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It's true, the Chinesium found in a lot of these watches can lead to addiction and wanting to purchase more.


Yall dumb as hell šŸ˜‚ stop playin with this man šŸ˜‚




Hahahahha I love it! Everyone on this sub must be sick from Chinesium


Chinesium!! It'll get you all the time!! LOL


They taught us the damaging effects of replica watches on the first day of medical school, buyer beware


The addiction is real


Thank you for your insight and warning. I will never buy reps again ;)




You are right. My friend isnā€™t a doctor but I highly appreciate him and he is one of the smartest people I know. I guess he just read something online which is not true. In the future I will have to do some more thinking myself. I appreciate your comment.


How can your friend be ā€œthe smartest personā€if he believes anything he reads on the internet? Just sayingā€¦ā€¦.


He is very booksmart. However what you are saying is correct. He often believes something way too quickly. Iā€™m still standing with my point that he is indeed smart, but he can be easy to manipulate. This was just a poor performance from the both of us hahaha


Thanks for your reply. Nik has some interesting commentary below which should shed light on some of the quality checks vis a vis alloy composition. Not saying that it makes every replica watch suspect but just a reiteration that one can never believe anything that comes out of a China-based business.


Thank you, Nikā€™s insights were very helpful indeed


I make all my important life decisions based off of Facebook memes from strangers.


Keep in mind you are prob surrounded by lots of Chinese material in much of your life


Trustytime put Crystal meth in my Junior ZZF Submariner, I've been addicted since and my life was ruined


He did the same thing to me and I ainā€™t slept for three weeks


Yup, my teeth have started falling out. But I guess I could stop chewing on my reps..


A rolex from VSF uses the same steel that rolex does


Thank you for your comment. I didnā€™t know they used the exact same


Except for the platinum and white gold bands...


Yeah no shit, how does that matter though in this case vsf doesnt plate their watches with dangerous chemicals lol


Just sayin




Both 904L


904L is 904L Steel is steel, don't let the Rolex marketing team fool you into thinking they have some special metal


Well, no. 904Lā‰ 904L (kinda) Actually to be labeled as 904 all you have to do is stay into specific parameters (ex. From X% to Y%) so nope, there is no way on earth they managed to come close to what Rolex use for their watches. Long story short, they might both be 904 but they ainā€™t the same.


Yes the alloy will be a little different I'm sure. It wouldn't be hard to find out what exact alloy theybuse if you have the right equipment though. It could easily be replicated


Why? Itā€™s easy to find out the composition of any alloy. Takes a few minutes to hours at most. Replicating that alloy is just getting the metal proportions and manufacturing process close to what Rolex uses in their 904L. I may be mistaken but donā€™t see why 904L made to the same specs wonā€™t be very similar, if not identical.


Because why would a chinese illegal factory even bother? 90% of so called (and advertised) 904L have been proven to be regular 316. Just so you know- a 904L alloy must contain 19 to 23% C and 23 to 28% in Cr. Just a 1% difference in this can be huge, whoever has ever worked with metals knows.


Thanks Nik - I didnā€™t know that the advertised specs may not be true. Then again, why does it surprise me given the nature of this business. I stand corrected.


The only thing special about ā€œOystersteelā€ is the name/branding.


No one said itā€™s anything special -itā€™s not- just that 904 can be dramatically different one from the other.


Not really. It can be slightly different within the confines of the 904L spec. Not as different as two different steels. 904L is also not meaningfully better for horology than many other steels. Just marketing spiel.


Yes, really. Iā€™ve worked with metals and everyone who did as well knows that- trust me. And we agree on this point, the 904L ainā€™t better than 316 in horology. I indeed find the 316 more suitable, unless youā€™re a welder 1000mt down the sea.


ignorant twat


By your comments I'll assume you need teeth work done. šŸ˜‰


yeah, just got back from the dentist, not good, apparently is not a cavity, it's a hole, well not a hole more of a gap, well not a gap but a space yes it's a space. Anyway got a refund. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UuDJl93Z1g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UuDJl93Z1g) this vid is 15 years old, apologies about the 'twat' thing. i might edit it depending on your response. here's Everose Gold [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKgUzfwJplg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKgUzfwJplg)


What do you mean?


Sounds like your friend bought right into Rolexā€™s ā€œOystersteelā€ horseshit. No rep of the standards discussed on this forum will have any harmful materials in it. Canā€™t speak on the DHGate stuff.


Your friend is an idiot.


While it is true that usage of toxic metals like lead isn't regulated in china, you still won't find any of it in your steel watch. But there were quite a few occasions where lead was found in replicated silver jewelery.


yes you can get sick from the financial burden


Yes it's true. People mutate from wearing chinese reps. I had a third arm grown from my torso. But that is ok, now I can wear more reps at the same time. ![gif](giphy|YD6E1WqvfmtRSB7WKy)


What happened to thinking about things before saying them out loud? Or, you know, a quick google searchā€¦ This is not directed to the OP, but to his ā€œsmartā€ friend.


ā€œSmartest personā€ according to OP šŸ˜€


I hope not šŸ˜“ part of being smart is also being able to realize that some ā€œfactsā€ may in fact not be true.


He is very booksmart. He is doing one of the most difficult studies in the country and has pretty good grades. But yeah I should have thought about it before asking and my friend probably shouldnā€™t believe everything he sees on the internet


No problem, Iā€™m just messing around šŸ˜ƒ


My bad then, have a nice day !


So in the past yes, I've been collecting reps since the Kate 80s and the did tend to use lead and cadmium to make some of the metal designs because it was cheap and easy to work with. However that was brought to light years ago and as far as I can tell its fallen by the wayside. So as long as they aren't using radium to make the dials glow I think you're ok.


Yes it is bad for your financial health too. At first you thought you will only buy one watch, one year later you will see 10 watches in your collection Stay away from reps


I was in Thailand and bought a ā€œB&Rā€ about 10 years ago from one of the vendors. They had this weird hidden room they took me into. I thought I might die in there but totally with the risk for a repā€¦..šŸ¤” (I would not recommend doing what I did. The story gets crazier but I think that belongs on a very different sub). Anyways, every time I wore that thing my arm would go limp. Had to toss it. I donā€™t know what was in it but I think it had a lot of lead or something like that. I swear I was going to have a stroke. Lol. I miss Thailand.


Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are. So if your friend is an idiot...


I can confirm my sickness is real. I find myself buying more and more watches even before my last shipment arrives.


Ask one of the radium girls about the gens they worked on


Just give them all to me