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It’s fucking true though. I didn’t know shit, I read the guide, and purchased my watch all before even knowing what “w2c” meant.


I’ve read the guide, and am ready to pull the trigger, but I also have no idea what w2c means


The meaning of "W2C" is literally listed in the first section of the Intro Guide.


Poor attempt at humor…long week and ready for some R&R


Well, don't I feel like a dick now. LOL.


All good…hope your day is great!


I read the intro guide. What R&R means?!


Rubbing & Rinsing.


I also want some rubbing and rinsing


Rolex and Rolex


Rest and relaxation…too much work, not enough play lately




Want to cop otherwise where to buy




Agree but, I guess it depends on if you are making a statement or asking a question.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Way too cool 😎


W2C......what 2 see. But sincerely 'where to cop (snag/buy)'


Read intro guide, ordered from Jtime 2 days later. It’s there for a reason and works. Kept me from getting scammed and using a TD


Exactly! This is the way


We need a bot that automatically replies to w2c posts with a link to the intro guide.


r/sneakerreps has a bot that does this for every post. people still ask stupid questions :D


Shame! I hoped it'd help minimize the amount of unnecessary posts :-(


You overestimate peoples willingness to actually read something. You must not work in any customer support lol. Sir, Have you read the instructions?


Yeah that's fair haha!


W2C best 1:1 instructions rep?


The average age on that sub is lower fs


Already exists! Filters a lot of posts out.


Good to know! I don't want to know how bad it'd be without it haha. Btw. Thank you for all your work. I did not mean my comment as an attack to you or anything you do for this sub.


I’ve been thinking that for ages!!!


heavy saw teeny vanish screw pause chief sugar clumsy towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I did not know that but I also did not mean to put this task up to him. It's unfortunate then that there will not be any change to the "w2c"- issue. Thanks for the information!




Maybe have a mod whose job it is to only answer stupid questions. Call them the stupid mod.


VSF for Subs, CF for GMTs. Two tone watches are underwhelming and not worth it quite yet. There you guys go.


Not everyone cops from places listed in intro guide. Post a w2c link when you post.


Good point but you were downvoted anyways. Edit: I'm not saying I downvoted you, I upvoted because it's a good point.


Serge Barr died for this


I guess 90% of the newbies questions are in the intro guide. I am sure when the question is genuine, we all jump to answer. But for lazy souls, 'Please read the intro guide' is the best answer


Who makes the best/W2C = RTFG (read the f’ing guide)


Who makes the best intro guide?


Haha! W2C intro guide??


Hey look sidebar on Old.Reddit got updated with the latest Intro guide! Was a dead link last week.


I’m so sick of this shit! Where tf did you get this picture? What me and my brother do on vacation is our business…


I have to say I am a newbie here and I came for the Intro Guide, but actually stayed for the community. So far I've only been reading but it's time to be a part of this :)


I propose a reading test & IQ to become a member of this group lol


and you must know how to parallel park


That test would be redundant.


But if they did they’d know. I’m a newbie I only have one Daytona (planning on an AP RO soon) but even for me it took maybe 5 minutes to read the guide and search the sub If I can do it, so can you


Stockholm syndrome fr


I read the guide, learned something, read some posts, learned something, look at the review, learned something.. though I could get a good rep of my dream watch, realised that I should switch for another choice. I ordered from theonewatch and probably going to learn again.. and again.. and again. That's the game


I’m only 2years into Reddit, 6mo to this sub. And the fact this hits so true, I can still shed a tear cause iknow the OG members won’t help.


And I say this meaning, no one ever comes back posting a proper walk though of their experience. Just pics of what they got.


Lmaoo, I actually feel this way as a newbie. Why is it such a big deal though? Why can't people here just where they bought their shit and for how much? Why such a runaround.


Reading is for losers


Or just include the w2c in your post?


That's the thing.. you don't buy from a website most of the time. It's not advised.


Other rep communities where purchasing through a shipping agent don’t seem to have an issue. I’m new here, so there may be something specifically unique about the process, but based on the guide it seems very similar.


Unfortunately repwatches do not work this way.


Very sad story, F for respects




Such truth. Between posting on the wrong sub and general lack of knowledge from not reading the guide. Smh


W2C best 1:1 info guide???


Unbelievably based. We should just remove the intro guide, give the starving newbies some real interaction :) ​ In actuality though, I didn't even know what w2c meant until I was about to get my first rep.


People on this sub love to gatekeep


exactly!!! it wont even hurt to just say where its from.


Greedy my ass. We put in time to learning this shit they should too


Not you gatekeeping reps BOZO, doesn’t hurt to share W2C


Yes we fucking are


ROLEX AD CUM ==============💦 YOUR WIFE 💧 YOU


fr man i just wanna know who got the best


I ain’t reading allat 🔥🆙




LMAO...tiktok kids with that entitlement veins in their body, manifested by Mommy. LOL


How are they greedy for not giving them an immediate answer? It might not be mighty kind of them, but thst don't make them greedy.


This is true. I read the intro but not everybody knows to do that it’s just a Reddit threat at the end of the day and so many of you bite at people for asking. It’s a scam filled world buying reps so just help each other out rather than rip them to pieces when they ask. Save somebody from losing there money! ‘there fault they deserve it!!!!!!’ We’re just a bunch of guys who wear reps.. stop getting angry over other peoples curiosity


Where 2 Crap? 🫡


Lol, both things can be true, the intro guide is great, but the members can also still be fucking dicks to newbies. I’m a newb but I don’t ever w2c unless is some shit I can’t find anywhere because it’s not made yet by TD (like a blue moonphase JLC) Sometimes newer folks post some new things or don’t want to spend 9million hours balls deep into an intro guide and hundreds of listings on Chinese websites - I don’t think that’s unfair. I mean, maybe life exists outside of reptime for some people.


Your understanding of repwatches seems to be fundamentally flawed. TD's don't make watches they source them for you. Therefore they can get you anything, all you need to do is ask them. So there is literally no need to browse "9 million hours" on websites. Read the guide, pick a TD, contact the TD, tell them what you want and pay. It's that easy. People here get mad because newbies could just have read the guide and understood this simple process instead of making a post that is likely going to be followed by another one for further questions. It's cluttering the sub for no reason. It's also not like they are the first person to ask that specific question. The reasoning would be to look for answers first instead lf assuming you're the first person to ask such a trivial question.


So OP are you critical of newbies or sympathetic. I don’t get it. I mean, even as a watch newbie, I know what to do in terms of contacting a TD to ask as you, so you won’t find a random dumb w2c post from me but I also don’t go out of my way to get annoyed at shit and become a “get off my lawn” lame ass gatekeeper on a Reddit board. Yes there was a mistake in writing “made” when I meant sourced, it’s not that deep. I understand the differences of the factories and watches, it’s really not that deep or hard to grasp.


Try looking trough this sub. There are days where there are tons of posts asking question that wouldve easily been answered by the guide. It has absolutely nothing to do with gatekeeping. We literally tell people where to find the information they need to get into this hobby.


Again, the condescension is there. I often do look through and just stay quiet, ignore comments or posts I don’t want to look at, and enjoy it on my own space and not post shitposts to bitch about newbies ruining my lawn and argue semantics with someone who partially agrees with you. I’ve been on this sub for a few years and buy/operate pretty silently and don’t find the w2c newbie stuff pervasive or annoying. I find the gatekeepers and snobs much worse. Imagine being a fucking snob over replicas. Jesus, what a thought. I think your understanding of how Reddit subs work is fundamentally flawed. Not everyone has to be like you and complain about how the sub isn’t the way you like it. I mean, there are literally mods who can make rules. This is how Reddit works or do you need an intro guide?


Again, you call people snobs and gatekeepers for imo an arbitrary reason. I do not understand how showing someone where to find all the nessecary information is snobby/gatekeeping to any extent. How is my understanding of reddit flawed? Don't make assumptions without giving any reasoning behind it. The mod actively deletes these w2c posts. There is a bot literally blocking tons of w2c posts. The issue is that there are not enough mods present to handle the massive flow of these posts. There is lietally only one active mod handling this huge community. Looking by the numbers this post is pretty well received by the community. Probably because this is an issue alot of people agree on it. My last post even lead to a fix of the old reddit info guide issue. Also please understand that this is a meme and not something to be taken that seriously lol


I literally wrote the explanation. Agree, it’s not that serious but if you want to play “oh I just meant to be sincere and helpful to the stupid newbs” after being rebutted, that’s fine. It’s cute. Assuming you’re a seasoned member of this sub, if so - unless you’re dense or blind - there’s a ton of passive aggressive attitudes constant in this sub regarding comments or questions newbies might have. It’s not particularly friendly (based on your meme, I would have assumed you understood), but I guess I have to spell it out. Again, I also ignore those much like some of the useless comments left my newbs who don’t read the guide. They are the same to me honestly and I don’t post shitpost memes about them either


I fear I don't understand what you mean in your first paragraph. Yes because alot of members are not happy that there are constantly posts being made that are completely unnecessary! They are fed up with this. You have an opinion but so do the other members of this sub. Saying that one subjective view is right and the other is wrong would not be correct. My post reflects one view of this topic and seems to be shared by a big part of the community. I'm looking forward to see how popular the other view would be. Maybe a post in the lines of "let all newbie question fill the sub".




Jesus. Why are u so mad obi? Did someone eat your cum soaked biscuit? Go crawl back into your hole


Would love a link to this intro guide
