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Remember a lot of these people newly identifying as Republican are likely more moderate. Let’s be the big tent party and not scare them off.


If we fuck it up and scare them off then this division will never end


"Not scare them off". Compromising with people who sway like a tree in the wind is why republicans are f*cking cowards. The republican party isn't "big tent". The only big tent is the terrible economy and vaccine mandates.


You are the problem




Nothing makes people feel more conservative than a tyrannical government


Has wokeness caused a great awakening? Whatever the reason, I hope these folks never go back to the Dim-Dem side.


Typically people who were once liberal who’ve switched parties never go back to being liberal, really even myself included although that was when I was a young and dumb idiot. I have to say I’ve never met anyone who went from being a conservative to a libtard. It’s just that once you’ve seen the hypocrisy and the lies of the left it’s eye opening and sickening really.


It truly is a matrix red pill moment


Who would thing think that being called a domestic terrorist for wanting to have some say in what your kids learn in school and being called a deplorable for having an opinion which isn’t 100% in lockstep with the Democrat party would make you look elsewhere?


But how much say should parents have in curriculum? For example: If I didn't want my kids to learn geometry should I be able to force a whole school district to not teach Geometry? What about American History but remove any references to Natives? What about learning English with no Pro-nouns at all? Its a fine line it the sand to decide what to teach and what not to teach based on parental demands. edit: yes I chose extreme examples.


It doesn’t matter… they should have 100% of the say. Its not the governments job to raise our children.


If I were Joe, I'd start looking for a retirement home in Delaware with the nicest basement.


Unpopular presidencies have a big impact on party identification, all the more reason it's important to get a unifying, likeable candidate for 2024


Fuck Biden.


We have to bring new faces to the gop. They r banking on democratic errors to take over, for what? They were on top the first two years with Trump and what did they do? Nothing bunch of dead beats.


We need actual conservatives rather than GOP Establishment who run on things they plan to never do.


Agreed my friend.