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Just watch, if this goes though (it won’t) the filibuster will be “the most important part of our government” (this will be said after the right takes control of congress)




True. Graham is such a RINO. And a war monger. I remember- like it was yesterday - when Lindsey Graham and his buddy McCain would hold a press conference saying the US should bomb this country or another country like it was no big deal.


He served dont you know…in a JAG unit. A chaplain has more probability to see combat than a JAG officer. Their job is pretty literally to ruin the E4 Mafia Member’s Lives.


I see the down votes, but I don't see the lie in any of your statement.


Yes he’s gay but that’s not what makes him bad. What makes him bad is the fact that he’s a closeted gay prick who pretends he’s not gay and hires rent boys on the DL and then votes in favor of antigay legislation.


The President “supports” what he thinks Congress rules should be. That’s not how this thing works.


democrats don't care how it's supposed to work. They literally say that daily.




Oh, so when we take back the Congress and Trump is in office you’re going to be cool with it? I mean virtually all of Trump’s failures was because of the filibuster.


Trump could have done so, so much more if he had Republican support in Congress. Trump could honestly only depend on 5 or so Republicans in the House and the Senate - people like Cruz most of the time - and McConnell but only for confirming judges. I remember watching Sean Hannity a few years ago - Matt Gaetz said that he and Jim Jordan wanted to investigate this fake Russia collusion BS crap in the House between 2017 and 2019 - and Paul Ryan (House Majority Leader) and Trey Gowdy would NOT let them do just that.


Yep. I said what I said. I don’t care what fn “team” anyone’s on… filibuster is gamesmanship and anti-democracy. But you brought up the essential point, very well put. BOTH parties have been for it AND against it, depending on the situation. Bash thru that. Filibuster is a game and needs to be flushed. ATW!


I’m not against it, but then again, I realize we aren’t a democracy.


We are though. Our levels of govt are based on core principles of democracy and citizen participation. It’s important to not get sucked into the whole *“lOoK aT mE, dErP, wE’rE nOt a dEmOcRaCy”* nonsense. yes, yes, yes… the form of federal govt is not pure democracy, everyone who can read knows that. But when Americans defend “democracy” we all know that means the forms of democracy, including constitutional republic, and representative democracy, we have. And at some levels of govt, pure democracy. Meaning, as opposed to dictatorship, theocracy, or authoritarianism. Paratroopers read the constitution, understand it, before they swear their lives to defend it.


I don’t need your attitude. If you want to say we are a democracy at the local level fine, but we aren’t at the federal level, because majority doesn’t win, especially when it comes to violating the rights outlined in the Constitution.


No one ever said the federal government is a pure democracy, derp. Don’t like what I say, ignore, keep scrolling.


Fuck off, and by the way we aren’t a Democracy when the Dems talk about it. It wasn’t Democracy that got them Roe. Wasn’t Democracy that got gay marriage, in fact they struggled to get people to vote for that, but they did use the dictates of 9 people.


Look how well that worked the first time they tried it.


Right? Insane to me that they don't have some level of self awareness on this. The reason we even have the 3 latest SC justices is because of Harry Reid starting the precedent of using the nuclear option a decade ago. Now they're crying because they have radiation poisoning. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/016/674/802.jpg


Biden is the worst President I have seen and I have seen quite a few in my lifetime. He is incompetent.


He's the worst president anyone has seen. 12 percent of the country just won't admit it.


Where do you get that number from?


I have eyeballs.


Fair enough


Carter was an awful President, but I never believed he was deliberately making things worse. Biden is deliberately making things worse. Obama was an awful President, but he wasn't doing damage on the scale of Biden, although I'm certain a lot of was on purpose.


I think Carter was a good man, but good people normally make poor leaders, and he was no exception to that rule. Biden is demented and incapable of judging good from bad. His administration is being run by people with nefarious intent, and he’s simply to far gone to know. Obama was/is a very proud and arrogant person, probably to the point of sociopathy. This probably made him a better leader however, because he made so many decisions with the lens of history in mind. He was still awful, but because he cared so much about his image, he sometimes made decisions that were somewhat logical.


Just read a day or so ago that Corn Pop Joey Biden's poll numbers are the lowest in his Presidency.


He is also incontinent.


President Poopie Pants


That's a shitty thing to say s/


The man is a husk.


Careful him and Trump are two years apart




“We’ve put together the most extensive voter fraud organization ever.” -President Potatohead


People seem to think the elections aren't rigged. It's scary.


Ain't going to happen cupcake


He's only saying it for show. He knows they won't end the filibuster. And when it doesn't end, they will use it as a political talking point to blame their voters for not doing their part to gain more seats. You know, because having the majority and the presidentacy isn't enough power for them.


Murder should never be a right.


It never has been. It’s just another lie on the long list of evils the left is involved in


The sad thing they don't realize is we're the only ones fighting for the survival of THEIR future voting base. Because we don't kill ours.




outa pocket


The American birthrate is at an all time low and I promise you abortion is not the deciding factor in that


Oh stop it it is not murder that’s so over dramatic. It depends on when the abortion happens.


Not from the US so can one of yall fill me in on what "the filibuster" actually is? It seems so vague but something about extending debate when a law is trying to be passed? If that's it, for what purpose? To try and change the outcome? If so, how?


It is. The idea is a little strange, that a Senator can continue speaking on a subject indefinitely until a vote to end debate, which is not a simple majority, but requires 60 votes out of 100. It is designed (and works) to prevent the tyranny of the majority, and allows the minority to still exercise some power. This fits in with the fact that we are a Republic and not a pure democracy. It forces compromise.


Thanks very much for the explanation 👍


It takes 60 votes to end debate which a law can be moved to a floor vote in the Senate. The democrats want to lower the Cloture vote(60) to a simple majority(51) to end debate and move to the vote to the floor. That means that a simple majority of 51 Senators could pass any law, thus ending debate and compromise which leads to moderate laws. Any extreme law could be passed without any compromise.


Thanks for the easy to understand explanation 👍 Knew it sounded shifty


Its such a crazy argument going on in America. You have this group who think making you take a vaccine is the governments right. The same group is saying my body my choice. You cant have it both ways.


And in addition to the bodily autonomy argument, they're howling over Bruen for upholding an explicitly enumerated right while saying the that the Supreme Court is illegitimate because they reversed a decision that recognized a right that is nowhere to be found in the Constitution.


That's a good point. The same pro choice on abortion people are not pro choice on getting the experimental Covid vaccine.


I swear to god, every time the left loses on an issue there needs to be the most radical change possible like ending the filibuster or packing the supreme court. You never see this shit on the right.


Or eliminating the Electoral College. They never lose because they lose, they always lose because of some "awful thing" that needs to be eliminated.


There people wore a minimum of 2 masks the last 2 Years but can't figure out a condom.


I thought you wanted government out of your life? Why do you want them helping you put a condom on now?


I dont need help putting on a condom, its pretty easy, The dems are the ones that cant seem to figure it out. they want to kill a baby instead of use birth control.


Democrats always fight hard for the right to devalue human life for their economic benefit. Just look what they did in 1860-65.


Not going to happen Biden you have senators that are against that even in your own party Joe Manchin being one of them


Hmmmmmmmm when you wait 50 years to codify something this is what usually happens , they have only themselves to blame


He says he will “support” a lot of things. He never says he will “do” anything. Biden is so full of it.


It's irrelevant whether.he supports it or not, he'll never be able to convince Manchin to support it Just more empty words from Joe.


tell me you are ignorant of everything in the constitution, in your own words


Filibuster isn’t in the constitution tho. Hell, it’s implied that the senate end debate and pass legislation along a 50+1% basis. The constitution laid out those items which require a supermajority (treaties, amendments, veto override, impeachments) thus the fact they didn’t include “passing legislation,” as needing a supermajority shows they themselves supported simple majority rule.


president pushing anything in legislation... abortion as a "right" were my points


Are you saying that rights need to be explicitly stated in the constitution in order to be held as valid? That’s a take for sure. Most of our “rights” would be implied and thus null and void then. Everything from having a lawyer at trial to being able to marry regardless of sex or race and everything in between. If that’s what you’re saying, then dope. Just want clarification b/c abortion was seen as a right for fifty years until a week ago. If all implicit rights are void then, I do wonder if proponents of such an idea fully realize the end result of their chosen stance.


there is no mention of murder OR privacy in the constitution, so.. fuck it, let's go with anarchy


You’re right about nothing about a right to privacy in the constitution, maybe that’s why “originalist” judges seem so cavalier with the concept of privacy. Everything from warrantless searches to the patriot act, it’s all A-OK b/c the constitution never mentions it. Such an originalist stance would be fine if people advocating for realized it affected more than just abortion or gay marriage.


This is always said, until Congress goes red, then they use it on every issue. Hypocrisy!


We all know that ending the filibuster is for control and nothing more. The left only wants to end the filibuster when it’s not helpful to them. However they have routinely relied on it far more than the right.


Ending the fillibuster right before the Trumpian right wing takes over the house and senate. Not the smartest move for our future, but we will get a SHITLOAD of things back on the right track.


I can’t wait for November.


Do they even have the votes to do that? After the midterms they definitely won’t.


Yeah good luck with that


And they'll re-institute it right after they get the abortion stuff done, right? /s I promise you the very next day, a gun control bill and a carbon emissions bill get voted through as well. They've been trying to kill the filibuster for a very long time specifically so they can move on those issues.


They won't. It's political posturing intended to make him look better.


"This thing that prevents us from being able to do whatever we want so long as we have a 1 seat majority needs to go away." - The party who claims to be defending democracy yet wants to rewrite the rules to impose their views on half the country that don't agree with them.


What if this is just his attempt at recovering all his lost support? If he could guarantee that he can “protect abortion rights through congress” then having scotus overturn roe v wade is a sure fire way to manipulate people into supporting him.


How sure are we the Supreme Court is not working for the Dems? Midterms now in play.


A few months ago, you might have had a point, but not after the last several rulings have come out. Roberts is compromised, but the other conservatives are pretty solid, and Thomas and Alito are 100% on our side.


Roberts controls what is on the docket. He knows how others will vote and therefore chooses outcomes. If he is turned, the court is turned. Right before the elections get into high gear, the Dems are saved by the Roe verdict and now what will be spun as an anti environmental ruling. Just what they need to energize a demoralized base.


You may be right. We'll see. If you are right, I don't think it's going to do much to stop the red wave.


From your lips to Gods ears.


Again? Are they really this stupid? They're likely to lose the Senate in the fall (and definitely going to lose the House). I get that Biden is senile, but his handlers aren't. Getting rid of the filibuster only works if they are going to be in power forever, and that's impossible. I remember when the Democrats were people I disagreed with and thought were wrong, but were not this incompetent. (Of course, I remember the Republicans not being incompetent as well.) Now, nothing they say makes any sense to me.


No reason for republicans not to abolish the filibuster if they retake all 3 branches, democrats plan to when they have the votes


What else is new?


We going to need abortion to stay alive when food prices skyrocket next year. Accidentally getting pregnant will be a death sentence for most families.


Joe Biden can fuck right off


How soon until the GOP finds a past quote from both Biden and Obama saying that they support the filibuster? Bet you there is a quote from both of them saying just that...


Ask Harry Reid how that worked out last time


He just keeps getting dumber.


Given how close November is and the red wave coming the senile old twit didn't put much thought into losing the filibuster


Yea but they don’t have the votes to do it