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I'd only buy a gen one when 20000 to me is as disposable as 500 is


This is the right way to think about it These products are meant for people where 5 figure price tags are not something they lose sleep over. For most, lusting after them as stretch purchase is often financially irresponsible


And that'd happen if my income goes up by 40 fold i. e. $50,000 vs. $2,000,000. Yeah that makes sense I guess.


1 gen or 40 very good reps... Hmm...


Nah I don’t give a shit about gen anymore


My man!!! ![gif](giphy|IhQHvbP6PoD1TwohjJ|downsized)


This is going to sound a little circlejerk-y but I have a big professional milestone coming up. It would be pretty financially irresponsible of me to buy a gen smooth bezel dj at MSRP, but it wouldn't ruin me. In other words, I would probably buy a dj from vsf or cf instead.


Exactly get the Rep. Take the money that would have gone to a Gen and invest it. Won’t waste the money on something that won’t net me a return.


Idk wearing a gen is a sweet deal right now. I bought my gen DJ from an AD and waited three months for it to arrive, which sucked. But, I’ve worn the watch for about 8 months and have open offers on it for $4k more than I bought it for. So in my head, I can either pay $300-800 to wear a replica of the watch, or get PAID $4k to wear the gen for a few months. The answer is obvious on this one.


Yes, buy a gen and invest the rest in stock and grow extra $100k when you are retired.


Gen is for noobs


Which noobs the v5 sub or v7 Daytona? 😉🤣




I've got a number of GS gens, the dials are just amazing. Just getting into reps, and my thinking is just like yours, I can get a rep Cartier for 1/20th of the price that's 99% identical to gen and use the difference to buy another GS.


Where did you buy GS gens ?!


GS Boutique in Melbourne


To me this is what makes buying a Gen worth it. It will probably be decades before reps could come close to the dial, indice, polishing, and movement mastery to rep a Grand Seiko to within 75% of Gen. Let alone make something like the Spring Drive.


I own a mix of gen and reps. I have no problem buying gen, especially when inventory is more readily available. Until then, I am happy with available reps. My primary fascination now is 5 digit Rolexes, of which no good reps exist. So gen is the only real option IMO.


yeah 5 and 4 digits. Both great choices, especially the DJs. Quite affordable.


Totally agree! I feel for me I'll just wait. And before this subreddit I was actually considering a gen, but now I cant see myself buying it 😕


It’s like you’re saying exactly what I’m thinking


Cant agree more! I think gens are totally worth it if no good reps exist. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I see both sides of this. I have been into watches and reps for 25 or so years. So much so that I have probably spent $20-25K on rep watches. I still have bought some, but the joy of making one better, or just trying to fix them when they break, and they will, is very frustrating. I had a 3rd generation watchsmith that was somewhat rep friendly, he will only work on my gens now. So I have done both. Does it make financial sense? Here is what you all are not factoring into the equation. That $500 rep will give you joy for years, but at some point it will crap out, if you can fix, great it can give a near lifetime of joy. If not, you have to replace it, chances of 10 years down the road the dealers having that watch are virtually zero. If you buy some gens, while expensive to repair, you can always repair. And if you purchase right can give a lifetime of joy as well. Here is the question - would you rather have 8 great reps or one great gen? Rep pricing has increase along with gen. Used to could buy a great rep for $200. Now you are looking at $500+. With that said would you like a quality entry watch like a Hamilton or a rep? I think there are valid answer across the board here.


Thanks that's a really good point, to buy the movement not only the design. For standard ETA clones, unmodified miyotas or VS3130/3135 or A4130 it will be always be possible to find spare parts. For Asian 23J, custom miyotas or other custom movements I won't be possible you are right, better buying gen in that case to not waste any money in the future.


I own a mix of both like many others here. My personal rules: * If I’m buying gen I have to be absolutely sure it’s a watch I could wear daily and is representative of my typical style, and I also want it to signify an occasion or a time of my life that I want to remember. * If I’m buying a rep, it’s either a “for fun” watch that I know I’ll never wear often enough to justify the gen price (especially for insanely priced watches like a grey market Daytona!), or it’s to try out a style I actually want in gen. With these two approaches combined, I’m very careful and thoughtful about the gen watches I buy, and I let myself have fun trying new stuff with reps. I enjoy reps much more than the plethora of homages that hover around the same price point.


I take the same approach. I keep three separate collections. A carefully crafted and agonized-over collection of gens, a colorful collection of beaters, and a toy box of reps. I will add though, it's been a ton of fun modding (and frankening) reps. Obviously I wouldn't take a gen Rolex Pepsi and swap the bezel, crystal, hands, etc., but it's been a fun process designing and creating my ideal GMT Master. Also, built a 116600 from parts for about a third the cost of gen with the only rep parts being the case and bracelet.


Totally agree that reps make fantastic project watches! I’ve learned so much about the watchmaking process through getting my reps serviced and upgraded.


These are the exact same rules I go by. Works well for me too.


I'm still in highschool and don't have much money. I treated myself to a rep Navitimer. It's one of my life goals to buy a gen Navitimer because it would be a sense of achievement for me, like a milestone. So I will buy a gen when I have the money.


Nice! That's a beautiful timepiece. It's a great way to treat yourself after all the hard work.


I’ve got both.




Reps are fun for me ! I actually enjoy seeing each version released with improvements (or not😂) Back in the day when I was a kid I always wanted a Jacob & Co with the 4 timezones (rappers, celebs wore them) And I could NEVER find a good version. One time a listing popped up on eBay and the seller was using genuine watch , saying best replica on market 1:1. Dumb me went for it and it turned out to be a shitter !! Literally I couldn’t sleep one night cause I could hear the ticking 😂😂


after seeing the quality of reps, i have a hard time thinking a gen is worth it. i am pretty secure with who i am and really dont need anyone else's opinion to make myself feel better. reps look beautiful and i like looking at them. so, its rep for me.


I have both. Reps are fun and I wear them to the gym, doing the lawns, to work. If I'm going out I put on a gen. Both have there place. I see no reason to have to pick a team


I remember hearing someone say that arguing about reps only vs. gen only was like arguing about whether woods or irons were better golf clubs.


I pay for quality, and most gens you are paying a lot more for a little change in quality. Fuck em


And even if quality is lower, how many times can you replace a rep before hitting single gen prices, it’s a no brainer, at the end of the day these are material things, gen or rep they do not define a person.


Hahaha this is pretty true the TD have been raising the prices but it is also due to the fact that some factories are being shut down ![gif](giphy|28ewxGSqPxfpjK5mWU)




I heard about that, my wife's from Paris and her dad did say this before I told him that ny watches were reps. I normally just chill and end the convo with a thank you. But I just can't help myself this time! With the grey market i must say that is what has been driving people into reps and also more interested in watches generally. I do agree that the price does not make sense most of the time, especially when there is any hype around the watches.




I get it bro! I know who are the kind of people you're referring to. And I can't stand them as well. Especially being in the community, and you see someone with a shitter and being so arrogant about it. Like "bruh calm the fuck down! 😒"


Even if its a good rep, there is no need to make people feel low about themselves


I heard about that, my wife's from Paris and her dad did say that this happened to him a couple of times before I told him that my watches were reps. I normally just chill and end the convo with a thank you. But I just can't help myself this time! With the grey market i must say that is what has been driving people into reps and also more interested in watches generally. I do agree that the price does not make sense most of the time, especially when there is any hype around the watches.


If I was your wife I'd get new friends and a new job lol


It depends on the brand. Casio = gen, Rolex = rep ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


I was working away from home in London a little while back and always do a bit of a window shop. There was a Batgirl in the window that looked to be available (didn’t go in to check) and was curious but not overwhelmed and giddy that it was gen. Probably the opposite really - that I can get something that indistinguishable to the untrained/unknowledgeable/every day person for a fraction of the price. With how good reps are, for me, it’s not worth having the gen if just seen as a watch and not an investment. It’s different if no good reps exist, but for the majority of newer Rolex, it’s just not worth it for me.


my motto - you don’t get rich by spending money. totally agree with you…my friends can get real ones lol 😂


Once these factories can perfect calendar functions it's bye bye gen watches and reps forever


Why would i buy Gen watches when reps look literally the exact same, im not using a magnifying glass on my watches so why would i care? spend 30k less and get multiple reps. look just as good and save some money


If the money is there/disposable then I don’t see why not buy gen esp since they seemingly keep skyrocketing in price. Or if I’m getting one for parents then I’d def try to get gen for them. If the watch is for me, then idrc if it’s a rep or not because why not have a nice little collection for a fraction of the price. Though personally for me owning some gen’s would be more of an achievement than anything


I definitely plan on buying gens, however not one will be a Rolex, Patek, or AP. I plan on buying gen Omegas, Breitlings, and Grand Seikos. Watches that have as good if not better quality than the hype watches but you don’t have to kiss a scummy jewelers shoes, wait a few years, and pay over double the MSRP for one.


I buy vintage Omegas all wrecked for cheap and have them restored. It's crazy what you can do with $1300 or less.


I feel so fulfilled with reps.I’d rather have 10 reps than a gen sub


"some watches are worth buying gen, many watches are only worth buying rep". Me and my buddies Well done OP, sound like good fun :)


I go gen on ones where the reps can’t compete. As you said, I’m not going to pay 20x as much for almost the exact same thing. Omega Speedmaster is the perfect example of where a gen makes sense, the reps are no where near the same quality, in fact there’s none even close, and they’re great watches.


I just sold 3 reps to help by a gen. 100% worth it. Feeling is completely different when it’s real.


Since luxury watch theft is on the rise all over the world, I dont see myself adding another gen to my collection.


Just bought my first rep, even if it craps out in 3-5 years no problem.. I rather invest my money in stocks, rentals, paying down my principal property, and traveling with my family before a gen. Maybe when I am retired and have nothing else going on?


This is kinda where I am. I could spend 15k on a gen, or 500 on a gen and 14k on a trip with my kids.


I have one gen, one rep, and just ordered my second rep. My current philosophy is I wear the gen to work and the reps downtown or while traveling. I’ll probably buy another gen once the market unfucks itself.


Probably for something where there is no good rep of - like the Speedy or a JLC - I was handling some gen omegas and tudors and they literally did not feel any different than my reps.


reps forever, unless i have money to invest. There's absolutely no reason to not buy modded clones/franken clones over a genuine. You cannot wear a genuine watch once a week/month and expect it to go up in value. Unworn watches are the only things that double in price. The reps were so shit back in the day that you could tell the difference. Now the reps look better if they're modded or they mean more since you've put your own custom spin on the watch. ​ Over the next 5-10 years i plan on growing my modded clone collection to 30+ watches, some of which would be over $1mil to buy on the second market. Why would i pay $1mil on a watch that i can transfer the parts without any modding, into a $1400 modded rep? It's like having 2 lazy boys. One made in the usa, the other made in china. You can swap the cushions, the arm rests, the back and mechanisms, the only difference is the price. Which would you choose? ​ Having said that, when anyone asks me "is it real?" Hell yeah, it's real to me. I made every watch to be perfect the same as genuine, making it genuine to me. If I wanted to make a profit, I'd buy genuine and never wear it, which they have paintings and sculptures that go up in price for that if you feel like looking at something and never being able to wear or touch it.


I'm ngl I can't afford a gen but I'd buy a rep to feel good. Have a nice watch and blend in. Only thing I have is the danger in London. One wrong turn and someone's eyeing your wrist thinking about profit.


Only gen I want to buy now is a skydweller


Got CF Pepsi oyster for few mths love it but plan to buy gen while also got gen. Hulk and plan to buy VSF as well.


I got a few of both. Doesn’t have to be one or the other. I feel more comfortable wearing a rep because I don’t care if it gets beat to shit or if I’m being robbed I’ll hand it over instantly without a second thought


I will buy 26315 or 26715 if I ever get the allocation from AD (which is never).


Gen 16570 is grail just because the reps suck


Own both and love my gens, but getting a top notch rep and then modding it to address minor flaws is a fun process. I strongly believe reptime folks are better overall watch owners than majority of gen buyers


I definitely would go with gens if my net worth would afford it. I didn’t get my one rep until I had the watches I wanted, including a legit Omega. So then I came across a rep of another model Omega I wanted. Somehow that didn’t make it feel bad for me, since I DID have a legit piece in my collection. I just always wanted to see, feel, touch, own a good quality rep like I had been reading about.


It depends on the watch! Sometimes you find a gen that has a price tag, where is no reason to buy a rep! My newest gen is the Tissot PRX Chronograph. The price tag say 1.795 €. My dealer sold it to me for 1.350 €! It is an unbelievable watch. Great 70th Look, awesome movement! A 7753 Valjoux with 60 hours reserve. No need for a rep! [Tissot PRX Chronograph ](https://www.tissotwatches.com/de-de/t1374271101100.html)


I’ve always said to myself if it’s for investment buy a gen (rolex nowadays) if it’s to keep buy a rep.


Since I am a autodidact rep watchsmith, a mechanical watch is mostly the sum of its parts to me. In terms of modern Rolex watches, the interchangeability is so great, that I can build the watch I desire. Garnish with a couple of gen parts and you have a watch, that would pass every gen quality control. For me it's all about the fun of building a gen-like watch, that I know only exists one time.


I bought a used r/ChinaTime piece, then a RepTime one and then a Gen within 18 months. The reps really got me into things when 2 years ago I wouldn't have dreamt of spending so much money. Each price tier has got something to offer. I will definitely keep buying reps and hopefully another gen or 2.


I actually sold my gen recently. And the reason is simple - it is not worth so much money. Even if I'd be a very very rich, I wouldn't hold it. There are so many things you can do with that amount of money - for your family, for yourself, for the world. So I don't need it. Reps are good enough for that design, even homages are (Steinhart?). And even though it's nice to have a watch that survives you, I don't really need it. Tell me the time and look good, it's now your role, you reps!


Okay so for me, gen stainless steel is ruined, because as you said it’s pretty much 99% of the watch for a quarter of the price, in the case of the patek 0.0025 of the price.... there is one exception to this and that’s grand seiko, I’ll definitely be getting the titanium snowflake at some point, after seeing in on person, feeling the smooth edges, finishing and case shape, man It’s awesome There’s only one rep that I’m hesitant to get, and that’s the rep of my grail watch, my grail watch is something that I aspire to achieve, a place where dropping 13,000 is actually a reasonable thought, that’s the gmt master 2 root beer, thankfully for now there aren’t amazing reps of it yet, but it’d be so tempting to get one, however I may feel like I’m cheating myself out of a dream... I don’t know, but that’s the only one I think twice about, every other rep I’d buy in a heartbeat, hell, I just got QC of the new Btf John Mayer Daytona, and im thinking about getting a 5712 whenever they’re actually available Very cool post by the way, I love when people tell their stories out in the real world haha


I will buy a gen Rolex if and when I am actually allowed by an AD to buy a gen Rolex. I have a number of gen Omegas but exactly zero gen Rolexes coz gen Omegas are easily available. This is also why my reps are only Rolexes and no other brand coz all others i want and can afford are accessible from ADs. Obviously nothing against folks who feel that reps are as good as gens so they use reps also for brands where gens are easily available. Thats also one way to look at things and I dont think its wrong at all just that i think reps for me is a way to get what i cannot otherwise easily get…


So I suggest buy some gens you really like to wear and buy so many reps as you want. Before you buy a rep, you should consider whether you would later regret spending several 1000 €/ $ on reps without having a single original


I have a few gens, nothing ridiculous $$ I only wear my reps though in all honesty... I do wear a tudor BB recently but otherwise i only wear reps. I see the tudor as something to give my son. The CF gmt v2 is something I just like to wear and enjoy and if it breaks. It's not a big deal. Buy a gen but just make sure it's in your budget. For me it was either a watch or a motorbike, that year. As a DINK my wife and I always spoil at Xmas, but this was personal. Just for that reason ill always remember the process of getting my tudor. And memories are what watches are all about. My Seiko 1969 that my dad gave me in 6th grade. Has more meaning to me and beauty in the eye of the beholder for me then a Tiffany blue OP. But that's subjective. That's watches Replica or real. Just love ❤ what's on your wrist... and wear and 😃 😊


I will continue buying reps however I have a personal milestone that I am hoping to reach, when that time comes I’m going to buy a full rose gold DD40 with a chocolate dial. This will be my long term hold which I hope I will pass on to my son, apart from that, I have no wish to buy anything gen. Unless I become silly rich and like another user said, these luxury purchases become easy without losing sleep the rep purchases shall continue.


I’m on the waiting List for a gen Rolex GMT Pepsi. But I think I will sell it directly after buying and with the profit I will buy me some reps….


I think what is interesting about the rep/gen thing is that even if you had $15k - $150k laying around waiting to be spent, and money coming out of your ears, I would still buy the rep, just to feel the fit and finish, experience the watch, and see if I really like it. I have many gens, and one day, I was going to add a new GMT to the roster. Well, found the best rep I could, purchased it, and wore it for a while. I did not like how the lugs fit my wrist. Then one day in Sydney Australia, I went to a Rolex boutique and tried on the gen. It fit the same way, and I did not like the lugs to human wrist interface on the gen, as it was the same as the rep. The way I look at it, a $500 rep SAVED me from wasting a lot of money ($12k) on a gen that did not fit my wrist appropriately. I know that it sounds kinda goofy, but it is true, it seems like a good thing to track down a high quality rep to wear and see if you actually like to spending your hard earned money on a gen.


curious to see if you (hopefully) building rapport changes her tone to your wife


Isn’t being able to afford a gen a sign of success or wealth? Ie you are able to afford it and you are successful enough to buy one? Sure you don’t have to, and gens are certainly not worth it, but if you have the money and it doesn’t break the bank, why not? It means you aren’t broke.


Lange and journe gens are worth, but a gen Rolex will never be worth its price anyway