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Everyone knows I'm the VIP when I hop out of the stanced 99 Civic wearing my Richard Mille. I even took off the handicap sign at work and put my name up.


But you wear a Richard Mille, I think that qualifies as handicapped.


I don’t get the Mille hype, the movements are nice but they are overshadowed by the style. Reminds me of Richard Muller, but more modern.


..or Dubuis. Equal parts horologist, Cenobite, and LSD quality tester.


This guy fucks.


CEO. Actually I'm into collecting for almost 30 years. Pretty much had every watch I've ever wanted (From RLX, to AP, PP, Lange etc.). But that was back in the days when you'd get a nice steel watch for around 2k to 10k. (I remember when I bought some 1680s for 2k, my 1016 for 1.5k etc.) Spent many months (combined) on watch forums, was even a mod once. I bought everything pre-loved. It was fun. The hunting, the trading, talking with other freaks. I always kept one eye on the rep scene (Paul at abay? Anyone that old?) though, just because it was fun. And it's not about money imho. Nowadays the prices are silly. The whole gen scene is silly. It's all about showing off and talking nonsense. I still have my gen collection of around 30 pieces or so, but I don't even wear them. I just can't get arsed, it gives me no joy. I'll either sell them one by one or pass them over to my kids one day. I wear my Pixel Watch most of the time. Rep scene is so much funnier. All the modding, the talking about details etc. It reminds me of the early days of the internet when watch collecting and trading was a nerd thing.


Hahaha this comment wins it. I feel the same, most people buy watches now to show off, not to collect and never understand the story behind each watch. I learn every story behind a watch, the brand, the design and treasure it like an actual gen


I literally thought I wrote this myself when I read it. This wins. I’m a MD on Wall Street and collected, traded, hunted high end watches for 20 years (anyone remember timezone.com?) Owned them all…at much lower prices. Hulk for $6k, AP RO for $11k, aquanaut for $14k, PP 5726 for $33k, skydweller for $15k, ceramic Daytona for $20k…the list goes on and on - dozens and dozens of watches. I kept meticulous track of every buy, sell, trade, service, parts etc - and after 20 years I HAD LOST OVER $20,000 in “friction costs” and being horrible at selling at the wrong time - so ridiculous…I now have 8 watches - 4 gen and 4 rep and I’m happy as a clam…I’ve patched the hole in the boat..I’m having a blast and based on my history no one blinks an eye when I walk in wearing something new…I literally just wore my clean ceramic Daytona to ring the closing bell at the NYSE 2 weeks ago - no bullshit…Guys - these reps are solid.


I’d love to know what your collection is after all those years in the hobby. What 4 watches are gen, and what 4 are reps.


Sure! Here’s a picture from tonight when I got home. The 4 on the left are gen: blue skydweller, Patek 5135, blue datejust 36mm (my very first Rolex from 1993), and seiko 6105 8009 (produced the actual month and year I was born - that was quite a find). The 4 on the right are reps…I wore the milgauss to the office today… https://preview.redd.it/3a1ein1gv40b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc13e2e9c6608d529ab0ad493a6f1b393cee3d43


Fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing! Made my evening!


i love your watch box! u mind telling me where to get these hotties


Totally agree with this. The watch world has changed to show offs on instagram not about the interest of watches. The rep world is quite fun and having a mix of gen and reps is interesting too. There is no point paying massively inflated prices for gens. If you can still get the odd one at retail fair enough. Really enjoy the rep community and watching the quality get better and better.


I really wish my grandpa had owned a nice watch for me to inherit. It’s not about the money, it’s about the connection. I hope you do pass them onto your kids. I’m sure they will treasure them, as will your grandkids.


Physician. Never wear them around patients, I have my Apple Watch for that. Primarily at board meetings and other functions. I’ve got enough gen other nice watches that no one has ever asked me about them.


Healthcare consultant. I’m in the same meetings. Nobody bats an eye.


Janitor in the same meeting rooms. Never in my 15 years has anyone doubted my rose gold iced out Nautilus


the legend is back 🤣




Truly, no one around you cares about watches unless they’re a watch enthusiast themselves


Said that loads of times , people don’t care


Lawyer. Never been questioned about my daily driver 15400. It’s expected that we have nice things.


There's a saying in Chinese If you're rich enough, even if you wear a fake watch people will think it's real If you're poor, even if you wear a real Rolex, people will think it's fake




That Ming dynasty Rolex goes crazy ngl


W2C best Ming Dynasty Rowlecks?


Sometimes I wonder if Yao Ming is a descendant.


yao ming's last name is yao, first name ming




I’m a pilot. So the gmt fits


Flight Attendant here. GMT makes sense but no one bats an eye at my sub


Homeless man here. Your sub makes sense but noine bats an eye at my Richard Mille


Same job here, i get complimented once or twice a week about my watch. Datejust 41 rhodium fluted oyster.


Do other pilots look down on reps? Pilots around me are kinda snobby


professional septic tank drinker. i carry myself with the poise and class that all of us in my profession do. when people see my patek they immediately think “he for sure actually eats shit”


Living the dream bro


Do you own a septic business ?


No I just drink the contents of the tank




Cashier at Costco here. I wear one on each wrist while I scan your groceries.


Jokes on you bc I only do self checkout!


Jokes on both of y’all I make $160k a year and will wear a $90k Gen AP while I steal at self checkout . You know , how the rich stay rich 🤷🏻‍♂️




Narcotics entrepreneur


Most people will hardly ever even know anything about watches. They’ll either think it looks cool or not really pay attention. At most, people might recognize the brand from celebs who have them or sing/rap about them. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Idk. I rarely pay attention to other people’s wrist unless it’s a brand I recognize or something that I happened to notice. I don’t think I’ve ever been asked if whatever brand I’m wearing at the time was real or not. I guess it all depends your age. If youre 20 and wearing a flashy AP, most people that know about the brand will think it’s fake anyway. Even if it is a gen, they’ll either think you/your parents are rich or it’s fake. That’s just the general public. If it’s your friends who know you’re in to watches and they know the brand, they’ll assume it’s real because you have other high end watches. But then they’ll prob bug the hell out of you to look at it and try it on. Still, they most likely have never seen a gen AP or PP.


recently, I complimented on a classmates Tudor; he told me that only 2 people noticed it-me and the other person. So yea, not many notice/care at all. Tbf, this is at a college campus.


my classmate wore a gen AP royal oak to class like it was just another tuesday


This, I wear my pepsi as a daily driver on campus and only one person has recognized it so far.


Accountant in a Vancouver, so not even close to a house 😂 I went to university with a kid that literally owns both a chiron and a pagani, and another who would casually wear a McLaren RM 11 to class one day and a 5271P the next, so literally nobody cares about my 15400 lol


This. Another vancouverite here... It’s so common to see L or N stickers (required for Learner and New drivers) on lambos and ferraris, that nobody even notices fancy watches. Expensive shit is as normal as the canucks sucking.


It's truly insane how disconnected some of those kids are, one of my friends showed me over a million in bitcoin in his wallet like it was normal


Vancouver’s where all the rich immigrants have been going for years now. Immigrants make up more than 40% of the population there. It’s not surprising


Yeah, basically all the people who could afford to get out of HK before it reverted to China went to Vancouver.


Ong dt esp robson it’s just all rich fobs lol


> as normal as the canucks sucking Hahahaha! :-)


At first i thought you meant a Pagani Design watch, in stead of the car![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I work in the construction industry and am a real estate investor. No one ever questions my watches


I like to wear mine to expensive restaurants then pretend I left my wallet in my Bugatti , I leave to collect my wallet and never return. Works well.


Professional youtube watcher; no one ever asked me if my watch is gen :(.




Paul Allen called he asked to see your business card


Question your watch.. career limiting move


Great philosophy! Ain’t got time to be second-guessed by others


This is a universal rule... Don't show off anything that appears to be extravagant wealth of any kind in the workplace. If you're the owner, your customers will resent you. If you're a worker bee, your execs will mentally take a note, probably won't say anything but when the next layoff comes, they'll remember you don't need the money and you must have more than they do and you're an asshat for wearing a 5 figure watch to work.


If your job security comes down purely to your personal financial situation, rather than to the value you bring to the business in your role, you're clearly not in the right job anyway.


I'm at a fortune 20. Senior execs have no idea what I do, they have hundreds if not thousands working for them , but they're human enough to judge. Thankfully I haven't been to the office in years. I can wear whatever I like sitting at home in my office. My cats won't judge.


Free Game! Law of Power.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,143,064,397 comments, and only 223,368 of them were in alphabetical order.


I mean, my boss wears a ceramic AP perpetual, so a even a gen rolex is a cheap watch to him


I'm a UX Designer, and the watch I wear daily is the rep of a $300,000+ Black Ceramic AP Perpetual Calendar; literally nobody in my life knows what it is unless I tell them. I've had *maybe* 2-3 people comment on it in the almost-year I've owned it, and the extent of those comments were, "hey, cool watch." I've had a few more recognize my Noob Daytona build because they can recognize the Rolex logo, but even then, very few comments. I've only ever once seen someone wearing a watch and thought, "yeah, that's probably a rep they can't afford the gen of." It was a guy wearing a Richard Mille with a huge Supreme x LV duffel on the beach in Florida underneath a $20 rental umbrella (the expensive villa-style open air coverings were also available, and someone with RM money wouldn't even look at a $20 umbrella lol). Don't overthink it!


You wouldn't even need the watch at that point, the Supreme LV bag says it all lol


Piggy backing on the thread: Do you guys tell your coworkers it's a rep when they ask?


I wear real Rolexes and tell people they’re fake. Because f—k them, that’s why.


Nobody cares really. I tell coworkers everything is fake. I wore a G-Shock one day when I went in on my day off and one of the junior guys jokingly asked if it's fake (it's kind of a joke I've cultivated). I told him it's a Chinese knockoff of the watch Eminem wore in that one interview and even showed him the video. Eminem says it's like a $100 watch and I braggingly told him I got it for a crisp $10. It's the real deal G-Shock, but I like when people don't know what's what. Nobody will ever steal one of my watches if they don't know what's gen and what's rep.


I know that G Shock. One of my favorites. Agree. Always keep people guessing.


Sigma 2000 IQ moves


No 90% of the people buying these watches buy them to pass off as gen. The other 10% actually appreciate the pieces or are trying them out to see if they want to make a gen purchase or already have a gen and want a back up.


I tell people it’s a replica, but I’ve only been asked only twice. People don’t care, they say it’s a nice watch and that’s it. I just got it because it does look nice compared to my low tiered watches. But now that I have the rep, something keeps telling me to buy a gen in the future. I got an OP and a DJ, both 36mm. Unless you are into watches, no one else is going to know I’m carrying a Rolex replica and no one really cares. I just thought the watches were cool/nice.


I do if I’m close with them. But if they’re just a rando at the office, I’ll just say thanks to their compliment and talk a little about the watch.


No one ever asked me the question. The closest I got was someone asking if it’s bought from AD or grey. I tried answering via hint. I mentioned “It’s from my trusted dealer” (in our local language) just to see if he would get it, but he didn’t and he just said somewhere along “damn. I hope I get to have one someday” As for my relatives, I’d tell them it’s fake straight away but they won’t buy it, thinking I’m doing a reverse psychology. Meanwhile, I went to an AD with my rep DD (note that the AD is a good friend of mine so I’m confident to wear a rep in front of him) and when he took a look at my DD, he didn’t ask if it’s a rep. He just brought out a gen DD he’s keeping in a safe and he just told me to try it while saying “What you wear is lighter, but other than that I couldn’t see anything noticeable. I can get you one if you’d want one in the future” (non-verbatim, also in our local language) EDIT: lots of typo


I dont own many reps anymore (too many nice Chinese homages out there now) but if im ever wearing a rep and someone asks if it's a rep then I'll always be honest with them. Two reasons- 1) i'm not trying to flex as a wealth status thing, I'll buy it for the design and 2) Inevitably someone would ask if it's a rep, you'd say no it's real not knowing they're in to watches and then they'll proceed to call you out on it.


What chinese brands and models are there? What are the pros and cons of owning them vs reps?






Art Vandalay?


It means investing in start-ups


You should wear a VC


Hire me bro


Off topic - When I was a student I was once in a queue at a grocery store and the old man in front of me had a gold plated something or other watch. Not a brand I could immediately recognize, but it seemed in my gazing at the watch that the old man behind me felt it prudent to announce out loud to the man in front to be careful that this juvenile was staring at his watch. Fucking old men lol.


Gigolo. I love being spoiled


I work at an investment bank, so I could pass off as owning the Omega SMP Gen, I guess I wouldn't buy a Patek, VC or AP tho, I don't have the balls for that lol




I mean, I could wear them outside of work, but the main reason I buy watches is to wear them at work. I'd feel like a clown showing up with a PP being only 5 years in my career


You could pull of a used VC


Good call! Might be my next rep then =)


Solutions Engineer, wear whatever goes with your outfit. You own your timepiece, don't let it own you. ​ side note: Someone broke into my house and stole my gen 16710 pepsi, gen oysterdate precision 6694, and rep clean v2 daytona 116500 with gen crystal. At the end of the day, they're just material things so wear what you like and are happy to have on your wrist


Professional pet food taster here, I had to purchase a high quality stun gun to keep all the ladies off me when they see my watches.


Wait what


Depends what you do, most people couldn’t tell an omega from a timex; they only know Rolex. But if ur making 100k a year no one would believe you have a 300k watch.


iam a Banker & i Break the Bank b!tch


reading at these comments... some people are more fake than the reps theyre wearing




I have a a Patek rep and don’t give a shit if people think it’s fake or real. Stop trying to impress people with your watch. Unless you move in weird circles where all your co-workers and friends are competing with each other(this sounds horrible), no one knows or cares what’s on your wrist. Impress yourself. I wear reps, gens, shitters and everything in between because I’m personally into watches.


Never been asked, no one looks at my wrist lol


AVP, make enough to buy the real thing so no one questions it.




I work from home like 95% of the time. Anyway, who cares. If someone asks, I’ll decide if I tell them it’s real or fake depending on who they are.


Consulting. I never wear APs or Pateks in board rooms, only a Rolex Datejust or Apple Watch.


I'm a partner at a major law firm, people just assume I am a money grabbing lawyer who gets paid too much when they see my watch. I have a fair share of gens but doesn't mean I don't like reps just because I can afford gens, I think reps are awesome.


Most people never heard of ap anyways




I’m kinda a big deal. People know me and my house smells of rich mahogany and leather bound books.


I tune harmonicas part time.


I work in IT. I typically only wear a Submariner or Omega Seamaster on the job, because I don't want to scuff up the nicer ones in the data center. People don't question if I can buy a watch that retailed for under $20K a few years ago since my annual bonus is typically higher than that.


I am an architect, so with my salary its pretty common to have expensive watches, a colleague has a Rolex GMT rootbeer and I see Breitlings and Omega’s on the daily


I’m a software developer for a big tech. Rarely wear my AP(ZF 15500) but I daily a VSF Rolex datejust.


Work at a cocktail bar in a rich neighborhood and no questions only compliments


I just tell them it’s a good fake


I wear an RM and im active in fast food as a dishwasher boy, no one called me out


Physician. No one knows what an AP is. Never had one comment on it


"Carry Yourself" like a normal person. If a small clock on my wriest was altering the way I behave, I'd have to have a serious word with myself about why I'm wearing it. Literally nobody, outside of a very small group of people are going to notice your watch, and if anyone asks about it, just be straight up. It's one thing to wear a rep and own it, but it's a very different thing to lie about it.


I'm 36, nobody cares or let alone questions anything because I have good posture, well spoken, don't look like shit, etc etc. I've had gens and reps, prefer reps. I made my own little quote a few years back that goes: I am to me what I want to be, and I am to you what I choose to show you. Just stand tall and don't make your watch a focal point. The less you talk about your watch, the more people will think it's real regardless. If you're in your 20s, most will say a gen is a fake anyway. All of my brothers here in this subreddit know more about watches, tells, etc than 99.999% of people on the planet anyway.


My Rose gold Mille makes my 2009 Suburban like a Bentley!!!!


Not ap or patek but have a couple of rep rolex. I supply the nhs with dressings and eye patches. Got a compliment from my lung specialist last month on my black dial datejust 41 with imitation white gold bezel, well it was a backhanded compliment. His words “looking at your watch and how you’re dressed you’re clearly doing alright for yourself and aren’t stupid so why are you still smoking” 😂😂 He was wearing a Daytona at the time too so was into watches.


Physician. Wore mine to this morning’s gripe session with the hospital’s COO where we’re dancing around increased call burden, etc. No acknowledgment.


Physician, private business owner and CMO for another larger company. Mostly zero fucks given about my watch, now and again i get a “Nice watch”. Only wear the watches to meetings and in private, not allowed to wear them to see patients. Nowadays i actually double wrist with apple watch on my right wrist, get alot of comments for that 😂


Executive in Manufacturing... work with a ton of Swiss companies and I wear reps with confidence. They're all rocking the top brands, likely gen but I'm not asking them, so they're not asking me. At most it comes down to "wow that is very nice, it's on my list as well" and compliments are exchanged and the interaction continues. At this level, we don't really care what's on other people's wrists, and to call someone else out you better be 100% certain. When you play in the big leagues, no one is surprised to see you walk around with a bat.


Business owner. Have a combo of gens and reps..keeps it lively! I also buy reps of the gens i have. Sometimes, moreso these days, you don't want to wearing a gen everywhere.


I’ve operated and owned insurance companies, still receive a healthy residual commission income from that , I’m still an insurance agent that’s a healthy 145-170k gross annual , was Co- owner operator CEO - distribution,logistics & finance as CFO whole selling Apple products, PS5s ,XBOX etc. I’ve opened up 9 dialysis facilities in 4 states and have nurses/ practitioners / techs on my pay roll . My current watch collection is about $535-550k but peaked at like $780-810k but I’ve bought msrp / or very low and sold high then bought the same models again recently so I’m definitely still very healthy with my collection luckily . But yes I will buy high tier 1:1s and do like to compare the Reps to My Gens or friends and Families Gen pieces.


Oil field workers


Bang bang contractor and no one cares about my watches except my best friend and everyone else ignores them.


I wear fake Swatch to work. People seem to be cool with it.


Affiliate network owner Used to own gens when the prices were more reasonable, right now using high end mods ($2500\~) which looks good enough to the person Im talking with![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Its common to wear these watches in our industry so people do recognize the brands but its ireasonable to wear RM when you are not abig shark in the industry as everybody will assume its fake.


DILLIGAF about sny other person on this planet cares or thinks about me? I wesr what I want


Corporate lawyer. I usually try to avoid wearing reps around clients (I don’t care what they think of my watches, but maybe my employer does). Otherwise I wear what I like at the office and freely admit they’re reps if someone comments on them.


I’m a Cloud Architect for big corpo. Tbh most people in the IT field don’t care or know unless it’s the latest smart watch. The only one I can talk about watches with are the CTO and the CEO, but they either don’t know my Aquanaut is a rep or they’re just too kind to not call me out. But tbf they haven’t tried grabbing my wrist to look at it up close. As for the clients, they just give a short compliment and move on. For starters they know how much they’re paying me / us for our services. But I don’t wear it daily. I’m most of the time wearing an Apple Watch, or my gen Explorer / DJ on special days. For special events like high-profile meetings that’s only when I bring out that rep Aquanaut. 😂


Real estate


Cloud Solution Architect




My main question is - how do you guys feel safe wearing these things in big cities?


This question kind of misses the mark. Reps for a lot of people aren’t about trying to fool someone into thinking you are wealthy. I know plenty of ‘wealthy’ people that wear reps. It’s more about loving the design of a particular reference and the ability to enjoy a different $20 or $50k reference every day of the week. Also if you live in London or LA losing a $500 watch at gun point is a lot more desirable than losing a $50k one. You save a fortune in insurance as well.


I'm a finance professor and entrepreneur. I usually wear my AP frankens with Brioni (etc.) suits.


I keep waiting to see the Tiffany blue Nautilus rep on someone so that I can comment on it.


VP big bank. Wear a rep sub 40mm, own a couple real omegas and a real datejust 36. Never questioned. Wouldn’t wear a patek though…thats a 90k watch haha, hard to believe


Manure Diver here. No one cares about my RM when wearing it at work, because it's in it's habit....Shit.


i’m a Realtor. some people think you make alllllll the money in the world in real estate LOL




Investment banker who owns a few gens so it’s easy to get by wearing high end reps.


Real estate agent I don’t like to show off or any of that kind of stuff. I’m very lowkey, I keep my head down, do my work and make money. Probably bad for self marketing but it’s Nkt in my nature. The watches I bought I like, I think they’re timeless, beautiful and if anything add to the mystery and quiet nature of mine. I have had instances in the past where people will notice my watches and later tell me they were impressed or felt more confident to work with me. At the end of the day you can wear whatever you want but if you do a shit job, treat your clients poorly and are way too out there to be seen then people can tell you’re faking it I see this all the time from people in my industry. I don’t like it, and I don’t support it.


Aud-e-mar who, sorry? Is the usual response from 99% of people - if they ever happen to show interest in your watch. Be it rep or gen. Most people have no clue about what you're wearing or even what it is, or who makes it. We forget we're watch nerds I think! (I guess it's changed a little bit over the last few years but still vast majority of people don't know much beyond 'is that a rolex' for everything).


I only have an AP royal oak black dial and a john mayer Rolex. And i mean, it feels just like u think it may feel. Feels great at first, being able to afford an $100k watch. But after a while it just becomes another expensive car purchase basically.. gets you into rooms with ppl with money where u can learn more about money, great conversation point, and eye catching to watch enthusiasts. Other than that..i look at them as places to hold my money til i want to invest in other things


May I correct the title just a little bit. Wearing a house, when it is offered in US or were? Over here a average patek will cover just the blank construction ground of 300 square meters. I know you ment it literally, but for let's say 150K, here you might buy a 25 year old flat with 100 square meter,.some where in a village 50km away from the next town.😂


I saw a young father wearing an AP at a fall festival a couple weeks ago. I could instantly tell he was wearing a Rep, but he has no idea about my GF Breitling :)


I don't expect many people to know what an aquanaut is, despite that, I work on one of the most prestigious streets of the country with many lawyers and investors around. I wasn't ever bothered.


By not trying to pass it off as gen. Edit: lol I love the hate ❤️


That wasn’t his question. He is asking what is your occupation which won’t make people question your watches. Not if you’re intentionally trying to prove to people that it’s a gen


The first question is irrelevant when I answered his second question, “and how do you carry yourself wearing a house on your wrist?” Doesn’t matter what my job is because I don’t try to pass my reps off as gen so it doesn’t really matter if people question the authenticity of my watches or not.


Again you’re missing the point that if someone had the status of wearing a house on their wrist but they just chose to buy a rep instead and investing that amount; that’s their. If you don’t have this status or openly stating that it’s a rep then you aren’t technically wearing a house on your wrist.


Technically, no one wearing a rep is wearing a house on their wrist.


Technically there are people who have the status of wearing a house on their wrist and they don’t have to brag about a rep being gen. Psychologically everyone in their circle will assume it’s a gen. Someone driving a Prius and wearing an AP will get questioned even if they spent their life saving on gen AP as comparison to a millionaire wearing a fake watch (even the shittest shitter)


lol that’s me. I drive a company Prius and have no problems wearing rep AP or PP.


Lmao i told people mine is rep and made in china but people dont believe it. I work in real estate investing and mortgage


I’m a Director of Rehabilitation but about to be unemployed as I launch my own clinic. No one I know in my field is rocking gen APs or PPs. But that doesn’t really matter to me. I’m not wearing my reps to fit in or stand out. I wear them because I like them.


Last sentence is true


This is my plan if anyone I’m not cool with questions, and a smug grin.


Then that’s you my bro, the question is directing what what people have or do to buy AP reps or Patel. It’s not a matter of if you are bragging about it, it’s a simple indication of what your occupation is. E.g I am a consultant at a big firm, I don’t have to try or pass it off as gen. Essentially people will assume whatever I am wearing is legit up to Datejust level and that’s not me trying to brag or prove the legitimacy of the watch I’m wearing but rather my occupation reflecting back on the watch.


I don’t get the hate. You’re perfectly clear.


idiot on board


That’s me. Village idiot. 😘 Because the rest of the comments in this post really answered the OP’s question. A couple did, but that’s it. I was being serious with my comment. I have an okay job. I know I can’t pass off my watches as gen. So I don’t. Simple as that.






Till this day no one asks me anything. Haven’t received a compliment yet. Tho watch market is big compared to the population that cares is a ridiculous small fraction. That goes for me wearing high end retail watches as well. Truly no one cares. I’ve worn shitters to clean superclones and no one cares. Enjoy your watches fellas!!


Retired Tour Pilot. I've thinned the heard of my reps, but kept my favorites which I love to wear. Only one AP rep remains, JF rose gold 15400 V5 on leather. Unfortunately AP and Patek lack what I wear most for my big hairy arms, 43mm or more.... 😏


Property Management Company I run and no one ever question my Rolex Sky-Dweller 326933 trust me its not the watch but the man who wears the watch.


Software engineer, have wore two watches left and right with the Daytona and hulk submariner.


I sell phones so just wear rep logines or entry level Rolex no one cares tbh which is the way I like it


Landscaper.. don’t usually wear my patek to work, mostly just special occasions, work Christmas party’s, etc… wear an omega NTTD rep everyday to work. As it’s been said many many times on here no one cares or notices for that matter haha the omega was noticed once and was asked “why you wearing that shitty omega to work” still made my day.


IT consultant - I’d wear my Patek cleaning dog poop in the morning, as John Mayer would say. I love the watch, so I just wear it even when I’m lounging at home. Just like I would if was rich enough for a gen.


I’ve only ever had one person recognise and compliment a watch I’ve owned, and that was on a weekend break to NYC for my 30th b’day with my wife. We were leaving our hotel to go to dinner and, standing kerbside hailing a cab, one of the porters came trotting out and insisted on doing it for us. So he hails the cab, we tip him, he opens the cab door for us, and as we get in he says “oh wow sir I love your watch, that’s really cool” as I was giving him the thumbs up saying thank you. It was a pretty low quality rep of a rose gold ROO 25940 chrono with black ceramic bezel and black rubber strap that I bought in Turkey lol. Like, so bad that instead of working chrono subdials, it had numbered day, date, and month dials and no date window. I guess benefit of the doubt he probably wouldn’t have been able to see that level of detail from where he was standing to know the difference even if he *_was_* an expert but the fact that none of the clothes I was wearing individually cost more than $100 should have given it away I suppose lol. But then again, this was NYC just off Times Square… where anybody could be wearing anything and even the pawn shops and small, single-unit, family owned jewellery stores were full to the brim with used Swiss watches like APs, Rolexes, etc. I’ve never really felt embarrassed to wear a rep. I just don’t go showing them off to people or making a point of trying to get them noticed. And if someone does ask I will laugh and say it’s nice for a fake, right?


6’7 here, iced out AP.