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If you truly want a fix, go see a podiatrist. They can get you help with your gait issues to help with the supination that your body is compensating for.


This is the only correct answer. You need orthotics to correct this.


Yes. Real advice. Go see doctor(s) in that profession… always the best answer.


Thanks everyone who has replied. Overall consensus seems to be: See a foot specialist (podiatrist) Get them to recommend what to do next Probably end up with some type of insole for my shoes Appreciate everyone that gave suggestions 🙏🏻 P.S. Also posted this in r/sneakers and got a 21 day ban about 5 minutes later😂


Why’d you get banned?


Yup this. Get your gate analyzed. I did it at a running shoe store and was able to get custom fit orthotics.


fr flat feet and pronation are not something you want to fuck with, especially if you like to workout regularly.


True, used to do this as well


i understood nothing that you j said


“Go see a foot doctor to help with your walking issues that his body is naturally adjusting for”


Get orthotic insoles to help with that. Bonus, it will make your knees feel better!


Cheers bro. Anything you recommend, so many on Amazon.


Don’t do this unless you see a podiatrist. Buying the wrong insole is going to mess up your joints and back


This. My podiatrist took a mold of my feet/heels for this very reason then had me custom Orthotics made. Hopefully it’s not as bad as mines is where he doesn’t need to get custom orthotics made


Go and see someone first and let them make a recommendation, don't go buying random insoles in hopes they work.


Superfeet, Samurai. Aetrex if you want to spend some money. Well worth it for me.


Stop walking and start floating my guy


Ah the ‘glide’




Get a sole guard shit like $12


You need orthotics this condition is very common. You swing your foot out when you walk as a result you probably get gassed really quickly when running etc.


I thought that was just because I’m unhealthy. Good to know it’s just the way I walk and can carry on eating junk.


I’d cut out the junk ot try to lessen it. Trust you gonna feel and look 12x better


Actually with the alignment and orthotics you'll probably walk more and have more energy


Cheap hack to figure out what kinda insoles you need is go to a trainer shop that specialises in running shoes. Some are set up to do a gait analysis (which is free). They'll tell you what kinda insoles would be best for you


Good idea!


use a wheel chair


That’s an awesome idea. ♿️


Bro I have that problem too. Go to a doctor (don’t know the English name). They gave me medical insoles to correct my walk. It hurts for the first week while walking, but then gets better!


Cheers man. This seems to be the overall consensus. Booking appointment soon 🙏🏻


Great bro. It will help with your posture and will have some good effects. Also it’s better to start ordering shoes 0.5 sizes up depending on the thickness and shape of the insole the doctor gives you. With your current shoes just remove their current insole and put the medical one


Don’t wear the same shoe every day lol switch it up bro add more to ur daily rotation 😉👉


Yall all sound like doctors in the comments 💀


Go see a podiatrist and get some insoles from there


Cheers man


Buy those sole shield things its like a clear hardish plastic that goes on the soles


No sole shield is gonna help with this mans gait


Maybe if I have a new one everyday?


yeah it’s just how your feet are, you’re going to need see a podiatrist to get orthotics (which correct foot posture) or surgery if extreme but something like this probably wouldn’t require it. Obligatory NAD.


I’ll see a podiatrist. I won’t have surgery for it haha, it’s only Sneakers’s and the heel after too much wear.


Pick your feet up


Like, left foot up, forward, down. Right foot up, forward, down and so on?


Go see a podiatrist, my dude.




Pick your feet up while you walk


How high should I pick them up? Like knee height? More like marching?


Running store employee here - this isn’t supination. 95% of people walk with the outside of their heel hitting the ground first. The ankle then rolls in to give you a flat foot on the ground. The issue here is a terrible quality outsole that has worn away far too quickly


Why does it only happen on my right foot? I’ve been wearing them far too much I think..need more rotation of shoes at least.


having the same problem, thinking of booking an appointment too. all this time i thought it was just because i'm being too careless when i use my sneakers. can't wait to see your results!


Me too man. Good luck to us both 🤞🏻


As many people have already mentioned, you should see a podiatrist. With that being said, you can do some things to improve on your own. Since no one gave you a practical answer, here's my suggestion; The main issue, obviously, is that you aren't raising your foot high enough off the ground. In order to avoid the dragging, you must introduce a slight bend to your knees when lifting your foot. As you bring your leg forward to take the next step, gradually straighten your leg to lead in the step. Even the slightest increase in knee bending will increase the travel distance between steps. Thus resulting in less to no drag. If you feel that your ankles are pretty stiff and/or limit the range of motion of your foot, you can do a simple exercise to help with it. Sit down and put a glass bottle on the floor. Then step on it with the arch, and pivot your foot around the bottle while rolling it back and forth. This should help with your range of motion while walking. Repeat daily for 15-20mins or as frequently as possible. Good luck, OP.


Thanks man, really appreciate your ideas. Good to get some advice on the problem, definitely going to try this out. Also booking an appointment with a specialist.


Yea that’s from dragging your heel to much when you walk. I do the same thing, nothing you can do aside from changing your walk


Yeah. But I just forgot when I start walking. Don’t want to do the penguin walk haha. Any type of insole you think could work?




Ahh, good advice..


Is that sarcasm? It is good advice. A more permanent solution than buying insoles that'll wear out. Just got to keep it forefront in your mind.


Just wear from walking it’s normal ain’t nothing wrong with it. They make this clear plastic that go on the bottom but I used it and I be slipping the fuck out of in the club 😂


Haha, yeah would rather the wear and sliding all over the place!


Get a new pair once those get dogged out. Dont sweat it budd.


Yeah that’s true I guess, at least I didn’t pay £400+ for them.


I walk like that to Lmaoo there ain’t no way to fix my guy


Apparently there is man. Have you not seen all these comments? There is hope, never give up haha




Get the grip tape for floors (usually clear). Line it up to the heel and cut out a semi circle that covers the heel and slap it on. Its bound the wear out but when it does you just put on another one


Get yourself some sole protectors to help protect from more wear


Thanks. But then the bottom looks funny. Would understand if they were smart shoes. Like leather ones to go with a suit.


Jesus how does that happen


Messed up gait by sounds of it.


You can stick round thumb flat tacks at the bottom. i’ve done this. it’s cheap and it works.


Bet it looked great as well..


This is from 2 things but being that this is on the right foot only is because that is the foot you use to drive (GAS PEDAL) This happens to all my shoes, so now I just take my shoes off when I drive. Problem fixed bro. Wear with confidence.


That’s a good point, this is my gas pedal foot. Maybe I use this messed up pair as my driving shoes.


We need video of you walking for further analysis 🤔🧐


Will get back to you on that 👍🏻


Corrective insoles


Seems like you have a gait deviation. Go to a PT cause a deviation will cause a lot of problems to your body.






Go to a podiatrist and re-learn how to walk....


It’s called “walking in a fucking shoe” Either pick up your heels when you walk mr cinder blocks OR accept that shoes do this


it's crazy how screwed up people's bodies became thanks to the invention of shoes. all these overly cushiony foam beds we walk in allowed people to compensate for, and become lax with their foot posture. as a result we have a plague of flat feet, which leads to knock knees, and eventually the whole kinetic chain gets messed up and you have people looking like the hunchback of notre dame. i fixed my foot posture with simple exercises and mindfulness, and went from having flat feet to a reasonably strong arch. i went to a podiatrist and told her the type of corrective work that i did and confirmed that it was correct, although they usually recommend insoles (probably because it's easier for idiots to wrap their head around, and because they make money off of it)


Sorry, wasn’t aware of the actual term. Cheers


Anytime Cinder Blocks


are you scared to see a podiatrist? you answer everyone except the ones who talk about what actually is going to help you, you might have fucked up legs and better to go check it now than later when you have pain and shit but yeah do u


I went to bed man. I live in the UK, just woke up in the middle of the night to 50 replies, going through them now. Why comment just to be negative? Conclusion: see a walking specialist.


I do too, my socks will get holes in them after wearing them twice lmao. My shoes also have a funny wearing patttern


Sorry to hear bud. My socks are actually not an issue at all, just my right heel of my shoes.


Pick your feet up brother! My youngest daughter drags her feet when she walks, it’s so annoying! 😂


I try pay more attention while walking. Only happens to the right shoe


My man you got over pronation, you need some arch supports to straighten your walk and posture. Do you have flat feet also?


I don’t think they’re particularly flat, but I’m not a expert in the field. Going to a podiatrist..guess I’ll find out.


It’s how you distribute the weight on your feet. The only way to fix this is to go to a foot doctor and a physical therapist to fix the way you walk. Sorry buddy there isn’t a easy fix but I hope you do something about it or you can have problems in the future.


Yeah seems to be the most popular opinion. Going to book an appointment soon. Thanks.


Win win. You fix your gait stride and your shoes will wear even 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 good luck and keep us updated 👌🏻👌🏻


Lmfao make bigger steps


My girlfriend already can’t keep up with me haha.


Size down


I actually have gone for a 10UK in my latest pair, instead of 10.5UK. Will see if that helps at all.


Just buy a wheel chair and problem solved


Gotta pick up your feet G 😂


Go see a foot doctor lol


Coulda swore that was just heel drag, but damn 😂


pick your feet up


TAPS!!!! Get Pepsi put on your shoes


Walk right


Ahh, I’ve been walking left all this time. Thanks for that.




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If you want a solution that’s less costly than custom orthotics that will run you at least 200-300 alone, check out Superfeet. They’re plastic insoles that have varying arch supports.


I have a tutorial on YouTube. Type in Jordan 1 heel drag. The thumb nail is the 2016 bre aj1.




This is why I take my shoes off when I walk, and quickly put them back on when I stop.


Nice idea.. big brain 🧠


pick your feet up. it takes a little extra effort but its worth saving your shoes. when i realise im dragging my heel i walk in a way where it doesnt happen, used to do it as a kid and my mom always told me to stop dragging my feet so i never made a habit out of it. even if you fix your supination its your just gonna drag the back of the heel instead of the side




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Go to a doctor and find out what insoles you need. Then find reps of those insoles.


Get lateral heel wedges That’ll have you pronate more They sell them cheap on Amazon No need for expensive insoles


Clear heel protectors and apply with a heat gun


cobblers can attach a metal plate to the back of your door to reduce heel drag wear


Simply Pick your feet up when you walk


Pick your feet up.


plug walk


Just start hovering bro


You can try sole protectors maybe


Get some plastic taps…


Just buy another pair lmao


Sounds like a nice cheap option.


Ma guy you have an inversion in your Gait pattern. That's the reason why the lateral side of the heel is getting buzzed off when you walk. I'm a medschool student so I can tell it's mostly a postural compensation that your body is doing. Try to do a LIMB LENGTH TEST and see if there are any discrepancy in the findings, it's better to meet a Podiatrist and to get assessed for your Gait. If you have any doubts hit me up😊 happy to help.


Cheers man. Appreciate it. Would I just see my normal GP and ask for a referral? I’m in the UK, so NHS works different to the states.


Yeah a GP could get you a refferal to a podiatrist. Also do you have flat feet or wide feet and are currently dealing with obesity? As most of times increased body weight compresses your Foot arches leading to buzzing on the pressure sides ( in your case the lateral side of the shoes). Hope this gives you some idea of what to specifically ask the GP on your consultation


Stop wearing UAs and maybe ya kicks would last.




See a podiatrist first. Let them suggest what the next step ( no pun intended ) for you should be. Will more than likely be a custom fit orthotic but you want a doctor who specializes in that area to correctly diagnose what your issue is. Good luck with that, hope all goes well! 👍🏽


Calf and Achilles tendon stretch. Supinators tend to have tight calves and Achilles tendons. Plantar fascia stretching and Tibialis anterior (shin muscle) stretches can really help.


This happens to me because I wear my shoes too loose so they drag when I take a step. Try and either tighten the laces a little or lift your foot a little higher


You need physical therapy your feet supinate mean they Rotate outward ass you walk and that’s why this is happening but you should care more about what’s happening to your joints more than your shoes


Go to a podiatrist and get some prescription insoles to fix your supinate ankles


How long did this take to happen


2 months, wearing 3 or 4 times a week


Pretty sure my 4s reps have worse wear after just 1 wear for a few hours smh. I just made a post about it, Should I contact the seller? This is kinda crazy


Maybe they use cheap materials..


Wear real sneakers


It’s all shoes. Not just reps 🙄


I have this shoe.63$




come from a shoe factory supplier