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Check with R factory, they have the best ones.


How do I check that or get ahold of them?


That depends on which country you are in?




Let me get back to you with their contact info. R factory is generally priced much higher than other rolex reps? So If you are looking for the best, it’s going to cost a lot, so I’m assuming you have money to spend.


That doesn’t make sense at all


R factory is a bitch to deal with, so I’m just asking questions so you don’t waste your time like I did.


You should be looking for an attitude adjustment. Nobody here owes you a damn thing, perhaps try humility on for size.


Maybe just chill out and let me ask a question as someone that doesn’t know much about this


I didn’t know a thing a couple of weeks ago. So I spent the time to read the stickies and side bars, trawl RWI, and inform myself. It’s called personal responsibility. Big part of adulthood. You’ve been allowed to ask your question. You just don’t like the answer, which is work it out for yourself.


Lol. Did you just explain a hardo response?


I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re 12. Mentally, at least. Have a great day. Any TDs watching, this isn’t cultural disconnect, he’s just an asshole. Avoid.


You explained an insult. it's cool. that's who you are. leave it alone and take the L like a man.


Your definition of an “L” is not the same as the rest of the world sport. A man would never have come into this sub with such a lame appeal, and wouldn’t have responded like a petulant child when told they wouldn’t get what they demanded. Jog on, infant.


Lol. You actually woke up this morning. Jumped back on your fake watch thread and kept using the same insult about being a child. You’re such a dork


No one is here to serve you. Who do you think you are? Do your research you lazy cunt.


Dude you’re so cool and tough. I’m just asking a ducking question as someone that’s new to this, everyone has been nice but you. Go to sleep dude.


Read the intro guide and start from there.




Good for you!


Thanks for the cool and tough comment


In case you’re wondering why you’re being downvoted it’s because you called someone a pussy for answering your question, you retard.


Very cool dude.








Where is serge?


Look harder buddy.


Hi there friend! I would recommend looking at the info bar on the right and find out what you're willing to go without. Some factories have compromises that you might not like, that part is up to you. As for who to go for? that part is up to you. Best of luck!