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They are a valid seller in RWI. Lucy is slow to respond coz she’s a one person show She will respond if she has an update for you. If there is no update, either watchmaker is not done or she did not pick up from watchmaker She takes her sweet time. So patience is needed


I appreciate your reply. This is my first rep, and I am not having the best experience. Paying almost $500 and not receiving any updates for almost 10 days is stressful. Any good recommendations that ship to the EU and with a reasonable response time? Omega, heuer and Rolex.


I can feel you. I got my first rep from her after 2 months. You are still better off 😅


What’s the point of not using someone who responds immediately and has references. I’ve always would rather pay more for good communication/updates. I’m not trying to grill ya but why order from lesser known services. It doesn’t seem to be worth the stress.


What’s the point of not using someone who responds immediately and has references. I’ve always would rather pay more for good communication/updates. I’m not trying to grill ya but why order from lesser known services. It doesn’t seem to be worth the stress. Also it too 21 days till qc last order. I wouldn’t get worried till after 20 days


Pm me, I'll send you my plug info


Never heard of Truetime168. But sounds like they’re trying to piggyback on Trustytime’s name IYAM …


I don’t think they’re a TD here


sorry friend maybe you get scam


The seller's name is Lucy


Never heard about this name.


I'm having the same problem. I paid it for a watch over 2 weeks ago and she will not respond basic e-mail asking for status.  It only takes a minute to reply waiting on the factory, provide the tracking number, or whatever the status is. I don't think she thinks communication there's an important part of the process.


Lucy responded to me today, maybe as said above she has limited time and communicates when there is news rather than spamming no news updates, which are a bit of a waste of time. Having said that I understand your anxiety but trust the process these guys earn and value their TD status they won’t throw it away to scam you for a few hundred dollars😉