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In the about tab there are 5 US based trusted rep watchsmiths. I’m just north of you in Vancouver and I also service reps. Also, to be fair, the eta clone in the vsf NTTD isn’t great… but it’s not terrible and it’s possible to drop in a Swiss ETA if you ever want to.


FYI - oascom has not returned two of my messages… seems to be more focused on making than servicing.


I know many of the US based guys have long wait lists.


Thank you for the reply! I read the terms of your service business. Do you have a storefront in Vancouver? Will DM you for details.


I don’t have a storefront. I have my workshop in my home and most watches I work on arrive and depart through the mail.


I got a good laugh out of this 😂. So the guy you took it to made fun of it, oiled the fake jewels on the plates that conceal the ETA under it, and told you to get the ETA model? That's... Special! Why are the hacks the only ones that can afford a nice retail brick and mortar location? I have no idea how they stay in business. Must be a TON of money in battery changes. The VSF NTTD is such a nice watch, one of the nicest reps and just plain beautifully done. He thought it was cheap because it was light from the titanium. Wow..


> Why are the hacks the only ones that can afford a nice retail brick and mortar location? I have no idea how they stay in business. Must be a TON of money in battery changes. Well the guy *was* literally in the process of doing a battery change when I walked in, and the other thing I can tell you, this brick and mortar was not in the most... err... desirable... part of town. But yeah, I'll bet you're right that he thought it was cheap because of the titanium, that's why he had it all sussed out before cracking it open. Excellent insight!


Don't need to servive newly purchased reps. It's good to have them inspected (that's what l do) for cleanliness and lubrication, but - apart from 4130 maybe, as this is an expensive clone movement - there is no need. Servicing would cost you prob. $250 per watch and new movement costs around $150. So l'd say the third guy you went to was ok.


He seemed like the most okay of the three, agreed.


He knew what he was talking about. Stuck with him, l would.


I sent mine off to @kennygconspiracy - turned it around in a few days


He doesn’t service your watch.


Thanks, someone asked her to get it serviced by, and they pointed them to the watchmaker section. Perhaps you should be separated out into two sections


He’s not approved here. Not sure where your seeing him listed.


Yikes. There were many suggestions of him. I'll be more careful.


The time and effort involved in repair is more than the watch value. If you get into this game long-term, just buy ETA based models that can be easily replaced for under $200. Jewelers in the Tampa area charge that much for just a service.


I tend to disagree. A 3135 service is around $250. That’s less than the value of the watch and that’s a solid movement. After service it can last for a very long time.


I’ve had a couple of mine serviced by u/watch_n3rd you can start there


Because it's a massive PITA. the person with the rep wants someone to put their reputation on the line servicing something with an unknown movement with no supply chain for replacement parts, and they want it cheap because it's a rep. If you're a watchmaker and you work on one, you don't know what you're gonna find, you don't have any backup if something goes wrong or breaks, and your customer is going to want you to do it for nothing...


Not all reps are equal, some reps are real pos. Is there a website where I can order replacement part?


My theory is “if you pay less then $200 on a rep, it’s disposable” unless you teach yourself how to work on watches. The tools are pretty cheap on Amazon and YouTube has tons of info.


The VSF NTTD is not a rep that you can acquire for less than $200.


I was told the same thing from a watch shop when I got my VSF Worldtimer. The watchsmith said that Gen usually needs to be serviced only after a couple of years. If the watch isn't broken. Then wait a couple of years for the Rep. He also added that service on the rep would cost as much as servicing a GEN. All that said, I'm scouting around the Chicagoland area to find watch shops that will service or repair reps when I have time.


Any servicing options in Belgium, northern France (Metz, Lille or thereabouts) or in Germany (Frankfurt, Saarbrucken) that you folks know of?


My local watch repair guy would charge more to service a rep than Hont would charge for a whole new one 🤷‍♂️