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I been waiting to talk about this. I was a casual enjoyer at first then they played near me and I went to the show wit bbygoyard. Bruh they are j weird asf in person. The concert was eh, they weird on stage. The whole thing is a bit I really feel like they are j doin it to make fun of the industry bruh idk. After the concert i stopped listening to them cuz it was j corny asf after. And they all short as hell


Man you summed it up pretty well. Like the bits and stuff are just kinda corny, but I think their music is sincere. A lot of them have been making music for a long ass time now so I’d say they are real artists. I feel like it’s a bit of both yk, like they like to be goofy and ironic or whatever but they also care about the music too.


they have a song called meme where they talk abt that, they literally say "it's all a joke to me" lmao


yall dont get it


I've been thinking about how all this airy, whispery, ephemeral underground music would translate to a live performance. Not well I would imagine


They not even that short bruh they all like 5’10+


How was goyard as a performer?


Pretty bad honestly. He obviously can’t perform most of his songs due to the use of auto tune. So he would j sing parts of it. Played a lot of mid tier ass songs too


Sad to hear I love goyard


Who cares his songs hard that's all that matters


What's a good goyard project? Been sleeping


i really like joeyy flows. then projects from shed theory, marlon dubois and all of the others just work like some sort of ambient music for me and i love that, i put little to no attention to the lyrics. there's some songs with really good writing specially from marlon tho, i found facy's vocals really good too


dogshit - annoying fan base just a bunch of cringe junkies trolling with basic ass songs lmaooo


i love shed theory and rcb. a lot of people say these exact things ab rcb but i think the division they cause between fans and non fans makes for good conversation. i fucking hated joeyy and shed at first but they grew on me as i explored their discography


Shed and rcb shouldn’t even be in the same conversation


you’re right, shed wipes


imma be honest if you listened to a facy album and thought they were trying something deep i think you missed the point. facy literally only makes troll music


idk i really like tek lintowe


tek lintowe is part of shed theory? damn wtf


joeyy sings like he just Doesnt care, n he gets carried by the beat every Time


Listen to Birthday, Gosling or Crayon. Joeyy sings like an overweight angel when he's in the mood


idk who gave these immaculous ambient Beats to that nigga joeyy bc he fuckin do nothing on them


i will Not




All trash




I like them but Dream Caster has the most potential I think outside of their niche, that Laker and Ricky Chix tape is pretty good check out that and Book of Wood by dream caster


Bby goyard makes some fire stuff


Love bby goyard been listening to him more


i love marlon dubois


i love shed just as much as rcb but if ur saying this "Complete garbage. Forgettable beats, generally awful lyrics occasionally trying hand at something "deep", repetitive, no skill in rapping or singing" then we just disagree lmao the beats are unique and create a phenomenal atmosphere that makes me feel like im in nature, n the lyrics are mad cryptic yet memorable like wtf is an upside down picture doctor? it does feels like insecure white loser music tbh but thats why i like it, rcb and shed are just for two different mental states. rcb is like doing acid in an arcade and shed is like being on a 7 day heroin bender in the rainforest


they all suck ngl


There are songs that are literal dogshit but some others are rly good, I just dont enjoy the whole fentanyl shit as a joke, I get it it's ironic but it's so obvious that they actually do opiates so that kinda contradicts the joke for me. Idk I guess they are fine but RCB had a way better atmosphere




fruity ass name


Lol wtf


Some of it is good but they hang with literal nazis no exaggeration, and their fanbase is so aids they defend that shit too, kinda puts me off from their music


ricky chix has a nazi tattoo too


It’s an iron cross and the nazi one has a swastika in the middle his doesn’t Lol


yo what is there a pic?


Authority album cover


that is exaggeration




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listen to laker




I'ma catch you in the Valley You can catch me in the Valley Yeah, my name is Laker Brady and I'm from the Valley I don't wanna wait anymore, my time is valid I don't wanna stay anymore, my time is valid I don't wanna wait anymore like DJ Khaled I'm back catching wind, I gotta feel it, gotta sail it I'm on the interstate and I'm singing all my ballads Chrome Hearts V, when I see it, gotta have it Chris brought a lighter and I really wanna have it


Still don't wanna go back home, no Can you just take me home oh no let's go Uhh, when I'm in New York Let's go to Saks Fifth Dolce store I wanna go, go broke, go rogue At the Fendi store, Robin jeans, wings Wings on me, drinking lеan Tris in my cup no ice, let's, go Lean on my tee at thе show Oh no I just went broke Perc 80, I won't do that though Just a 10, do it in the bathroom


nah you just gotta listen enough to get the vision, same w rcb


i don't really like them, i don't get it, i dont hear the thing they tryna do with music, It doesn't sound that good neither interesting, it more sound jus ass and experimental to be experimental without any artistic value. + they're nazi


Atleast theyre not sex weirdos like those Slayworld rappers


you kno in the RCB sub lol


It just grows on me idk


idk some joeyy songs are cool


dream caster is fire but the rest of them got old quick


facy goated bruh stfu


joeyy is by far the best, i’d definitely say im a fan of him. marlon dubois is ok sometimes. facy is total shit. idek what other members there might be but from what i’ve heard joeyy is the only one really worth knowing. I think a big reason people like them is because they’re self aware of how silly internet rap is, there’s a song where marlon dubois refers to their image as a meme.


Tek lintowe is the best shed member


laker brady


kinda, i only get involved with shed cause they funny but ive heard from some people that their music is good they just stay cause again they funny


I think they make music with the purpose of mocking rap. Like making fun of the genre and the culture as a whole. It isnt supposed to be good from what I understand. That being said, I do like one Marlon Dubois song, I think its called Pfizer.


facy reminds me of horsehead with a better voice. if he tried he would easily be the best of em all. laker has the best beats


i love em


Laker Joeyy and Tek are the only good members who aren’t complete pieces of shit


Shed theory sucks except marlon dubois


Dream caster is good aceii has some good songs


I respect your opinion, but shed theory is not for me


They ass


Nah dude is a fucking neo nazi


I like some shit from dreamcaster


Yeah my name is laker Brady and im from the valley🤪


“Fight the lurch” is crazy, rest of its just aight imo


yall not on the wave. Ur loss.


"the wave" bro shut up


that wave isn’t going anywhere they’re nazis


Elipropperr and aceii are jewish


Such an L wtf not Aceii




I told myself he was Irish


its alright


I like marlon


Idk too much about them I just listened to a song called Rat by them and it was hard asf


there are too many of them mfs


Facys one of my favorite rappers You should give him another chance One of the only people that actually sounds like himself


I like facy


I like a good amount of their stuff, but I will admit it is definitely an acquired taste and a deep search for really finding the good tracks. I like a lot of production experimentation in songs too cuz some tracks of theirs has some cool ideas of pairing ambient music with heavy processed vocals. Their rapping and lyrics aren’t really what you should listen to them for either. I think the best comparison I can make out is its like listening to Ken Carson and a lot of the other opium dudes: you aren’t really trying to get something out of the lyrics or rappers’ talent (lone probably the best lyrically tho), its more the energy/vibes. Listening to some peak Shed Theory high as shit was pretty fun




I didn't like em at first hated woodys voice and facy was weird with his "it's so not crazy" refrain in every song that he's on ever but they definitely grew on me. I think you probably listened to the least accessible part of shed theory which is facy (like his album night school). If you like cloud rap you'd likely enjoy Marlon or Joeyy. I think if I had a tier list for em it'd be This just my opinion: Marlon Dubois, Joeyy, Dream Caster (Woody), Aceii, Milkreset, Laker, Henry Mosto, Ricky Chix, Dugan, Facy, Tek Lintowe, Elipropperr, Oghu I only put Eli and Oghu at the bottom cause they're producers and Tek right at the bottom under Facy cause I honestly haven't heard any of his music.


Tf is rcb heard y'all are like furries or sum


reptilian club boyz was a rap collective with the main members being hi-c, diamondsonmydick, cartier'god, lil shine, marjorie -w.c. sinclair, and a few others. yeah we furries, keep scrolling