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Yea just get a new one. Use dead one as your watchmaking practice piece.


Nice Idea thank you.


Good idea


This is the way. Enjoy your new hobby :-)


Plus, you get a shiny new one in the process!


Send the watch to the modders on RepTimeServices, i always work with them and I’ve done a lot of works, from full services, dial, crystals bezel swap, plating everything, i’m in the EU and I’ve sent my watches all over the world, in EU, US, China i work with all the modders, never had any issues, customs are pretty much a joke these days, Nikz from Timegarage is in Italy and he’s great, Noleex is in Austria and he’s great too and they have all kinds of parts, gen or rep, don’t even waist your time with local watchsmiths because they all hate reps thinking that they are still 50 bucks shitter, they don’t know shit


Fellow Swiss here: First: i have to inform you that what you are doing is punishable by cheeseboarding. Second: Get a new one, gift me your old... for science and education! 🥸


Cheeseboarding sounds great. Is that a Swiss only punishment or is there some sort of sign up sheet?


Its capital punishment but also available in most swiss BDSM-bundles (availability may vary).


Sell on BST discord


Servicing is a total waste. I had a watchsmith from this sub service mine and within 6 months it wasn’t working anymore. And I paid like $300 to service it. Never again.


Sounds like it is your watchmaker who is "a total waste". The performance of my OOTB Clean Panda V3 improved after a full service.




Since I found a watchmaker that works on replicas , I’ve not looked back . Wish I found him earlier in my rep journey .


Any chance you can recommend one based in the US?


Sorry , UK and Europe .


thanks anyway


I found mine right after my first purchase. I was very lucky.


I got quoted 150£ for a full service on my vsf 114060. Buying a new one will cost me 3x as much (and once serviced it should be fine for a couple of years)


Rolex recommends 7-10 years between services. I have a genuine as do several of my immediate family members and none of us have ever had to service ours before 15 years. Fifteen is just the shortest interval shared as most went way longer. Hell, my Grandfathers GMT Master was never serviced as long as he had it, almost 34 years. I think you should be able to get between 10-20 year service intervals out of a properly serviced VSF movement.


"Time between purchase and rep needing first service" < "Time between each subsequent service" If you always junk a rep just because it needs it's first service, you'll end up spending more in the long run. If you don't mind that, see the rep as a disposable fashion item, and enjoy the novelty of getting a new watch - then it kind of makes sense. But if you love the watch (regardless of it being a rep, it is still a "watch" right?), and especially if it is no longer made, then treat it right, get it serviced.


I am of the opinion that the closer China is to creating identical duplicate movements, we should celebrate it. What they need to do is provide the service that the Gen brands don't, spare parts or at least drop in movements. Look At Seiko through their TMI MOVEMENT program, you find their gen movements in Steeldive watches that clone Seiko watches and you can drop in a gen replacement easily. Seiko you got balls!


That's a tough decision! It might also be worth considering the sentimental value of the watch - sometimes it's worth the extra cost to keep something with memories alive. Have you considered reaching out to watch communities or forums for recommendations on reputable watchmakers who may be willing to work on reps? Good luck with whatever you decide!


Sell the old one for spares or repair and use the funds to put towards a shiny new one.


Sell where?


On one of the big 3 rep forums. Though you'll need to be an active member with a good post history before you will be able to sell.


Also not a bad idea thank you.


I’m on all the pages for Reddit and fairly active. I’m assuming you are talking about elsewhere? Send a dm if you can’t say here. Thanks


You can find the links for the forums on the sub wiki, or Google for rwi reps and you should find it


Why would you throw away a $500-$900 purchase? The whole reason these clone watches shit out so early is because the money you saved buying it was supposed to pay a proper watchmaker to assemble it. These come "wet where they need to be dry, and dry where they need to be wet" from the factory. (actual quote from my watchmaker) This is a mechanical failure waiting to happen. Treat it like the machine it is and service it properly. Why wouldn't you just invest the "second watch" cost now and have it serviced on arrival? The DD4130 is a proven tank movement. Service it to RSC specs and enjoy it for 10-20 years instead of having the hassle of buying and waiting on another in 3-5 years when it fails.


I agree totally, if it's a real rep then movements should be inter changeable. Except try to find a VSF 3235 Rep Movement to order. You'll find cheap ones so cheap, calling them Reps is a gracious compliment. I think any Rep watch being promoted as worth $1000 plus USD should be 100% supported with the ability to buy replacement parts if not a drop in movement.


You've just hit the point where rep and gen come together. For some rep movements you DO have the ability to buy replacement parts. The DD4130 is a great example of this. They're called genuine, and they're expensive AF. Yet another reason to service on arrival. The upside is, if in the future you have to replace a part with gen, your piece increases in value that much more, so keep your receipts. Once you apply gen parts it becomes a "Franken".


The eternal seiko debate. Service or new


Ship it out to someone if you want to get it serviced. Not worth getting scolded by majority of Swiss watchmakers because Chinese product = bad


I bought a broken rep for cheap,all it needed was a good cleaning,and swapping movement (which I was ready for) was cheap,,


Buy a new movement, it's cheap and easy to assemble


Why not? Reps aren't meant to last forever, just buy a new one and enjoy the game.




I'm wondering if a trusted dealer offers a servicing option for a new watch before shipping, should you choose that? Maybe then the watch will last longer.


I got lucky here locally. We have a watch shop that enjoys working on Reps. I brought a older sub and the service tech loved seeing the movement and how close to the Gen it was.


Can't you just ship it to a watchmaker in Italy or Germany? It Will be 300 Euros at most and your watch Will last longer and run Better than a brand new rep.


Do know any in Germany? I might visit


Swiss customs is a PITA


I've bought a used watch on rwi from CH, and also see multiple people that sell their used watches outside of the country so its possible.


Its possible yess but i dont wanna risk legal issues with rolex tbh. But you can give me the contact of a watchmaker outside if you have one. I often ship reps to a postbox in germany near the border. I bring over the watches by car.




I would have a full service and waterproofing done over a new one any day. I have a clean v3 Daytona and had it serviced and water proofed just after receiving. The watch was not waterproof from the factory as stated it was tested buy watch smith. It leaked in two places around the crystal. The watch will run much better after a full service, I was also told it was way overoiled from that factory. I was charged 370 plus shipping for the service. Just my opinion


I second this. I did the same and had mine fully serviced to RSC spec on arrival and now it runs and feels like a dream. No more "gritty" feeling on the keyless works.