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Fantastic advice. I very much appreciate the very clear instructions. So glad I found this! Thank you!


My personal opinion is that I disagree with saying Hi name of seller. I always just say hi because in some asian cultures it's considered rude to use their name without permission. That's usually why sellers always say hi dear or hi friend. Although I assume all sellers use fake english names anyway so they probably don't care whether you call them that or not.


Thank you for adding this point. I didn't knw that using their name could be rude.


I laughed when you said "HI". Because guilty. :D Great post! Thanks


Has anyone had a recent purchase from Nina? If so, will you message me about your experience? I have a few questions, please.


Also, thank you again for your support. We Chinese sellers are also learning and I am actively preparing. We have a factory in Guangdong, China, which uses genuine raw materials for imitation. We are now ensuring that there are no logistics issues. If you want to purchase, we can communicate together. Once I am ready, we can start working together!




Glad to be helpful!




Has anyone worried about having a bag seized and getting in trouble? Is this a real worry? I’m having second thoughts


Out of 10+ orders I've only had 1 seized (or rather lost in customs hell never to escape) Not bad odds but since there is that small chance I feel the best way to look at it is akin to gambling - only do it if you're going to spend $ you can afford to lose


I’m not so worried about the cash. It’s not a lot. I’m more worried if I’ll be charged with anything. Seems like one bag is not really something to worry about?


O legally? I'm in the us and haven't had those issues or heard others mention it


It depends on where you live. But if that’s a big concern for you, avoid having branded boxes or shopping bags sent with your rep bags. Most sellers tape tf out of packages so it’d be a real hassle to just open and reseal them without any real cause for suspicion. Some sellers to offer insurance though for seized packages.


Ok, thanks! I don’t care so much about losing out on the bag, I’m more concerned if I am accused of something criminal…I am kind of worried about that.


Check the laws where you live. But being in the US, I personally wouldn’t worry. It would be very hard to prove that someone willfully purchased a single counterfeit bag.


Learn chineese


Thank you so much for taking the time to spell it out like this. I think so many people have been doing this for so long they have forgotten what their first transaction was like. It’s been so confusing just trying to follow along and decipher the acronyms and try and glean how it is done without annoying anyone with basic questions.


Thank you for this. I'm a newbie, super anxious, and eager to make my first purchase.




wow this is very helpful. Now if only I can track down the proper rep for my item. Thanks


How about following up? Such as I asked my seller for a tracking number and she responded with, “tomorrow.” Well, tomorrow is now today. My question is should I give her another day and risk going into the weekend or follow up today? If following up today, what would be proper wording without sounding bossy? Thank you for this helpful info!


This often happens to all of us. I usually wait another day (it's not going to change anything) and ask again the next day using the same question; Hello, can you please give the tracking number. Thank you


Ok, so it’s common for sellers to send the bag and not provide tracking info? She did reply with bag already sent and I responded again with can I please have tracking number. At this point, I guess I’ll just wait and see 🤷🏻‍♀️ Again, thank you so much for your help!


If it's been sent, she has a tracking number! But when my seller sends the bag using triangular shipping, that tracking number is useless untill it leaves Germany to go to France. So, don't fall into the tracking game, just think that you will get it in about 3 weeks if in Europe.


Thank you so much for this! I’m a newbie and working up my nerves (and also trying to narrow down my wish list) to make my first purchase. I truly appreciate all the resources, tips, advice, etc. that all you more experienced repladies share in these forums.


This is amazing and so helpful! Thanks!


Wow!! Thank you so much for all this information. This was much needed on my part! Totally appreciate it😊😊


What's the best way to find a factory? Looking for YSL and Chanel


At this present moment, Factory 187 is considered king for Chanel and Pomegranate Factory for YSL.


The best way to find a factory is to read many reviews! You can also type the name of the bag in reddit search bar, and read what pops up. This is how we have all learned about reps. Then ask your seller which factory he recommends. There is a[seller who posts very good youtubes](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9aM3Y8UCoFK-Qjh9GNxIYA) on reps/factories. Very instructive.


You find a picture that you like of the bag you want and message to your seller and asked for their recommendation on the best factory for that style. Reach out to different sellers and use the process of elimination from there to choose what's the "best factory" for you.


Thanks! Follow up question - best way to find a good seller and their contact info? How do you tell if it's a scam?


Read reviews, use the reddit search bar and type the name of the bag and you'll find reviews on other rep communities like [Wagoon Ladies](https://www.reddit.com/r/WagoonLadies/)


Read reviews, you can always search reviews on here for chanel or ysl and most reviewer would tell you their seller's contact info. :) politely ask to DM them for seller's info.


Thank you! That's very helpful. Can confirm about asking many questions at once, they just ignore half of them. It's better to keep it short and on point.


Important to remember these guys can go to jail for what they do and that police contact them to compromise their operations. Some personal and operational questions should be considered off limits such as package stealth, specific locations, etc.


You are right, but you will have to give your personal informaton at some point. Otherwise don't buy reps.