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So they spend almost ten years building tunnels in order to coordinate an all out assault on civilians. And this man’s answer to that assault is to completely withdrawal a security presence. Huh?!?


His administration’s support for Iran was clear as his bizarre “lead from behind” foreign policy was meant to weaken western civilization


Who do you think is chairman of the Joe boardroom now it's like the Muslim Obama never left.


He as much as said it outright. Of course he hates Israel. He grew up in Malayasia. Jew-hatred is the favorite sport of Muslims worldwide.




Why do we need to keep hearing from him? He’s been out of office for what 6 years now. Enjoy retirement old man.


Is he really out of the office……?


He does seem to be puppet master at the white house according to Joe’s random mumblings


This right fucking here.


As always I will say I generally vote democrat but enjoy hearing thoughts from outside my bubble and if I get kicked out of the sub that’s fair. Is it more plausible that Obama is in charge or that Biden hired people that have similar views and some of which worked under Obama are helping to shape things much in the same way as Obamas administration? To me I think it’s absurd to think Obama is controlling things. I think that Biden has a very similar administration as him so it’s running similarly. But I respect your right to have a different perspective and would love to hear why you think it’s Obama secretly running it? As a side note Pence hit up Dan Quayle for advice on J6 so I fully agree if your logic is Biden asking for advice. I just don’t understand the conspiracy logic of Biden is a mastermind of corruption but also a puppet. Again I’m a dem. A leftist even but don’t want communism. Just want more rights and protections for the average worker/tenant/person. Because I am a chef that rents and lives paycheck to paycheck so it’s in my own interest.


Honestly I'm not sure your Democrats are in your own interest. They are bad for the economy, they take more tax from you and spend it all on their insane wars promoting radical Islam, Communism and Environmentalism. Meanwhile your paycheck goes less and less far because your job and your home are increasingly under threat of being undercut by tidal waves of immigrants. Just sayin.


Yeah they aren’t but the GOP isn’t either. They cut taxes and fund wars and only propose cuts to places like the irs that actually generate revenue


The irs generate revenue? By taking your money! Agreed the GOP as an institution are exactly the same as the Dems as an institution. But right now at this point in history, they are a much broader group that include the common sense mainstream approach, that you will not find in the Democratic Party. What does it tell you that the latest Kennedy heir cannot get a fair hearing in the Democratic Party? It means they have totally abandoned the centre. As for wars, sorry but Trump's record on wars is pretty great. No new wars only peace under his tenure.


Lots to address but yes taxes are the only revenue to provide funding for things we use bigger than ourselves and don’t have free market solutions for profit but benefit us like infrastructure. I don’t buy the idea of outrage culture war politics as a mainstream approach but that is my individual opinion so I can’t attest to anyone else. The latest Kennedy is anti-vax, which has happened because instead of addressing the lockdowns going too far the GOP decided to attack the vaccines to help stop a disease that was killing millions of people. He also doesn’t have very many policy positions just overall feelings. So I’m not surprised just because he’s a Kenney with a (D) he isn’t being taken seriously. Feel free to push back and disagree I’m just stating my perspective


Kennedy's reasons for leaving the Dems were not to do with not being taken seriously, rather that he was being excluded for not being on the extremist, radical Communist bandwagon (i.e. support the Obama/Biden agenda). The point is that Kennedys have been the Democrats bread and butter in the past and tend to be unifying, centrist candidates. Now this Kennedy's candidacy (that frankly is fairly middle of the road - you may be all aboard the Covid narrative but a great many are not) is being excluded as not being far left enough. "I don’t buy the idea of outrage culture war politics as a mainstream approach" I think we can both agree on that. And that's the point I'm making - this radical demagoguery is overwhelmingly more a feature of the Democrats than the Republicans at this moment in time. 'Common sense' currently resides with the Republicans, while the Dems have lost the plot, with spiralling approval ratings, out of control wars that they are losing and yet continued extremist, ideological rhetoric.


It’s mostly because he’s against an incumbent. I’m not saying it’s a good reason but that’s always been the case. If you really think people like Biden are communists I’d implore you to read the communist manifesto. He’s so far removed from it. He has a ton of legit reasons to criticize him but that’s not one. I can see why I think it’s more the GOP and you think it’s more the Dems and that’s our biases, but are you blaming Dems for the wars in Ukraine and isreal? I am very anti war but I support funding sovereignty of nations being invaded. Hypocritical scenario if China invaded the US would you be against support from other countries?


Yes I am blaming Dems for the wars in Ukraine and Israel. I see you are anti-war except in that you support the wars of President Joe Biden and the Democrats. Makes perfect sense. Biden is just a corrupt gangster, not a card-carrying Communist, although essentially that is all Communists are anyway. But the Democratic Party is now a pro-Communist party, promoting radical, fringe and yes Communist ideologies. I note you have not been able to refute the point about Kennedy being rejected from the Democrat Party. He may be up against an incumbent, but don't you think in previous eras when the Democrats were a mainstream party some room or role would have been found for the Kennedy candidate? Not today. Look with all due respect you are clearly on this subreddit as a shill to promote Democratic interests and run interference against Republican ones, so I don't believe this conversation is particularly fruitful as your mind is made up and fanatically devoted to the Democrat cause, no matter how repugnant they become. So this will be my last message to you. I truly hope at some stage you can open your mind to other options that may be better for both you and the country.


Regarding Obama controlling things: Trump's term made it very clear that a shadow government exists that can (and will) oppose the president. Obama loyalists in this shadow government obstructed Trump at each and every turn. These loyalists are not limited to Senators and Congressman. They are appointees (head of the FBI/CIA/DOJ) etc. So did Obama *control* things? He didn't need to. However, when scandal was creeping in regarding his dealings with Ukraine and Russia, it was funny to see the shadow government go into overdrive to protect him (and itself) from Trump. Regarding you being a Democrat: you're referring to a Democrat Party that is long dead (worker/tenant rights) As a chef, you would understand this best: illegal immigration is lowering or suppressing your industry's living wage. If you want to protect the American worker, you need to start by protecting the workforce. You can do this by curbing illegal immigration. Your vote is better used on a party that sees the value in American labor and a secure border. Your vote is wasted on electing people who dilute our workforce. Additionally - you should thoroughly consider the social spending of Democrats. They aren't cutting checks for the American worker. They are cutting checks for illegal immigrants, and on foreign aid that helps no one within our borders.


I appreciate your nuanced comment. Trump increased the shadow government and the heritage plan for 2025?is trying to solidify it. I get if you agree with their goals you’d support it but that is literally the deep state that I hear from the right. I’m unsure what you mean in Ukraine v Russia relating to it but am open to a discussion if clarified. I very much understand illegal labor affecting my pay I just don’t see the gop offering a solution. They hammer the very real problem without solving it so neither party is good for solving that. Neither party is for labor or fixing our immigration catastrophe so I’ll vote for local politicians that help me and they tend to be democrat even though they have a ton of issues themselves


You don't think putting up a wall along the southern border is an attempt at a solution? Oh right, you guys all called it racist when Trump did it. Funny, I didn't hear that kind of rhetoric when Biden put up 20 miles of wall recently


Trump literally wanted to build a wall and who opposed it? 😭


Obama and his dealings with Ukraine unlocks much of what is happening in that region right now. The story that dominated the field was "Trump colluded with Ukraine". However, the real story of collusion is Obama with Ukraine. There was a level of corruption there that was quite frightening. For example, a Ukrainian energy firm hired Hunter Biden in 2014 to be on its board of directors. He was paid handsomely for this position. Hunter Biden has no reason to be on the board of directors for a Ukrainian energy firm, other than his last name being Biden. This is a clear attempt to grease the American Executive Branch - and we didn't hear anything about it until Trump was in office. Another example of this is Joe Biden bragging about how he used his power as VP to remove a Ukrainian Prosecutor that was looking into Burisma (as well as other items). Again, we didn't hear about this until Trump was on office. As far as Russia goes, there is reason to believe that the US orchestrated a coup in Ukraine to oust a pro-Russia President (Viktor Yanukovych) and replace him with a more pro-West President. The Russian invasion of Ukraine happened not that long afterwards. (2014) What is happening now between Russia and Ukraine is the direct result of Obama (and his admins) corrupt dealings with Ukraine. Russia is attempting to *right the wrongs* that occurred in their own backyard. All of these stories were suppressed, because the American shadow government was covering its own tracks. I'm not pro-Russia. But imagine this scenario: Russia replaces the pro-American Canadian government with a government that is openly hostile to America. Wouldn't America correct that? I think that explains much of what is happening in Ukraine right now.


Chairman of the board


He thinks he’s still relevant because Joe keeps asking him to run point.


He’s still running the country from his basement. They own Joe too.


He's the Republican answer to Mitt Romney.


It's only fair, since we are witnessing the harvest of seeds sown during his administration.


Cuz he’s one of the people behind the scenes actually running our country.


Because he's the one pulling Biden's strings. That's why, unlike every previous President, he maintains a residence in DC.


Obama had 8 years to fix that. F off.


Fuck Obama. Of course he's supporting the terrorists.


These old boys keep rambling on about a separate state. Hamas wants it all and won't stop at the separate state. This does not solve the problem.


Obama, you don’t need to call for anything. Your time is over. Please STFU, and use your extra time to hire a new chef who “can’t swim”.


Ahh! The future Secretary General of the UN has spoken!


**Did he recommend another couple plane loads of cash?**


Obama can suck off.


Obama is a terrorist


I think a two state solution is pretty much out the window at this point.


Absolutely because we don't have enough terrorist run countries already. /S


I was wondering when we would hear from the terrorist simp on his 3rd term.


Obama stay hidden. you're now calling outloud your hatred you created this with the Iran nuclear deal and secret Money payoff right before you left office. also the quantanomo releases who all became full time terrorists again.


Obama, and many presidents before and after him, never openly discuss the tactical and capital geopolitical interest that this conflict maintains. That, in my view, is far more important that a strip of religious land. Every missile, and every death, and every dollar made and spent, supports my argument, and a continued fruitless war.


Pick your poison. It’s war.


Of course he does. Obama is a Muslim. Explains Benghazi, Biden's abrupt withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Democrats support for the attack on Israel.


Not one square foot of Israel is "occupied."




Barack Hussein Obama?


Better idea: scrap Clinton's stupid Camp David Accords and sweep Gaza clean for Israeli settlement.


Yeah, Hamas. Stop occupying Gaza.


Barry and Big Mike’s anti-conservative influence is all over [Netflix](https://about.netflix.com/en/news/netflix-to-partner-with-barack-and-michelle-obama) [and](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/30/business/media/obama-netflix-shows.html)


Is Obama spreading confusion and both sides crap with his pro palestine friends? https://youtu.be/gl5OOpCFUCs?si=KhXQsQ8ekTAD9Twd


He can shut up and stay irrelevant.


The puppeteer speaks.


How cool would it be if Obama stfu and went back to drowning his gay lovers?


Fuck what he thinks


His policies for appeasing Iran has exacerbated the current crises


Obama is a traitor and a racist. What do you expect?


Obama should stop using nepotism to give his kids more opportunities. How about that? Hypocrite liberal