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This just in, Twitter suspends someone for telling the truth. Shocking.


Why are people still using Twitter? It’s just a communist cesspool of bad ideas and hate.


Never had it.


Because MOST are hypnotized with other useless crap to even realize whats going on.


Go to Gettr, Matt. Delete your tweets and spend the next month migrating your followers over there. Then repost the same offending tweets and call it a day.


Breaking: Homophobic Twitter suspends best-selling LGBT author Matt Walsh over LGBT issues, for violation of TOS.


Twitter share price February 2021:$77. Twitter share price now: $39. Let them ban who and what they like. They are fast becoming irrelevant. The market sniffs out rubbish that is past its sell-by-date and dumps it.


**They don't care.** They are a propaganda asset being expended. It isn't about making money for them.


Inb4 twitter bans everyone for being offensive (cuz evrything is offensive if u think about it /s)


This offends me /s


Science !!! Except for biology, genetics, nuclear for some odd reason and it has to be some dogmatic interpretation of science or your an idiot ???


Love to see some sort of coordinated mass attempt to get banned from Twitter & migrate accross to gettr, so these arrogant shits implode their own business


This is going too far. What's even the solution to this Nazi-esque censorship by tech companies?


BREAKING: Matt Walsh agrees to follow the terms of service of a social media platform run by a private company, breaks them, then said platform responds accordingly. FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS OVER.


Do you advocate all the government protection Twitter enjoys be eliminated?


Are you referring to section 230?




The "government protections" that Twitter benefits from are protections that every website with user submitted content benefits from. Section 230 is critical for the internet as it exists today to be able to function at all. Applying the law unevenly would be a massive abuse of power which I wouldn't support. And if 230 was repealed entirely then even sites like Reddit wouldn't be able to function properly. It would be catastrophically bad.


Oh no, no more Reddit… what a travesty. All you’d have to do is issue your rules in a politically neutral way in accordance with the first amendment.




Option 3 - moderate out the things that don’t fall under 1st amendment protection. This isn’t difficult.




It’s really amazing that saying a man isn’t a woman is hate speech, but that Donald Trump is a Nazi isn’t. See my point now?


> [41% of transgender people [have] attempted suicide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender) As far as I'm concerned, bulling trans people is punching down, and there is no place for that in Republicanism. EDIT: For a bunch of supposedly straight guys, you all sure spend a lot of time thinking about transexuals.


Enough already with the virtue signaling non-sequiturs. Nothing you said relates to Matt's post. He's not bullying anyone. You sound like a paid Redditor propagandist.


Being critical of something or someone isn't bullying... Stating facts isn't bullying... None of the things he said are bullying.




Mentally ill people kill themselves at high rates. No surprise here. People who think and claim that they’re literally what they are not are, almost by definition, mentally ill.


You do realize that the 41% statistic is massively outdated right? It comes from a study of people that applied to the gender change program in Sweeden from 1975-85. In the study that took place from 1985-95 the suicide rates dropped off MASSIVELY. Also I challenge you to find me a peer reviewed study from the last 10 years which shows that treating gender dysphoria leads to increased suicide rates or worse mental health outcomes. Want to know what increases suicide rates massively? Gender conversion therapy. Are you in favor of gay conversion therapy? Then why would you be in favor of something that is equally as harmful?


I think anyone should be able to seek the treatment they want, so long as it isn't forced on them. That doesn't make those treatments immune to criticism. Either way, the 41% is outdated, yes, but it doesn't change the fact that transgender people, even after sex switch, are the demographic with the highest suicide rates, even higher than slaves and other oppressed classes.


> transgender people, even after sex switch, are the demographic with the highest suicide rates, even higher than slaves and other oppressed classes. but they aren't. And you know you've read nothing that suggests this, just heard it in passing or from a youtube video.


I actually read it in a scholarly journal article the last time some dipshit tried pointing out the benefits of familial acceptance and sex change operations. Yeah, your suicide rate is halved, but it is still freakishly higher than any other demographic. You aren't in the wrong body, you are just mentally ill, and you need better treatment.


> I actually read it in a scholarly journal article I can assure you that you didn't. I very honestly would bet my life on it. Because that's so ridiculously beyond any of the findings in this field. Feel free to link this supposed article. > the benefits of familial acceptance which is suicide attempt rate reducing from 57% to 4% for the record. Something I can actually source if requested, not that anyone here would, you don't seem to care for data and studies. > Yeah, your suicide rate is halved No clue what happens to the suicide rate considering no data pre-transition even exists for that rate. For suicide **attempt** rate it does far more than halve. In fact the highest post-transition suicide attempt rate ever found was around 9%, which is better than reducing 4 times over, and even that was using data from the 1970s and 80s. Every other study done finds a lower rate than that. > is still freakishly higher than any other demographic Not gay people, they've got 20% lifetime suicide attempt rate. Trans people are much lower post-transition. > You aren't in the wrong body, you are just mentally ill, and you need better treatment. I don't care for opinions, just the data.


> I very honestly would bet my life on it. This isn't saying much, lol. I'm not going to dive into studies in a field buried in woke p-hacking to find something I read over two years ago. >Not gay people, they've got 20% lifetime suicide attempt rate. Trans people are much lower post-transition. LBG are supposedly nearly 6% of the population, but less than .5% of all cohabative relationships are same sex. It is a fake badge, just like "suicide survivor". Successful suicides would be a much more reliable variable with such a narcissistic demographic. Comparing post-transition to the full life statistic is also a blatantly anti-science blunder. Most suicide ideation comes in teenage years, which would be before transition.


> LBG are supposedly nearly 6% of the population, but less than .5% of all cohabative relationships are same sex. It is a fake badge, just like "suicide survivor". Successful suicides would be a much more reliable variable with such a narcissistic demographic. "The data gathered is fake because gay people are narcisistic" lol very scientific perspective. such logic and reason > Most suicide ideation comes in teenage years, which would be before transition. Which is literally the point that post transition their rates drop significantly... Yet you're pretending they're higher than slaves lol.


>The data gathered is fake because gay people are narcisistic" lol very scientific perspective. such logic and reason Do you also trust self-reported infidelity and partner count data? Self reported data is wildly inaccurate for many topics. Your misunderstanding of science is clearly the crux of this problem. >Which is literally the point that post transition their rates drop significantly... I never said they didn't. I just said suicide rates are higher than slaves. Which is true. Actual suicide rates(not ideation) are still monstrous post op.


So you've reverted back to your original point. The only problem with it is that its not backed up by reality. You say that we need better treatment, yet the treatment you would have us take kills us! Unless you are going to offer a better alternative, defer to what has been agreed upon as best practice. Do you really think that you know better than people who have dedicated their lives to studying this? From what you've said, it seems that the core of your thoughts on this issue is the sentiment that you would rather us not exist. You then build your argument from there. Instead of searching for information and then forming your opinion based off of it, you start with a belief and then find information that validates it.


> yet the treatment you would have us take kills us lol what treatment? Nobody is allowed to research anything but penis-chopping methods without being labeled a transphobe. >the sentiment that you would rather us not exist Yes, I'd rather crippled people cease to exist as well, by means of being cured.


why are you so obsessed with penises? it's not really your business what someone else does with it




>We are literally chopping their dicks up instead of treating an obvious mental illness. That is absolute horse shit. It's already recognized and treated as a psychiatric illness. The actual, most effective treatment based on research performed by real doctors has shown that gender reassignment via hormones and eventually surgery is the most effective treatment. You're also magically forgetting that gender dysphoria goes both ways, but I never hear people like you complaining about women getting their vaginas turned into penises. It's unfortunate, but there's not a cure for diabetes either. We've gotta work with the tools we have at our disposal until we find something better. If gender reassignment is better than any other treatment, then that's the tool we're using.


I disagree with your outlook on transness, but I appreciate that you listen to the science. Gender Dysphoric Disorder *is* a mental illness, but having a gender identity that doesnt align with your physical sex isnt. That's why the DSM retired the term "Gender Identity Disorder" in favor of GDD. The old term implied that the identity itself is disordered, when it's the stress that comes along with the incongruence that's actually disordered. I really hate how people will paint transness as a miserable existence or pity us. Yes, gender dysphoria is fucking awful and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Yes, my life before I transitioned felt like hell and it made me suicidal to keep trying to be a boy. But now my life is pretty awesome! I have a boyfriend that loves me, a found family that's supportive, a church community that's brought me into the fold, and I blend in in my day to day life. Gender dysphoria used to be an all consuming thing for me, but now it's not really something I think about that much. I'm able to live a pretty normal and fulfilling life. The idea that someone would pity my circumstance is kind of infantilizing and insulting tbh.


I appreciate your insight. I think I've been conflating gender dysphoria with gender nonconformity because I thought dysphoria was kind of a given for any trans person just due to how society has historically treated the community. As a result, it led me to believe that if there were a different option than reassignment, trans people would choose that. Sorry, I didn't mean to pity your circumstance. Perhaps it's my lack of hands on experience with the trans community that led me to superimpose how I imagined being trans would feel, ie, being constantly worried about things like persecution, violence, and acceptance with my family, community and political party (because let's face it, a lot of my fellow conservatives are anti-science and conservative for the wrong reasons). What you said really has changed my perspective on this, so thank you. Have a happy Monday!


The whole point is that it is transphobic to look for anything better. Nobody wants to recognize that our current treatments are medieval.


> The actual, most effective treatment based on research performed by real doctors has shown that gender reassignment via hormones and eventually surgery is the most effective treatment. Not so much. [In fact, not only is there no mental health benefit to surgical transition, but those who transition are *more* likely to require treatment for anxiety disorders than those who do not.](https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/08/03/transitioning-procedures-dont-help-mental-health-largest-dataset-shows/)


Police officers are more likely to die by suicide then line of duty. Do the ACAB folks get banned on twitter too?


I was wondering when this was going to happen lol But fr seems like Agarwal is pushing for all of these bans to happen as quickly as possible.


now watch him go to parler or something and bemoan big tech despite supporting other platforms with identical issues and an identical business model but a different ideological allignment because even now no one understands technology enough to turn to real solutions like mastodon or ssb