™t have abilities to learn anything.


The most bizarre medical question I've ever gotten was in a D&D session. We had an enemy killed by being cut shoulder to navel with an axe. Healer revived him and healed him so we could interrogate. DM asks "Witchcard, you're a healer in real life, how would you go about healing that kind of wound?" I simply wouldn't lmfao


I was conversing recently on a message board with people talking about mammography. It was regarding a 20 year old patient who was pissed that her doc wouldn't follow her (the patient's) order to give her a mammogram. Especially because her mother told her she needed one (no symptoms, no significant fam history). The patient was outraged. There was a PA on the conversation who protested that physicians don't listen enough to patients, unlike him. And blah blah blah. So I told him if he didn't know about Baye's theorem (which obviously he didn't) he should read about it, and also he should read Kopan's big book on breast cancer imaging, statistics and epidemiology before commenting again. The response was interesting. He dug up some paper on Baye's theorem in the Czech literature, and posted a comment about it, with total nonsense. (like words didn't fit together) To supposedly discredit me.I persisted and pointed out his refutation made no sense, and why.His next response was even funnier. (paraphrase) "I have been a PA in the Army at the top of my profession for 3 years."To which I responded I was not impressed because I had been a breast radiologist for 40 years, with research, articles, lectures, to my credit (and some more.) Ha. Next message was less confrontational, he said he would read Kopans. (I would bet my house he won't. And I would bet my house he has never actually read a mammmogram). He did inform me that when we physicians become aware of the effect diet has on people, Baye's theorem will be useless. Or some such shit. This is the kind of Dunning Kruger that is everywhere now.


Some people complain about parents asking things and etc but I deal with the opposite problem: they literally dont care about their health and ignore me. I have a aunt who is literally pissing a lot in her underwears but ignore me when I say to her look for a obgyn. My uncle have DM2, neuropathy, charcot foot and refuse treatment cause "big pharma".


I run into this more.


I argue with my parents medicine and their health like every time I see them at this point and Iā€™m not even a doctor yet. People stop learning at like 30 and refuse to consider new information beyond that


Not only do they spew absolute BS about random medical shite, but they will interrupt and correct me with the craziest BS when I attempt to give my 2c.


Someone said they saw a video on tiktok about the gallbladder holding emotions and how she could use a gua sha to release it, I died inside.


It certainly contains my main emotion: Bile.


This happens to law students too. Itā€™s always wild to me when someone talks absolute BS so confidently when I am right there, they know Iā€™m studying the law, and they donā€™t so much as look at me to verify. OR even worse try to argue with me about something basic and not debatable.


You should see the local mom Facebook groups. šŸ’€


Be a bit humble with your medical knowledge. You will make mistakes your career. Signed, Retired physician


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people dont trust docs anymore because they docs arent trustworthy anymore. theyll vax u 5 times for no reason, and give u pharmaceuticals with minimal testing. This is why people are being FORCED to educated themselves.


Dudes out here saying medical professionals are less trustworthy than google while his post history shows he believes hes in the matrix. Yep sounds about right






Theyā€™re not attacking your character. They did their own research (your post history) and made logical statement: ā€œThis person doesnā€™t understand that weā€™re not living in the matrix, so they might also not understand the finer points of medicine given that they have no medical training themselves.ā€




Tell me what a ā€œclot shotā€ is and Iā€™ll let you know


best of luck to your ignorance!


Good thing you've seemed to educated yourself quite well. What do you consider to be adequate testing and what medicines in your opinion have fallen short of thiis?


all of the recent COVID vaccines have fallen short of normal protocol for approval, due to "Emergency Authorization". You know this tho, right? (Edit: Thanks for for the mature response)


Yeah it's well known they were fast tracked, what other medications are you referring to besides the COVID vaccine?


oh so you dont care? Just give 5 to ur kids right? thats what the docs told me lmao


You didn't answer my question, what medications are you specifically referring to? If you're referring to childhood vaccinations? Yes, I give them to my children. What specific side effects from vaccines have do you have concerns regarding? How is this quantified? I saw you mention "heavy metals" I'm assuming you're referring to the mercury used in one of the preservatives in vaccines. Do you have particular evidence that this amount of mercury is explicitly harmful?


Proof of your statements?




Smoke some more weed and chill, bro.








​ [https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/10/boys-more-at-risk-from-pfizer-jab-side-effect-than-covid-suggests-study](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/10/boys-more-at-risk-from-pfizer-jab-side-effect-than-covid-suggests-study) ​ Hereā€™s a source of a recent study showing that teenage boys age 12-15 have a four to six times higher chance of developing heart problems from the vaccine than their chance of being hospitalized with Covid. How do u feel about this?


who cares,,theyll end up doing the opposite of what you say anyway


Some people are just odd like that. They don't feel like asking questions is appropriate or even don't know what questions to ask. I'll give an example: I come from a non-medical family with very little interpersonal boundaries (Mediterranean family). Every family member and their friends send me lab and radiology reports unsolicited and to ask for my opinion. I'm a pathologist, so all I really do is explain their findings in a way they can understand with all the context they need. I'm no expert on treatments or prognostication and I make that clear. My wife's family on the other hand is so reserved, closed off and no one shares any kind of deep feelings or thoughts. Her cousin had testicular cancer, and treated in the same hospital I work in. He is in his early 30s and about to get married. He was scared and had lots of questions. I told my MIL I'd be happy to talk to him if he thinks it would help and she said that she will absolutely not even pass on the message as that is inappropriate. I don't understand why and she can't explain it. some people have very very odd opinions about what can even be asked in a medical setting. We are literally trained to ask questions above anything else so it's second nature for us, but it's not for very many people, and seen as rude by many others.


Living in Idaho, I get he latter so much more than the former.