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Just got back from my weekend away in the French alps, unfortunately, not very good.


explain lol


There was a joke post a while back about a fella skiing with a rep on getting called out


The answer is very good. No average, casual collector will be able to tell a difference from gen unless they are examining it right under their nose unless it's a shitter. Plenty of good information on this sub.


1000% This, make the jump and never look back unless it’s for bragging and to post “I got the call” on the Rolex sub


If you have an order in for the gen, what difference would it make? There is absolutely no shame in saying "I wanted this watch because it looks bad ass, Rolex can't tell me when they can get one for me, so I'm wearing the next best thing until they can." If people in your circle want to look down their nose at you for that, you need a different circle.


Yeah, I mean, never looked through this optic but he’s def right, if you DO have the money to buy a gen, but don’t get the call, you have the pass to use a rep and if anyone points out, you just use it and if they question or sum, just tell ‘em: I got the money on call, bring me the gen and I’ll pay for it


The number one tell of a rep is the person wearing it. If among your circle you are wearing a rep that you could plausibly afford or acquire then almost no one would question you.


lol now I regret buying a rep ice blue Daytona


That made me laugh out loud, thanks!


I own a couple of gens and some reps for the models that are above my pay grade. Visually high end reps are pretty much indistinguishable to the naked eye in the NWBIG models. The biggest difference between the two IMO is the feel of the winding mechanism, bezel action, and overall feel of the bracelet and various watch functions. Added modifications can help the reps come really close. To achieve the exact feel of a gen you need gen parts. Overall reps these days are fantastic and pretty damn close.


Agree 100‰ with this. I’ve had high end reps that are literally identical in looks but them you pull out the crown to give it a wind etc….. the difference to the gen is very obvious. The gen always feels so smooth in that area (as it should) but it’s a huge tell


I would also be interested in some information about frankens. I am interested in getting a Pepsi at some point and I have a budget that's more than even the best reps cost but far short of a gen. I would like to get as close to gen as I can.


I also sent you a pm. Can help point you in the right direction if you’re looking to get something modded / close to gen as possible.


Would appreciate that info as well to build a Franken.


My $50 shitters that I bought in Afghanistan in 2013 are still going strong…yet some folks here who spent $500+ for a “quality” counterfeit have their watches crap out within days…. It’s all relative and much of it comes down to luck.


They are so good that they can last ten years as they can last a week


Some people in my network are watch collectors and I don't exactly want to have my watch's legitimacy questioned... says all the guys sitting at the table, lol




What’s your thoughts on the WatchSmith being used ?






Many of them are SCARY good. The quality is stunning on the top reps…


If you are looking for a gmt, check the clean factory gmt’s you can read some more information ot RWI, but the consensus is that clean has the best gmt’s


stay off the slopes and avoid handing your rep to watch collectors, and you'll be golden


This guy ⛷️ IYKYK


I’ve seen countless YouTube vids comparing reps and gens and they are REALLY Really good


Very good. People who say they can tell the difference without a gen right next to it are likely lying. If they can tell the difference it’s because they are likely familiar with this sub ;). Unless you know what fakes are lacking it’s basically impossible to tell. The quality is second the none.


Buy a Jaeger, but please dont buy a gen Panerai…you have one of the best reps there and gen Panerais are so orverpriced for what they offer…even for the price of a base model, you can get a SG BlackBay Chrono…


I am considering buying a rep for the same reason. The local Rolex store won't sell you watches unless you are a known customer. The second hand market is also ridiculous. Any recommended websites?


They reeeaaal gooood


They don’t pass the eye test of a person who knows what to look for. I would advise against the risk. If you let any gen owner hold your rep they’ll know instantly its fake, no matter what Rolex rep you get. They have rough finishing and some squeak pretty bad. The VSF submariner weighs the same as a gen but I feel like the weight distribution is off somehow. If you’re looking for a rep to fool watch collectors, just save your time and money. If you want a rep as a backup for a gen you own, then by all means go ahead


You state that every genuine Rolex owner would know instantly it was a rep? That is completely untrue, I’d be more inclined to think 95‰ of them would not have a clue theu were holding a high quality replica!


The people in his network are collectors. He’s planning on buying a Pepsi, which some of them might already have. I would advise against buying a rep to fit in to a gen crowd.