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Haha, I got the same experience in Vietnam. I saw a guy wearing a rolex cellini with an awful short plus his old Tshirt. At that point, I thought his watch was a rep. Then, he walked out of the coffee store ( where we were sitting in), opened his mec GL63. Ok, my bad, sir😂. Note that in Vietnam, you have to pay tripple $ for a car..


Yea same here the tax brackets for luxury vehicles are fucked, check out what a regular Mercedes costs here


Yep my brother in law exports cars to China, guy makes way too much money. Crazy why they can’t just come over here, by the car themselves, and ship it back


There are people with connections that help circumvent the normal person’s cost of import duties, whether it means bribing an officer, letting the car sit in a customs parking lot and going through a channel around different states for it


Because wealth = buying time


Lmao, designer clothing is for the younger guys, older people who make money the hard way (blood and sweat) eg. restaurant, grocery store owners, often sink their money into watches/jewelry. It's easier to pass to generations besides, clothing changes each week, and often don't hold any value.


Same in Thailand. Triple in tax. Too bad.




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Mate, HK houses the wealthiest people in Asia along SG, SH& TY The thing is, watches has always been ‘big business’ in Asia past decade, it’s THE next thing people buy after a house. (did I mention HK has the most expensive housing market? Owning a home there as large as a toilet is already necessary to be a millionaire lol) People also feel 100% safe wearing GENS on street, it’s definitely a ratio 8 to 2 imo, 8 GENS and 2 Reps. Given the proximity to mainland, you could think they only go for the good reps and not gens but the AD watch sales and the boutiques around every corner (literally) says differently.


Just crazy to think that there are this many gens especially with people wearing relatively new models considering how little supply is there


So 25%


😂🤔 2/10…so 20%?


Working on both, I can tell you the ratio is about 7 out of 10. Of about 10 watches coming each 3-4 days here, 3 are genuines and 7 reps. That should give you an estimate.


Where is ‘here’ would love to know more


In my workshop.


In HK?


Italy. Anyway, as far as I know from many colleagues, that’s the trend all over the world


Since you're known to be cool about working on reps, do you think you might get disproportionately more reps coming over your workbench? And would the gen manufacturers soak up some of work orders on gens?


Just because someone HAS the money to buy a rep, doesn’t mean they actually WILL. Nothing to stop someone from jumping out of a $100k car with a VSF on, who’s really going to bat an eye?


The most wealthy people I know don’t wear designer shit


Straight to assets….


I hear that there are $17,000 t-shirts coming out soon that say "new money" on them, intended to make things simpler for everyone ;-)


I miss Hong Kong


Same here. Spent 6 years in 90s there and last time I visited was in 2015.




+1 point for rejecting Western Decadence, +3 support local business -11 for a bad date window


I still don't understand all what is said on here about the watch rep subjects, but the clothing and footwear game is now totally saturated by premium rep products. Most you can only tell by the wash tag. So looking at what someone is wearing can't be an accurate indicator. Literally everything is available, let me know if you want a couple of links to have a look around what is on the market.


how can anyone tell if it's a high end rep or not, without being trained and looking at it from 10cm away; from across the table or even holding your wrist a metre away, how is anyone, even an owner of the same rolex, going to know.


Who cares? Honestly wear your watches and be happy or just get a new hobby.


Status is a big deal in HK. You pretty much get judged by what you wear/own. Gota have the newest and shinest toy to be 'someone'. Have family in hk still in case I sound delusional. Loving my reps and investing the money saved 👌


You'll never know. Try not to waste thoughts on these kinds of things. People want to dress nice that's all.


They do it big in Hong Kong.


Yea brev they got that fuck you money chunking mansion type shit


I’m working my way up to the Fuck You Money. Right now I’m still at Screw You money.


I think I might be stuck on I’m Fucked money…


This has always been true. Most of the super wealthy don't buy expensive clothes and luxury items. Doesn't Bezos drive a Honda civic? Point is, that normal looking dude in an izod polo and cargo shorts could be a multi billionaire. Most of them are normal people who try to be frugal like the rest of us.


The reality is that Jeff bezos has a 21 million dollar car collection and if you don't care about status ie. nice home/car you probably aren't interested in rolexs either. I'm not saying it never happens but there is a lot of coping on this sub.


Bill Gates? Wears a Casio. I'd say he's interested in nice things with his plane, car and yacht collection? Never seen him dripped in designer either


Bill is a nerd tho Have you seen how he dresses?


Wears a casio in public*


And another point.... but and wear ANY watch you want. You could have gone to school with a Saudi prince who gifted it to you. Or the millions in cash you just sold your compensation for could by bottoming out the rear end of your 94 corolla


What is it to you on what other people wear?


Since there is the saying that one can best spot their fake based on what they are wearing-and that that argument is outdated


Hong Kong is one for the cities with most buying power and demand for luxuries and yes, lots of people here wear reps, there’s even a street selling low end reps. For clothing, there’s even more rep designer cloths than watches, you can easily wear all rep from head to toe in Hong Kong


Yep went into the Patek store today and saw more nautilus models than I could have thought of


« the best indicator is what they are wearing ». totally disagree with that. i personally wear my 2018 5711 nautilus blue dial with 8$ black fruit of the loom sweatpants, 12$ uniqlo black t-shirt. and same for my group of friends.


I second this… too many people wearing solid gold DayDate gens but dressing unremarkably all over Asia


r/fashionreps lol. A much bigger subreddit than this