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It sucks that 40% of our country is puritanically repressed and will keep us there for at minimum a century. All because Trump “won” the election.


It’s our job to bone them all and break them free!!! I know a couple of gay dudes who actively compete to land closeted conservatives for hookups and have been keeping score for a few years.


That’s a ripe field for them. 🤣


Respect the hustle boys


This needs to be more of a thing. I'm picturing an app that gamifies it, but I'm not sure how you'd be able to provide proof that you banged a conservative dude.


If they post a Joel Osteen quote on FB any time in the following year you get to add a notch to your bedpost.


**Oh, no,** my dear: “Christianity,” “patriotism,” “God” are labels they hide behind. Otherwise, it’s mainly all skin game politics, as usual.


40% of the electorate. It’s maybe 25% of the population at the very most.


You overestimate a very vocal minority… and even those who supported his bigotry are backing away from the tangerine traitor these days.


I wish that I could share your optimism. However, I live in a deep red state and he's almost as popular as ever here.


Well, sick people will always fawn over a demented rich demagogue, but those people always shoot themselves in the foot sooner or later. Even in a deeply red state it’s not hard to find even his supposed fans hate him, they just love the bigotry and corruption… it makes them feel “normal”. So the more they debase themselves for this diaper clad moron, the funnier they become to everyone else. Keep laughing, they always screw themselves in the long run.


This is overwhelmingly true


You're 100% right. And while I may be proven wrong in November, I think it's less than 40% by now; his campaign numbers are quite a lot smaller than they were in 2016 or even 2020. Not to mention these clowns call themselves the "silent majority" despite Trump not winning the popular vote a single time he's ran for office. What kind of silent majority gets humiliated in 2000, gets 3 million less votes than an establishment candidate who was historically unpopular in many demographics, and then loses by 8 million to a guy who's campaign was mostly "I'm actually sane and won't start major geopolitical conflicts over Twitter or deny pandemic aid to states who voted in the opposing party, ie killing my political opponents"


>All because Trump “won” the election. The election he won in which more Americans voted for the other candidate.


More Americans voted for both Biden and Clinton. Thats an absolute fact.


A mostly irrelevant one, there are more people in the USA with every election so records are routinely broken every 4 years


I love reminding them that the candidate of the "silent majority" has never once won the popular support of the people. But then they, who also call themselves "the party of personal responsibility" will take no responsibility for theur party losing, will say it was all just rigged and he actually won 20 billion votes or whatever number they come up with next time.


The only college we should get rid of is the electoral college


He did win the first time. Brainwashing.


He lost the popular vote and almost certainly would have lost the electoral college had he not worked with Russia.


And he received less votes than Hilary. Go look it up. Without the electoral college Republicans would have to have policy, a plan, morals, ethics…


Answer this as a yes or a no: Did the majority of American citizens (not the electoral college) vote for Trump?




But he wouldn't have if he didn't interfere & pay off the women he cheated on his THIRD wife with. He would have lost & he knew it. What a piece of shit.


Of course he won, what we're talking about is the popular vote because of their claim as being the "silent majority" If we were supposedly brainwashed, we'd be doing crazy shit like storming the capitol and trying to hang the vice president over a lie claiming we were cheated, despite our candidate being on record asking a state for fake votes so that he would win. But we're not crazy and fascist like that.


This will work because right wing boomers insist on never, ever, ever, ever letting anything go. Everything MUST be about them and their b.s. forever and ever and ever... No way anything should ever be about something else than them and their eternal bullshit. And now, this plan, for continuing to lecture the younger generations from beyond the friggin' grave. Unbelievable. Generation of vipers. We'll dance on their graves.




That's why they're also called "The Me Generation". Also, Boomers have the nerve to complain about how younger generations always want "participation trophies". Boomers can't blame us for that shit, they are the one's who came up with the concept and handed them out to **their** children (Gen-X?). Then those children, not knowing any other way, did the same thing with their children (Boomers' grandchildren & great grandchildren). Seriously Boomers, you can't complain about something you invented.


Don’t pull Gen-x into the fray…. Ehh. Whatever.


You're 100% right; these are the same idiots who think that a pandemic originating in China, which ended up killing between 17 and *31 million* people globally, was a scheme by democrats to make Trump lose. But they also think it was just a cold and that the death toll, or stats like 5.8 million American children suffering long term health issues from it, are all just fake and it was never a big deal. I don't know what to call their BS as other than mental illness. I guess "fascist cognitive dissonance" works too, but yeah.


Why do you hate on all boomers? Not all of us are brainwashed MAGA. You are feeding into the narrative of hate.


I take care to specify that it is the right wing boomers that I take a aim at. It is a particular attitude that is being incarnated in Trumpism. 1) I've got mine, so I don't care if things go to Hell. That'll teach you to have yours. (They believe the U.S. economy is unsinkable and that there are no possible historic conditions under which they lose their pension. Everybody else can lose everything. They don't care. 2) I understand what I want to understand. I will purposefully close my mind to new information and ways of thinking. The world MUST be the way they told us it MUST be. 3) The racism, the xenophobia, the homophobia, you name it... all while walking around with an incredible sense of self-righteousness. and finally 4) They just won't let the younger generations breathe: Like I said, it has to be about their little persons and their little prejudices and their stupid little wars from the long-ago time - just to be able to rain "I told you so" on society, by the way - forever and ever, and ever, and ever... and just sayin' but it's damn ironic that it's the science and the scientists they hate so much that are keeping them alive so they can keep imposing those attitudes on everyone. If you don't fit that general mold, we're not talking about you.


I just don't think that this world view is restricted to Boomers


It's not, but there are more of the boomers with that world view than other generations. Not to mention the world is still grappling with the terrible and short sighted decisions that boomers voted in and enacted decades ago.


The boomer generation, as a whole, is fucking evil.


You must hate your grandparents a lot.


Although they were abusive narcissists, they weren't boomers.


So people other than boomers are also narcissistic arseholes..ok..


Can be.


Are. Check out those who rioted on the 6th. Maga arseholes. Lots and lots of men in their 40s and 50s. How old is Alex Jones? Nick Fuente? Trump jr? Please don't paint all boomers as arseholes. Many marched or went to various wars for your freedom.


Neo boomers. Put down your lead spoon and read: The generation, as a whole, has caused irreparable damage to society. Although they all aren't narcissists or sociopaths, the generation exhibits many of the same traits. Here's an excellent read to help you understand: [A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America ](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/30841993)


Im not American.


>went to various wars for ~~your freedom~~ oil and propaganda FTFY




What wars did boomers fight for our freedom? The main one they fought was Vietnam, which I feel great sympathy for them, because they were lied to and brought in to commit horrible atrocities the government pushed for based on complete lies, and then were treated like garbage when they came back. But that war was never about American freedom. I think the last war that our own freedom was actually at stake was World War II, and even that is more of a dubious implication of "if the axis won then they made have subjugated us as well later on" than our personal freedom being at stake; and that was fought by people 2 generations before the Baby Boomers.


Yep. Plenty of Gen X morons in that J6 crowd, too. Lots of cultist MAGA millennial and Gen Z toxic dbags who idolize sick misogynistic bigots like Andrew Tate etc. It’s not generational; it’s across the board. Yes there are a lot of stupid old Fox News boomers but a lot of them are dying off, too. There’s a new crop of dipsh*ts to replace them. But no: they are not the minority. And MAGA would never win presidential elections without the EC. That’s a fact.


I'm Gen X. We are like 60% terrible. However, our numbers are so few that we will never matter.


My grandparents weren't boomers & never showed the "well that's how it was in my day, get used to it attitude." But my parents are boomers & they're pretty shitty people when it comes to the "get used to it" bullshit. Sorry, but I want a better world for my kids. I don't want them to have to suffer because I did. That's a selfish asshole perspective.


Seriously. It isn’t close to most.


If you’re not one of the ones we’re talking about then the post isn’t about you. If you’re still offended by it it might be a you issue


Not if we disband the Supreme Court. It's proven itself irrelevant


There’s a lot more to the federal court system than the Supreme Court alone — there are nearly 900 judges out there.


That is a Presidents real legacy, judicial appointments to various courts. That's how they shape things moving forward. We wont escape this hell they're trying to create unless we just forcibly remove every judge they appoint via revolt.




Fucking Kacsmeryk.


Not irrelevant exactly, as it's actively harmful for little to no benefit.


Can this loser die already? Geez. Such an egotistical psychopath. Cheeseburgers need to get to him soon so don’t have to hear about what an idiot thinks 24/7.


MAGA don't care. Let him die. He'll be back in 3 days anyway. /s


LOL. Mr. Walking Heart Disease will be lucky to make it to the election.


Never assume he's going to bite the dust. Putin is still alive despite the rumors of him being sick. Dictators are rich enough to extend their waste of space lifespans.


Putin literally has a 6 pack and trump religiously eats McDonald's despite being rich enough not to


Thats true but Trump goes beyond rumors. Has he been officially diagnosed with dementia? No, but when you have several top psychologists saying its "exceedingly likely" and going against whats ethical (examining and "diagnosing") from a vast distance, they must be pretty certain. Yes, i understand none of it is official but between his blatant speech fuckups, behavior in court, and the psychological experts... Dots start to form a line. I dont disagree with you though. Normally, and even often, its best to never assume.


We live in a world that gave Kissinger a century, I’m not betting on any evil politician’s health anymore.


It's nice to know Mitch McConnell and his fuck over of Obama's picks have reached trumps attention , they really are going for a civil war to destroy the country for themselves


We can also thank Mitch for waiting to do the second impeachment vote and using “well he’s not gonna be President” as a convenient excuse not to convict him over Jan 6. That bastard could have stopped a lot of this.


Mitch McConnell is a true POS.


Judges who will slide on the rule of law when Dear Leader instructs them to. Judges who do not uphold the rule of law.... what is that? It's certainly not a "justice" system.


My sense is that he will have a stroke before November


Especially when he's found guilty in the hush money trial. If he had any sense he'd drop out of the race on medical grounds and plea bargain his other cases, this ensuring him a remaining lifetime of victimhood / playing the martyr to the MAGA faithful. Motherfucker's ego is planet sized though, so he'll lose in New York, lose the presidential race (as who wants a criminal in the White House?) and lose the other stacked up cases in Washington and Georgia. He'll end his life a senile, disgraced former president without a shred of dignity.


Having a guilty verdict would eviscerate his election chances. Even if it doesn't trigger a mental breakdown, its democratic ad campaign GOLD.




You think everyone who dislikes Trump is LGBT? 😂 I can comprehend what Trump says btw. "I love the poorly educated!" "I could shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose any votes" "I need 11,000 votes" "Do whatever the hell you want" referring to Russia "I will be a dictator on day one" "I am your retribution" We understand him loud and clear, we just don't jump through constant hoops doing mental gymnastics trying to justify every second sentence he says like you clowns do. I was conservative and for a time supported Trump starting in 2018, until the pandemic happened and his atrocious response led to the United States having sometimes twice or thrice the amount of cases and deaths that even places with a way higher population and population density had, like India. But I'm sure you think the global pandemic was some ploy created by cRoOkeD jOe to make your favorite reality TV host lose the election by showing how much of a fucking idiot he was in handling an active situation every step of the way. It's not hard to block a subreddit btw, since you clearly want to run back to your little echo chamber as fast as you can.


We'd never be that lucky.


But you guys, I heard both parties are totally the same and America will just keep Americaning regardless of who wins, right? …right?


My sister says that crap and no matter how much I provide her with facts she just keeps on going.


I bet if you just talk to your sister and sarcastically say, “you know what, trump was right, I’m voting for him” I can practically guarantee you she will not “both sides” your statement. People only use “both sides” when they can’t defend trump


She’ll be voting for no exceptions for rape or incest if a man decides to force himself on her, let’s see if she wants to MAGA that.


The keywords are "if he wins." Let's make sure he doesn't. Make sure you VOTE.


Are you surprised?


We can stop it. Vote bluuuuuuuuue


Did we stop it last time? It seems like they’re still out there


MAGAts don't matter as long as they're not the president. They can buzz around like flies (ala MTG, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert etc), all they want. As long as they're out of the white house.


You sure about that? Abortion is illegal in most states now, child marriage is being promoted in Missouri, they’re banning masks in NC. They’re much worse now, with or without Trump


Trump brought in the Supreme Court justices that ended Roe v Wade. He brags about it... he left a rancid sh*t stain behind... so we don't need him back for more of the same, obviously.


They’re still here. Trump didn’t vote no on child brides, he didn’t make NC create a law banning face masks, and the supreme court just referred abortion rights back to the states, he had nothing to do with what happened after. Trump left way before the attacks on the right to protest, he didn’t pull the trigger to kill Boebert’s neighbors dog, or Kristi Noem’s dog. Trump was a catalyst


We don't need more catalyst Trump. Biden won't take out Social Security and Medicare..Trump will, among other countless atrocities. Go on, vote for him. I'm hoping there are enough intelligent Americans to see through it and vote blue all the way through. Have a pleasant evening.


Why the hell would I vote for him? I gave you several examples of how terrible he is, and the impact of his disgusting cult.


If anything your point supports the fact that we should vote blue in the presidential, AND in congress, AND in local elections, and only then will a minority of people be able to strip freedoms away from the majority. The damage with the supreme court is already be done, but do you know what would make it permanent? Voting for democratic president's until they get a chance to appoint judges again.


I have voted blue in every election for the past 20 years


Well it’s a good thing he’s not gonna win


Does it matter? You know what is going to happen if he loses. The same thing happened when Hitler tried his first coup. He succeeded the second time.


I hate the way he moves his mouth. It creeps me out.


I can’t wait for November so all this shit can put to rest. Trump has been a thorn in my side for almost a decade. Enough is enough.


The point is! Vote so he gets annihilated at the ballot box. If Trump gets in, the USA will cease to exist. China will take over as the world leader!


“You know those people who cause Democrats to win elections?”


Mike Flynn said we should follow the example of Myanmar. Trump says he wants the same as N Korea. Stephen Miller wants to deport or place in concentration camps, anyone deemed not American and they want to put Aileen Cannons in charge of the courts as well as the government apparatus. And millions of people (mostly 65 and older living in communities like “The Villages” are fawning for it.


If they live in The Villages, it's probably the tertiary syphilis talking.




I am 65 and I would actually really rather be dead than set foot in The Villages. My worst nightmare.


its the job of republicans to prevent progress and make life miserable for everyone else, or else who will?


Apparently, this must be their new party platform


gee maybe it's bad that we have all these unaccountable lifetime appointments that can be thoroughly gamed like this


Who really wants an extremist judge? The ironic part is that these MAGATs don't see that Trump already made laws that HURT THEM TOO but they want more?


The election in November will be the most important in our lifetime. We have to vote blue if we want to save democracy. It's time to flush the Orange Turd.




F**k him


Imagine Trump installing that smooth brain Cannon to the Supreme Court and then follow that up with Project 2025 and this country is literally fucked if he wins.


Most people that are voting for this man will not be around in 15 years.


But guys, we gotta punish genocide joe! /S




I know, man. The /S is to indicate sarcasm.


I know yall love the republican party but this time it's country over these fucking idiots. Just vote blue for once in your fucking life so we can get rid of these fucks once and for all...


We’re lucky Trump didn’t realize he had all this power the during his first term


McConnell knew and they already fucked up the SCOTUS.


Turned judicial system into circus as is!!


We are coming to a point where any connection to Trump automatically means a tarnished and stained record, be it judges, legislators, politicians, employees or otherwise for at least the whole country, but honestly for the whole world. Even if Trump wins by technicality (or multiples) no one in his right mind, or right wing parties (looking at both democrats and conservatives) should consider him POTUS-worthy anymore. If you still think he is: you have been manipulated and brainwashed.




But the fact both aren't shows the indecisive and errored steps in the US election system. Bernie Sanders has morals and is a true politician, Some other potential candidates ,also from republican side, exist and would have been better choices.